Chapter 1044
Chen You quickly adapted to the light in the dark room.

He looked around vigilantly, knowing very well in his heart that this place was full of dangers, and he had to be careful.

Although he didn't come rushing to tear faces with Ah Jiu, Ah Jiu is not a fool.

If Ah Jiu had just killed Uncle Dong, he would come looking for him now, with his special status, it would only make Ah Jiu feel that the matter had been revealed.

Is it possible for Ah Jiu not to do one thing and not to stop at the other?

This might still be huge.

That's why Chen You didn't let Uncle Yan come here, because he thought it was more dangerous here.

He felt that at least Aunt Mei would not harm anyone over there.

Therefore, Chen You maintained a [-]% vigilance, and had already made various plans in his mind to ensure that any emergencies occurred, and he would make accurate responses to ensure his own safety.

To put it bluntly, he came here because of his courage.

But as soon as the danger appeared, he would be cowardly.

He made up his mind not to confront Ah Jiu head-on as much as possible.

"Ah Jiu?" Chen You called out again.

But still no one responded.

The room was very quiet, even a little outrageously quiet.

The sound of dripping water from the eaves in the backyard can be clearly heard.

In addition, there seemed to be faintly painful groans, which came to Chen You's ears intermittently.


Chen You was terrified!

He clasped the talisman paper tightly, his whole body was tense, and his vigilance was still raised to the extreme.

He is hunched over like a night owl, jumping away at any sign of trouble and launching a counterattack.

But it was pitch black all around, and nothing changed.

"Uh... ah..."

The sound of Shen Yin came again, this time Chen You heard it clearly, the sound came from underground.

Is it a human or a ghost?

Chen You followed the sound to search, and soon found a wooden board buckled on the ground. He vigilantly moved the board with his feet and removed it, revealing a square hole.

It was pitch black at the entrance of the cave, and there was nothing there.


This time it was heard more clearly. It was a man's voice, which seemed to be unconsciously moaning in pain.

The sound came from the hole!
Along with the sound, there is also a strong smell of blood!
There is a living person imprisoned here!
Chen You was terrified!

His complexion changed drastically, and he was uncertain for a moment. He made a decision, quickly tore off a large piece of his clothes, took out a match, lit it, and threw it down.

The light of the fire fell to the ground, and by the light of the fire, Chen You discovered that the cave was a basement!

The basement is about ten square meters in size, and the four walls are covered with strange runes painted with blood. There is a rectangular wooden table in the center of the basement, and a person is lying on the table. This person is naked, and the runes on his body are drawn from his chest to his thighs. , lying flat in a large font, dying.

His wrist and ankle were nailed with a bone nail about a foot long!This bone nail apparently was made of a child's thighbone, with strange Taoist runes engraved on it, blood-stained, but smooth as jade.

In the bright and dark light of the fire, Chen You could clearly see the appearance of this man.

A man who was originally as lively as a dragon and a tiger is now dying, with a delirious look.

While Chen You was horrified, he felt a chill rise from his tailbone and spread all over his body in an instant!

In addition to recognizing that the person whose limbs were nailed by bone nails was Coolie Wei, he also recognized the layout of the basement, which was obviously an extremely vicious and evil magic circle!
The name of this magic circle is "Five Curses to Punish Crimes". It sounds like a magic circle to subdue demons and eliminate demons, but in fact it is completely the method of evil spirits and heretics, very vicious and vicious.

This kind of magic circle is usually used by evil practitioners to harm people.

The four bone nails can magnify the pain of the casted person a hundred times, whether it is physical or mental.

The runes on his body and the surrounding walls can guarantee that he will be trapped in a painful illusion every minute and every second, and he will not be able to escape!

The plot of the illusion is usually the most feared thing in the heart of the caster, and it is usually the caster who decides the direction of the plot of the illusion before setting up the formation. It is rooted in the heart of the caster through means similar to psychological suggestion deep.

Why is it called the five curses?

This is because every five hours, the caster will be tortured and have one of their senses removed.

They are pulling out the tongue, cutting the nose, poking the ear, gouging out the eye and nailing the brain.

These five kinds of torture are also five kinds of vicious curses, and the targets of the curses are usually people who have direct blood relationship with the caster.

After all the five curses are performed, the caster will immediately turn into a ghost full of hatred.And the cursed person will also have their five senses blocked, trapped in the same terrifying illusion of reincarnation and cannot be freed, and then they will also turn into ghosts and ghosts, and cannot escape.

Because the evil ghosts were killed by Ah Jiu, they would resent Ah Jiu, but they were also afraid of Ah Jiu. Usually, the born ghosts were either beaten to death by the spellcaster, or became materials for refining Li Gui Banner.

Chen You had only heard of this vicious curse circle from a colleague a few years ago, but this is the first time he has seen it now.

He was not only terrified by the existence of this vicious magic circle, but also horrified by Ah Jiu's cruelty.

What enmity and resentment, he actually used such an inhumane method to deal with Coolie Wei's father and daughter?
There is only one person related to Coolie Wei by blood, and that is A Juan.

Ah Jiu set up the vicious circle of five curses to punish crimes, not only to kill Kui Liwei, but also to curse A Juan to death.

But why?
Coolie Wei has always lived a cautious life, even if he is bullied, he will do it himself, and never conflict with others. How did he offend Ah Jiu, and it is worth Ah Jiu to use such a vicious method to deal with him?

Why did Ah Jiu suddenly kill both Uncle Dong and Coolie Wei's father and daughter in such a frenzied manner?
Chen You is scared!

He already had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart, and decided to leave immediately!

This matter has completely exceeded his imagination, and the truth behind it makes him shudder just thinking about it.

He felt that this was not something he could get involved in. This matter must be reported to the police immediately and handed over to the government for handling.

Just when Chen Youmeng was about to retire, something happened suddenly!


With a shrill and venomous cry, seven or eight little ghosts showed hideous and terrifying faces from the darkness in front of them, and all rushed towards Chen You!

At this moment, Chen You was shocked by the scene in the basement, and this sudden attack shocked him a lot!

Fortunately, even if he lost his mind, he still kept a bit of vigilance. At this moment, he didn't even want to throw out the talisman paper that had been held in his hand, and while getting up and backing away, he shouted sharply: "Back off!"

The talisman paper exploded, and the golden light flourished!
Seven or eight little ghosts were immediately covered in black smoke by the blazing golden light, screaming as if they had been hit hard, and flew out backwards, disappearing within the wall.

The blazing golden light illuminated the originally dark material, and also revealed a murderous face behind Chen You.

Ah Jiu!

Before Chen You had time to catch his breath, he felt a chill in his back, his chest suddenly swelled, something pierced through his back, and pierced out of his front chest.

He froze all over and lowered his head in disbelief, only to see a rusty brass spear point piercing through his right chest.

Ru Chao's severe pain began to rush all over his body, and the blood stains also quickly spread, "pattering" along the corner of his clothes to the floor, converging into a stream in the blink of an eye.

Chen You's lips twitched a few times, and his eyes showed confusion, which then turned into endless fear.

He turned around with difficulty, and saw Ah Jiu's eyes full of murderous intent.

Ah Jiu held a heavily oxidized short spear in his hand. This short spear was seen by Chen You just now, in the hands of the bronze statue of the Night Touring God outside.

Ah Jiu gritted her teeth, suddenly grabbed the spear, and kicked Chen You!
Chen You staggered a few steps and fell into the hole in the basement.

"Cough cough cough..." Ah Jiu coughed violently and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

He hunched over in the blood and coughed vigorously, almost coughing up his lungs, and coughed up several mouthfuls of blood before he recovered.

He panted like a bellows, and rested for a few minutes, then went to the corner to turn on the light in the basement, and carefully lay down on it and looked down.

After Chen You regained consciousness, he found that his limbs were tightly bound, his clothes were ripped open, and his chest was exposed.

Ah Jiu was dipping a brush into his blood and drawing a symbol on his chest.

Seeing Chen You wake up, Ah Jiu glanced at him, turned his gaze away, and said lightly, "Are you awake? How do you feel? Does it still hurt?"

Chen You gasped weakly, and found that he couldn't shake his head even if he wanted to.

There was a taste of rust in his mouth, and his mind was muddled.

He knew that it was caused by excessive blood loss.

"Life-continuing talisman?" He looked at Ah Jiu who was busy on his chest, guessed what he was doing, and said weakly, his tone was full of sarcasm, "What? Are you afraid that I will die and spoil your good deed?"

Ah Jiu was very calm, and while drawing a talisman, he replied: "A practitioner's true spirit is pure after death. If you know the method of ghost cultivation, you can immediately switch to the ghost way and cultivate into a fierce ghost to exist in the world. You saw Coolie Wei, I can't let go If you leave, I cannot let you die. Your death is a greater threat than your life."

"Ho ho ho..." Chen You laughed strangely, "The talisman of life extension is not a talisman of longevity. I will die sooner or later. You can stop me for a while at most."

"Seven days!" Ah Jiu glanced at him, "As long as you live another seven days, even if you die and turn into a ghost cultivator, it will still be my food!"

Chen You's pupils shrank suddenly, and said, "What are you going to do!"

Ah Jiu drew the symbol silently.

Just when Chen You thought he would not answer him, Ah Jiu suddenly said quietly: "You told me before that practitioners do evil, and karma does not have to be repaid after death. You want me to be careful in the last few years. Actually , the last few years have long since disappeared..."

"I have lung cancer. When I was diagnosed, it was already at an advanced stage and there was no cure."

"The cigarettes I smoke are the ashes of raising little ghosts. They are used to prolong my life, but the symptoms are not cured. The evil spirit in my body has accumulated so much that it is impossible to live again."

"In the past two years, many children in the nearby housing estates have died, and you did it?" Chen You asked.

"It's me." Ah Jiu said calmly, "There are nine children in total, five boys and four girls, all of whom are ignorant children no older than eight years old."

Anger welled up in Chen You's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You are so vicious, you don't even want your humanity in order to survive!"

"I can't even be human, what else do I need to be human?" Ah Jiu suddenly laughed.

"You are also a practitioner. If you commit such crimes, you are not afraid that your soul will be scattered and you will never be reborn?" Chen You panted.

"Afraid, why aren't you afraid?" Ah Jiu's eyes showed sincere fear, and he even started to tremble when he spoke, "It's because I'm afraid, that's why I don't want to die, but I have to die... What can I do? You teach me, what should I do?" How to do?"

He suddenly turned hard, stared at Chen You and gritted his teeth: "When I was young, I did everything I should do. At that time, I just wanted to have fun for a while, but when I was old, I realized that there is a great horror between life and death..."

Ah Jiu's voice began to tremble again: "So I can't die, I absolutely can't die, if I die, not only will I lose my dignity, and I will suffer the death penalty in the world, and my soul will be scattered and completely dissipated. This colorful world will not have me in the future. Nine! How can this work? How can this work?"

Chen You was stunned for a long time, but his expression finally changed.

"You use Uncle Dong to refine the corpse?" He finally guessed Ah Jiu's purpose, "You want to use the yin to extract the yang, and use the corpse to revive the soul?"

Chen You's eyes widened, and he took a deep breath: "Zombies have souls but no souls, and ghosts have souls but no souls. The two are refined and integrated, and they are neither alive nor dead corpses. The world hates you! You use the five curses to punish crimes." Killing the father and daughter of Coolie Wei, they want to use the power of blood to remotely control the zombies, let them overcome the calamity on your behalf, and escape the hurdle of the underworld, right?"

"Cough cough cough..." Ah Jiu coughed a few times, "I knew it, I can't hide it from you."

"I can't live, and I can't die, so I have no choice but to live or die." Ajiu Youyou looked at Chen You, "I have only one way."

"What a big hand, what a cruel heart!" Chen You gritted his teeth, "You are so confident that you can fool ghosts?"

"For the past six months, every day when the ghost messenger came, I sealed myself with a sunshade coffin." Ah Jiu said, "For the ghost messenger, I don't exist in this place at all."

"You started planning half a year ago? You are really deliberate..." Chen You sarcastically said, "No wonder you have the idea of ​​twin female ghosts, father and daughter Ah Wei, you are the one who can't ask for twin daughters, so the second best is right?"

"If you had given me the twin girls to Coolie Wei, they wouldn't have died." Ajiu said lightly, "I have taken the twin ghosts, which can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people. I can kill two birds with one stone. Brother You, Coolie Wei, their father and daughter, Didn't have to die."

"What do you mean, could it be that I harmed them?" Chen You sneered, "Ah Jiu, you will not succeed! If you want to go against the sky, you will never succeed!"

"Success or failure, I have no way out." Ah Jiu looked at Chen You, "Brother You, in fact, I also fantasized about changing, the regrets of the past."

"I envy you very much. You can live without fear of life and death. It's a pity that I can't be as free and easy as you. It can only be said that it was a wrong step and a wrong step to get to where I am today."

"Don't make it look like you are being forced to do nothing!" Chen You sneered, "No one forces you to do evil, and you can turn back at any time. You are just a coward who has done something but dare not bear it!"

"Whatever you say." Ah Jiu shook her head, and changed the topic, "Qian Xiaohao, what's going on?"

"That day...I saw him flying...what the hell is he?" Ah Jiu asked with a fearful expression.

(End of this chapter)

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