Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1053 Yoyo's Mouth

Chapter 1053 Yoyo's Mouth
In the middle of the night, Su Yi heard that Guan Gu miraculously sent Tang Youyou in. The two of them moved very lightly, and they lingered in the living room for a while. Then Guan Gu miraculously went back to the next door, while Tang Youyou washed and slept.

When she woke up early in the morning, Hu Yifei had already bought breakfast, and Tang Youyou was still catching up on sleep.

"Morning," Hu Yifei walked out of the kitchen with hot milk, and greeted Su Yi with a smile, "Yuyou and the others came back last night, you don't know?"

"I heard that," Su Yi said while walking to the bathroom, "Eh? Today Friday, don't you have to go to class? Why don't you leave so late?"

With his hand on the doorknob, Su Yi suddenly stopped and turned around, looked at Hu Yifei suspiciously, and said with a half-smile: "Hey, don't you think that you feel sorry for me for what happened last night, so you specially invited me to have breakfast Make it up to me?"

"You are so passionate! How is that possible!" Hu Yifei denied it, but her ears were red and her eyes were erratic. Even a stranger could tell that her words were wrong.

"Don't make such a fuss, since you moved in, I have prepared breakfast for you almost every morning, okay? When you are in retreat, I will take care of three meals a day!"

"Correct me, you only took care of three meals." Su Yi chuckled, went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Hu Yifei was stunned for a long time before she came to her senses, and immediately shouted in embarrassment: "Su Xiaoyi! Now you are more and more like the two wretched men next door! You have imitated them badly!"

Su Yi hehe while brushing his teeth.

Learning to be bad?

Is this still worth learning?

This is also called bad?

After washing and leaving the bathroom door, Hu Yifei was already sitting at the dining table waiting for him.

Without further ado, Su Yi sat down, grabbed the deep-fried dough sticks and ate them, and swallowed the soy milk while sucking on the straw.

"Ahem, I thought about it last night, and I think I really shouldn't run away anymore. I have to face up to the problems between us." Hu Yifei clenched his fists, like a soldier preparing to go to the battlefield, with a serious expression and written words in his eyes. With two words - seriously.

Su Yi sucked the soy milk, made a loud noise, and raised his neck: "And then?"

"Forget what happened last night, just pretend it never happened, okay?" Hu Yifei looked at Su Yi and said seriously.

"What about Yu Mo?" Su Yi chewed on the fritters.

"Can you be more serious?" Hu Yifei complained dissatisfiedly, and then said seriously, "Yu Mo's departure means that she has given you to me."

"Hush..." Su Yi suddenly made a silent movement, and looked at the bedroom door on the other side.

Hu Yifei looked over there, and turned to Su Yi with a questioning expression.

Su B: (→_→)
And make a mouth shape: "Yuyou."

Hu Yifei understood, took a deep breath, clenched his fists and shouted: "Tang Youyou! Overhearing other people's speeches early in the morning, why don't you become a spy if you are so energetic!"

Boom boom boom!
The sound of footsteps running away came from the bedroom.

Su Yi smiled, and when he was about to speak, his cell phone rang.

He picked it up.


"Little Tail? It's me, remember me?"

"Of course I remember." Su Yi smiled, "What's your business?"

Hu Yifei on the opposite side heard a woman in the receiver, immediately pricked up her ears, and approached unconsciously.

Su Yi pointed at her, pretending to be a warning, and then walked aside.

"I promised to treat you to milk tea yesterday, did you forget?"

"Is it so early?" Su Yi said speechlessly, "It's only half past seven in the morning!"

"Of course not now!" Chen Meijia laughed on the other end of the phone, "The milk tea shop outside your community doesn't open until ten o'clock in the morning, why don't we make an appointment at that time?"

"Ten o'clock? Go drink milk tea?" Su Yi repeated it deliberately, and turned to look at Hu Yifei who was pretending to look for something and then approached.

"Okay, that's it." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Great, let's see each other!" Chen Meijia said happily.

"See you soon." Su Yi smiled and hung up the phone.

"Who, are you still here?" Hu Yifei deliberately pretended to be calm and calm.

Su Yi looked at her with a serious expression, and spit out three words: "I can't say it!"

"Don't talk about pulling it down, I don't care about it!" Hu Yifei said with a "cut".

Su Yi smiled, and dialed David's phone again: "David, let's meet an hour earlier, I have an appointment at ten o'clock... Okay, I'm going out now, and I'll see you in the bar office in ten minutes. "

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi said to Hu Yifei: "Thank you for the breakfast, I have to go out. By the way, are you still going to work?"

"I'll take a rest." Hu Yifei rolled her eyes, "Didn't you fire David?"

"For a talented person, I am willing to give him one more chance." Su Yi said with a smile, "Recently, there is a new project to be launched, and I need his ability. I have worked with him before, and he is not familiar with it."

"You don't need to explain so much to me, I don't suspect that you lied to me..." Hu Yifei waved his hand.

Su Yi had a half-smile but not a smile: "I really listened to what I said."

Without waiting for Hu Yifei to refute, he waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

"Are you coming back for lunch?" Hu Yifei called out to his back, "I'm going to make fried rice with eggs, do you want to worship my new technology?"

"Depends on the situation." Su Yi raised his hand and made a gesture of six, "I will call you."

He closed the door and went out.

After he went out, Hu Yifei's expression immediately became serious, and he stood by the dining table into a state of contemplation.

In a trance, she saw a big face dangling in front of her, and she was so frightened that she became alert all over, and subconsciously let out a piercing scream at high decibels.

"Ahhh..." The big face on the opposite side also screamed with her.

"Tang Youyou! You make no sound when you walk! You don't know how scary people are!" Hu Yifei shouted angrily.

"You were in a daze and didn't hear it, okay!" Tang Youyou said aggrievedly, "I haven't said you yet, but suddenly you shouted so loudly, it scared me."

Hu Yifei stroked her chest and gasped for breath: "Sooner or later, you will scare me out of a heart attack!"

"I think you will become a soprano singer sooner or later!" Tang Youyou said, "I feel like your soprano has soared to high C just now."

"...You shouldn't be acting, you should be talking about cross talk!" Hu Yifei gave her a white look.

"Cross talk has four lessons, and you can sing with slippers..." Tang Youyou said with a smile.

Hu Yifei was not in the mood to listen to her nonsense, so she turned around and left.

"Hey Yifei, don't go!" Tang Youyou posted it like a fart.

"Why? I don't have time to cheer you up." Hu Yifei said impatiently.

"I'm not here to talk about cross talk with you, I'm here to help you!" Tang Youyou said.

"Help me? Help me what?" Hu Yifei glanced at her sideways, "I'm going to the bathroom, will you help me take off my pants or whistle?"

"You can have this!" Tang Youyou said seriously, "I can still carry you when necessary, don't worry, I have strong arms."

Σ(°△ °|||)︴!
Hu Yifei suddenly had a picture in his mind, and suddenly shuddered...

"Tang Youyou! You are as horny as Su Xiaoyi now!" Hu Yifei yelled frantically.

"Hey, just kidding, don't be angry..." Tang Youyou hurriedly apologized, "Actually, I just want to say, I can help you catch rape together."

"Catch a traitor?" Hu Yifei was stunned for a moment, and then said with an unnatural expression, "What kind of traitor are you catching? Where is the traitor? Don't talk nonsense, don't slander others' innocence."


Tang Youyou said with a smile: "Yifei, I heard it all. Brother B was invited by a girl to drink milk tea at ten o'clock this morning. For this reason, he even postponed his official date at work, right?"

"The ears are so long, it's a pity not to be a spy!" Hu Yifei muttered angrily.

"Sister Yifei, you need a wingman!" Tang Youyou said seriously.

"What machine?" Hu Yifei was taken aback.

"Wingman!" Tang Youyou explained, "When a fighter jet performs a mission, there is usually another plane to support it. Once the attack fails, the host machine retreats, and the wingman covers it. If necessary, it will die with the enemy!"

Hu Yifei stayed for a long time: " seems good, but you are so great? And I don't need any wingmen, and I won't catch rapes! Su Xiaoyi wants to see who is his freedom, so I don't bother to care about it."

"Really?" Tang Youyou looked at her with a smile.

"Of course it's true!" Hu Yifei said.

"Well, it seems that I am being sentimental." Tang Youyou sighed, turned around and left, "It's a pity that if someone goes into battle shirtless, once he is caught, the scene will be brutal..."

"Come back!" Hu Yifei's shoulders drooped and he waved his hands indiscriminately, "Okay, you won."

"That's right!" Tang Youyou bounced back with a smile, "Don't worry Yifei, I will definitely cover you well, I will be an excellent helper, you are worth having!"

"Forget it, don't think that I don't know you and just want to watch the gossip at a close distance!" Hu Yifei ruthlessly exposed her, "If I didn't take you, you wouldn't go by yourself? I didn't let you participate to let you really help Me, but to prevent you from acting on your own and making trouble for me!"

"You still know me Yifei!" Tang Youyou hugged Hu Yifei's arm coquettishly, "Don't worry, I will never make trouble for you!"

"I hope so." Hu Yifei smiled helplessly, she already had a premonition of some unmanageable bad situation.

But as she said, it's useless to have a premonition, because from the moment Tang Youyou knew about it, it was destined to be out of control.

"But you have to promise me one thing!" Hu Yifei pointed at Tang Youyou and warned, "God knows this matter..."

"You know, I know!" Tang Youyou solemnly raised four fingers, "I'll post four!"

Hu Yifei looked at her hand expressionlessly.

Tang Youyou laughed along with her, and stretched out her fifth finger.

Hu Yifei rolled her eyes fiercely.

Five minutes later, 3602...

"Catch rape!"

Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu's magic all stared at each other, and shouted in disbelief.

"Hush..." Tang Youyou hurriedly made a gesture to make them whisper, "Keep your voice down, don't let others hear you!"

Zeng Xiaoxian looked to the left and then to the right, with a dull expression: "Anyone else? Is there anyone else here? Isn't everyone here except Yifei?"

"Oh, actually, I didn't want to tell you all at once, who knew that Mr. Zeng and Zi Qiao would come back together..." Tang Youyou stuck out her tongue.

Guan Gu looked at her expressionlessly: "But I was dragged out of bed by you when I was dreaming. I thought there was an earthquake, tsunami or volcanic eruption. In the end, you just wanted to tell me a gossip!"

Tang Youyou glared at him: "Hey, I told you about it out of kindness? I really should let you taste the feeling of knowing that there is a secret but not knowing what it is!"

Guan Gu miraculously gave her a polite smile: "Then I am really Arigado Ancient Emas."

"You're welcome!" Tang Youyou pouted.

"It's ok, Brother Yi, I have an affair as soon as I come back, and I took the initiative to send it to my door. I really like it!" Lu Xiaoqiao praised.

"So Yifei decided to catch the rape?" Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes widened with excitement, "Will the scene of the rape be very cruel? Wouldn't it be fatal?"

"I'm also worried about this, so I'm following!" Tang Youyou patted her thigh.

"Come on!" Zeng Xiaoxian rolled his eyes, "Don't think we don't know you just want to watch the gossip closely."

"Is it really so obvious?" Tang Youyou looked at the other two.

Guan Gu Miqi and Lu Ziqiao nodded fiercely.

"Okay." Tang Youyou's shoulders slumped, but he quickly changed into an excited expression, "But the explosive scene of catching rape is indeed rare in a hundred years! How about it, do you want to watch it forcefully?"

"Forget it, I didn't sleep all night, now I have to catch up on sleep." Lu Ziqiao yawned, "What will happen later, please let me know, I'm going to bed."

After speaking, Lu Ziqiao turned around and walked towards his room.

"I can't go either." Guan Gu said miraculously, "This time the two of us are going on a trip, but I still haven't finished a lot of work assigned to me by brother B. It would be embarrassing if he asked about me. ! So I have to hurry up and get the drawing out."

"Okay, Guan Gu!" Zeng Xiaoxian gloated and pointed at him, "Brother Xiao Yi is not here, so you are lazy and deserted!"

Guan Gu said in a hurry: "Please don't tell Little Brother B, or I will be embarrassed. In fact, it's Yoyo's fault, because she encouraged me to be lazy."

"Hey, you have no self-control, don't blame me!" Tang Youyou said angrily.

"Well, the main responsibility is indeed on me." Guan Gu miraculously scratched his head, "Yuyou, I can't accompany you to gossip."

"It's okay!" Seeing Guan Gu's miraculous attitude, Tang Youyou stopped being angry immediately, and touched his head with a smile, "Don't worry, Guan Guan, if there is any news, I will tell you as soon as possible!"

Then he looked at Zeng Xiaoxian: "Mr. Zeng, aren't you going too?"

"Cut!" Zeng Xiaoxian sneered disdainfully, "I'm still a famous celebrity now, why would I do such a boring thing?"

Just when Tang Youyou showed disappointment, Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly put on a wretched smile and said with a wretched smile: "But it's only human to relax once in a while! If you miss the explosive scene of Hu Yifei tearing up the mistress, you will be punished." The sky is struck by lightning! Count me in, Yoyo!"

(End of this chapter)

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