Chapter 1047

Coolie Wei is fine.

He is still in a coma and has not woken up. Ah Jiu's actions made him reincarnate in a desperate illusion. Now although the illusion has collapsed, his mental state is still in a mess.

As soon as Su Yi mentioned it, he turned around and left.

He is still using Tiyun to go upstairs, the speed is extremely fast.

Taking advantage of this time, he sorted out the whole thing in his mind again.

Ah Jiu's life is not long, and he needs a blood-linked ghost and a zombie, so that he can deceive the soul-seeking ghost and transform into a corpse to survive in the world.

As for the zombies, Ah Jiu progressed very smoothly; but as for the ghosts, Ah Jiu suffered setbacks one after another. First, he had to give up the 2442 twin female ghosts, and then Coolie Wei and A Juan were also rescued by Su Yi.

Even he himself was restrained by Su Yi's acupoints, and he was about to be sent to the government prison.Ah Jiu knew that he would die as soon as he entered the prison, but he had no way to turn the situation around, so he was forced to decide to die early, leaving behind his stinky skin and using the bardo to get out.

He entered the body of a zombie with the bardo body in advance. With his status as a practitioner before his death, the combination of ghouls is now more powerful than twin female ghosts + zombies in the original plot!

But this is the result of Ah Jiu being forced to accept, which is contrary to his original plan, and the power is only temporary.Because if there is an accident at a quarter past three tonight, you will immediately notice the existence of this ghoul.

No matter how powerful Ah Jiu is, he is only a bardo body, and the ghosts naturally restrain him. If there is no accident, his end is already doomed. No matter how hard he struggles, he will be hooked into the underworld by the ghosts.

Su Yi and Chen You finally ruined Ah Jiu's plan, making his original plan to use the two ghosts connected by blood as a protective barrier to completely defeat the idea of ​​deceiving ghosts.

Ah Jiu is undoubtedly desperate and crazy now, facing the situation of trying to survive from death.From now to [-]:[-] in the morning, a short period of about ten hours is his last struggle and madness.

He will definitely do everything possible to strengthen himself and prepare for the threat of ghosts at night.

Ah Jiu must have hated Su Yi and Chen You to death, but in the face of the crisis of survival, he even had to let go of his hatred for Su Yi and Chen You, and wholeheartedly prepared for the test of life and death at night.

If he can pass this level, he will naturally have revenge and revenge.

But if you can't pass it, it's natural that everything will stop.

After thinking about this, Su Yi also guessed the next situation between the two sides, Ah Jiu will definitely avoid Su Yi and Chen You now, and try not to let each other meet.

At the same time, if he wants to strengthen himself, he is afraid that he will continue to swallow living people and ghosts alive.

And what Su Yi and Chen You have to do is to prevent Ah Jiu from going mad at the end.

When Su Yi returned to the 24th floor, Chen You was drawing amulets with a mixture of cinnabar, ink and water in the corridor with a mop dipped in a large basin.

Seeing Su Yi, Chen You immediately spoke quickly and said: "I plan to set up the Five Elements Formation, and use corpse oil and Coolie Wei's father and daughter as bait to attract Ah Jiu!"

"Their father and daughter are still useful to Ah Jiu?" Su Yi asked with a frown.

"It's useful!" Chen You said, "As long as coolie dies now, he will still have the body of a ghost, and he will still have the body of a ghost who doesn't know how to resist. In addition, Ajuan buys one and gets one free, which is a big deal for Ah Jiu. Take it for nothing! It depends on whether he can hold back his greed."

Chen You spoke quickly, and his hands didn't stop at all.

"If he is trapped in the battle, someone has to enter the battle and delay until the five elements reverse, we have to cooperate! Ah Hao, we have to try our best, Ah Jiu may be harming people at any moment now! He wants to hide, we If you can't catch him, you can only invite you into the urn!"

"How long will it take you to set up the magic circle?" Su Yi asked.

"5 minutes!" Chen You said.

"Okay! Then wait for me for 5 minutes, and I will go find Yang Feng!" Su Yi said, "Whether I can find it or not, I will come back in 5 minutes!"

"it is good!"

Su Yi stopped talking nonsense, left Coolie Wei, turned around and flew towards the stairwell.

He decided to spend four and a half minutes looking for Yang Feng and the last half minute to go upstairs.

When passing by the corridor, Su Yi saw a bell hanging there, and suddenly his heart moved.

Every time Xiaobai came here, he would jump up and clap the bell, scaring away the crows on the roof.

And Yang Feng also has a bell, and every time he asks Xiaobai to go home, he will ring the bell, so that as long as Xiaobai hears it, he will know that his mother is looking for him.

Su Yi directly took off the bell, jumped one floor down from the patio, and stood on the edge of the 23rd floor, shaking the bell vigorously while listening intently.

clang clang...

"Ah ah ah..."

The crows on the roof were frightened and flew away.

Su Yi paused for three seconds and did not respond. He continued to jump onto the corridor fence on the 22nd floor and continued to ring the bell.

clang clang...

Some people were startled by Su Yi, lying on the corridor dumbfounded and watching Su Yi jump down from floor to floor, but at this time, Su Yi couldn't care less about shocking the world.

When Su Yi jumped to the seventeenth floor, he finally heard Yang Feng's anxious and frightened cry.

"I'm here! Ah Hao! Ah Hao..."

Fourteenth floor!
Su Yi's expression changed, and he jumped directly down the third floor without even thinking about it. With the help of the soles of his feet, he fell into the corridor like a kite turning over, kicked his feet, and flew towards the place where the sound came from.

Su Yi found Yang Feng in front of a house with a half-open door. She was shrinking at the door, shaking violently with her head in her arms.

"Yang Feng!" Su Yi walked over and lifted her up!

"Uncle Dong, it's Uncle Dong..." Yang Feng pointed to the half-open door in front of him, his face turned pale with fright, tears streaming down his face.

Su Yi also smelled a stench coming out of Yang Feng's crotch, obviously she was so frightened that she lost control of herself.

"Uncle Dong ate the bad boy Ming's family... He also ate a few of the two children who killed him that day..." Yang Feng told Su Yi tremblingly, his legs were so weak that he couldn't even stand up.

Su Yi pushed open the door in front of him, only to see blood splattered and human tissues scattered everywhere in the living room, bits and pieces hanging everywhere.

But the ghoul has left here.

Su Yi was silent for a few seconds, grabbed Yang Feng, and amidst the latter's panicked shouts, he rushed out of the corridor and flew up to the 24th floor.

It soon arrived at 2442, and Chen You was almost setting up the magic circle.

Su Yi threw Yang Feng into the living room, pointed at her and said solemnly: "Take care of the three of them, don't come out, if you have anything to shout at once, I'll be outside!"

Yang Feng looked around tremblingly, startled and suspicious, and still full of doubts, obviously she was very surprised, why the 2442 scary thing suddenly disappeared.

Su Yi didn't have time to pay attention to what she was thinking, closed the door with a "bang", and immediately went straight to Chen You.

"A family on the 17th floor has been eaten by him!" He said in a deep voice, "According to Yang Feng, he also ate his kid!"

"He's gone crazy just to survive!" Chen You gritted his teeth while working, "If we don't care about him, he will eat up all the people and ghosts in this building before night! In order to deal with ghosts, he It must be done!"

"We must stop him as soon as possible and destroy him!" Chen Youdao, "He can't leave the place where he died too far. When he gets stronger and stronger, he can go to the next-door estate, and then he will cause more harm. people."

Su Yi also stepped forward to help, and asked while he was busy: "Does the police have a special department for catching ghosts? Do you want to invite them to help?"

"Don't!" Chen You shook his head, "They're not capable, and they're going to die if they're called... Alright! I'll open the altar, you go get Coolie Wei and the others out, by the way, and be careful of him sneaking up on Xiaobai and his mother and son... ..."

Chen You casually took out an amulet and handed it to Su Yi: "Give it to Xiaobai, you can delay the time."

"it is good!"

Su Yi took the talisman and immediately entered the room.

After handing the amulet to Yang Feng and telling her to be vigilant at all times, Su Yi took Coolie Wei and his daughter out of the house and back to the corridor again.

Neither of them mentioned the inhumanity of using their father and daughter as bait, nor did they wake them up to ask for their consent.

Be urgent.

But of course they will do their best to ensure the safety of the father and daughter.

The talisman has been completely drawn, and the magic circle is also ready, just waiting for the zombies to come and open it.

Only Su Yi, Coolie Wei, his father and daughter were left in the corridor, and there was a furnace with a wick in it, which was ignited with corpse oil.

There was a strange stench in the air, Su Yi stood in front of Coolie Wei's father and daughter, attentively guarding.

However, time passed by every minute and every second, and the furnace of corpse oil was almost burned out, and no zombies came.

Chen You walked out of 2442 with a dark face, and said to Su Yi in a deep voice, "He won't come!"

Su Yi thought so too.

"Is there a way to locate and track it?" Su Yi asked Chen You.

Chen You shook his head, took a deep breath and said, "It's a ghoul and a cultivator. It's trying to avoid us. We can't catch it! It's killing people in this building now, let's wait a little longer , may die! Can't drag on any longer!"

Chen You looked at Su Yi with determination in his eyes: "There is only one way now."

"What?" Su Yi said.

"Please curse!" Chen You looked at Su Yi, "Ahao, you have to remember that the orthodox Taoism has never said that the gods are invited to the upper body. As the saying goes, the righteous gods do not possess the body, and the possession is not the righteous god! Fu Luan Inviting the spirit, inviting the upper body of the gods has always been the evil method of Taoism, not the right way! In the future, if you encounter someone who invites the upper body of the gods, they are either liars or evil cultivators, and you must stay away from them."

"Brother You, I remember." Su Yi nodded solemnly, and then changed the topic, "Please it dangerous?"

"It is said to be please, but it is actually forced to arrest." Chen You smiled, "It doesn't want to talk to us now, and it is only preparing to deal with ghosts. But once I cast the spell of inviting the gods and force it to come, it will not come to me. body, nothing can be done. Unless you kill me, the spell will be resolved..."

When Chen You said this, Su Yi understood everything.

This is the last choice to stay with Ah Jiu forever without leaving a way out, and it is the last fight in a narrow escape.

"I'll do it!" Su Yi raised his eyebrows, "Brother You, to put it bluntly, besides being more knowledgeable than me, you are no longer as good as me when it comes to how to draw talismans! I will be more confident!"

"Is it amazing?" Chen You said unhappily, but looked at Su Yi softly, "Ahao, you really can't compete with me this time. Whether you can kill this zombie this time depends mainly on you!"

"Once I use the Invite God Charm, my body becomes its container, and it naturally restrains me. And I also need to set up a magic circle enchantment..."

"During this process, it's up to you to kill this zombie, and don't give it a chance to get close to me. If I rely on me to fight that zombie, I'm sure I can't beat it, but you have martial arts, it's different."

"So we each perform our duties, and no one can replace the other."

Su Yi was silent, and asked quietly: "Don't lie to me, I know this step is very dangerous for you, and you may die, right?"

"Yes." Chen You smiled without denying it, "But who made me learn this spell?"

Seeing that Su Yi was still talking, Chen You stopped him and said, "Ah Hao! We don't have time to argue about this! What I just said is the truth, I'm not lying to you!"

"Okay, I will try my best to block it and destroy it!" Su Yi said word by word.

Chen You smiled and patted Su Yi on the shoulder: "In the past, I always thought that what a practitioner cultivates is the Dharma and the Tao. But until today I realized that the most important thing in practice is to cultivate the mind. Ah Hao, don't learn from me. I……"

After saying the last sentence, Chen You turned around and ran towards his house.

Su Yi didn't follow. After watching Chen You leave, he also took Coolie Wei and his daughter back to 2442, and then drew a talisman.

He drew three talismans in a row, one was the Suppressing Demon Talisman, one was the General's Arrival Order, and one was the Mysterious Yun Talisman.

Needless to say, Su Yi and Chen You have drawn the magic-suppressing talisman, the purpose is to suppress the evil spirits and prevent them from escaping.

The general's order to come here is a killing and fighting talisman, which can be used to protect the house, and can also be affixed to the mahogany sword or bless the practitioner himself to fight and kill ghosts and evil things.

As for the last Xuanyun talisman, Su Yi prepared it for Chen You. This talisman can protect the true spirit and prevent the true spirit from being invaded by external evils.

Although Su Yi had never been in contact with the magic spell of inviting the gods, he guessed that it was dangerous, so he drew a Xuanyun talisman to protect Chen You.

This talisman can at least guarantee that Chen You's true spirit will not die.

Chen You came back soon, with a blood ink bucket and half a bag of glutinous rice, and changed into a Taoist robe.

"I'm here to ask God, I leave these to you!" Chen You handed the glutinous rice and the blood ink bucket to Su Yi.

Su Yi took it and handed the Xuanyun Talisman to Chen You.

"Thank you." Chen You was stunned for a moment, then took it directly with a slight smile.

Su Yi didn't talk nonsense, turned around and dumped half a bag of glutinous rice in the corridor.

At the same time, he bit his finger and chanted the mantra, blessing the general's arrival order on the mahogany sword.

On the other side, Chen You also set up an altar at the end of the corridor and placed altar symbols.

What he drew was a black talisman!

Runes please!
Incense candles, corpse oil, and the pure yang blood of practitioners.

Chen You took a deep breath, dipped a brush into the half bowl of blood he had just released, and began to draw talismans on the black talisman paper.

"The fragrance is deep and deep to match the heaven and earth, and the fragrance is ignited to penetrate the gate of heaven. The golden bird is running like a cloud and an arrow, the jade rabbit is shining like a wheel, the southern star and the Beidou are shining all over the sky, and the five-color clouds are noisy. The temple is opened in the Ziwei Palace. Lu Tuxiang extends his invitation, Feiyun comes on horseback..."

As Chen You's low-pitched voice of incantation echoed in the corridor, the corpse oil floating in the air seemed to be drawn by some kind of force, and floated out of the window leisurely, condensed and not scattered, and went straight to a certain direction...

(End of this chapter)

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