Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1052 I want to be a scumbag

Chapter 1052 I want to be a scumbag

It was already twelve o'clock in the evening when Su Yi and Hu Yifei returned home after their date.

Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou, who had agreed to go home tonight, would not arrive until midnight because their plane was delayed; home.

Therefore, there are only Su Yi and Hu Yifei in today's love apartment.

The two returned to the empty home, especially after experiencing a harmonious half-day date, the hormones were volatilizing wantonly, and the ambiguous atmosphere lingered in the room.

Su Yi originally planned to let nature take its course, and the atmosphere has been heightened here. It would be too unmanly if he didn't do anything.

So he lit the candles and opened the red wine.

In fact, many times men and women are tacit about things. I know your intentions are bad, and you understand my half-push and half-action. No one should think that the other party doesn't know what you want to do.

Hu Yifei seemed very nervous at this time, her hands were shaking when holding the wine glass.

"Are you scared?" Su Yi couldn't help asking.

"Afraid? How is that possible!" Hu Yifei insisted, "There is no word for fear in my dictionary!"

"is it?"

Su Yi approached with a smile, their faces were already close at hand, each other's breath gently patted each other's face.

Hu Yifei stared wide-eyed at Su Yi's approaching face, took a step back suddenly, swallowed hard, and said, "Wait, we're like this...what about Yumo?"


Su Yi's face was expressionless: "Seeing that the two of us are going to be a matter of course, you mention Yumo to me?"

"I..." Hu Yifei's eyes rolled wildly.

"Have you hesitated?" Su Yi frowned, "Haven't you made up your mind yet?"

"I..." Hu Yifei looked embarrassed and was speechless.

Su Yi looked at her for a while, then took a few steps back as if realizing something, and smiled at her: "Okay, I understand. It's late, go to bed early."

"Xiao Yi, it's not what you think!" Seeing that Su Yi turned around and was about to leave, Hu Yifei hurriedly grabbed him, "I'm not...I didn' you understand what I mean?"

"You want to say that it's not that you don't want to be with me, nor are you rejecting me." Su Yi said, "You just feel guilty because of that dream, in which Yu Mo and I had a child, but you still Come to me, you feel that you have done wrong to Yu Mo by doing this. When you return to reality, it is Yu Mo who quit instead of you, so you feel very sorry for her in your heart, and you can't get over this hurdle."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Hu Yifei nodded like a chicken pecking rice with wide-eyed eyes, thumped her left shoulder and pointed at Su Yi, "Yes, Xiao Yi, you understand me! That's it!"

"I like being with you, but I... I'm not sure... I'm sorry Xiaoyi, give me a little more time."

Su Yi Yangtian sighed: "I'm just here for a vacation, but it's damn it, it's like life..."

"Xiao Yi, what are you... talking about?" Hu Yifei couldn't understand, and felt a little uneasy.

Su Yi looked at her: "I'm talking, I don't like this. Yifei, I originally thought that relationship should be a matter between two people and has nothing to do with others. But you told me that relationship should not be detached from life, and you pulled me back But Yifei, the reality is full of changes, and no one can predict what will happen tomorrow."

"I... I don't understand what you're talking about." Hu Yifei's expression changed a little.

Su Yi smiled and said: "Yu Mo's sudden departure actually had the same thoughts as you, and she also cared about your girlfriend's feelings. That's why she came to me for the last one under the pretext of transferring away and rushing to the third place." Answer. If I had truly belonged and agreed to her at that time, I don't think she would be so hesitant and uncertain like you."

"Actually, Yifei, you seem to be strong and confident, but emotionally, you are too timid."

"You're the one who is cowardly!" Hu Yifei retorted subconsciously.

Su Yi smiled: "You shrunk... I can't say whether it's good or bad. But the twisted melon is not sweet, let's be good roommates again."

"I'm sorry, did I mess things up?" Hu Yifei suddenly asked in frustration, her voice was crying, "Xiao Yi, I don't know what I'm struggling with..."

"Then don't worry about it." Su Yi said, "Go back and have a good sleep. When you wake up tomorrow morning, everything will be back to how it was before."

Su Yi smiled at her, turned and went back to the bedroom.

Hu Yifei stayed in the living room for a long time, and suddenly picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it down.

Su Yi who returned to the room couldn't help laughing at himself.

It is impossible to say that there is no discomfort in my heart, but I am not depressed to any extent.

Originally, his idea was to establish a relationship with Hu Yifei, and then start a career that is neither important nor important, so as to live comfortably in the world of the two, but now it seems that he has taken it for granted.

Hu Yifei is also a living person with his own ideas, not what he thinks about others.

Of course, if Su Yi persisted, he would be able to seize Hu Yifei's weakness and reach home plate tonight.

But that's too disrespectful, and it also loses Su Yi's original intention of coming here for vacation.

So, just go with the flow.

"The three monks have no water to's better to just be a scumbag and hug each other."

"But being a scumbag is also a technical job... It seems that I haven't been a scumbag yet?"

Su Yi was stunned suddenly, carefully recalling his acting experience.

From the initial storm, the first time he tasted the forbidden fruit on the set was with Ding Jianguo. At that time, he had the opportunity to be a scumbag, because the tattooed girl Sun Tong also had feelings for her, but Su Yi finally kept his integrity as a man.

Then there was Qiu Yingying, at that time Guan Juer took the initiative to throw himself into his arms, and even Qu Xiaoxiao had an affair with him, but in the end Su Yi still guarded Qiu Yingying like a jade.

Next, it's Gong Er... This is the woman Su Yi never forgets, like a bamboo like an orchid.

And the Eastern Invincible...

Then there are Qin Yumo and Hu Yifei now.

Is there any more?
Su Yi recalled carefully, the car stopped on the bridge one night, the crazy young woman flashed in Su Yi's mind.

Well, this one doesn't count.

Su Yi suddenly realized that he never seemed to be a scumbag.

What is it like to be a scumbag?

Will it be morally condemned?Uneasiness of conscience?
Su Yi looked out the window with a worried expression.

Still need to broaden the play path...

It's not good to be too honest.

Still have to learn to be a scumbag.

It doesn't matter whether you are or not, but you have to know it.

Su Yi convinced himself.

But in the field of scumbags, Su Yi is a complete rookie.In a modern society where men and women are equal, if you want to hug left and right, unless you spend money, it is undoubtedly hell-level difficulty to dregs these excellent women who don't value money.

If it was in ancient times, where men had three wives and four concubines, it would be much easier...

If you want to be a scumbag, why not go to the ancient novice village to practice your hands and accumulate experience?

It just so happens that I also have a resort world, where plums, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums compete for beauty, and they all fall in love with a big scumbag...

Su Yi's heart skipped a beat.

His three vacation worlds are "Human World", "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" and "Resident Evil".

Among the three worlds, Su Yi actually liked the world of "Resident Evil" at first, because it is possible to obtain the T-virus, unlock the gene lock, and possibly obtain superpowers such as telekinesis in this world.

But Director No. 032 clearly told Su Yi that this is absolutely impossible.

Not to mention the ability, even if it is the T virus, if Su Yi touches it, the consequences will be unpredictable, and it may irreversibly turn into a zombie.

In the resort world, it is impossible to have too good resources. The biggest gain in "Resident Evil" will be the advanced technology.

In this way, the value of this world to Su Yi will be greatly reduced.

It's better to go to the world of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji".

With Su Yi's current martial arts, he has two excellent internal skills, "Star Absorbing Dafa" and "Book of Changes, Washing the Marrow", and his external skills are even more state-of-the-art, reaching the realm of a master, not to mention the Dugu Nine Swords, which he has not yet had time for. Learn to comprehend.

Lightness kung fu is a bit weaker, but it is far beyond ordinary with its powerful internal strength; as for acupuncture kung fu, one method can master all methods, Su Yi can be regarded as proficient.

Of course, his martial arts are not yet perfect, but in "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", there are not many martial arts that can arouse Su Yi's interest, and there are really not many martial arts that are useful to him.

He knows Zhang Sanfeng's comprehensive "Taijiquan Classic", but Su Yi is not interested in this kind of martial arts which is broad and profound but somewhat slow.

Of course, Su Yi still has the heart to measure the level of martial arts practiced by this so-called land god.

"Nine Suns Divine Art" claims that after being practiced, all martial arts in the world can be used. It is not only invulnerable to all poisons, but also designed to destroy all cold and sinister internal forces, but Su Yi has the "Book of Changes Washing the Marrow" Filling in the vacancies, endless internal strength, combined with the "Star Attraction Dafa" to get something for nothing, he has no need for the "Nine Suns Divine Art",
It is impossible for him to dissipate his current internal strength to revise the "Nine Suns Divine Art".

Moreover, Su Yi had a vague feeling that the famous "Nine Suns Divine Art" might not be better than the "Book of Changes Washing the Marrow" compiled and compiled by Dongfang Bubai.

However, if there is a chance to get it, it is still good for reference. "Nine Suns Divine Art" is not of much interest to Su Yi.

The "Nine Yin Manual" and "The Essence of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" hidden in the Yitian Sword can somewhat arouse Su Yi's interest.

However, the two kinds of martial arts hidden in the sword are all deleted versions. For Su Yi, they are also icing on the cake.

In "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", the only martial art that Su Yi is interested in is the Mingjiao's unique skill "The Great Shift of the Universe".

According to the various effects of "The Great Teleportation of the Universe", this martial art is completely an external magical art that integrates the strengths of Jin Yong's martial arts world's major martial arts.

For example, this martial art can see through the opponent's flaws. Does this look like "Dugu Nine Swords"?
Can copy and imitate the opponent's martial arts, isn't this "Little Wuxiang Gong"?

It can stimulate the potential of the human body and make the manpower infinite, and the same is true of "Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique".

Being able to reverse the internal force, connect, transform, and rebound is more miraculous than Murong's "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi".

There is also the cultivation of the two qi of heaven and earth, which transforms and reverses the internal force of yin and yang.If Su Yi had this ability long ago, "Star Attraction Dafa" would not have any hidden dangers for him at all.

The most important thing is that this "Great Shift of the Universe" is actually not considered as internal energy, but a general method for the use of internal energy.

To use an analogy, if a person's martial arts is a computer, the internal strength is the hard disk, the moves are the motherboard, and the CPU is the human brain.

But now, "The Great Shift of the Universe" provides the CPU with a new and more efficient algorithm, making the performance of martial arts more powerful and efficient.

Su Yi is still very interested in this brand new algorithm.

This can also be regarded as a supplement to one's own martial arts.

Although Su Yi has now come into contact with Taoism, spiritual energy, and true energy, even though it is superficial, Su Yi can still feel the power and magic of cultivation.

But in terms of martial arts, Su Yi will never give up, because he believes that the two do not conflict, and even complement each other to achieve each other.

In the world of "Zombies", if he hadn't possessed superb martial arts, let alone win, it is unknown whether he would survive. It can be seen that martial arts are still very useful.

Martial arts practice is based on human qi and blood, with meridians as the main field, and what is cultivated is the essence of qi and blood—internal force.

And according to the introduction of "Huang Ting Jing", what one cultivates is one's innate qi, which absorbs the aura of heaven and earth, visualizes and preserves the spirit, and finally uses oneself as a furnace to refine the innate qi into a golden pill, which is considered to be a true immortal .

The two are completely different systems.

Su Yi felt that both martial arts and Taoism should be followed by Su Yi, and he must not give up lightly.

A truly powerful warrior doesn't give way much to a cultivator.

Don't you want to be a scumbag?Why did you think of such a heavy matter as martial arts and future development?

Su Yi withdrew from his deep thoughts, only then did he realize that the night was already very deep.

Now that he has decided to go to the world of "Yi Tian Shou Long Ji" to perfect his martial arts and learn to be a scumbag, then he has to plan his time.

After all, "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" is the same as here, it is also a resort world, you can come and go freely, but in terms of time, it is also synchronized with here.

Every half a month when I go there, I also have to go on a mission to participate in the performance.

Time is a big issue.

Can you ask the director for help to adjust the time?

Su Yi thought of this, and immediately contacted 032 through the terminal.
The latter directly tells Su Yi through the background information of the terminal that if it is used as a resort world, the time is synchronized with here, which is irreconcilable.

But you can turn the world of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" into a one-time travel world, that is to say, you can only enter and exit once, but the time is not limited.In this way, the director can speed up the time ratio between Yitian World and here.

This is totally acceptable...

Su Yi cheered up, and hurriedly sent another message, asking how much the fastest ratio can be adjusted?

The answer was—one hour and ten years.

There is no problem with this. If you spend one night, you can run a lifetime in "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji".

Su Yi felt that he could consider taking a one-time one-way trip by dealing with the chores of this world a little bit.

After thinking this through, Su Yi fell asleep peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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