Chapter 1046
Su Yi is not good at using swords. Even though he has the cheat book of Dugu Nine Swords, he has never had the patience to learn this martial art.

But no matter how bad his swordsmanship is, it is not something ordinary people can catch.

Ah Jiu's moves against Su Yi are exactly the same as those used against Chen You.

In a dark environment, use the imp to attract attention in front, and he sneaks up behind.

This is how Chen You was recruited.

But the same moves are not enough to deal with Su Yi.

Su Yi didn't care about the two little ghosts at all, and pointed the mahogany sword in his hand at the main points on Ah Jiu's body behind him like a storm.

With a "clang", the short bronze spear in Ah Jiu's hand fell to the ground, and he froze in place, unable to move at all.

And as Su Yi turned around, two pounced imps just bumped into the Luo Geng pan Su Yi was carrying.

With a loud noise and flashing golden light, the two little devils screamed and flew upside down, covered in green smoke, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After doing this, Su Yi leaned over and helped Chen You who was half lying on the ground up, tore off the rags and socks that blocked his mouth, flicked his wrist, and shot it out as a hidden weapon, directly hitting the light switch.

The entire basement was instantly illuminated.

Su Yi glanced at Chen You, who was covered in blood, and frowned slightly. He pointed out Rudian and touched several acupuncture points on his body to prevent his injury from worsening.

Then stick the palm of your hand to the back of your heart, and slowly convey the internal force.

After a while, white air came out from the top of Chen You's head, and his bloodless face seemed to have regained a little rosiness.

Ah Jiu, who had her body's vital points sealed, looked at this scene in horror. She wanted to move, but she couldn't.

Chen You gasped for a few sharp breaths, and finally came to his senses.

"Hurry up, save Ah Wei!" He pointed at Coolie Wei who was nailed to the table, "If it's later, it would be crazy to save him."

"Is there any particularity?" Su Yi turned his head and looked at the four bone nails that nailed Coolie Wei's limbs.

"Knock him out, don't let him wake up, pull out the nail, and move him down!" Chen You hurriedly ordered, "Other things, we can talk about it after we get out."

Su Yi didn't talk nonsense, he stepped forward in twos and threes, first quickly tapped some of Cooliewei's acupoints to ensure that he fell into a deep coma, then quickly pulled out the four bone nails nailed to his limbs, and used the pulse-cutting finger to stop him After bleeding, he lifted Coolie Wei off the table and let him lean against the wall.

Su Yi looked at the four bone nails in his hand and saw at a glance that these four objects came from four different children and were made of the child's femur bones.

He glanced coldly at Ah Jiu who was full of horror: "Damn it."

"You can't let him die." Chen You clutched his chest and panted, "You tapped his acupuncture points? Are you sure he can't move?"

"Can't move." Su Yi said, "He has to ask me if he wants to fart now!"

"That's good! That's good..." Chen You breathed a sigh of relief, "Have you brought your mobile phone? Just call 999 to call the police. We can no longer participate in this matter, and hand him over to the police!"

There was a pause at this point, Chen You seemed to have touched the wound, took a breath, gritted his teeth and said to Ah Jiu: "You have killed so many people, hurt me and Coolie Wei, and done so many bad things, you are going to die In jail!"

A terrified look appeared on Ah Jiu's face.

"Is he afraid of going to jail?" Su Yi asked.

"Of course!" Chen You sneered, "A ghost who dies in a human prison will be hooked directly into the underworld. He has no place to hide if he wants to! He can't escape even if he runs away. With all the bad things he has done in his life, he just waits for him to escape." Suffer all the punishment and then fly away!"

Ah Jiu seemed to be even more afraid, with pleading and fear in his eyes, but he couldn't even move a finger, and couldn't speak a word.

"Go up first, and then call the police." Su Yi really didn't bring a mobile phone when he came out, but when he came in just now, he saw a landline in the lobby outside.

He grabbed Chen You with one hand, kicked his feet, and the whole person flew up, out of the basement, and came to the room on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he went down two more times, and brought Ah Jiu and Coolie Wei up.

"I'll go to the police and call an ambulance by the way." Su Yi said, "Brother You, Ah Juan's sudden unconsciousness has something to do with this place?"

"That's right!" Chen You gritted his teeth and said, "But now that the magic circle is broken, Ah Juan will be fine soon. But Ah Wei... I hope he can survive by himself."

"This inhuman bastard is really harmful!" Chen You scolded.

Su Yi glanced at Ah Jiu, his eyes were full of pleading, as if he had something to say.

But Su Yi didn't want to hear a word from him.

This guy has tricky tricks, and Su Yi is afraid that something bad will happen if he recites some curse.

"Brother You, look at him, I'm going to make a call."

Su Yi took off the mahogany sword and compass and left them to Chen You, then turned and went to the hall outside to make a phone call.

Calling the police is the right choice. If the zombie is pulled into the police station, Su Yi still has a way to get it out again.

It doesn't matter if the zombie hasn't been refined yet, Su Yi understands a little bit now, at worst, find a place in the wilderness to continue practicing.

But the scourge Ah Jiu stayed outside, who knows what else he will do?
Su Yi can kill Aunt Mei without any scruples, but he cannot kill Ah Jiu.

Because this guy is more of a threat dead than alive.

Su Yi heard from Chen You that a cultivator's consciousness is clear after death, and he can understand his own condition right after death. He can turn into a ghost cultivator, or he can directly enter the underworld to reincarnate. .

Ah Jiu is still a living person now, and he can still be restrained by some means.

But if Ah Jiu is dead, if he wants to hide, it will be too difficult to find him.

"Hello, 999 Reporting Center, may I help you?"

"Hello, I'm here..."

"No! Ah Hao! Ah Hao!" Chen You shouted in horror from the back hall.

Su Yi was startled, he hung up the phone and rushed back quickly.

When he got to the back, he saw Ah Jiu who was standing limp on the ground, bleeding from his orifices.

And Chen You knelt in front of him with a shocking expression.

Su Yi stepped forward and squatted down, reaching out to touch Ah Jiu's carotid artery.


People are dead!

"How could this be?" Su Yi couldn't believe it.

"This guy is a ruthless man!" Chen You gritted his teeth, "He raised a heart-eating brat and hid it in his own flesh and blood. He can commit suicide with a single thought!"

Heart eater?

Su Yi was stunned.

He had calculated thousands of times, but he didn't expect Ah Jiu to hide this method.

He was afraid that something would happen to Ah Jiu, so he touched all the acupoints that could be touched, even the dumb acupoints, but something happened!

"If I just knocked him unconscious just now..." Su Yi looked at Chen You.

"It's useless!" Chen You sighed, "I guess the purpose of raising the Heart Eater is to wake him up immediately when he's unconscious. It's useless for you to knock him out. He wants to die, so it's useless .”

"What should we do now?" Su Yi immediately calmed down.

Things have happened, it's useless to think about it.

"Is there a way to find his bardo?" Su Yi asked.

"Compass!" Chen You struggled to squat down, gritted his teeth and said, "I can only try! But don't expect too much..."

"He was already prepared, and he must have run away immediately." Chen You said.

He said in his mouth, but his hands did not hesitate, took the compass handed to him by Su Yi, and while turning it, he read: "The heaven and the earth are natural, the filth and qi are scattered, the cave is mysterious, the Taiyuan is shining, the majesty of the eight directions, make me natural..."

This is the magic spell of purifying heaven and earth, which can make all ghosts and evil spirits invisible.

Supplemented by the magic power of the compass, all the unclean things in the vicinity will be revealed.

A few little ghosts ran away screaming, and a few old ghosts also flew away in panic in the ashes urn not far away.

The most frightening thing is that there is a ghost hidden in the statue of the God of Night Tour. It makes a sharp cry and soars into the sky, and disappears in the blink of an eye.

Neither Su Yi nor Chen You intended to stop them. They focused on looking around, searching for traces of Ah Jiu's bardo.

But the miracle did not happen in the end, and there was no trace of Ah Jiu's bardo.

"Sure enough, he ran away!" Chen You interrupted the incantation with a sullen face, "This guy is so daring, he actually made a ghost to enjoy the incense instead of the Night Tour God, no wonder he didn't dare to go to the underworld, if he went down, his soul would be the most merciful punishment for him! "

"Ah Jiuxin is dead, still in the bardo, is he capable of harming others?" Su Yi asked in a deep voice.

"He's not an ordinary bardo!" Chen You said, "If he...would be terrible!"

In the middle of speaking, Chen You's face suddenly changed: "Uncle Dong! If he..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Yi had already picked up the compass with one hand, and lifted him with the other. With one kick, he left the funeral home, and with another kick, he was already flying into the sky.

After jumping several times to Uncle Dong's room on the 24th floor, Su Yi broke through the window and entered.

He had just turned through the window when a black shadow flew out of the bathroom at the same time.

It's Uncle Dong!
The smell of blood and stench hits the nostrils!

Su Yi noticed that the body was covered with thick black hair, soaked in blood, with some flesh and filth hanging on its mouth and teeth, and its eyes were blood red, full of viciousness and evil.

Without saying a word, Su Yi dropped Chen You, and punched him with enough internal strength.

This punch hit Uncle Dong solidly, blood mist burst out from the latter's body, his chest was sunken, and his whole body suddenly flew upside down into the bathroom.

Su Yi directly chased him in, and the bathroom was covered with blood stained meat, bone residue and bits and pieces of tissue, as well as some blood-soaked rags, and two pairs of dirty shoes.

A pair of men's shoes and a pair of women's shoes, both of which looked like old people's shoes.

The bathtub was half broken, and there was a mess on the wall and the floor.

But other than that, nothing else!
Su Yi was terrified!

He punched the zombie in just now, but now it's gone!
With such a big bathroom, where can I hide it?

"Brother You!" Su Yi roared, looking around vigilantly, for fear that the zombie would suddenly appear from nowhere and attack him.

"The ghost thing is gone!" He yelled loudly, and quickly exited the bathroom.

Outside the house, Chen You's face was a little pale, and after hearing what Su Yi said, his expression became more serious.

"The enchantment! He escaped through the enchantment!" He gritted his teeth, "He has turned into a ghost—no, it's a ghoul! This is terrible!"

Su Yi grabbed Chen You and rushed to 2442 with lightness kung fu.

"Hey, hey, don't always grab me! I'm not a chicken..." Amidst Chen You's protest, Su Yi returned to 2442 and stepped away.

In a whirlpool near the balcony, a zombie with a collapsed chest was about to step out and grab the gossip mirror on the ceiling fan.


In one step, Su Yi sprang out and used his internal strength to fight!
However, this punch was in vain, and the vortex disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"Made!" Su Yi cursed, feeling a little scared in his heart.

The reason why he didn't bring the gossip mirror out before was because he was afraid that in case of a fight with Ah Jiu, the other party would have some means to release the twin female ghosts, and Su Yi would suffer from the enemy.

Unexpectedly, this zombie is such a thieves, and he came to 2442 to steal the house.

He hastily put away the gossip mirror with the magic sealing talisman on it, and hurriedly asked, "How do you enter the barrier to kill him?"

"I can't get in!" Chen You's expression was uncertain, "He is now between life and death, and the enchantment also exists between reality and illusion. He already knows spells, and he created the enchantment himself, unless he sets up an altar , otherwise there is no way to track it!"

"Coolie Wei!" Su Yi thought of Coolie Wei who was thrown into the funeral home by himself, "He has become like this now, will he still play Coolie Wei's idea?"

"Yes!" Chen You replied quickly, "He needs blood and soul to strengthen himself now, and the bad news came at a quarter past three in the evening. He only has a few hours, and he will definitely seize all the time to strengthen himself of!"

"We ruined his plan, so that he had to turn into a ghoul in advance, instead of turning into a ghoul after the catastrophe. He must hate us! In order to deal with ghosts, he must now devour life People and ghosts, ignore us for the time being! But if he passed the level of the ghost messenger tonight...then we will die!"

Chen You's voice trembled slightly, and the more he spoke, the more frightened he became.

Xiaobai's cry came from the bedroom.

Su Yi pushed open the door and took a look, and found that he was just frightened, and it was nothing.

A Juan is still in a coma and has not woken up.

Su Yi put up the gossip mirror, and he planned to take it with him. At this time, he couldn't care less.

"I'll go rescue Coolie Wei first, and Yang Feng!" Su Yi looked at Chen You, "Leave you here alone, can you see them?"

"Don't worry, I will set up the magic circle, you go and come back quickly!" Chen You frowned, "We have to find a way to lure him out, the sooner the better! Otherwise he will eat a person, swallow a ghost, anytime, anywhere It's growing all the time!"

Su Yi didn't talk nonsense anymore, he rushed directly to the balcony and broke out of the window, falling down like a big bird at a high speed.

He didn't use his internal strength, he was in free fall.

To be honest, this is a bit dangerous, but Su Yiyi is a brave man, and the situation is urgent at this time, so of course it came so quickly.

Just as he was about to hit the ground, Su Yi suddenly slapped the wall with "bang, bang, bang", causing the concrete to rustle and fall.

With the strength of the recoil, Su Yi's falling speed slowed down quite a bit. Finally, he pedaled on the wall and walked more than ten steps. When he reached the second floor of the funeral parlor, his body spun and landed.

In the next second, he kicked again, and the figure rushed into the funeral home like an arrow from the string.

(End of this chapter)

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