Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1034 1 Months

Chapter 1034 One Month
"You said you memorized everything? Are you kidding me?"

When Chen You learned that Su Yi had already memorized all the contents in "True Spirit Position and Industry Map" and "Mo Zhuan Dan Shu", he didn't believe it at all, and even sneered.

"These two books are less than a hundred thousand words, and you can't finish them just by reading them carefully, let alone memorize them?" Chen You casually threw a barbecued pork bun into his mouth, "If you memorize it well, I won't forget it for morning tea in the future." Eat barbecued pork buns, eat shit!"

"Hey—" Su Yi wanted to stop him, but he didn't.

"Brother You, why are you so harsh on yourself?" Su Yi sighed, "Besides, I don't defecate until ten o'clock every day. Do you have to eat breakfast very late in the future?"

"Fuck you!" Chen You scolded with a smile, "Ah Hao, you don't look like a braggart, slapping your face to make yourself fat, why are you making such a joke with me this time?"

Su Yi shrugged and simply began to recite.

He picked a passage in the middle of "True Spirit Map" and began to recite it.

At first, Chen You still had a smile on his face, tsk tsk said it was good.

But I can't laugh when I listen to it.

After Su Yi recited it for a long time, Chen You's face changed completely, and his mouth became O-shaped.

Then Su Yi casually took a pen and paper from the side, and wrote the contents of "Mozhuan Danshu" on his back.

Chen You's brain finally recovered.

He looked at Su Yi in astonishment, and shook his head again and again in amazement: "It's amazing, it's amazing! A person like you would be successful in everything he does, why did he get so depressed and achieve nothing?"

"One wrong step and one wrong step forever." Su Yi sighed.

He looked at Chen You: "Brother You, do you like dry or thin? If you like dry, I will eat more spicy food in the future; if you like thin... I will drink more milk."

"Why can't I understand what you're saying?" Chen You picked out his ears in a nonchalant manner, "Ah Hao, don't talk about these weird flowers in the future, it makes me not in the mood to teach you how to draw talismans."

Su Yi sighed, "Brother You, what's your morals?"

"Okay, okay! Count me as a dog, okay?" Chen You couldn't help laughing, "But I can't swear to you in the future, you guys are a bit evil."

Chen You shook his head: "Wait!"

After that, he turned and went back to the bedroom. When he came out, he had a stack of books in his hand, and each book was big and thick.

"Hehe, this is "The True Explanation of Talismans". There are eight volumes in total, recording the painting methods and effects of more than [-] kinds of talismans." Chen You put the book on the table in front of Su Yi, and the weight of the book made the table flicker. Flickering. "I don't believe there are so many books, you can still read them in one day!"

Su Yi's eyes straightened.

He casually picked up a book and flipped through it. The densely packed vertical traditional small characters made his head as big as a bucket.

"Brother You, are you playing with me?" Su Yi said speechlessly, "When will I see this?"

"If you want to read them all and memorize them, how long will it take?" Chen You asked.

Su Yi glanced at him and found that Chen You didn't mean to be joking.

He thought for a while and said, "At least a month."

"One month? Are you sure?" Chen You's eyebrows twitched.

"Sure." Su Yi nodded.

Chen You suddenly slapped the table, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Then this month you can concentrate on reading at home, and you don't have to worry about eating. I will send it to you. Also, I will go to your house to find you every day when I practice. You There is no need to come out!"

"As long as you really memorize all the drawing methods of these more than [-] kinds of talismans, Ahao, I dare not say anything else, at least I can guarantee that your achievement in drawing talismans is definitely much higher than mine A star and a half!"

"Brother You, you want me to stay at home and read books for a month?" Su Yi frowned slightly.

"What? Can't bear the loneliness?" Chen You asked.

"That's not..." Su Yi shook his head.

Not to mention retreating for a month, even for a year he will be fine.

The question is, will Ah Jiu wait for him for a month?
Su Yi moved into 2442 ahead of schedule, which seemed to have inspired Ah Jiu's survival plan in advance.

How many days has it been since Su Yi moved in?How many times has Ah Jiu done things?

But Chen You said that he had already warned Ah Jiu, and the matter of catching the water ghost before, might give Ah Jiu some shock and let this old guy be honest for a while...

"Brother You, your original plan wasn't to ask me to draw talismans after reading these books?" Su Yi asked.

"Yes," Chen You nodded, "I knew you memorized things so quickly, so I just thought of it."

"Why?" Su Yi asked.

"I originally planned to teach you drawing one by one starting from the Eight God Talismans." Chen Youdao, "Because I also learned this way when I was young."

"I learned all my skills from my father, but he left early. After he died, I had to figure it out on my own, and only then did I have what I am today."

"Without my master's oral instruction, I took a lot of detours. Even the talismans I drew in the past ten years were all just like cats and tigers. I don't know what it means." Chen You continued, "I have no idea why the talismans I drew are effective. , why is it so powerful."

"It wasn't until I knew how to draw more and more talismans that I was ignorant and summed up some principles, and understood the principles and meanings of some of the talismans."

"Ahao, if I just teach you one by one, today I will teach you the magic-suppressing talisman, and tomorrow I will teach you the meditation talisman. With your aptitude, you may learn quickly and remember quickly. But you will be like me, and you will have to learn how many times. After hundreds of thousands of talismans, you will understand why this talisman is drawn like this, and if you draw it in a different way, what will happen. "

"But if you have memorized all the drawing methods of talismans from the beginning, then I will teach you one, and you will find that there are hundreds of talisman drawing methods similar to it. You can compare them one by one by analogy, and you will Summed up a lot of principles and laws."

"If you understand the truth and then draw a talisman, the power of the talisman you draw will be different. And every time you draw a talisman, it is to confirm what you have learned, not to understand its meaning, and to follow the scriptures. Among them You can definitely imagine the difference with your intellect."

"In short, the benefits to you are obvious for you to read all these books and memorize them before starting to draw symbols. The price you pay is only a month's hard work, not to mention that you will read these books sooner or later. Oh!"

Su Yi nodded slowly, agreeing with Chen You's words.

Sharpening the knife is not the same as chopping firewood by mistake. It must be more effective with less effort if you first have a solid theory and then practice it.

If you don't understand the principle, just draw cats and tigers, no matter how much you draw, you will still follow the scriptures.

a month...

The faces of Xiaobai and Uncle Dong flashed across Su Yi's mind, and finally he nodded slowly and said: "Okay, from today onwards, I will retreat and read books!"

"Okay! I also want to know how far you can go on this road." Chen You said with great anticipation, feeling relieved.

There are hundreds of ways to draw talismans, some need to make a formula, some need to remember the gods, some need to walk and fight, and some need to recite spells...

Whether it is laying paper and ink, writing with a brush, etc., they are very sophisticated. Some talismans even need to set up altars to worship gods, or need to hold some weird ceremonies or procedures.

The procedures are so complicated and the methods are so cumbersome that even Su Yi seems to be one head and two big.

The content on a talisman consists of five parts: the head of the talisman, the main god, the belly of the talisman, the feet of the talisman, and the gallbladder, all of which are indispensable.

Moreover, drawing talismans is not just about drawing, how to draw, what kind of drawing to use, where to draw, what formula to pinch when drawing, and what mantra to recite are all different.

Su Yi underestimated the difficulty and complexity of drawing talismans, so he had to work harder every day. From morning to night, except for half an hour in the morning and evening, he spent almost all his time on drawing talismans.

Of course, every morning Xiaobai still came back to Su Yi to look for Su Yi as usual. After Su Yi told him, he stopped opening the window and knocked on the door every morning.

He started to like staying here with Su Yi, sometimes he would stay here all morning, just sitting in the living room and drawing.

His mother Yang Feng came to look for him several times, but she just rang the bell in the corridor outside and dared not come in.

Chen You did what he said, and delivered two meals to Su Yi on time at noon and evening every day.Su Yi gave him food expenses, but he was not polite to Su Yi.

As for Coolie Wei and A Juan, they also report to Su Yi's house on time every afternoon.

Ajuan is no longer afraid of Su Yi.

When Su Yi treats her, he doesn't need to stun her anymore.

But apart from her father and Su Yi, A Juan still can't get close to anyone, not even Xiao Bai.

A Juan still didn't speak, but one time after Su Yi's treatment ended, she suddenly got up to sweep the floor for Su Yi.

Su Yi was very surprised, but did not stop him.

From now on, Ajuan will help Su Yi clean the room every time before leaving. Coolie Wei said that this is Ajuan's way of thanking Su Yi.

Because Su Yi never went out again, he never saw Aunt Mei and Uncle Dong either.

Uncle Yan came here once, mainly to thank Su Yi for Yang Feng, thank him for taking care of Xiaobai all the time.

The reason why Yang Feng still stayed in this building was because Uncle Yan took him in and helped their mother and son as much as he could.

The days passed day by day, and it was more than twenty days and nights in the blink of an eye.

Su Yi's understanding of talismans is increasing day by day, and his progress far exceeds Chen You's imagination. Although Su Yi has not yet drawn a single talisman, in the space of stream of consciousness, Su Yi has already drawn every talisman he has learned. The law has been proven in practice one by one.

With the help of Su Yi, Chen You finally cultivated his own first ray of internal force. After successfully pulling the internal force to run for a week, Chen You jumped and screamed, laughed and cried, crazy like a five Teens.

But Su Yi told him that this was just the beginning.He still has a long way to go if he wants to fly over the wall.

In fact, Su Yi retreated for a month with somewhat complicated psychology.

He hoped that Ah Jiu would hurry up and do something so that he could complete the task.

But he felt sympathy for the innocent people who died tragically.

If Su Yi made a move, they would have survived.

It's fine for Uncle Dong, after all, Su Yi intends to alienate him, and he is already old and frail, and his lifespan is nearing the end.

But Xiaobai...

In fact, Su Yi had already decided to protect the poor child from the first time Xiaobai came in that morning.

Xiaobai is indeed very well-behaved, and because his mother has been taking him to eat all kinds of meals, and he stays out at night, he has yin and yang eyes since he was a child, and he can see those unclean things.

Su Yi asked Chen You about yin and yang eyes, and Chen You asserted regretfully that the child would die sooner or later.

The reason why he has been fine now is only because he never runs out of the confines of this building.

And the "they" in this building are all very familiar with Xiaobai, so they won't do anything to him.

Even the twin female ghosts from 2422 are in peace with Xiaobai.

Xiaobai once drew the appearance of twin female ghosts.

One hangs from the ceiling fan and one lies by the dining table.

What he painted was the scene of two female ghosts dying tragically.

The whole painting was dyed dark red by him, which is exactly the same as the phantom Su Yi saw before.

"Aren't you afraid of them?" Su Yi couldn't help asking.

Xiaobai shook his head, and said to Su Yi, "They won't hit me."

"Who hit you?" Su Yi asked.

"People, many people." Xiaobai replied.

Su Yi patted his head and said: "Don't go to Aunt Mei's house in the future, and stay away from her when you meet her."

Xiaobai was silent for a moment and said, "Aunt Mei is very good, she is the fourth best person besides your mother and Uncle Yan."

Su Yi couldn't help laughing.

"Is there a fifth best person?"

Xiaobai shook his head.

"Uncle You even bought you food two days ago, and you actually think he is not a good person?" Su Yi laughed.

"He's not good." Xiaobai shook his head persistently.

Children also have their own concept of right and wrong, Su Yi doesn't know why Xiaobai thinks Chen You is bad.

Maybe it's because Chen You has lived here for so long, but it's because of Su Yi that he bought food for Xiaobai?
It sounds cruel that there are only four good people in a child's world.

"From now on, Aunt Mei will not be a good person." Su Yi said to him, "Remember my words, stay away from her, let alone go to her house."

Xiaobai raised his head, looked into Su Yi's eyes through the gap between his bangs, and nodded heavily.

Ajuan's condition is getting better and better.

She started talking to Su Yi, although she seldom spoke, and she still refused to contact others, but since she came to Su Yi to start treatment, she has never had another illness.

One day Coolie Wei proposed a lot of things, but Su Yi refused.

"Ahao, I know you don't care about this, but I really don't know how to express my gratitude to you. Please accept it, so that I feel better." Ku Liwei's eyes flushed, "I bought these things I earned all the money by going out to do odd jobs recently. Now I can leave Ajuan for a whole morning, and Ajuan will not get sick anymore. Besides, she is eating well and sleeping well. In the past month, she has gained seven catties Woolen cloth……"

"It's all because of you, Ahao. If you don't know how to be grateful, what's the difference between a pig and a dog? Ahao, if you don't think I'm shabby, please accept it!"

Su Yi shook his head and said: "Okay, I'll accept it, but don't do it next time. These things cost hundreds of dollars, which is nothing to me, but to you, you have to work hard for a few days! "

"Ajuan's condition is getting better and better, and you have to start planning for your future. There will be many places where you need money in the future."

"Okay, I'll listen to your Ahao." Ku Liwei grinned happily.

"Do you lock Ajuan at home every morning?" Su Yi asked.

"No, I always left Ajuan with Aunt Mei." Coolie Wei hurriedly said.

(End of this chapter)

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