Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1041 Defilement

Chapter 1041 Defilement
The moment Chen You broke through the door, Su Yi, who was originally unconscious, suddenly opened his eyes.

It's just strange that his eyes are red at the moment!
Holding the magic sealing talisman in hand, Chen You jumped up and was about to stick the talisman paper on Su Yi's forehead.

But at this moment, Su Yi moved.

He suddenly grimaced and bared his teeth, stretched out his hand to grab Chen You's neck, and rushed forward.

He broke the rope hanging around his neck in an instant, and he also grabbed Chen You's neck and flew towards the gate.

The door was open, and Chen You walked through it without any surprise.

But when it came to Su Yi, the evil spirit talisman stuck outside the door suddenly ignited without fire, releasing a blazing strong light, and immediately sent Su Yi flying back.

Su Yi's back hit the wall so hard that it even cracked the partition wall of the balcony.

Chen You outside the door was afraid of escaping from death, but at this moment, he didn't have time to think too much. He rushed into the door again, bit his fingertips and quickly drew three blood marks on the magic-suppressing talisman in his hand with blood.

"Roar!" Su Yi screamed ferociously, jumped up high, crawled upside down on the roof like a spider, and rushed towards Chen You.

Chen You dodged suddenly, and the moment he passed by, he quickly patted Su Yi on the head with the talisman paper in his hand.

But unexpectedly, Su Yi's reaction was extremely fast. With a block of his arm, he sent Chen You flying, and then roared and rushed towards Chen You again.

Before Chen You could react, Su Yi grabbed his arm and grabbed him, throwing him violently.

Chen You fell heavily into the bedroom.

"Ah ah ah..."

In the bedroom, Ajuan and Xiaobai, who had shrunk into a ball with fright, shouted together.

Xiao Bai suddenly ran towards the bedroom door.

"No!" Chen You, who was struggling to get up, suddenly changed his face and shouted hurriedly.

But Xiaobai had already run to the door, and bumped into Su Yi who appeared at the door of the bedroom.

Su Yi suddenly lowered his head, seeing Xiaobai's distorted and ferocious expression, he suddenly raised his arms high and was about to smash them down.

"Ahao!" Chen You yelled desperately and terribly!

Su Yi's body suddenly stopped, Xiao Bai took the opportunity to turn around and run back to the bathroom, and closed the bathroom door with a "bang".

Ajuan screamed and rushed towards Su Yi.

But at the next moment, Su Yi quickly knocked A Juan unconscious with a knife.

There seemed to be mice crawling and struggling under Su Yi's skin, and his expression also became struggling and distorted, but the redness in his eyes faded instantly, and he regained a little clarity.

"Brother You! Hurry up!" Su Yi trembled all over, showing pain.

Chen Youfei stood up and flew straight towards Su Yi with the magic-suppressing talisman in his hand. Su Yi's eyes flashed red and he was about to strike, but he forcibly held back the next moment.

At this moment, Chen Youfei quickly stuck the town magic talisman on Su Yi's forehead.

Su Yi froze in place immediately, and the red light in his eyes completely dissipated.

And his bulging veins and dark blue skin color gradually returned to normal.

Chen You panted heavily, staggered a step with his legs weak, and sat down on the ground with a thud, then said to Su Yi with great fear: "I was almost killed by you!"

"Be content!" Su Yi gritted his teeth and struggled, "Fortunately, I sealed the inner energy and blood... Otherwise... ten of you would not be enough for me to kill!"

In fact, when the twin female ghosts got on their bodies, Su Yi's consciousness came to him.

But the first time he realized the crisis, Su Yi quickly opened the stream-of-consciousness teaching space and immersed all his consciousness in it.

The reason why he has certain confidence in resisting ghosts to replace his consciousness is also because of the existence of the stream of consciousness teaching space.

His entire consciousness was immersed here, and he didn't believe that Li Gui could follow in.

And he didn't need to hide for too long, he just needed to wait until Chen You stuck himself with the magic sealing talisman, and his consciousness could return to reality again.

This was also Su Yi's original plan.

What Su Yi didn't expect was that before Chen You could use the magic-sealing talisman, he was interrupted by Chen You's call from the outside world, and his consciousness returned to reality.

Thanks to Chen You yelling, he stopped his actions in time and did not hurt Xiao Bai, otherwise Su Yi would have caused an irreparable disaster for him at this moment.

At this moment, Su Yi felt very crowded and painful.

Squeezed because he felt crowded in his body, he was almost squeezed out.

The pain is because squeezing his own things is not only squeezing, but also tearing and biting, which makes him feel like someone is drilling his brain with an electric drill, hitting his head with a hammer, and shocking his forehead with a strong electric shock.

It's an indescribable feeling, uncomfortable, painful.

"Brother You, don't stop, I feel like I'm going to explode!" Su Yi gritted his teeth.

Chen You said angrily: "Now you know it's uncomfortable? Endure it!"

He said yes, but immediately got up and went to the outside living room, took out his compass and started to turn it.

Immediately, five brass pointed cones popped out from the center of the compass.

Chen You muttered something, and pressed down with five fingers!
A majestic and stalwart force instantly enveloped Su Yi.

"Uncover the talisman!" Chen You gritted his teeth.

Su Yi pulled off the talisman paper pasted on his head.

As soon as the talisman left Su Yi's body, it immediately burned. Su Yi threw it away and let it burn to a pile of ashes before it hit the ground.

Almost at the moment Su Yi uncovered the talisman paper, Su Yi felt light all over, and the pair of twin female ghosts suddenly emerged from Su Yi's body, screaming shrilly and about to rush out.


But the compass suddenly emitted a red light, covering the space and enveloping the two female ghosts.

Let them rush left and right, and they can't leave.

But Su Yi's body was even more uncomfortable at the moment, he felt dizzy and his stomach was overwhelmed.

"Be patient!" Chen You seemed to know that Su Yi was suffering, and hurriedly grabbed the gossip mirror and threw it at Su Yi, "It's not too late to finish the work!"

Su Yi didn't talk nonsense, he had cooperated with Chen You to collect the two water ghosts before, so he naturally knew what to do now.

He immediately raised the gossip mirror and pointed it at the center of the compass.

A ray of golden light shot out from the gossip mirror, shone on the center of the compass and refracted out, enveloping the twin female ghosts evenly.

The twin female ghosts struggled violently, but it was difficult to break free as if they were stuck in a quagmire.

"You come!" Chen You signaled Su Yi to proceed to the next step.

Su Yi suppressed the nausea in his stomach and shouted: "Brother, it's about to come out!"

"Besides, the young man doesn't have any concentration!" Chen You made a tactic with one hand, and slashed across the void with the other.

"A sum of money to scare ghosts and monsters!"

There seems to be a flash of blood.

"Second strokes are eccentric!"

The twin female ghosts were stunned for a moment.

"Three strokes of ten thousand demons are banned, I obey the patriarch's law! Take it!"

The figures of the twin female ghosts were immediately sucked into the compass, and then followed by the golden light back into the gossip bronze mirror in Su Yi's hand.

This scene was exactly the same as the two of them caught the two water ghosts before.

Feeling that the gossip mirror in his hand suddenly became cold and heavy, Su Yi knew that the pair of twin female ghosts had fallen into the urn.

He couldn't bear it anymore, stretched out his hand and threw the gossip mirror towards Chen You, turned around and ran to the bathroom without checking whether he could catch it or not.

He pushed open the bathroom door and ran in, only to see Xiaobai sitting on the toilet with his butt naked.

... This kid ran in to shit?
Didn't you get scared and ran in to hide?

Xiaobai seemed to be stupefied by fright and remained motionless.

Without saying a word, Su Yi stepped forward and hugged him, then opened his mouth——


clap la la...

Fei Liu went straight down to 3000 feet, and it was suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days.

Su Yi himself was taken aback by himself, for one thing he didn't expect that he would spray out so much stuff like a high-pressure water pump.

The second is that the things sprayed out by themselves are all pitch-black viscous liquids like ink.

This thing is called "filthy". When a ghost gets on the body and is contaminated with the bad luck of sneaking, there is "filthy" in the body.

This is because all the things in the intestines and stomach have rotted away, so it has such a color and shape.

For a moment, the smell in the bathroom was so irritating to the eyes,

Xiaobai stood on the side with his butt naked, but before he could react, the stench enveloped him immediately.

As soon as his face changed, he was about to run out, but just after taking two steps, he spat it out with a "wow".

It stinks!
"Damn, can you close the bathroom door before throwing up!" Chen You howled miserably from the living room outside.

Not to mention that there was a burst of chicken and dog jumping in 2442.

On the first floor, Ah Jiu's coffin shop.

Coolie Wei struggled to put the coffin on his back on the open space in the middle, panting heavily, and untied the rope that tied the coffin.

Ah Jiu came out from the dark with a glass of water in his hand, looking at Coolie Wei's figure with obscure eyes, but when the other party looked over, he immediately put on a harmless smiling face.

"Ah Wei, are you tired? Come and drink some water." Ah Jiu smiled and stepped forward, handing the water in his hand to Coolie Wei.

"Thank you Uncle Jiu," Coolie Wei hurriedly took the cup with both hands respectfully, picked up the cup and drank all the water in the cup "ton ton ton".

Ah Jiu's eyes flashed, and after Coolie finished drinking, he smiled and reached out to take back the empty cup, saying: "Thanks to you, otherwise I don't know how to carry such a heavy thing back."

"It's Uncle Jiu who took care of me." Coolie Wei hurriedly said, "The price you gave has already taken care of Uncle Jiu very much."

"Neighbors in the neighborhood are all as they should be." Ah Jiu said with a smile.

"Uncle Jiu, if you have anything to do in the future, just ask, and I, Ah Wei, will definitely help with anything I can do!" Coolie Wei promised.

Ah Jiu's eyes were strange: "Really? I really have something here, and I want Ah Wei to help you."

"Uncle Jiu, please tell me!" Coolie Wei said.

"Your daughter, Ajuan." Ah Jiu stared into Coolie Wei's eyes.

Coolie Wei was taken aback, and asked, "Ajuan? can I help Uncle Jiu?"

"That's a lot." Ah Jiu smiled even more strangely, "A Juan's body can be used for my fire. After death, the ashes can be used for me to form formations, and her soul can be used by me to refine ghosts, and I will never die. Super born."

Coolie Wei stared blankly for a long time, and then he was furious: "Zhong Fa, are you crazy! What did you say! Say it again!"

Coolie Wei's only backlash is his daughter!
"You heard it very clearly, Ah Wei." Ah Jiu said with a smile, "Do you want to listen to it again? Do you feel more refreshed the more you listen?"

"I'm so happy..." Ku Liwei couldn't hold back anymore and punched Ah Jiu.

But Ah Jiu just took a step back to avoid Coolie Wei's punch, but Coolie Wei staggered and fell to the ground.

Ku Liwei's expression changed suddenly, he struggled to get up, but failed after several attempts.

"You...what did you do to me!" Ku Liwei was startled and angry, "The water you gave me to drink just now is not right!"

He saw Ah Jiu walking up to him with a smile, and said, "A little sweat medicine won't kill anyone."

"You, what do you want to do..." Coolie Wei was shocked to find that he didn't even have the energy to speak.

Ah Jiu stopped talking, dragged his legs, and dragged him to the back hall, then opened a partition on the ground, revealing an entrance to the basement, and pushed Coolie Wei down.

With the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, Coolie Wei groaned in pain.

A cold light flashed in Ah Jiu's eyes, but he didn't rush down. Instead, he went to the door of the shop and closed the door, putting up a sign saying "I'm out on business".

Then he turned back and climbed down step by step from the basement entrance.

Coolie Wei was in the posture of falling, unable to move at all.

Ah Jiu smiled and continued to drag him, and then carried him to a table that was stained black and red with blood.

"Zhong Fa, what are you doing!" Although Coolie Wei was dizzy and weak, he never fainted.

Ah Jiu smiled and said: "A Wei, the neighbors want to borrow the lives of your father and daughter, don't you mind?"

"Why! I have no grievances with you, why do you want to kill me!" Coolie Wei was shocked and angry.

"If there is no injustice or enmity, can't you harm others?" Ah Jiu smiled, "I need a pair of blood-linked ghosts and ghosts. Your father and daughter have such a good relationship, so I think they can help me. Ah Wei, let me advance To your father and daughter, say thank you."

"Bastard, you have such a vicious heart!" Ku Liwei cursed, "No wonder you have been lonely and widowed all your life, you are so vicious, you must die a terrible death!"

"Of course I will die badly, so why not be vicious?" Ah Jiu coughed lightly, and said calmly, "A Wei, hate me, the more you hate me, the more resentment you generate, the more useful it will be to me."

"Please, let Ajuan go, she doesn't understand anything..." Coolie begged, "You want to kill me, I admit it, please let Ajuan go, she is so pitiful..."

"Hehehe..." Ah Jiu said with a smile, "Are you willing to die for A Juan?"

"As long as you let her go, I will do anything! Please, please!" Ku Liwei begged tearfully.

Ah Jiu looked at his face with a smile, and said slowly: "I heard that the evil seed born by father and daughter indiscriminately is the most filthy person in the world. Ah Wei, do you think your daughter A Juan is willing to give birth to you? child?"

Coolie Wei was stunned, as if he didn't expect Ah Jiu to say such vicious and shameless words.

"Are you still a human? You are still a human!" Ku Liwei yelled angrily, "You will be punished, bastard! You will definitely be punished!"

"Cough, cough, cough..." Ah Jiu coughed violently, with a flush on his face, "A Wei, I guess A Juan would be very willing to help you have a baby, haha! Just wait, I'll call A Juan right away." Come on, after she has finished giving birth to you, I'll chop her up and feed her to the dogs. After she turns into a ghost, I'll arrest the ghost again and serve me as a slave and handmaiden, who will never be reborn forever, hahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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