Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1050 Friends

Chapter 1050 Friends
The news of Su Yi's return is like a bird with wings, flying everywhere.

Soon, his friends all called.

The first is Zeng Xiaoxian, this guy is currently in the Northeast, shooting a midnight TV commercial.

Since he won the championship in "Who Can Be a Millionaire", the TV station has arranged thirteen TV shopping commercial endorsements and three program contracts for him.

Fulfilling these contracts has become a prerequisite for receiving the 5 million bonus.

Moreover, Zeng Xiaoxian has no extra income for filming these commercials and recording programs. It can only be regarded as an assignment from the unit. At most, he can get a travel subsidy, and nothing else.

In other words, for the 5 million, Zeng Xiaoxian has to serve the TV station for free, recording three programs and thirteen TV shopping commercials.

With Zeng Xiaoxian's current popularity and reputation, his normal salary for completing these tasks is almost 5 million.

Therefore, even if Zeng Xiaoxian did nothing wrong in the end and got 5 million, the 5 million can be regarded as Zeng Xiaoxian's labor fee, and the TV station will definitely not lose money.

"Brother B, you don't know how bitter this poor place is, the weather is dry and cold, I've been here for half a month, and I've been constipated!" Zeng Xiaoxian complained on the phone, "Fortunately, I'm about to Freedom, the leader has already said, the TV station has tailored a large-scale variety show for me, and I will choose you on behalf of the moon! How is it? Doesn’t the name sound domineering!”

"It sounds like a dating show, so you don't want to change your career to be a matchmaker?" Su Yi joked.

"This is a puzzle program, not a blind date!" Zeng Xiaoxian corrected, "There is another good news, I will get my 5 million soon, and I will become a millionaire just a few procedures away. Yes, hahahaha..."

Zeng Xiaoxian laughed arrogantly: "Brother Yi, did you miscalculate this time? You kept saying that I couldn't get the 5 million, so I didn't expect much, but now, it turns out that you are wrong! "

"Tell me this after you get the money." Su Yi shrugged and said, "In addition, I will give you a piece of advice, no matter what happens, don't be impulsive, don't stop recording the program, and voluntarily breach the contract. Otherwise, you The 5 million will really go to waste.”

"What are you kidding, I'm doing great right now! The future is bright, I'm getting fame and fortune, you don't know how popular I am now! Even if it's a mentally handicapped program, as long as I host it, the ratings are guaranteed! Wait Come on, I will go back tomorrow! My life is about to take off! Brother Yi, you are very honored to be able to witness the turning point of my legendary life..."


Su Yi hung up the phone directly.

Also legendary turning point in life?

The young man still doesn't even understand the routine of the TV station. I'm afraid your turning point is [-] degrees, right?
Just as he hung up Zeng Xiaoxian's phone, Guan Gu Miraculously called.

After some concern, Guan Gu Miraculously thanked Su Yi again for providing him with a job.

"You're welcome." Su Yi smiled, "Guan Gu, you can take my job as a sideline, and continue to draw your comics. When you find a publishing house that you can cooperate with again, you can always Quit, just wait until I find someone to take over."

"Really?" Guan Gu was surprised and delighted, "Is it really possible, Brother B? I've been worried that you gave me a job, but I have to do other things, which will make you angry..."

"But it won't." Su Yi said, "How are you and Yoyo doing, are you happy?"

This young couple went on a trip again, and they are really affectionate and full of water.

"We are already on our way back, and we will be home tonight. By the way, we have brought gifts for each of you!" Guan Gu magically said happily.

"Then see you tonight." Su Yi smiled.

Not long after hanging up Guan Gu's magical phone call, Zhang Weidu from far away in Jin Province called.

"Little Brother B, I heard that you disappeared and reappeared. What's going on?" Zhang Wei's voice sounded exhausted.

Su Yi exchanged a few pleasantries, only to realize that this guy is working hard now, and every day except for going to work, he spends all his time preparing for the exam. It sounds like he has made a lot of determination this time. It seems that Jian Ning and Xiao Li The two were stimulated.

Sure enough, the greatest motivation for men still comes from women.

"Come on, boy!" Su Yi encouraged him, "Call me if you have any difficulties. Besides, I look forward to hearing about your success!"

"Thank you little brother B!" Zhang Wei was very excited, "You are the only good friend who has always given me support and encouragement, little brother B, when I pass the exam, I will be the first to tell you!"

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi felt a little emotional.

Even Zhang Wei, a salty fish, has worked so hard. In this world, is he too lazy?
After doing the math, apart from creating a shocking body, writing "Return of the God of War", and then using the money he earned to open a river and lake bar, it seems that he has never done anything else?
Up to now, although my assets are stable and growing, the funds that can be used are at most enough to pay a down payment in this city, and I am far from the point where I can lie down without worry.

Although I came to this world for a vacation, and I don't want to live too tired, but at least do a little bit of work, accumulate some wealth, and gain a little social status, so that I can live a more nourishing and comfortable life.

Just being a bar owner and an out-of-date internet writer, wouldn't it be a little too flimsy?
Su Yi took a sip of beer and began to seriously consider this issue.

What should I do for a career that is easy, profitable, and decent?
First of all, writing can continue. He planned to write a story about "The Rivers and Lakes of the Republic of China" before, and this goal can be implemented.

With the accumulated reputation of his teacher Liangchen and the writing style he has honed, Su Yi feels that he still has a great hope of becoming a best-selling author.

Just being a useless scholar is not enough. This identity can be used as a symbol of icing on the cake, but it is not suitable to be your own label.

Su Yi thought for a while, and soon had a direction.

Engage in the Internet and live broadcast.

This industry is only in its infancy this year, and Su Yi feels that he can enter the market first to seize the opportunity.

The entry point is also easy to find. Jianghu Bar has signed hundreds of underground bands, and there are live performances by different bands every day. This is a very good live broadcast content.

Of course, the live music alone is too simple, and other types of anchors can be cultivated to enrich the content.

But doing this is too much trouble...

Su Yi felt a bit overwhelmed for a while, he wanted to make money, but also wanted to enjoy life without getting too tired, it was really difficult...

"We still have to find a more reliable leader, even if he earns less, he won't be tired." Su Yi quickly made the decision to be the shopkeeper.

Writing a book and using Jianghu Bar to incubate a live broadcast platform, this can be regarded as two careers, one main and one auxiliary.

But to make it easier for yourself, you can also make a few bucks.

stock market?

With Su Yi's means, it's not too difficult to eavesdrop on some inside information and make some quick money by doing some crooked ways. You can also start to do this, so that you can complete the original accumulation as soon as possible.

In addition, you can also engage in long-term investment.

Real estate, the average price of a house in Shanghai these days is [-] yuan, the price of cabbage, what are you waiting for if you don’t buy it?
There are also some stocks that can be held for a long time, or can be held for a few years to double your assets.

The current price of Bitcoin is equivalent to picking it up for nothing. In the future, it will be multiplied by tens of thousands of times. If you can make money by bending over, don’t do it for nothing.

After careful calculation, Su Yi found that he was really lazy before, and he didn't even bother to engage in so many profitable projects.

Not to mention anything else, invest more in real estate, buy more bitcoins, and make a proper profit of dozens of small goals when you sell it at the peak five years later.

Thinking of this, Su Yi thought of a person—David.

His former bar manager.

Although they parted ways due to different ideas before, in the world of adults, as long as there are common interests, David must be happy to turn back.

Sure enough, Su Yi called David and easily persuaded the former subordinate who was looking for a job to come back and work for him.

Su Yi called the headhunting company he had worked with again and offered a high salary and dividend model to continue recruiting talents for himself.

This busy, it was in the afternoon, and then he saw Lu Ziqiao.

"Little Brother Yi! It's great to see you, hurry up, lend me some money! Help me!" Lu Ziqiao excitedly grabbed Su Yi's hand.


Su Yi was stunned for a moment, and comforted himself: "Well, it's reasonable to ask me to borrow money as soon as I haven't seen you for so long."

"Don't say that, Brother Yi, I don't look like them! I know where you have been for the past half month, do you need me to find out?" Lu Ziqiao winked at Su Yi wretchedly.

"You know?" Su Yi had a half-smile, "Then I want to hear it."

"You've been with Yu Mo for half a month, right!" Lu Ziqiao said firmly.

"Who did you hear that from?" Su Yi asked.

"Do you still need to listen? I have proof!" Lu Ziqiao smiled confidently, took out her mobile phone, logged into Washbasin, and found a tweet for Su Yi to read.

"Look, what is this!"

Su Yi took it, and said in surprise: "Damn, you actually follow Richard's account? Isn't it too wretched?"

"I'm investigating the enemy's situation for you!" Lu Ziqiao said righteously, "Brother Yi, I have to say that sometimes you think too highly of yourself and your eyes are high above the top. Your threat. God is your best brother, and it is my bounden duty to help you check and fill in the gaps!"

"Hehe, I'm really tied to Q." Su Yi smiled but read the tweet, "I'm single again today, the past is like smoke, and I saw her again when I look back... Huh? Richard is divorced?"

Su Yi laughed and said: "It seems that her wife is also a ruthless person, so she will break it up as soon as she says it."

"Hey! That's not the point, okay?" Lu Ziqiao glared, "Look at the back, who replied to him!"

"Yu Mo?" Su Yi guessed the answer, smiled and clicked on the comment, it really is.

"Looking back and seeing... Well, it is true that the one who is close to vermilion is red, and the one who is close to ink is black. Yumo and Yifei are more and more similar." Su Yi commented with a smile.

He looked at Lu Ziqiao: "Isn't this the evidence you showed me? What does this mean?"

"Hehe, look at the release date of this tweet!" Lu Ziqiao looked like he was holding the pearls in his hands, "This date is exactly the same as the day you left, which means that you just read this tweet and caused a crisis Feeling, so I ran to find Yu Mo! Right?"

"For your size!" Su Yi rolled his eyes, "With Yu Mo's character, even if all the men in the world are dead, she won't eat Richard's repentance."

"I knew you wouldn't admit it!" Lu Ziqiao sneered, "I called Yu Mo a week ago, and I said on the phone that I wanted to visit her, but she refused me!"

He stared into Su Yi's eyes: "She actually rejected me!"

"Isn't this a very normal thing?" Su Yi spread his hands.

"Of course it's not normal!" Lu Ziqiao waved her hand, "It's a shame that a male friend like me who is so humorous and charismatic traveled thousands of miles to visit her. She has no reason to reject me!"

"Zi Qiao, in terms of self-confidence, you are really good at it." Su Yi gave him a thumbs up.

"So there is only one truth! That is, it is inconvenient for her to let me go!" Lu Ziqiao sneered, "You also said that Yu Mo is unlikely to eat Richard's grass of turning back, but she is still very happy with your grass of turning back. Have some food. Admit it, Little Brother Yi, you must have been with Yumo during this time, singing every night..."

"But don't worry, I won't tell Yifei about this. They're all men, I understand..." Lu Ziqiao winced again, "As long as you lend me 10,000 yuan this time, I promise to keep my mouth shut!"

"I lend you money because I am willing to borrow, not because of anything else." Su Yi said lightly, "Well, I will lend you money, but what you said to me just now, you have to tell everyone in the love apartment, "

Lu Ziqiao was stunned: "Are you sure?"

"This is the condition for me to lend you the money!" Su Yi said with a smile, "If you agree, I will call Manager Lu right away, and you can go directly to him to get the money later."

"I understand, clever!" Lu Ziqiao suddenly realized, and gave Su Yi a thumbs up, "You want to use this incident to cause conflicts between Yifei and Yumo, you can pretend to be a good person, and you can even force Yifei to take the initiative to post You? You are amazing, Little Brother B, you are an expert!"

Su Yi sighed and patted him on the shoulder: "You can do whatever you want. By the way, why did you borrow so much this time?"

"I'm doing an experiment," Lu Ziqiao said with a solemn expression, "I want to know, if I'm a rich man, will women pay more attention to my money or me. And it's money plus me. Personal charm, will it make me even more powerful, and my combat power will explode!"

"Just pretending to be a rich man picking up girls." Su Yi shook his head, called Manager Lu, and asked him to prepare 10,000 yuan in cash.

"Go to the bar and get it." Su Yi said, "Remember to pay back the money in time, this is already the third loan."

"I understand the rules!" Lu Ziqiao blinked at Su Yi, "Thank you, Brother Yi!"

(End of this chapter)

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