Chapter 1045
"Heavenly Lord is merciful, and saves all the ghosts. The ten directions proclaim the subtlety, and the amulet pardons the spring. Save the suffering of the three, and leave the bloody lake. The souls are depressed, and the men and women will always be promoted..."

In 2442, Su Yi was wearing Taoist robes and was chanting scriptures to save twin female ghosts.

In the Dharma altar, Luo Geng's plate was hung high above the ceiling, and "Qing Qiang Qiang" turned slightly.

This compass is originally a psychic tool, and it can operate by itself with the yin and yang aura.

When Luo Gengpan turns to the time when the five elements are distinct and the gossip returns to its place, this ceremony of transcendence will be regarded as a complete accomplishment.

In the gossip mirror, the twin ghosts were roaring crazily, their voices full of pain and resentment.

If they were released at this moment, they would definitely live forever with Su Yi, because they are suffering so much now because of Su Yi.

This is also the biggest embarrassment faced by saving the ghosts. It is a good thing to save the ghosts, but the ghosts will never appreciate it until the karma is completely eliminated and the merits are completed.

Since ancient times, there have been many cases where something went wrong in the middle of the transcendence, and the ghosts turned back on the practitioners, "repaying kindness with revenge", which can be described as pitiful, sad, and deplorable.

Hearing the howling in the gossip mirror getting weaker and weaker, even with a bit of pleading and panic, Su Yi stopped chanting.He drew the Zhang An talisman again, pasted it on the gossip mirror, added joss sticks, and spread clean water, before Su Yi stepped down from the altar.

Of course, this is only a temporary intermission, and it is far from over.

When the pair of twin female ghosts regained their original consciousness, not only did they not burn their karma when they chanted sutras, but instead restored their souls, Su Yi's salvation would be over.

Judging from the current progress, this process will take at least four days.

Su Yi took a sip of water to moisten his throat, then turned and walked into the bedroom.

In the bedroom, Xiaobai was squatting by the window, while Ajuan was lying on the bed, seemingly asleep.

Su Yi frowned, and immediately realized something was wrong.

Although A Juan's condition has improved, she has not reached the point where she can fall asleep anytime and anywhere.

He immediately stepped forward to check, and immediately found something wrong.

A Juan's face turned blue, her eyes were closed tightly, her silver teeth were clenched tightly, clearly she was swaying.

He reached out and touched his forehead.

It's frighteningly cold!

Su Yi felt as if he had touched a piece of ice, which was not the temperature a normal person should have at all.

I got sick?
Do not!Probably not, A Juan was fine an hour ago.

"Did something happen just now?" Su Yi turned to look at Xiaobai.

Xiaobai shook his head.

nothing happened?
"When did she become like this?" Su Yi turned his head and asked Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai thought for a while, and said, "It's not long since you went out last time."

That was about forty or fifty minutes ago, Su Yi frowned and stretched out his hand to feel A Juan's pulse.

Pulse is normal.

Su Yi also sent internal energy to regulate her meridians.

But it's useless at all.

Su Yi frowned, walked out the door after thinking for a while, picked up a pen to lay out the talisman paper, made the seal with his hand, and began to draw the talisman.

"Tai Shangtai star, constantly responding to changes, exorcising evil spirits, protecting life and body, clear and pure wisdom, peaceful mind, three eternal souls, no loss of soul..."

Soon, a pure heart talisman was drawn.

This talisman is one of the eight basic talismans of Taoism, which has the functions of purifying the body and mind and protecting the soul.

Su Yi checked her pulse and couldn't find anything wrong with A Juan, and she couldn't find any problems by sending her internal energy to recuperate her.

But Ajuan was cold all over and unconscious. After much deliberation, Su Yi decided to try to exorcise Ajuan to see if she was cursed or possessed by something unclean.

Su Yi returned to the bedroom with the talisman, pinched the formula with his left hand, and clamped the talisman paper with his index finger and middle finger with his right hand, and said in his mouth: "People come separated by heavy paper, and ghosts come separated by mountains. Do not open, hurry as if there is no supreme law!"

Su Yi was just about to stick the talisman on A Juan's body, but the talisman spontaneously ignited without fire!

Su Yi hurriedly let go and threw away the talisman paper, the expression on his face instantly became ugly.

Someone is playing tricks!

The talisman spontaneously ignited before it was pasted on A Juan's body, which indicated that the situation was serious and could not be solved with just a cleansing talisman.

Xiaobai can see dirty things, but he didn't see anything just now, which at least shows that Ajuan is not evil.

Then there is only one possibility—curse!

Ah Juan was cursed!
The first thing Su Yi thought of was Ah Jiu.

There should be no one else but him.

In other words, Ah Jiu has stopped thinking about the twin female ghosts, and changed her target to hit A Juan?
Will Coolie Wei also be in danger?
If this was the usual time, Coolie Wei would have come to pick up A Juan long ago.

But now Coolie Wei is not here...

problem occurs.

Su Yi's heart sank slightly.

Of course he would not make a metaphysical mistake, thinking that he would be at ease after saving the twin female ghosts.

But Ah Jiu changed the target so decisively, not only targeting the living, but also targeting A Juan, which was beyond Su Yi's expectation.

twins, father and daughter...

Su Yi had some vague guesses, but he couldn't be sure.

He asked Chen You to call the police to make trouble for Ajiu, but now Ajuan was cursed, and Chen You didn't come back after being gone for so long...

Su Yi had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Bang bang bang!
Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Xiaobai, stay in the bedroom and don't come out." Su Yi warned, turned and left the bedroom.

There was a magic circle in the living room, so Su Yi didn't invite anyone in. After opening the door, he went straight out to the door.

It was Aunt Mei who came?
Su Yi sniffled, his expression immediately became extremely cold.

He could smell blood on Aunt Mei's body.

Although Aunt Mei changed her clothes, the blood on her shoes was still wet.

"Ahao, is Ajuan here?" Aunt Mei asked with a smile, "It was Awei who asked me to pick her up."

"Ah Jiu asked you to come, right?" Su Yi said lightly.

Aunt Mei shrank her pupils, but immediately asked in doubt: "What does it have to do with Ah Jiu? Ah Juan is not his daughter."

"Uncle Dong has been turned into a zombie, right?" Su Yi looked into her eyes, "Do you know that Ah Jiu pushed Uncle Dong down the stairs and fell to his death?"

Aunt Mei's expression changed drastically, and her eyes turned cold. She took a step back and said coldly, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Turn around and leave.

"Who did you kill just now?" Su Yi asked.

Aunt Mei froze, she was silent for a moment, without turning her head, she said: "Ah Hao, we are all neighbors, don't talk nonsense."

"It shouldn't be Brother You," Su Yi said, "Uncle Yan?"

Aunt Mei trembled again.

"Looks like it should be Uncle Yan." Su Yi sighed, "You ignorant and stupid poisonous woman, I really regret it, why didn't I slap you to death earlier!"

Aunt Mei suddenly turned around, staring at Su Yi with bloodshot eyes, her face distorted, and she gritted her teeth: "Why do you say these words? What on earth are you doing!"

Su Yi didn't bother to talk to her anymore, so he stepped forward and patted her forehead with his palm.

With a muffled sound, Aunt Mei trembled all over.

Su Yi withdrew his palm and said coldly to her: "Go back now, you still have time to walk back to your house, if you still want to make people run around...then die outside!"

After finishing speaking, Su Yi snorted coldly, turned and entered the room.

The door slammed shut with a "bang".

The situation has changed, and the overhaul must be suspended.

Su Yi looked at the supernatural circle that had been set up, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Halfway through the progress, he was forced to interrupt, just like sharpening a knife with a whetstone. Instead, it grinds away the "rust" of the twin female ghosts, making them sharper.

The twin female ghosts who have eliminated part of their karma have become more powerful, and the gossip mirror may not be able to seal them.

If they run out...

They will definitely look for Su Yi desperately.

There are enough bad things, there can't be any mistakes in this.

Su Yi was very anxious, but at this time he forcibly restrained himself.

He held a pen in his right hand, pinched the Qing Jue with his left hand, and recited in his mouth: "Heaven's decree, earth's decree, I obey the patriarch like a law!"

The pen walks the dragon and snake.

He quickly drew another "Magic Sealing Talisman" and pasted it on the gossip mirror.

Then put the gossip mirror on the ceiling fan to prevent Xiaobai from tearing up the talisman paper for fun.

Only then did he take the Luo Geng plate, picked up the mahogany sword, and was ready to go out.

Before leaving, he said to Xiaobai: "You just stay at home and don't go anywhere. I will find your mother as soon as possible and let her stay with you, understand?"

Xiaobai nodded vigorously.

"Ahao, are you going to beat up bad guys?"

"Yes." Su Yi said.

"This is for you." Xiao Bai took out a small plastic figure from his pocket.

This is a soldier with a gun.

"He will protect you." Xiao Bai looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi took it and looked at it, then rubbed Xiaobai's head with a smile: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Xiaobai replied seriously.

Su Yi got up and put the soldier in his pocket, turned around and went out the door.

He went to Chen You's house first, but no one was there, so he took the elevator downstairs without any hesitation.

On the other side, Aunt Mei returned to her home in a daze, and went straight to the bathroom full of bloody corpses.

Uncle Dong was still sitting upright in the bathtub, but his mouth and face were covered with blood.

The black down on his body seemed to be denser and thicker.

Aunt Mei stared blankly for a while, then turned around and went to the kitchen, took out a sharp boning knife, and went back to the bathroom.

She struggled to climb into the bathtub and stood in front of Uncle Dong.

She stretched out her hand tremblingly, caressing Uncle Dong's face, and murmured: "Conspiracy, it's all conspiracies...Master, you are right, there is indeed a conspiracy."

"Ahao slapped me, I can feel it, I won't live long, he knows that I killed Ayan... I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it..."

As she spoke, Aunt Mei suddenly trembled all over, her expression becoming frightened.

She was trembling, her expression was sometimes frightened, and sometimes vicious.

In the end, her gaze fell on Uncle Dong's face again, and his expression softened again.

"These fat pigs are all trying to kill us,'s okay, I'm here to accompany you, master, I miss you..."

Aunt Mei seemed to be crying but not crying, she unbuttoned her clothes tremblingly, revealing her shriveled body like an ugly orange peel.

She aimed the sharp knife at her heart, and moved her body closer to Uncle Dong, trying to adjust the angle and align the position.

After thinking about it, she took off the talisman paper stuck on Uncle Dong's forehead again, and stuck it on her own forehead.

"Master, I'm here, I'm here..."

There was a look of madness and determination in her eyes, her hands trembled violently, but she continued to exert force.

The sharp knife pierced her heart inch by inch.

Aunt Mei was breathing heavily, her expression twisted, her lips trembling violently.

At a certain moment, her eyes were fixed, and she pulled out the knife vigorously.

Blood sprayed out immediately.

She staggered, hugged Uncle Dong's head in a hurry, adjusted her body position tremblingly, and aimed the wound at Uncle Dong's mouth.

"Drink it... drink it, sir, the warm blood of your heart... you drink it, the pain will stop, you will be fine, master, master..."

Aunt Mei murmured, and gradually lost her voice.

Until she swallowed her last breath, she still hugged Uncle Dong's head tightly, and aimed her knife at Uncle Dong's mouth.

Uncle Dong was still sitting upright, and Aunt Mei was holding his head like a child, standing obliquely in front of him.

After an unknown amount of time, Uncle Dong's nails suddenly moved.

On the other side, Su Yi went straight into Uncle Dong's funeral home.

Before entering the door, he pinched the seal with his hand and recited in his mouth: "Lingbao Tianzun, comforting figure, disciple's soul, five viscera and mystery, green dragon and white tiger, battle formations, red bird and basalt, bodyguard's figure..."

After chanting the cleansing mantra, the scene in front of Su Yi's eyes was in a trance, and he immediately saw a kid with no eyes behind the door staring at him with black eyes.

There was also a kid hanging upside down on the door frame, with black and red blood dripping from its mouth, half of its face was bloody, and maggots were crawling around.

In the room, in front of the bronze statue of the God of Night Tour, the little ghost with the slit eyes that Su Yi had seen before was also standing there.

Seeing Su Yi looking at him, the kid let out a horrified cry, turned around and ran back into the darkness.

Su Yi's eyes fell on the other two little ghosts, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he grabbed the mahogany sword in his hand.

The two little ghosts also immediately retracted their bodies, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Su Yi has sharp eyes and ears, and even standing here, he can still hear the sound of a conversation coming from somewhere in the room.

One of them was Ah Jiu, who still vaguely heard the name "Qian Xiaohao".

The other is Chen You, but hearing his voice, he seems very weak.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he was alive.

Without hesitation, he stepped into the door.

Just a few steps forward, the conversation stopped abruptly.

Su Yi knew that Ah Jiu must have learned of his arrival through the little ghost.

But he didn't care, and walked in while looking around.

Walking around the front hall, Su Yi raised his eyebrows suddenly.

Because he heard another Shen Yin sound.

The voice was neither Ah Jiu nor Chen You, it was clearly from a third person.

It's just that the voice was very vague and weak, and Su Yi couldn't tell who it was.

Without hesitation, Su Yi went straight through the back hall and came to the house with the basement.

The room was pitch black, with no light at all.

Two weak breaths came from somewhere underground, and there was actually a third breath, but the sound of this breath seemed to be blocked.

Although it was in the dark, Su Yi still saw the entrance to the basement at a glance.

Without hesitation, he stepped forward and jumped down.

As soon as the man landed, the two little ghosts rushed towards him with grinning teeth, but Su Yi didn't care about it, and stabbed back like a dragonfly with the mahogany sword in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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