Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1051 Dating

Chapter 1051 Dating
Lu Ziqiao happily left, leaving Su Yi alone.

Su Yi was thinking about whether to go to the bar when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Opening the door, there was a plump, beautiful woman standing outside the door.

Both were stunned.

The woman outside the door was stunned because she didn't expect that it was a stranger who opened the door.

And Su Yi was stunned because he recognized who this woman was.

Chen Meijia.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" Su Yi quickly realized and asked.

Chen Meijia's eyes widened, she sized up Su Yi several times from top to bottom, her eyes gradually brightened.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked expectantly.


"Uh..." Su Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, there is no one who asks this in the first sentence when they meet for the first time.

"I guess there is." Su Yi said.

This is not a lie, although he and Hu Yifei haven't pointed it out yet, but everyone has already tacitly understood it.

"I knew it!" Chen Meijia slapped her forehead angrily, her eyes were full of disappointment, "Miscalculation, miscalculation, I should have come back sooner, I missed a handsome guy of this level?"

Su Yi smiled and moved away: "If you can talk, talk more, you can come in and continue to praise."

"Okay, okay!" Chen Meijia looked at Su Yi regretfully, shaking her head and sighing as if she had lost money.

After Su Yi asked her to sit down, he brought her a can of Coke and introduced himself: "Su Yi, Su from Suzhou, Yi from Taiyi."

"Oh, my name is Meijia, Chen Meijia!" Chen Meijia hurriedly stood up and introduced herself, "Actually, I used to live next door, but later moved out."

"I heard Guan Gu and Mr. Zeng talking about you," Su Yi said with a smile, "You and Ziqiao..."

"Zi Qiao? Does this name sound familiar?" Chen Meijia interrupted Su Yi, pretending to be thinking and trying to remember, "Zhang Ziqiao? Wang Ziqiao?"

"His surname is Lu." Su Yi pursed his lips.

"Changed your name?" Chen Meijia was surprised. Seeing Su Yi's half-smile, she blushed and waved her hands, "Whatever, he's irrelevant anyway. By the way, how are Mr. Zeng and the others? And Yifei , is she still with Mr. Shen?"

Su Yi said: "Everything is fine, Yifei and Mr. Shen have separated long ago."

"I knew it!" Chen Meijia slapped her thigh and said, "Mr. Shen and Yifei are not compatible at all. Let me guess, Yifei must be with Teacher Zeng now, right? They are only married!"

Su Yi smiled politely at her: "No."

"No? Then Teacher Zeng can't do it! After so long, I still can't handle Yifei? In fact, women are easy to chase, alas, Teacher Zeng is so stupid!" Chen Meijia sighed and shook her head.

Su Yi touched his chin: "Ms. Chen is here to find Yifei, right? How about I call her? She should be off work soon."

"Wait!" Chen Meijia suddenly cried out nervously.

"What's wrong?" Su Yi looked at her suspiciously.

"Uh... Mr. Su, I have a small request..." Chen Meijia said with a smile.

After a pause, he continued: "We are both husband and wife, we are too distant. How about you call me Meijia and I call you Teacher Su?"

"Little B." Su Yi said.

"Little Tail?" Chen Meijia covered her mouth and smiled, "This name is so cute, I like it."

"It's Xiaoyi, right? It's not the tail." Su Yi corrected.

"It doesn't matter, I'll call you Little Tail from now on, hehe!" Chen Meijia waved her hands involuntarily.



Su Yi had a bad feeling that this nickname might be called out.

"Little tail, it's like this. In fact, I don't want everyone to know about my return." Chen Meijia said.

"Didn't you come here just to find them?" Su Yi asked suspiciously, "You have already knocked on the door."

"I... Oh, anyway, please don't tell them, okay!" Chen Meijia pouted coquettishly, "Brother Little Tail, please treat this as our little secret, okay?"


Su Yi couldn't help shaking his head, Chen Meijia was really the most coquettish woman he had ever seen.Which man can stand this?

"Okay, I won't say anything." Su Yi said, "But Yifei will be back soon."

"Then I have to go quickly..." Chen Meijia panicked, stood up hastily and walked out. "Little Tail, don't tell them I've been here!"

Su Yi spread his hands and sent her to the door.

"By the way, what's your phone number? I'll write it down!" Chen Meijia suddenly remembered when she went out.

Su Yi reported a series of numbers, and Chen Meijia dialed Su Yi's phone number on the spot, and then ran to the elevator in a panic, waving her hands without looking back: "As long as you keep the secret, as a thank you, I will I will treat you to milk tea! Wait for me to contact you, bye!"

Su Yi watched her go, shook his head and shrugged.

Judging by Chen Meijia's attire, she should not have a very happy life.Su Yi felt that the reason why she knocked on the door again and didn't want everyone to know that she was back was because of an inferiority complex.

She should also ask herself out to find out about Lu Ziqiao and the others' experiences by herself.

Su Yi has no patience to be a sounding board or a storyteller.

According to the development of the plot, Chen Meijia finally moved back to live, so can we omit her tangled temptations and do it in one step?
Su Yi thought for a while, then laughed.

He promised Chen Meijia not to disclose the news of her return, but as long as he showed his flaws a little bit, I believe that this group of abnormal friends would definitely find out the truth.

Su Yi's heart moved, he raised his head, and saw Hu Yifei standing not far away with a puzzled face, observing his expression.

Hu Yifei and Chen Meijia were both front and back. She had seen Su Yi a long time ago when she came back, so she stood here and did not leave.

"Why are you standing at the door furtively?" Hu Yifei looked at Su Yi suspiciously, "You're still smiling so obscenely."

"Which eye of yours sees my smile as obscene?" Su Yi said speechlessly, "Besides, when did I sneak around? It's clear that I'm aboveboard, okay?"

Hu Yifei approached Su Yi, sniffled her nose, frowned suddenly and said, "Was there a woman at home?"

"Damn, you have a dog's nose?" Su Yi asked in surprise.

"There is a woman!" Hu Yifei suddenly raised her voice, her eyes were not friendly, "You brought a woman home as soon as you came back? Tell me, who is she?"

"I promised her not to tell." Su Yi smiled, well, he didn't even need to drop the hook, he took the bait automatically.

"I know this person?" Hu Yifei asked suspiciously.

"I know." Su Yi nodded.

"It's Yumo!" Hu Yifei raised her brows upside down.

"Of course not!" Su Yi stopped her from guessing, "Come on, treat me to dinner, and cleanse me up."

"Why should I invite you to dinner?" Hu Yifei said angrily, "As soon as you left, there was no news, as if the world had evaporated, and as soon as you came back, you brought a woman home. I haven't settled with you yet, and you still let me Treat you to dinner?"

The more Hu Yifei spoke, the more angry she became, she gritted her teeth and squeezed her fist: "Su Xiaoyi, are you loose and want me to tighten it up for you?"

Su Yi sighed and said: "It doesn't matter who treats guests, the important thing is that the two of us have dinner together. If you don't want to, then forget it."

"What is it?" Hu Yifei shouted, staring, "I tell you, I must treat you, and it is an apology for your disappearance for half a month!"


"Okay." Su Yi said.

"Wait, I'll go and change clothes first." Hu Yifei looked pale, and walked inside with a cold snort.

After a while, she changed her clothes and came out, the first thing she did was to stare and say, "Well, you Su Xiaoyi, you are so insidious and cunning! You have been fooled by such a big thing as being missing for half a month with just one meal." The most exasperating thing is that I was actually taken into the ditch by you, and I actually brought up this matter on my own initiative?"

Su Yi couldn't help laughing: "So education and IQ are often not directly proportional."

"You mean your IQ is higher than mine?" Hu Yifei began to itch again, "I forgot to tell you, my doctoral thesis has been passed! Recently, I am considering whether to join the newly established postdoctoral mobile station of the school. On IQ, I have already defeated 90.00% of the people in the country at [-]%! Do you think you have a high IQ? If you have the ability, go get a doctorate and show me?"

"I've already passed the childish stage of showing my IQ through academic qualifications." Su Yi teased while pressing the elevator.

"Who are you calling childish?" Hu Yifei was so angry, "Su Xiaoyi, you are angry with me as soon as we meet, do you want to piss me off!"

"It's not good for you to get angry with me as soon as we meet. Next time we meet, why don't you be angry with me, for example—a child?"

"Go to hell! Flash once! Flash twice! Flash three! Flash again! Super Supreme flash!"

The moment the elevator door closed, the two figures were already entangled.

When they reached the first floor, Hu Yifei straightened her messy hair and clothes with a blushing face, her expression a little embarrassed.

Su Yi, on the other hand, put on a smile and put his hands in his pockets, leisurely and leisurely.

"What kind of skill is bullying a woman?" Hu Yifei couldn't help but said angrily.

Su Yi widened his eyes, pointed at her and shouted loudly: "Hey, come and see, come and see, Hu Yifei admits that she is a woman!"

Hu Yifei was embarrassed, and went up to cover his mouth: "What are you shouting? Are you ashamed!"

Su Yi laughed and ran away.

Hu Yifei couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"You childish ghost, don't let me catch you!"

chased up.

Su Yi wanted to have a delicious meal of Shuchuan hot pot, so Hu Yifei naturally accompanied him.

The two took a taxi to a famous hot pot restaurant, queued for two hours, and had a hard meal.

After the meal, Su Yi touched his round belly and said in a very comfortable way: "I'm so satisfied, I feel that even for this moment, all the sacrifices are worth it."

Hu Yifei couldn't help but asked, "What have you been doing for the past half month?"

She looked around, and suddenly leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Honestly, are you an agent of a secret unit?"

Su Yi has a serious expression: "Actually, I am a time traveler, going back and forth between major film and television worlds, and completing..."

"Again!" Hu Yifei rolled her eyes, "Forget it, forget it, I won't ask you!"

She bit her lip: "but you have to tell me, who is that woman you brought home?"

"I can't say, I promised her." Su Yi said, "But she should still call me to meet."

Hu Yifei looked unhappy: "Will you go?"

His eyes were menacing.

Su Yi smiled at her: "I will go."

Depend on!
Hu Yifei's teeth itch again with hatred: "You are really justified!"

"Why don't I be upright, and it's not that I can't see the light." Su Yi took it for granted, "You didn't confess to me, and I'm still single now."

Hu Yifei jumped up immediately: "Hey! Why should I confess my love to you? No! Why is it you! Who do you think you are? You think I have to be you!"

Su Yi looked at her with a smile.

"It should be you who wants to confess, are you a man?" Hu Yifei's expression was a little unnatural, "And I have something to say first, I didn't say I would promise you, if you get rejected at that time, don't blame me!"

Su Yi said with a smile: "I think this is very good, let's wait for it to happen."

"Who wants to be with you?" Hu Yifei rolled his eyes at him, and couldn't help laughing, "By the way, do you think I should join this postdoctoral mobile station?"

"If you want to specialize in academic research, can you bear your temper?" Su Yi asked, "And you will still face a choice after two years. Joining this mobile station will enrich your resume and increase your academic experience. Is there anything else good for you?"

"Why don't you think about it the other way around. If you don't join this rover, what do you think you will do?"

"I should become an official lecturer." Hu Yifei pondered, "Then strive to be promoted to associate professor within two years, and to be promoted to professor within five years."

Speaking of this, Hu Yifei was stunned, looked at Su Yi blankly and said, "That's right... Actually, I still want to teach students and become a professor."

Su Yi spread out his hands: "So do you understand what you want to do?"

Hu Yifei clapped her hands happily: "It's suddenly clear! I've been struggling for more than a week, you should come back sooner!"

She smiled at Su Yi and raised her chin: "It's ok bro, you are very good at enlightening others. A reverse thinking can solve my problem. Give me a verbal praise!"

Su Yi sneered: "There is no actual reward at all, who cares?"

"Hey, I won't hold you accountable anymore, don't be so stingy!" Hu Yifei said with a smile, "It's still early, do you want to go to the movies together?"

"Go to open a room after watching the movie?" Su Yi suggested.

"Go to hell!" Hu Yifei glared at him, "What's the relationship between us and you just say that? Smelly rascal!"

"So, hurry up and confess your love, Comrade Yifei." Su Yi sighed, "It always feels like cheating on you to date me like this."

"Ah bah! Dogs can't spit out ivory!" Hu Yifei said angrily, "Hurry up, hurry up, I heard that there is a lighthouse blockbuster called "Cloud Atlas", which was just released recently, and it's very good..."

Hu Yifei really went to buy the bill, and then the two took a taxi and went straight to the cinema.

It was rare for Su Yi to relax, his mind was completely empty, he didn't think about anything, he just enjoyed this relaxing moment, bickering with Hu Yifei along the way, made Hu Yifei so angry that he couldn't help it, and even fired twice.

It's a pity that he was easily suppressed by Su Yi every time.

When they arrived at the cinema, Su Yi took the initiative to buy Feizhai Happy Water and a big bucket of popcorn. The two walked into the screening hall holding hands, talking and laughing.

Just like any other couple.

(End of this chapter)

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