Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1048 The end of this volume

Chapter 1048 The end of this volume

On the 19th floor, a certain unit.

The ghouls are gnawing on blood food.

The originally happy elderly couple here has now become a pile of rotten meat.

Its hair is thicker, and its figure seems to be much taller.

It is now both a zombie and a hungry ghost.

It can eat people as well as ghosts.

It has already eaten all the little ghosts it raised during its lifetime, and it also ate a few lonely ghosts that ran slowly on the road just now, but these ghosts are at most yellow page ghosts, which are just a drop in the bucket for its needs.

What it wants to swallow most now is the ghost!
If it can swallow a few ghosts, its strength will increase exponentially!
It's a pity that Li Gui from 2442 was taken in, and Coolie Wei was also under the control of Chen You and that damned Qian Xiaohao.

The hatred in his heart boiled and resentment overflowed, but he had to restrain it.

Because it is very clear which is more important, tonight's dealing with the evil is the most important thing, and the rest are not worth mentioning.

If you have to deal with the bad things in the past, naturally you don't need to say much; but if you can't make it through...

What awaits it will be an extremely cruel ending.

Thinking of this, it once again wanted to go mad with hatred. If Chen You and Qian Xiaohao hadn't spoiled his good deeds, how could it have faced such a desperate situation?
It has today, it is all caused by these two people, these two people should be damned!

It wantonly devoured the broken corpse in its hand.

When it was human, maybe it would have been disgusted by this bloody thing.

But now, it has become a ghoul, and it only feels that the flesh and blood are extremely sweet.

It's a pity that most of the people in this village are old people, with exhausted energy and blood.

How great would it be if he could devour the flesh and blood of some young people?
The person swallowed by it is not just a simple dead body, it even tore up and swallowed the dead body and the living soul. This is the ferocity of the ghoul.

After eating this one, go to the thirteenth floor...

As the ghoul thought, he had to keep changing directions to make sure no one disturbed it from eating.

Especially that Qian Xiaohao, the previous slap on him not only broke its copper skin and iron bones, but almost shattered its body.

What kind of monster is this person with such bizarre strength?

Could it be that the gods descended to earth?

The more the ghoul thought about it, the more frightened and frightened he became.

At this moment, a condensed and undissipated strange fragrance drifted over, directly entering its nostrils.

The ghoul froze and froze in place.

The strange fragrance submerged into its body, and spread to the whole body in an instant, and then its flesh and blood began to boil and jump for joy.

The ghoul suddenly sensed a strong pulling force, trying to pull its bardo body away from this zombie, from here.

This pulling force seems to come from his heart, it is a thought born from his heart, not only cannot be contained, but intensified.

The ghoul trembled all over, resisting the pulling force from within.

But its bardo was finally pulled away from the zombie inch by inch.

"Roar! Roar..."

There was a deep and anxious roar in its throat, but it couldn't be stopped at all. It had already guessed what it was facing—please curse!

The black talisman invites the gods. This is a more powerful talisman than the purple talisman. To draw this kind of talisman, both the physical load and the price to be borne are very heavy. I want to hurt both myself and myself, and I will never die!
It hates the sky, but it is powerless to change the status quo.

It is very clear that now its bardo body is being pulled by the zombie body, once it leaves the zombie body, its bardo body will be pulled into Chen You's body instantly, and if it wants to return to the zombie body at that time, it has to I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

No, you can't let the other party's treachery succeed!
The ghoul roared angrily and jumped out one step at a time, and the whole person stepped into the enchantment that seemed real and illusory. At the same time, the bardo body that was about to be pulled out of the body overlapped with its zombie body again.

The so-called enchantment originally meant the space of the magic circle, which is a special space divided by monks and Taoists who cast spells on the altar.

A ghoul is neither alive nor dead, neither yin nor yang, and the matter in the yang world exists and does not exist for it. Therefore, it can travel in the world of the yang world, or treat the matter in the yang world as nothing, and travel through nothingness in the ghoul's vision in the world.

This world relies on and overlaps with the yang world, but it also dissociates from the yang world, like a "interlayer" that ordinary people can't go to.The solitary ghosts who stay in the mortal world usually wander in this world of nothingness.

It's just that lonely ghosts can't move freely in this world, unlike ghouls who are so free.

If the ghoul crosses the catastrophe and becomes a corpse demon, it is really a thought, and it will happen in an instant.

When the ghoul reappeared, it was already in the corridor outside the door of 2442.

It is like a spider climbing and jumping around on the ceiling and walls. It moves swiftly and its figure is unpredictable.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed from the end of the corridor to the middle of the corridor.

Chen You, who was standing at the other end of the corridor, opened his eyes suddenly, bit his fingertips, and tapped the black talisman three times with his bloody finger.

The black talisman exploded instantly.


The ghoul roared even more angrily, because it felt that its bardo body was about to leave the body again and burrow into Chen You's body.

That kind of pulling force has almost reached an extreme, making it impossible to resist.

It roared and jumped into the air, grabbed Chen You who was opposite.

At this moment, a figure suddenly sprang out from the corner of the corridor, kicked its feet, and shot at the flying ghost like a swallow in the forest.

This person is Su Yi!

Almost as quickly as lightning, the mahogany sword in Su Yi's hand, which was blessed with the "General's Arrival Order", slashed at the ghoul's neck!

With a muffled pop, the mahogany sword in Su Yi's hand was deeply embedded in the neck of the ghoul, but it was like being stuck in a quagmire, unable to advance an inch further.

Su Yi's heart suddenly became awe-inspiring!

Although he held a mahogany sword in his hand, it was filled with all his internal strength.

This cut can cut even gold, stone and steel, let alone flesh and bones?
But unfortunately, he couldn't cut it off!

However, Su Yi didn't panic, after all, he punched with all his strength before, and only punched the ghoul's chest cavity. If that punch had been replaced by someone else, his whole body would have been torn apart.

Although this sword failed to cut off the ghoul's neck, the huge force made the ghoul fly backwards roaring.

It hit the ground heavily, and as soon as it touched the glutinous rice all over the ground, the grains of glutinous rice were like pieces of red charcoal, which made the ghoul howl and smoke black all over.

It jumped up in pain, but at this moment Su Yi had rushed over again, and the mahogany sword in his hand was sent forward fiercely, directly piercing through the zombie's chest.

"Roar!" The ghoul flew upside down by the huge force, and slapped Su Yi fiercely while screaming in pain.

But when it was too late, the blood ink fountain in Su Yi's hand quickly pulled away, and quickly wrapped around its arm.

The ghoul's arm was restrained, and he almost subconsciously used the other arm to grab Su Yi, but Su Yi used a clever force of four or two to make his two arms touch together.

Su Yi's arms danced quickly, like strings threading through flowers, and quickly wrapped his arms tightly around him. The ghoul roared and wanted to break free, but as soon as he exerted force, the blood-ink lines immediately burned, like red-hot steel wires, tightly binding him. Arms, let it howl in pain, unable to break free.

Su Yi kicked the ghoul's chest, and the ink fountain line in his hand still didn't stop. When the ghoul flew upside down, he quickly entangled the ghoul's legs again, the speed was extremely fast!
When the ghoul fell heavily to the ground, its limbs were all bound by the ink fountain thread. With a slight movement, the ink fountain thread was like a red-hot steel wire, scalding its flesh and blood to "sizzling" and black smoke.

At the same time, it fell to the ground, and the glutinous rice on the ground made it writhe wildly, trying to get away, twisting and struggling like a fish out of water.

Su Yi's face was as sinking as water, and his internal energy was running to the extreme. He stepped forward and beat the ghoul's body frantically.

bang bang bang...

His fists landed on the ghoul's body like a torrential rain, and each punch used a huge force like splitting gold and cracking stones!

No matter how strong the zombie's body was, under Su Yi's beating, the bones were broken and the flesh and blood were separated.

Puff puff puff!

The zombie's body was continuously beaten to the point of bursting with flesh and blood. Su Yi finally let out a loud shout and slapped it hard on the chest with both palms.

This palm directly split the zombie's body to pieces, and the mahogany sword stuck in the zombie's chest also bounced out.

Su Yi grabbed it in the air, kicked off his feet and soared up again, aiming at the glaring, twisted head of the zombie, he stabbed down fiercely with his sword.

This sword pierced from its sky cap to the broken neck.

The zombie's expression froze, and the next moment it exploded, and Su Yi swung his sleeves away at the moment of the explosion.

The world is quiet.

Under the flickering light, bloody corpses were scattered all over, Su Yi was covered in blood, holding a mahogany sword in one hand, and a back suit in the other, standing like Yue Zhiyuan at the end of the corridor.

No one could have imagined that the copper-skinned and iron-boned zombie would be blown up by Su Yi!

No one could have imagined that Su Yi was actually more ferocious than zombies!
Chen You didn't expect it, and neither did the ghoul!

The ghoul couldn't even make an effective counterattack, and was crushed all the way. The whole process took only a dozen seconds, and its zombie body was completely finished!
So brutal!

too suddenly!

Suddenly Ah Jiu's bardo body suddenly lost its container, completely lost its hindrance, and was directly absorbed into Chen You's body by the huge pulling force, it was still a little unable to react.

Suddenly, Chen You originally wanted to open the five-element magic circle, use the magic circle to trap the zombies, and then burn them with three real fires, but now, before he even had time to open the magic circle, Su Yi had already finished the job.

Of course, the zombie body is only broken now, and the work is only half done.

Su Yi held his sword and looked around vigilantly. He had opened his yin and yang eyes, and there was nowhere to hide from evil spirits.

But even so, it couldn't see Ah Jiu's bardo.

Suddenly he seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly turned his head to look at Chen You.

I saw Chen You's expression twisted, his skin turned gray, his veins bulged, and his eyes were bloodshot!
Without saying a word, Su Yi took out the magic-suppressing talisman, took a step forward, and pasted the talisman paper on Chen You's forehead.

Chen You froze all over, his veins disappeared, and his eyes gradually became clear.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother You, open the altar to cross it!" Su Yi grabbed Chen You's hand, turned around and left, "Go to my room, the magic circle incense candles are all ready-made..."

But Chen You remained motionless and grabbed Su Yi with his backhand.

Su Yi turned around in astonishment, but saw Chen You smiling at him.

Su Yi suddenly realized something, and his heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

The Xuan Yun Talisman drawn by Su Yi before suddenly exploded into ashes, was ejected and fell to the ground little by little.

This is the magic talisman to protect Chen You's true spirit, but it has not been used yet, so it has been rejected.

Without saying a word, Su Yi grabbed Chen You's arm, regardless of frantically channeling his internal energy, purifying Chen You's meridian flesh and blood.

"How to do it? How to do it?" He stared at Chen You and asked.

Chen You just gritted his teeth and struggled, his expression flushed red due to the tremendous internal force.

"Say it!" Su Yi roared angrily.

He stretched out his hands to touch Chen You's acupuncture points, but they were all just soothing acupuncture points, and he knew that they were useless.

"Cross it, can you cross it?" Su Yi asked hurriedly, "Tell me how to do it? Even if there is only hope in case, tell me!"

"Of course we have to cross it, but to cross it is to cross me. It wants to occupy the magpie's nest and leave my body, and it will be completely finished!" Chen You finally spoke, his face suddenly became very rosy, and his eyes also turned red. Shiny, very divine.

"It's easy to invite a god, but it's hard to send a god away. What's more, what I invite here is an enemy. This technique is an undefended technique. It uses my body as a container and my spirit as a tonic. When encountering a better ghost, maybe It will save my life, but Ah hates me to the bone and will not let me go."

"Bastard!" Su Yi was furious, "You think you are great? Sacrifice yourself? You are a fool! Self-righteous! Let me ask God, maybe there is no need to die!"

This is actually not true, and Su Yi can't guarantee that he will be fine, after all, he doesn't know the nature of asking God.

But now he understands, it’s no wonder that Chen You was a good teacher to popularize science with him before asking God. final resolution.

"As I said before, if you ask God instead, you won't be able to fight it, and I can't fight zombies, and it will be even worse then." Chen You smiled, and he looked at Su Yi, "Ah Hao, be us There is no good end to this line of work, and I regret teaching you."

Su Yi stared at him and gritted his teeth: "It's in your body, right? Ah Jiu, come out now, and I'll help you hide it from the evil, as long as you..."

Before Su Yi finished speaking, Chen You shook his head and said: "It's useless, it's gone now, and I'm left with an empty shell. Even if I survive, I'll be a vegetable for the rest of my life. It's better to die."

After a pause, Chen You sighed again: "So please don't ask God... It's a pity that I haven't learned how to fly over walls..."

Su Yi was silent, with grief in his eyes.

"I regret it!" he said.

Chen You didn't know what he meant, he raised his arm with great effort, bit his middle finger, and wrote runes on his hand.

This is a magic-suppressing talisman, but it is written in the blood of a Taoist priest and uses itself as a carrier, so it is more powerful.

Chen You finished drawing the talisman, looked at Su Yi, and said earnestly: "Don't be soft-hearted! Hurry up and overtake, the yin and errands don't care about 21 and [-], if you get through it before the yin errands come, you can still save me a trace of true spirit reincarnation! If it is too late It's gone... I don't want to lose my mind."

"I know." Su Yi looked at him, "Brother You, what else do you wish for?"

"It's gone, it's clean, it's good, it's good..." Chen You smiled slightly, and patted his forehead with a palm.


Chen You froze, lost consciousness immediately, and fell back straight, Su Yi caught him.

Chen You completely blocked the escape route of Ah Jiu's bardo, and he used his own life to suppress it.

"Brother You, let's go all the way..."

The belated police discovered several massacres in this building. The horrific and bloody scenes made them realize that things were not that simple. The police quickly blocked the news and began to evacuate the residents of the entire building.

Yang Feng, Xiao Bai, Coolie Wei and A Juan were all evacuated away, only Su Yi escaped and stayed.

Before a quarter past three in the evening, he saved Ah Jiu, making this vicious person completely disappear from this world.

Chen You's living soul has been swallowed by Ah Jiu, along with all of Chen You's karma.

Because of the cultivator's relationship, there is still a trace of the true spirit, which was taken away when the errand passed through the border at night.

This kind of true spirit without karma will be reincarnated directly, free from all punishments.For Chen You, it was a blessing in disguise, but he knew it was not a blessing.

Su Yi continued to stay in this building, rescued the twin female ghosts, and also rescued the other two shadow ghosts hiding in this building, and then left.

In the chaotic world of mortals, there is no injustice and hatred everywhere.

Su Yi soon found a new goal of transition.

Half a year later, Su Yi came out of an old apartment in Mong Kok, and a gray-haired old man escorted Su Yi all the way to the street.

"Master Qian, thank you for saving my grandson, I really don't know how to thank you, this little thing, please accept it..." The old man thanked Su Yi for putting money in his hand.

Su Yi was dressed in a Taoist robe, carrying a compass and a mahogany sword on his back. He looked like a fairy, and he was quite dignified.

He was not polite, put away the money and warned: "The ghost was humiliated and died, and the people who killed it have all gone to jail. If it can't enter the prison, let's take it out on your grandson."

"Although your grandson didn't participate in that incident, he had a close relationship with those young and Dangerous boys and got their aura, which is why he suffered this catastrophe. Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise, your grandson will not live in peace if he dies! Old man , Go back and tell your grandson, don’t hang out with dubious people, birds of a feather flock together, people are divided into groups, if you hang out with bad people, you will be implicated by them sooner or later!”

"I see, Master Qian, thank you for your teaching, thank you, thank you..." The old man put his hands together in gratitude.

Thanking a Taoist priest with Buddhist rituals is somewhat nondescript, but Su Yi did not correct him, smiled, turned and left, and walked into the turbulent crowd in the downtown.

It has been half a year since Chen You died, and this female ghost is the tenth ghost he has personally transformed.

In other words, Su Yi finally completed all tasks.

He was in a relaxed and happy mood, so that passers-by all looked sideways, pointed at him in strange clothes, and didn't even care about ridiculing him.

Ordinary eyes are the shackles of the world of mortals, how can they lock his heart again?
It's just love and hatred, life, old age, sickness and death, but he is still unbearable.

"The road of life, sweet dreams are like long roads..." Su Yi carried a mahogany sword, walked among the crowd, and sang heartily, "The road is windy and frosty, and the wind and frost hits the face dry..."

End of this volume.

(End of this chapter)

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