Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1043 Vicious

Chapter 1043 Vicious
What Chen You didn't expect was that he was not the only one who came to the stairwell to search for traces, but also Uncle Yan.

"Uncle Yan? What are you looking for?" Chen You asked

"What about you? You're not going to fry glutinous rice, what are you looking for?"

The two looked at each other, both a little dazed.

"Ah Feng told me that she saw someone pushing Chou Zui Dong downstairs." Uncle Yan said with a serious face, "So I'll take a look. What about you?"

"I also came here because of this incident." Chen You said, "How about it, did you find anything, Uncle Yan?"

"Come and see here." Uncle Yan led Chen You to the 21st floor with a solemn expression, and pointed to the edge of the stairs to show him, "Look, there are blood splatters and white scabs here."

Chen You felt awe-inspiring, knelt down to examine it carefully, and even reached out to touch it.

"The blood hasn't dried up yet." Chen You's expression became extremely serious, "It seems that Uncle Dong...something really happened..."

"Look at this again..." Uncle Yan took out a piece of paper from his pocket and opened it. The paper was stained with blood, and there was a gold tooth inside.

"This is Uncle Dong's!" Chen You said in surprise.

"Chou Zui Dong is most proud of his golden tooth, and he will never be wrong." Uncle Yan looked at Chen You seriously, "Ah Feng said that a man with many children killed Cu Zui Dong, but our building Now besides Xiaobai, where are the children?"

"Who do you suspect?" Chen You asked.

"Zhong Fa." Uncle Yan said, "This kid has been prone to crooked ways since he was a child. I felt a little strange about the child's death in the neighboring housing estate a few times ago..."

Uncle Yan shook his head when he said this: "I'm going to check his background and see if he did it."

"Call the police!" Chen You said, "Let the police investigate. Uncle Yan is out of our control. Murder is against the law. No matter who kills Uncle Dong, it must be dealt with by the government, not us."

"Don't call the police!" Uncle Yan suddenly raised his voice, "We ordinary people, if we can not alarm the government, it is best not to alarm the government."

"What year is this, Uncle Yan?" Chen You said speechlessly, "You are an old calendar, and now it is a society ruled by law!"

"No matter what kind of society it is, once the government comes, all sympathy will be gone." Uncle Yan said solemnly, "The dead are gone, but the living have to live. The old neighbors of decades, do anything You have to leave room for it, and you can’t do it absolutely.”

"Uncle Yan, he's dead now! Someone killed someone, Uncle Yan!" Chen You was even more speechless, "What room is there?"

"At least find out what's going on first." Uncle Yan said, "Let's guess that Chu Zuidong is dead, but no one was born and no corpse was seen. How can we be sure?"

"I met Aunt Mei just now." Chen You said, "She told me that Uncle Dong is not feeling well and is sleeping at home."

"Could it be that we really made a mistake?" Uncle Yan was also a little uncertain, "Could it be that Skunk Dong really fell down the stairs, but didn't fall to his death..."

"Yes, if Uncle Dong is really dead, Aunt Mei has no reason to hide it from us..." Chen You frowned, "Also, Aunt Mei smells like embalming medicine, which...was smeared on the corpse in the early years. The purpose is to prevent the body from decomposing and rotting."

"A friend, I think we should at least make sure that Chou Zui Dong is dead or not." Uncle Yan said, "Well, I'll go to Ah Jiu to see what's wrong, and then you can go to Aunt Mei to see what Chou Zui Dong is up to." Are you at home?"

"No, I'll go to Ah Jiu, Uncle Yan, you go to Aunt Mei." Chen You said, "Uncle Yan, you and Aunt Mei are of the same generation, and some things are easier to say than me."

In fact, Chen You thought Ah Jiu was dangerous and didn't want any accidents to happen to Uncle Yan.

"Alright." Uncle Yan nodded.

The two left the stairwell and split up.

At this time, Su Yi was wearing Taoist robes, and was saving the two twin female ghosts at 2442.

The reason why Su Yi did this at this time was because it was a foregone conclusion that Uncle Dong would become a zombie. He took advantage of Ajiu's body refinement to get rid of the pair of twin female ghosts first, so as to save time when the ghouls merged into one, doubling their power.

His thinking is correct, at least one hidden danger has been removed.

It's a pity that the villain is wholeheartedly doing evil, and there are hidden dangers everywhere.

Boom boom boom!
Boom boom boom!
Uncle Yan knocked on Aunt Mei's door and knocked for a long time.

Just when he suspected that there was no one at Aunt Mei's house, he suddenly heard Aunt Mei's exclamation from inside.

Uncle Yan immediately knocked on the door again: "Sister Mei, I heard you're home! Open the door! Open the door, I need you if I need something, it's urgent!"

He knocked hard on the door for a while before it was opened.

It's just that the door was only opened a crack, and Aunt Mei hid behind the crack, looking at Uncle Yan with an indifferent expression.

A bloody stench came out, and the breath was cold.

Uncle Yan frowned, and wanted to look in through the crack of the door, but Aunt Mei immediately closed the door vigilantly, and Uncle Yan hurriedly stretched out his foot to block it.

"Sister Mei, don't close the door!" Uncle Yan complained, "You are at home, why don't you open the door? I have something to do with you!"

"What's the matter, tell me." Aunt Mei was silent for a moment, then asked.

"Could it be through the door?" Uncle Yan dissatisfied, "Why, you don't welcome me?"

"Why?" Aunt Mei squeezed out an ugly smile, "It's not convenient at home."

People have no intention of getting out of the way at all.

Uncle Yan was even more suspicious.

He was silent for a moment, and said: "Sister Mei, it's because this month's water and electricity bills were calculated incorrectly, Brother Dong paid more, I want to bring the list over and recalculate."

"Another day." Aunt Mei said without thinking.

"No, the account will be rolled over this afternoon." Uncle Yan said with a smile.

"That's fine." Aunt Mei said.

"It doesn't work either. I'm so anxious because my accounts don't match up now." Uncle Yan said, "Sister Mei, it's better to get the list. Give it to me, and I'll leave."

Aunt Mei looked at Uncle Yan, and was about to try to close the door, but Uncle Yan's feet were firmly against the door, preventing her from closing it. She stared at Uncle Yan for a while, with strange eyes.

Uncle Yan smiled and looked at Aunt Mei, pretending to be stupid.

"Then wait a moment." Aunt Mei turned around and walked in.

Uncle Yan waited for a few seconds, then opened the door and walked in, just in time to see Aunt Mei enter the kitchen and close the kitchen door.

He looked solemn, and after entering the room, the pungent stench and bloody smell became stronger.

He looked around vigilantly, but found nothing unusual, but felt that the room was extraordinarily cold, and after only a short while since he came in, he was so cold that he had goosebumps all over his body, and he took a deep breath.

He glanced at the kitchen again, and there was clearly a figure standing behind the glass door of the kitchen, motionless, presumably it was Aunt Mei who had just entered.

What is Aunt May doing behind the kitchen door?
Uncle Yan was full of thoughts, and quickly walked to the door of the bedroom and looked inside. There was no one in there, and everything was normal.

It's just that the beds are scattered, with a lot of sand on them, which looks dirty.

Smelly mouth winter is really not there?
Uncle Yan's eyes fell on the closed door of the bathroom.

He glanced at the motionless figure standing behind the kitchen door again, gave up the plan to say anything, walked quickly to the bathroom door, twisted the doorknob, pushed the door open and entered.

A rancid smell hit his face, making Uncle Yan extremely uncomfortable. He retched a few times and almost spat it out.

The bathroom was even colder and dark inside, and the windows were tightly covered by a black cloth.

Uncle Yan reached out and turned on the light.


The lights flickered on and off, as if the voltage was unstable.

Uncle Yan saw a person sitting in the bathtub with his back straight.

From the side, it clearly looks like a stinky mouth!

"Brother Dong!" A creepy feeling arose in an instant, and Uncle Yan felt the hairs all over his body suddenly stand up, and subconsciously called out.


Under the bright and dark lights, Uncle Yan found that there was something wrong with the smelly mouth in front of him.

His hair was shaved, and his scalp was covered with dense stitches, and the flesh was rolled up like a soaked ball.

A piece of purple talisman was pasted on his forehead, his eyes were wide open, and his teeth were clenched tightly.


Why can you see his densely clenched teeth from the side?

Why is his mouth almost grinning to the base of his ears?

Why is the bathtub full of dirt?
Why is his lower body buried in the soil?


Uncle Yan swallowed hard, and called again in a trembling voice: "Brother Dong?"

No one answered.

He moved forward slowly, without noticing that Aunt Mei walked out of the kitchen at some point, without making a sound, and stood outside the bathroom door, her eyes were bloodshot, and she stared at Uncle Yan's face fiercely and viciously. Back, holding a kitchen knife tightly in his right hand, he approached quietly from behind.

Uncle Yan approached Uncle Dong step by step.

And Aunt Mei is also approaching Uncle Yan step by step.

Both of them held their breath almost subconsciously.



Uncle Yan finally saw Uncle Dong's appearance.

The black and blue hideous face, the bloody wounds, only the whites of the eyes are staring round!

The reason his face looks so dark is because of the fine black down growing out of his skin.

The hands placed on the legs were bent, and the nails were black and curved, like ten rusty iron hooks!
What the hell is this!

Uncle Yan's eyes widened, his expression was filled with fear!
This is by no means a normal person, not even a normal corpse!

He subconsciously took a step back, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a figure standing behind him.

Uncle Yan, who was already tense, had his heart pounding in his throat, and turned around hastily in fright.

Then he saw Aunt Mei's grim and contorted expression, holding the kitchen knife in both hands, raising it high, and then slamming it down.

Uncle Yan's expression changed drastically, and he took a step back subconsciously, but there was a bathtub behind him, so he tripped and fell backwards.

Aunt Mei's knife was supposed to cut Uncle Yan's neck, but when Uncle Yan fell down, the knife immediately cut down Uncle Yan's stomach.


Aunt Mei used all her strength to cut open Uncle Yan's intestines. Uncle Yan's stomach made a sound like air leaking, followed by all kinds of blood and filth flowing all over the floor!

Uncle Yan's eyes popped out suddenly, and he let out an extremely shrill scream.

But Aunt Mei's eyes were vicious, she gritted her teeth and stepped forward to slash Uncle Yan's neck again!

The blade was deeply embedded in Uncle Yan's neck, making his shouting stop abruptly!

Uncle Yan suddenly reached out and grabbed Aunt Mei's arm, staring at Aunt Mei's face with protruding eyes.

Aunt Mei was trembling and panting heavily, and she also stared at Uncle Yan.

In the end, Uncle Yan let go weakly and half-lyed on the bathtub.

Aunt Mei stared blankly at Uncle Yan's body, her eyes suddenly showed fear, and tears welled up in her eyes.

She burst into tears, her expression full of regret and guilt.

"I'm sorry... woo woo, are you sorry... It's my fault, it's my fault..."

She covered her face and wept bitterly. She stopped crying and cried suddenly. After she put her hands down, her tear-stained face was once again filled with ferocity and viciousness.

She struggled to pull out the kitchen knife embedded in Uncle Yan's cervical vertebrae, then tremblingly climbed onto the bathtub and rode on Uncle Yan's body, with horrifying eyes, clenched the kitchen knife tightly, and slashed down fiercely with her teeth.


She chopped more than a dozen times in a row, then dropped the kitchen knife, struggled to open the broken and broken ribs, and put her hand in...

"Master, master..." Aunt Mei murmured frantically, with blood on her hands, and suddenly laughed, tears streaming down her face as she smiled.

funeral home.

Chen You stepped into the threshold of the funeral home, looking around vigilantly.

On the altar of the God of Night Tour, the joss sticks had already been extinguished, and the melon and fruit offerings looked shriveled and withered.

There were no lights in the room and all the windows were sealed so it was very dark.

Chen You looked around, stopping for a while on the ashes shelf on the west wall.

But quickly looked away.

"Ah Jiu?" He called out in a deep voice.

But no one answered.

Suddenly he seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked to a corner.

I saw a little girl covered in blood standing there, wearing a white floral dress, with disheveled hair, pale skin, blood and tears in her eyes, staring at Chen You.

Chen You and her looked at each other for a moment, and the kid took a step back, his body hidden in the darkness, and slowly disappeared.

Another brat!
Chen You's eyes showed a bit of disgust and anger.

Raising little ghosts is actually a case-by-case basis. Patriarch Maoshan also raised little ghosts, but they were all ghost babies. The purpose of raising ghosts was not to enslave them, but to dissolve their grievances and transform them. They reincarnate early.

But the little ghosts raised by Ah Jiu are full of resentment, and they are obviously not raised for the purpose of transforming them.

This is a typical evil way, which is also the reason why Chen You and Ah Jiu have not been in contact with each other.

That is to say, Chen You's "inaction", if he was someone who couldn't rub the sand in his eyes, he would have been fighting with Ah Jiu long ago.

With anger in his eyes, Chen You took out a talisman paper from his pocket and put it in his palm, then walked towards the back hall.

Going around the door wall, there is still a lot of space behind. Seven or eight coffins are placed against the walls in all directions, both red and black. In the niches on the wall, there are also urns of different styles.

While looking around, Chen You cautiously held the talisman paper and walked inside.

"Ah Jiu?"

He called again, but still no answer.

He went through the back hall and into another room.

What he didn't see was that as soon as he left, Ah Jiu sat up from a coffin, looking at the direction he was leaving expressionlessly, with cold eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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