Chapter 1049
"How do you feel?" Director No. 032 looked at Su Yi with a smile and asked.

"It feels...very different from before, hands and feet bound, like dancing with shackles on." Su Yi thought for a while and replied.

"Do you know why this happened?" 032 asked.

"Because I'm too cautious and follow the rules?" Su Yi said.

"Yes, but not." No. 032 shook his head, "Su Yi, you tried your best to perform well in this performance, but in the end you just barely completed the performance task. The reason for this is of course that you are too Cautious reasons, but most importantly you don't have a starring mentality yet."

"The lead actor's mentality?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"That's right, the mentality of the protagonist!" No. 032 said, "You are the protagonist, and the whole world should revolve around you! What are you afraid of? In fact, I arranged a detailed script for you at first. If you go as I arranged Acting, it must be better than now. But after thinking about it, I decided to let you play freely, even if you act in a bad movie, it doesn't matter, do you know why?"

"Because the lessons learned from failures are the most profound." Su Yi said.

"That's the reason." No. 032 nodded, "If you act according to my script, you will only do well in this one movie. But if you learn from this lesson, I believe you will do well in every future movie. Su Yi, the protagonist's thinking is very important, the world revolves around you, and the plot should also be dominated by you, don't follow the rules, and don't care about temporary gains and losses."

"A first-line actor's solo performance normally has three tasks. As long as two are completed, he is qualified. If necessary, one task can be sacrificed in pursuit of excitement. The success of the film is your greatest reward, and you can only gain if you give up. .”

"I understand, thank you director..." Su Yi accepted humbly, "By the way, what kind of plot did you arrange for me at first?"

"Be a villain, help Ah Jiu fulfill his wish, and learn everything from him." No. 032 said, "Then he suddenly wakes up, joins Chen You, inherits everything from Chen You, and turns around as a prodigal son."

"...Will it be too immoral?" Su Yi said, "And what Ah Jiu did is inhumane, I can't accept it."

"If you can't accept it, don't accept it. You can do as you want!" No. 032 spread his hands, "If you don't want to use Uncle Dong to refine the corpse, you can find a person who is evil and evil. It's not difficult. I don't want to sacrifice Twin girls, you can also find the kind of bad guys who don't regret to die, in short, you are the protagonist, you can completely dominate Ah Jiu and let him act according to your will."

"If you don't want him to do something, don't let him do it. Is this difficult for you? Of course, there must be challenges. It's inevitable that you and Ah Jiu will fight openly and secretly, but it's all up to you." Click, Su Yi! No matter what, the effect is better than what you are shooting now!"

"...This performance is my fault." Su Yi sighed, thinking about it now, he did have many problems with this performance.

"It's okay, it's not normal for you to go smoothly all the time, and it's not a bad thing for you to fail once in a while." No. 032 said seriously, "Anyway, Su Yi, remember to keep an optimistic attitude. What I value most is your body. Don’t lose that spiritual energy.”

"I see, director." Su Yi nodded solemnly.

"The box office of this film will not be very good, you have to be mentally prepared." No. 032 said, "After three months, it will be your second film after you become a first-line actor. I used mine for the first film." Resources, part two, I hope you use the resources you rewarded."

"The performance of first-line actors is too dangerous. If you have the resources, use them first. Before your five resources are exhausted, I suggest that you don't accept the film arranged by the company, and accumulate your own experience and strength first."

After a pause, No. 032 said again: "031 came to me again, and I postponed it for you. But you still have to respond to him sooner or later. The movie he asked you to act in is called "The Cabin in the Woods". I don't know if you have seen it." No?"

Su Yi's heart shuddered, and he took a breath, it turned out to be this underworld movie?
There is a hodgepodge of monsters in this movie, once you get in, can you still live?
What a joke!
"It seems that you have read it." No. 032 said, "Do you want to refuse?"

"Of course!" Su Yi said without hesitation, "I owe Director 031 a favor, but that doesn't mean I have to pay it back with my life! Is there any hope of living in this movie?"

Even the leading actors in the original plot are all dead.

"Then you have to tell 031 yourself." 032 smiled, "Actually, I really don't want you to go, this film is really too dangerous, I hope you can really refuse him."

Su Yi's heart sank, and he heard what she meant.

"The director thinks that I might not be able to refuse him?" Su Yi asked.

"He won't threaten you, don't worry about that." No. 032 saw Su Yi's worry, and said lightly, "It's just that people can't help themselves in many cases. You are like this, and so am I."

No. 032 sighed, shook his head, seemed unwilling to say any more, and changed the topic: "Anyway, be fully prepared. During this period of time, you have to work hard, and it is best to keep the frequency of one film in half a month." .031, I will try my best to delay you until after five films. When all five of your resources are consumed, your ability and strength will also have a qualitative leap. When you think about the 031 film, there will be more Big sure thing."

Su Yi nodded with a serious face.

"Actually, don't think too much," No. 032 looked at him, "Danger is always accompanied by opportunity. Instead of being afraid of danger, it's better to embrace opportunity."

"The older you are, the less courageous you are." Su Yi sighed, "It's really time for me to adjust my mentality."

"Brother You is right in saying something. In practice, what one cultivates is not the Tao or the Dharma, but the heart."

"Zombie" show statement:

Actor: Su Yi

Performance status: The performance tasks have been completed.

Performance evaluation: average.

Cumulative harvest from the performance: 900 director points.

"Zombie" crew. "

The results of this performance were quite satisfactory. According to 032's words, the task was completed, but the excitement was sacrificed.

Su Yi has reservations about this. The two sides are not thinking about issues from the same standpoint, and of course they are pursuing different things.

However, he admitted that the performance was indeed problematic.

He also had to readjust to starring roles.

Returning to the world of iPartment again, Su Yi felt a serious alienation.

He sat blankly in his room for a long time before he calmed down.

Looking at the time, it has been more than half a month since I left last time.As soon as the phone was turned on, he received a text message. He had more than [-] missed calls from all the friends in the love apartment.

Then he opened the instant messaging software, and almost everyone sent him a message.

Su Yi's excuse for leaving last time was to go home to visit relatives, but visiting relatives is still visiting relatives, and there is no news for half a month, which is a bit too much.

The phone rang suddenly, it was Hu Yifei calling.

Su Yi picked it up.


"Little B? Where are you?" Hu Yifei's voice was excited.

"At home." Su Yi said, "I just came back."

The other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and suddenly a loud voice broke out: "Damn! Su Xiaoyi, you finally know that the phone is turned on! Visiting relatives is visiting relatives, what are you missing? Do you know that we are looking for you like crazy! We all Call the police! It's been half a month, and you haven't even farted, where did you die?"

Su Yi suddenly laughed.

The sense of alienation is gone.

"Don't you suspect that I eloped with Yu Mo?" Su Yi laughed.

"Has Yu Mo called you?" Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, and said in a shy tone, "Damn it, I knew she would betray me!"

"Wait!" Su Yi was also stunned for a moment, "You didn't go to Yu Mo's place to catch the two of us, did you?"

"What is catching rape, it sounds so ugly, I just went to see Yumo!" Hu Yifei argued strongly.

"Hey, Hu Yifei, we are not together yet, you don't trust me so much, and you go to catch the rape?" Su Yi laughed.

"I told you it wasn't a rape!" Hu Yifei said angrily, "Don't beat me up and say, where have you been in the past half a month! The police station has no record of you leaving the city!"

Su Yi said: "It's a matter of work. I will go on a business trip every half a month in the future, so don't make a fuss."

"Aren't you a writer? A writer is also on a business trip?" Hu Yifei questioned.

"Actually, the writer is just my superficial identity." Su Yi said seriously.

"Then are actually..." Hu Yifei suddenly became nervous.

"Actually, secretly, I am a time traveler, traveling in various film and television worlds, completing missions, and getting rewards..."

"Hey, don't think I haven't read online novels!" Hu Yifei said angrily, "You wait for Su Xiaoyi, I'll deal with you when I go back!"


The phone was hung up, Su Yi smiled and shook his head.

He got up and went to the living room, took out a bottle of beer from the refrigerator and gulped it down, belching comfortably.

Just as I was going to go around the next door, the phone rang again.

This time it was Qin Yumo calling.

"Xiaoyi, I heard from Yifei that you have gone back?" Qin Yumo's voice was very gentle, "I haven't been able to contact you for half a month, and everyone is very worried about you."

"There are some work matters to be dealt with, which need to be kept secret, and it is not convenient to turn on the phone." Su Yi explained, "Are you okay over there?"

"What do you think..." Qin Yumo said quietly.

Su Yi was speechless, and immediately smiled and said: "Hey, you are like this, you don't want me to step on two boats and become a scumbag?"

"You and Yifei..."

"A layer of window paper can be broken if poked." Su Yi said.

"Have you already thought about it?" Qin Yumo asked.

"Treasure the people in front of you, what you said." Su Yi said.

"Are you going to confess your love to her?" Qin Yumo asked.

"No." Su Yi shook his head, "Let it be."

"Girls need a sense of ritual, and Yifei will definitely wait for you to confess to her." Qin Yumo's tone was a little sad.

"I also want a sense of ritual." Su Yi said naturally, "I'm also waiting for her to confess to me."



(End of this chapter)

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