Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1035 Happy Day

Chapter 1035 Happy Day
Xiaobai often goes to play with Aunt Mei, and Ajuan is also placed at Aunt Mei's house by Cooliewei.

It seems that Aunt Mei, a good old man, is really popular.

Su Yi frowned.

The reason why Ah Jiu wanted to refine the corpse was to continue his life.

A few days ago, he inquired from Chen You about the reason for the formation of zombies, four words - extreme yin gives birth to yang.

To be formed, zombies must either belong to the land of the four yins, or must be people of the four yins.

What is the land of the four shades?

This is the saying in Feng Shui Kanyu. The four yin means that the dragon is yin, the water is yin, and there are no guards on the left and right.

The land of the four shades must be in a dilapidated situation.The so-called dilapidated situation, the public housing estates that do not get sunlight all year round and are located west of the cemetery, are absolutely shady places, a dilapidated situation.

What is a person of the four shades?

The date of a person's birth has four factors: year, month, day, and hour. Taoists call these four pillars, and each pillar has two characters, so there is a saying of "eight characters".

A cloudy year with a cloudy moon and a cloudy day plus a cloudy time is a rare numerology "bazi full yin". This kind of person is called a person of four yin.

Chen You told Su Yi that the formation of zombies is not uncommon.In the old society, the formation of most zombies was not accidental, but man-made disasters.

For example, if some Feng Shui master has a grudge against a certain family, he will design to have a member of the four Yins of this family buried in the land of the four Yins.

The land of the four yin and the people of the four yin can easily raise very powerful zombies.Once such a zombie is born, it will first be drawn by blood, kill all people related to him by blood, and suck their blood dry.

Therefore, if you offend Mr. Feng Shui, it is very easy for him to make your whole family tidy.

But it is not easy to cultivate such a powerful zombie, and the price paid is definitely not small.

It can be seen from this that it was not accidental that Ah Jiu chose Uncle Dong to refine the corpse, it should have been premeditated.

If Su Yi's expectations are correct, A-Dong is a person of four shades.

With A-Dong destined to be turned into a zombie, it is very dangerous for Xiaobai or A-Juan to approach his house.

Su Yi pondered slightly, and said to Coolie Wei: "If you can trust me, don't send Ajuan to Aunt Mei recently, you send her to me."

Coolie Wei hurriedly said: "Of course I trust Ah Hao, if you want, it doesn't matter if I give you my life!"

Su Yi waved his hand: "Then it's settled."

"Will it bother you too much, Hao?" Coolie Wei scratched his head.

"It doesn't matter, Xiaobai is here every morning anyway, Ajuan doesn't want to contact outsiders, you can try to get along with the children first, it will be good for her." Su Yi patiently explained a few words.

After all, Ajuan is a big girl. It is very unreasonable and unreasonable for a big man like him to ask a father to send his daughter to his home. It is both abrupt and offensive.

That is to say, Su Yi has now won the trust of Coolie Wei, otherwise, his request would definitely make people doubt his intentions.

Su Yi's scruples were right. After he explained this sentence, Coolie Wei was obviously more relaxed.

"Then I'll trouble you, Ahao. We father and daughter always bother you so much. I don't know how to thank you." Ku Liwei thanked you.

"Helpers are always at peace, you just think that I am accumulating virtue for myself." Su Yi said.

"Ah Hao, you will have a long life, a long life and a healthy life." Coolie Wei said seriously, "If God doesn't even bless a good person like you, you will be blind!"

Su Yi smiled, looked at A Juan beside him, and said, "Next time you come here, you don't need to tie her with an iron chain. In fact, even if you meet someone, as long as you protect her, she won't run away. Yes Isn’t that right, Ajuan?”

A Juan huddled behind Coolie Wei and did not speak, but patted her father on the back.

"She said yes." Coolie smiled, "Then listen to your Hao. By the way, I have to go out to work at five in the morning tomorrow morning. Is it too early?"

Su Yi shook his head: "Just send it over."

After Coolie Wei left, Su Yi entered the stream-of-consciousness space and then devoted himself to the study of talismans.

That night, when he was chanting scriptures every day, he suddenly had a mysterious and mysterious feeling in his heart.

He seemed to feel that the world had become different, more lively and richer than before.

But nothing seems to have changed.

Su Yi didn't know if this was an illusion.

But he never ignored any of his keen senses.

After thinking for a while, Su Yi pinched the seal with his hands, and recited in his mouth: "Lingbao Tianzun, comforting figure, disciple's soul, five viscera and mystery, green dragon and white tiger, battle formations, red bird and basalt, bodyguard's figure..."

This is one of the eight great divine mantras of Taoism, the divine mantra for purifying the body. Often reciting it can bring the four righteous gods in the body back to the right position, eliminate body karma, protect the Tao body, and make the body of the practitioners quiet and peaceful. Summons spirits and ghosts.


When Su Yi had just finished chanting the incantation, the lights in the living room flickered twice, and the dim yellow light gradually turned red.

No, this red is not the light, but the blood color that seeps out from all directions.

The room quickly became cold.

Countless squirming bloody threads emerged from the wall, and the two hairs were disheveled.A figure covered in blood suddenly emerged from the wall.

They touched the wall with their limbs like spiders, one hung upside down from the ceiling, and the other lay obliquely on the left wall, staring at Su Yi with blood-colored eyes.

Su Yi subconsciously held his breath, his heart beating faster with a "thump, bang, bang".

Chen You said that people's fear of sneaky things is innate and uncontrollable.It's like it's written in the DNA.

But this time, Su Yi wasn't too scared. Su Yi thought it might be because he had a magic spell to protect his body.

The two female ghosts did not rush forward this time. Although they looked eager to try, they seemed to be afraid of something.

Just like the time they met Chen You before.

Su Yi confronted them silently for a moment, dispelled the spell, and released the seal.

He was in a trance for a while, and the room returned to its original state again, as if what he saw before was an illusion.

After letting out a long breath, Su Yi's face suddenly revealed an extremely excited look.

See ghosts and gods!

He finally has the ability to see ghosts and gods clearly!

Chen You said that he had read the scriptures for more than ten years before he had the ability to see ghosts and gods clearly.

And how long did it take Su Yi?
Less than a month!

Of course, this is also because of Su Yi's cheating. There is nothing to be proud of, but this does not prevent Su Yi from being happy.

Just like playing a game, if you win honestly, you will be very happy.

But if it's on...

You will get double the happiness.

If Chen You knew that Su Yi had completed the journey he had traveled for more than ten years in such a short period of time, his mentality would definitely collapse.

After Su Yi was happy, he decided to hide this matter first.

Although with Chen You's character, even if he knew about it, he wouldn't hate him because of jealousy, but after all, it's an embarrassment for others.

It’s like you were happy and proud after ten years of studying hard to pass the exam, and then you suddenly learned that the kid next door to you has been admitted to Tsinghua University just after finishing the first grade.

Just say that you are panicking in your heart, right?

Su Yi was happy for a while, and decided to go downstairs to buy something delicious and drinkable, to reward himself.

Today's corridor is extremely cold, almost all the shops downstairs are closed, even the messengers are locked, and Uncle Yan is not there.

Fortunately, Uncle Yongping in the grocery store was about to close the door, but was bumped into by Su Yi.

"Uncle Yongping, why is it closed so early today? Is there still beer?" Su Yi greeted.

Uncle Yongping looked at Su Yi in surprise: "You still go out so late on such a wicked day?"

He shook his head and clicked his tongue: "I'll get you some wine. How much do you want?"

"Let's make a dozen." Su Yi took out the money, "What day is it today?"

"Autumn Festival, it's a cloudy day. Don't you know?" Uncle Yongping brought out a dozen of wine and handed it to Su Yi, and said, "After ten o'clock, before eleven o'clock, you will see the family There are sacrifices at the door of the house, and five-color money is burned... In short, if you have nothing to do today, you should avoid going out, and you will easily encounter unclean things."

Su Yi nodded and said, "Okay, thank you Uncle Yongping for your reminder."

If it was before, Su Yi would naturally scoff at this.

but now……

Su Yi didn't want to see A Piao squatting at the door to eat while the corridor was full.

Although he is not afraid of ghosts now, his attitude towards ghosts and gods is still the same four words - keep a respectful distance.

Originally, Su Yi wanted to go to the housing estate next door to buy some cooked food, and then go to Chen You for a drink or two.

But now he dismissed the idea.

Based on his understanding of Chen You, this guy is definitely a "big banquet guest" at home, and Su Yi's going can only be regarded as an uninvited guest, disturbing other people's festival gatherings.

So Su Yi went home with a beer and didn't go anywhere.

Su Yi's guess was right. At this time, Chen You had cooked more than a dozen dishes, and the table was full.

There are more than a dozen sets of utensils on the table, and the chopsticks of each bowl of rice are inserted straight into the rice, but there is no one around the table, which looks particularly eerie and gloomy.

"The last dish is here, come here, let's serve!" At this moment, Chen You came out of the kitchen wearing an apron, smiling and holding a plate of fried vegetables, and put the dish on the table.

He smiled and looked around, and said: "It's rare to get together like this on weekdays. Today is the holiday, everyone eats and drinks well, don't be polite to me!"

"Later, I will order some paper money and ingots, and some more incense candles. Hey, everyone has a share, so don't fight for it."

Standing in an empty room with a table full of food, talking to a dozen or so empty chairs, the scene was as eerie as it could be.

"Huh? Sister Fei is here too? You are a rare visitor!" Chen You suddenly looked at the door in surprise, and waved: "Come, come, the person who comes is a guest, come and sit, I will get a chair and add a bowl chopsticks……"

As he spoke, he hurried to the balcony and pulled out a dusty high stool from a pile of sundries.

He blew on the dust, wiped it off with his sleeve, and looked up in the mirror.

The mirror hanging on the balcony facing the door just reflected the scene in the living room.

Sitting around the dining table were A Piao with pale complexions and sluggish expressions, including men, women, old and young.

They put their noses together before meals and suck gently.The white eyeballs without pupils glowed with a strange light.

There was a fat A Piao who was wearing a floral skirt and just came in from the door, walking towards the dining table.

Chen You wiped off a little oil on his forehead in front of the mirror, and walked out of the balcony with a stool.

"Come on, come on, Fat Sister, sit here..."

Su Yi, who returned to the room, opened a can of beer and drank it on his own.

Wei Wei hesitated for a while, then he stood up, went to the refrigerator and took out some food to put on plates, put them on the dining table, went to get incense candles to light them, finally opened two cans of beer, and put them on the opposite side of him.

He hesitated slightly, but in the end he did not choose to chant the mantra to see the ghost, but lit incense to worship, and said in his mouth: "Everyone has lived under the same roof for so long, and we haven't sat down to eat together. Today is the holiday, if we don't sit down, I can't even say it..."

"The things are a bit crude. After all, I also made a temporary idea and prepared in a hurry. Don't be disgusted. Don't worry, the continuous incense candles and fireworks tonight can be regarded as compensation, how about it?"

He smiled, picked up a can of beer, threw it across the empty table, and said, "Happy holidays!"

Then drink it up.

What Su Yi couldn't see was that the twin female ghosts were hanging upside down with their heads hanging from the ceiling, and the other was lying on the chair opposite Su Yi.Brother Liang twitched his nostrils, and wisps of white smoke entered their bodies along their nostrils.

The Autumn Festival, also known as the Cold Clothes Festival, is a day to give cold clothes to the ancestors.The so-called "fire in July, clothes in September" refers to the Cold Clothes Festival.

The custom here is to burn cold clothes made of paper for the deceased, on which the name, seniority and other information of the deceased should be written, accompanied by five-color money, and burned clean.Then the offerings should be placed outside the door.It should be placed before the time of Haishi. After the time of Haishi, the doors of every household will be closed, and they will go to bed and cannot go out again.

At this time, every household in the corridor has already started to burn paper in the corridor to prepare sacrifices.

At Aunt Dong Mei’s house diagonally across from Su Yi, the two had prepared sacrifices and burning paper early, but they hadn’t had time to set up the offerings and burning paper because Aunt Mei took over Xiaoyun’s work on the 16th floor during the day to help her Change into a cheongsam.

After dinner in the afternoon, Aunt Mei has been busy until now.

Xiaoyun is obese and tall, and her figure is similar to that of Uncle Dong, so Aunt Mei simply let Uncle Dong try it on, and then directly sewed it on.

Once coming and going twice, it delayed the worship and burning paper, which made Uncle Dong very unhappy.

When Aunt Mei asked him to put on the cheongsam and stand up straight again, Uncle Dong couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Is this clothes for humans or pigs? Do pigs have clothes too?"

"Don't move around, be careful not to pierce you!" Aunt Mei was wearing reading glasses and shuttled through the cheongsam with a needle and thread in her hand.

"Look at her pair of fat pig legs, even the pigs are not as fat as hers!" Uncle Dong's tone became even more bitter, "Her mother, fat sister, was fat when she was alive, and she was also fat. A litter of pigs is all sows... "

"Speak good deeds, master!" Aunt Mei said helplessly, "Sister Fei has been dead for so many years, be careful that she comes looking for you."

"Bah, bah, bah! Are you cursing me?" Uncle Dong said angrily, "I told you not to help others for nothing, especially this fat pig, you just won't listen!"

(End of this chapter)

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