Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1040 Hanging

Chapter 1040 Hanging
"Think about it, it's not as easy as you imagined to attract a ghost." Chen You said seriously to Su Yi, "It's inevitable that the soul will be damaged and the body will be polluted. Not even I can save you!"

Su Yi is no longer a novice, of course he knows the risks of doing so.

But he is still confident.

The biggest risk of drawing a ghost to your body is that the ghost swallows your soul and replaces it.

But for Su Yi, he still has the confidence to resist this risk.

"Brother You, a real man was born in this world. If you don't do something, you must do something." Su Yi looked at him, "I've lived to this age, what else can't I see through?"

"You don't have to persuade me. I understand the risks of doing this. I also understand the thankless effort. I can walk away without asking, but in this case, why should I learn Maoshan method?"

Chen You's expression was a little shocked.

He stared blankly at Su Yi, his eyes changed softly, sighed, patted Su Yi on the shoulder and said, "Okay, I'll help you!"

Su Yi smiled and nodded, not surprised that he persuaded Chen You.

He said again: "There is one more thing. Last night, I encountered an accident."

Chen You's complexion changed, and he said, "Is it Yinshi quarter? Why are you going out so late?"

"It's because of Yang Feng..." Su Yi briefly recounted the incident, "Brother You, I heard from Yang Feng that in the past six months, the messengers have been coming every night at that time. Could it be that they are looking for something?"

"It's not looking for something, it's an excuse from the yin soldiers!" Chen You shook his head and said, "The yin messengers from the underworld come to the yang world to seduce souls, and they always go to extremely yin places. But the mountains are impermanent, the water is impermanent, and the extremely yin places are not. immutable."

"About half a year ago, the number of people dying here had reached a critical point. What was originally a livable place has now become a place of four shades, a dilapidated situation."

"It may be that the original route of Yinchai to Yangjian has changed, so this place was chosen by Yinchai as the new route."

Speaking of this, Chen You looked at Su Yi: "When you see the bad guys, you must not look directly at them, and you must not block their way, otherwise you will suffer a serious illness, or you will be taken away on the spot. You are fine now, see Didn't you make a mistake last night?"

"I've never encountered such a terrible thing." Su Yi said with some lingering fear, "I feel like they can kill me with a single thought."

"Of course, they represent the underworld, and they specialize in restraining the living!" Chen You said, "In short, it's right to keep them at a respectful distance."

Su Yi nodded, it seems that the Yin soldiers' crossing has nothing to do with Ah Jiu.

However, when the Yin soldiers pass through the border, the ghosts and monsters along the way are afraid that they will retreat one after another, not daring to show up, lest they be taken away.

"You wait, I'll go get the compass gossip mirror." Chen You had already decided to help Su Yi, so he no longer hesitated.He is a vigorous and resolute person, and he does things without sloppiness.

Soon Chen You brought the compass gossip mirror, and Su Yi also told Xiaobai and Ajuan to stay in the bedroom obediently, and not to come out no matter what sounds or things happened.

In fact, Su Yi shouldn't let them stay here, but Su Yi is even more worried when they go outside.

Su Yi has tied the rope to the ceiling fan and is ready to hang himself.

"Actually, I have a question, Brother You." Su Yi tied the rope and asked Chen You who was standing in the corner, "It was the same last time by the river, and this time. We didn't shy away from them when we spoke. They couldn't hear us. ?"

"Just like you don't easily see ghosts," Chen You said to Su Yi, "Would ghosts easily come out to see you in broad daylight?"

"Unless this ghost has entangled you and has been paying attention to you, or you said these words after seeing them, otherwise they will not hear what we say under normal circumstances."

Su Yi understood, took a deep breath, and wrapped his neck into the tied knot.

With a serious face, he looked at Chen You: "Brother You, I'm about to start."

"I'll go out first," Chen You also became nervous, "Don't worry, I'll rush in as soon as they get on your body!"

"But if they don't come out in two minutes, I will rush in to save you!"

"No, if they don't move, five minutes." Su Yi shook his head.

Ordinary people hang themselves, they will lose consciousness in half a minute, and they will die in basically two minutes.

But Su Yi is not an ordinary person, he is afraid that he will be alive and kicking in two minutes, so he does not meet the conditions for suicide.

Chen You frowned and was about to refute, but Su Yi smiled and said first: "Don't forget, I am a martial arts practitioner, and I will not take my life to be brave."

"Is it really okay?" Chen You asked worriedly.

"It's really all right." Su Yi gave him a positive look.

Chen You nodded, turned and went out the door.

He lit a cigarette at the door, took a deep drag, and then let it out slowly.

Amidst the smog, he remembered when he was young.

At that time, he was full of enthusiasm, and his mind was full of ridiculous ideas of subduing demons and demons.

Since when did you fall into a mature state?

He fell into deep memory.


There was the sound of a stool being kicked down in the room.

Chen You came back to his senses in horror, narrowed his eyes slightly, pulled out a knife from his back waist, held it in his hand, and concentrated on preparations.

in the room.

Su Yi hanged himself for the first time in his life.

This is definitely a very strange experience, and ordinary people are not blessed to enjoy it.

Just after kicking off the stool, Su Yi didn't feel anything, but felt a little uncomfortable in his neck.

Soon he dissipated his internal strength and let the tightened rope oppress his trachea.

He started to have bad feelings.

Mainly because the neck feels very uncomfortable.

But it didn't feel suffocating.

This is the disadvantage of martial arts masters, even if they don't use their mouths and noses, they can breathe through the pores all over their bodies.It is really difficult for a martial arts master to hang himself.

Su Yi stopped exercising, and even took the initiative to let his qi and blood enter a state of "quietness".

After the pores were closed, Su Yi gradually felt a little lack of oxygen.

But soon, the internal force in his dantian and limbs slowly circulated independently, and the heart that was beating stagnantly regained its original vitality.

Su Yi hastily forcibly suppressed his internal energy, stretched out his hands to touch his own acupoints, and sealed his internal energy into his dantian.

At the same time, he also used the technique of cutting off the pulse to block the circulation of his qi and blood.

As a result, Su Yi's body completely turned into a state of the living dead, and his heartbeat quickly began to fail and slow down.

But even so, with just one thought from Su Yi, he could immediately break free from the rope around his neck and return to normal.

The feeling of lack of oxygen was born again, and it intensified.

The physical discomfort gave Su Yi the urge to break free.

But he remained motionless and forcibly endured it.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and two minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have died by this time, but Su Yi was still conscious by this time.

Although he felt hypoxic and his heart was beating very slowly, his consciousness was always clear, and his heart had no intention of stopping completely.

What's happening here?
A trace of confusion flashed in Su Yi's eyes.

I also suppressed the qi and blood, sealed the internal energy, and strangled the neck.

I've done everything I need to do, why don't I suffocate?
It's just a hang, is it that difficult?

What is it that I haven't done well?

Su Yi frowned and thought hard for a moment, then stretched out his hand to touch a few acupuncture points on his body, making it impossible for Qi and blood to flow into his heart.

At this moment, his heartbeat had slowed down to a very extreme speed.Su Yi also felt more uncomfortable in his body.

But his consciousness is still very clear.

Su Yi thought for a while, and then performed complex acupressure techniques again, sealing his internal energy again.

Originally, although he had sealed his own internal energy, as long as he moved his mind, it would break the seal.

But now it's not that simple. If he wants to regain his internal strength, he needs a series of complicated techniques to untie the acupuncture points to regain his internal strength.

Doing so is undoubtedly dangerous. Once there is any sudden crisis, Su Yi cannot respond immediately.

But now he had to take such a risk, because if he didn't do it, he might really not be able to hang himself.

However, even if Su Yi did this, his consciousness was still not blurred, and his heartbeat still didn't mean to stop completely.

This is embarrassing...

Where is the problem.

More than four minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Chen You broke through the door and rushed in, holding a knife in his hand, and was about to jump up and cut the rope to rescue Su Yi.

Then, he met Su Yi's eyes, and his body froze immediately.

The two stared at each other for a long time.

"You... are hanging yourself?" Chen You asked with some uncertainty, he glanced at the rope around Su Yi's neck, that's right, the strangled place is right, and his whole body is also in the air.

But why is this guy's eyes so agile?

Where does this look a bit like a hanged man?

Su Yi wanted to speak, but found that he couldn't speak.

He stretched out his hands to grab the ceiling and raised his body slightly, and immediately released the compressed airway again.

He exhaled, and said with some distress: "My internal a bit special, even if it is completely sealed off, it is useless, I can't hang myself..."

It was the only explanation he could think of.

Rama's internal energy fills in the gaps, and the Yi Jin Jing is the first healing scripture. After the two are combined into one, it will be endless. Even if Su Yi seals the dantian and intercepts the blood, the heart is nourished by the internal force. It kept beating and couldn't stop at all.

It's not impossible for him to hang himself, but I'm afraid it will take a long time.

It's been so long that he might starve to death, and he can't hang himself...

Chen You was stunned for a long time, with an extremely strange look on his face: "Can't hang yourself? Are there still people who can't hang themselves in this world?"

Su Yi sighed and said, "You've seen it now."

Could it be that the first performance task has been ruined like this?
He frowned and thought hard about the solution.

Chen You was also speechless for a while, because the scene before him was so weird.

The eyeballs of a person who is hanging himself are rolling back and forth, without any intention of being hanged.

However, his heart was already a little numb, mainly because Su Yi had done too many things that subverted his cognition today.

Compared to Su Yi's other monstrous places, the fact that he can't hang himself...

Also acceptable.

Su Yi quickly thought of another way.

But if this method is used, he really committed suicide.

Life or death is completely out of his control.

Su Yi hesitated.

In fact, even though he has used many methods to hang himself up to now, he is still sure to save himself at the last second and save himself from being killed.

But once this method is used, then he really can only resign himself to fate.

Life or death is really completely out of his control.

It's just a show, do you want to work hard?

If one is not good, it will take your own life.

Su Yi looked at Chen You, and it happened that Chen You was also looking at him with strange eyes.

"Can you do it?" Chen You asked, "If you can't do it, can I do it instead?"

Su Yi suddenly laughed.

"I have a solution!" Su Yi laughed, "Brother You, this little life is in your hands. If you can't save me, then I will really die."

"Don't worry, with me here, it's hard for you to die!" Chen You said.

After a pause, he added: "Even if you die, I can still save you and let you go to reincarnation as soon as possible."

Thank you so much...

Su Yi chuckled: "Brother You, it's two minutes this time, and it must not exceed two minutes."

Chen You turned around and left the door without any nonsense.

Su Yi restrained his smile and took a deep breath.

I can only gamble!

He first slightly relaxed his internal force seal, then suddenly reached out and slapped his heart hard.

Su Yi grasped the strength of this palm extremely precisely, wandering at a very subtle critical point.

If it was any heavier, Su Yi would suffer irreversible internal injuries; but if it was any lighter, it would not be a big deal for Su Yi.

Su Yi spat out a mouthful of blood, and his spirit suddenly became much weaker.

He quickly performed the closed qigong, and one second before he was about to enter the state of suspended animation, he sealed his dantian again, and then exhausted the last trace of internal force that was swimming in the meridians, and slapped his palm hard on the back of his head.

With a muffled sound, Su Yi lost his figure in an instant, his limbs softened, and immediately drooped, and his neck was also limp and hung on the rope.

After his heart entered into suspended animation, he knocked himself out again, allowing himself to hang himself in a coma.

After a series of operations, it really worked.

Su Yi's qigong had already stopped his heartbeat and entered a state of suspended animation. He lost consciousness in a coma, all his internal energy and blood were blocked, and he hung himself by the neck.

The limit in his body was completely broken, and the feigned death began to gradually change into a real death.

At this moment, the whole living room suddenly became extremely gloomy and cold.

Subtle drops of water suddenly seeped out of Su Yi's body, and the water droplets condensed into frost with white smoke emitting from them.

Chen You outside the door widened his eyes instantly!

In the room, wriggling red silk threads extended from the ceiling and walls, and the twin female ghosts gradually emerged, climbing towards Su Yi's body.

Their red eyes fixed on Su Yi, tentatively approaching.

At a certain moment, the twin female ghosts stretched out their hands together, and the dense wriggling red threads instantly extended into Su Yi's body, pulling the two female ghosts into it together.

Chen You broke into the door!

(End of this chapter)

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