Chapter 1054
"Tang Youyou, didn't you swear that you would never keep your mouth shut?" Hu Yifei looked at Tang Youyou, who was guilty in front of him, pointing at Zeng Xiaoxian, "Then where did this guy come from?"

"He...uh..." Tang Youyou rolled her eyes and couldn't speak.

"Forget it, from the moment you knew about it, I knew it was impossible to keep this matter a secret! I would rather believe a man's broken mouth than your... broken mouth!" Hu Yifei said angrily.

"Hee hee, Yifei Feifei..." Tang Youyou hugged Hu Yifei's arm and acted coquettishly.

Hu Yifei said helplessly: "At least you only told Zeng Xiaoxian about it, and it didn't cause trouble to everyone in the city."

Hearing this, Tang Youyou buried her head in Hu Yifei's arms with even more guilty conscience.

"Uh, let me correct you." Zeng Xiaoxian approached and said, "Guan Gu and Zi Qiao knew about this two hours ago. When I went downstairs to throw out the trash an hour ago, I heard Xiao Hei and Zhen The wife is discussing if you catch an adulterer, should you hit the adulterer or the mistress, or mixed doubles? Xiao Hei also took the opportunity to offer odds to accept betting. The adulter pays three, the mistress pays five, and the mixed doubles one Pay [-]..."

"Tang Youyou!" Hu Yifei was so angry that his teeth itched.

"It's nothing." Zeng Xiaoxian continued to smile and said: "I also saw Tang Youyou went to the place where the square dance was performed, surrounded by a pair of old ladies..."


"Also, when I went upstairs, I saw her talking to some stray dogs in the garden." Zeng Xiaoxian raised his eyebrows and said, "Yifei, now you are going to catch rape, even the community All the stray dogs here know."

"Tang, You, You!" Hu Yifei gritted her teeth and said every word, "What kind of nonsense are you talking about? How long has it been since you let the whole community know about this?"

"Oh, they just want to help you gain support in public opinion!" Tang Youyou quibbled, "If you don't believe me, you can ask. Now everyone supports you to defeat the mistress and punish the adulterer!"

"Thank you, are you sure it's not a big deal for them to watch the fun?" Hu Yifei was still angry and waved her hand, "I wanted to satisfy my curiosity, but now, I won't go!"

"Ah?" Tang Youyou and Zeng Xiaoxian were dumbfounded.

"What can you do if you don't go, Yifei?" Tang Youyou was anxious, "Now a lot of people are going to spectate forcefully. If you, the protagonist, don't show up in the palace, how can this play be performed? They will think I'm a liar, I'm in the love apartment Your credibility will be reduced!"

"That's right, I bet 500 yuan from Xiao Hei to buy your women's singles, how can you not go?" Zeng Xiaoxian was also anxious, "If you don't go, my money will be wasted!"

"You're not a good guy! Taking other people's privacy as fun, you guys are wicked!" Hu Yifei left angrily, returned to her room, and slammed the door heavily.

Tang Youyou and Zeng Xiaoxian were shocked, and then looked at each other.

"Are we... going too far?" Tang Youyou asked weakly.

"It's not me, it's you." Zeng Xiaoxian acted as if it had nothing to do with me. "It's you who talk loudly everywhere, not me. The most I can do is to participate in illegal gambling. In terms of morality, I'm still perfect."

"Then what should I do now, Yifei must be angry with me." Tang Youyou said angrily, "If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't talk nonsense."

"Don't tell me...can you bear it?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at her suspiciously.

"Can't help it!" Tang Youyou's shoulders drooped, "Then what should we do now?"

"You wish for luck!" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile, "I paid the 500 yuan entrance fee. If you don't go to the scene to watch the gossip, how can it be worth the fare? Let's go, goodbye!"

"Wait! I'm going too!" Tang Youyou gritted her teeth, "Anyway, things are already bad, but if you miss this gossip, that would be the worst! I'll go with you!"

"Then what are you waiting for?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked expectantly, "Hurry up, if you go late, you may not have a good seat!"

"Yeah, let's go, let's go!"

Five minutes after they left, the door of Hu Yifei's room opened, and a bulging Spider-Man walked out.

Spider-Man looked around vigilantly, looked in the mirror again, and nodded with satisfaction: "Hmph, I don't believe it, so someone can recognize me?"

The door opened, and Guan Gu miraculously walked in.

Spider-Man makes a dynamic light wave pose.Watch Guan Gu vigilantly.

"Oh my god!" Guan Gu was startled, he leaned back tactically, looked Spider-Man up and down, and said in surprise, "Yifei, why are you dressed like this?"

"Damn, you can recognize this?" Hu Yifei cried out depressedly from under Spider-Man's mask.

Guan Gu had a strange expression on his face, hesitatingly said: "The girls in this room are Yoyo except you, Yoyo doesn't have you..."

Guan Gu miraculously gestured on his chest and behind his buttocks.

"So it must be you Yifei."

"So you relied on guessing." Hu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief, and walked to the door, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to find Yoyo." Guan Gu said hurriedly, "Grandma Wang from the unit next door said that her observation group had arrived at the scene, but she couldn't contact Yoyo without a tour guide, so she called the landline. "

"Observation group!" Hu Yifei's eyes widened in horror, and he took a breath, "Tang Youyou, it's all your fault!"

Guan Gu looked at Hu Yifei strangely with strange eyes, and asked hesitantly, "Yifei, can you spin silk?"

"I can spit water! I'll spray you with salt soda!" Angrily, Hu Yifei pushed Guan Gu and miraculously left.

Guan Gu miraculously watched her leaving back, and suddenly made a spider-man climbing movement.

"Puff!" The sound of spinning silk was still imitating in his mouth.

Today's milk tea shop is extremely busy. As soon as it opened early in the morning, many customers poured in one after another. The milk tea girl was so busy.

In addition, the milk tea shop is also very lively outside.

There were three waves of old men and old ladies on the side of the road outside the window, one wave danced in the square, one wave practiced Tai Chi, and the other wave performed poetry recitations.

When Tang Youyou and Zeng Xiaoxian arrived, there was almost no place in the milk tea shop.

"It's all your fault, Yoyo, I said come early, you insist on talking to those old ladies, now it's alright, we can only sit in this corner and watch gossip, the view here is not good, and the distance is far away..." Zeng Xiaoxian complained endlessly.

Tang Youyou stretched her neck to look around where Su Yi and Chen Meijia were sitting, but because of the angle, they couldn't be seen at all.

"It was agreed that the main palace will catch the mistress, and now the main palace can't come, so I have to appease them? Otherwise, these uncles and aunts will rebel." Tang Youyou said helplessly, "But don't worry, since I'm here, I don't intend to do it for nothing go!"

Zeng Xiaoxian's expression was dull: "I listened to this...why did it seem to be for nothing?"

"Oh, what I mean is that if Yifei doesn't come, I will represent her!" Tang Youyou's face was filled with sacred light, and she was determined, "In order to maintain world peace and Huoxiang's righteousness, I decided to fight against the mistress in the palace. It will be released as scheduled! However, I will play Yifei!"


Zeng Xiaoxian swallowed his saliva: "Yuyou, I feel that you are overplaying, why don't you stop!"

"No! The more critical the moment is, the more you must remain calm in the face of danger!" Tang Youyou said seriously, "Mr. Zeng, it's time to turn the tide! I decided to sacrifice myself to help thousands of families!"

"I want to call the police!" Zeng Xiaoxian said fearfully.

"What police report?" Tang Youyou gave him an angry look, then stretched her neck and looked over there, "Mr. Zeng, you will be my wingman later."

"Isn't the wingman only needed when Zi Qiao picks up girls?" Zeng Xiaoxian questioned.

"It's okay to use it at critical times. Anyway, I'm his little aunt, and he definitely wouldn't dare to ask me for copyright fees!" Tang Youyou waved his hand indifferently, "My plan is this, I will play the role of a pregnant woman later. A strong woman who persisted in working three jobs for seven months..."

"Stop!" Zeng Xiaoxian's face twitched when he heard it, "Why does this sound familiar to me? I seem to have heard it somewhere."

"Really? Exclusive copyright, counterfeiting must be investigated!" Tang Youyou warned, and continued, "In short, I will play the original partner of Brother B..."

"Tear Xiao San with your hands?" Zeng Xiaoxian showed a frightened face.

"Of course not, I'm a pregnant woman, how can I tear it up with my hands?" Tang Youyou said with a look on your face, "It's selling miserably in public, winning widespread sympathy from the people who eat melons, and causing Xiao San to be condemned by everyone. Don't worry, about selling miserably I am very good at this matter, I can superimpose three layers of emotions to perform seven crying methods..."

"Uh... Yoyo, let me interrupt." Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't listen anymore, "I think the most important thing for us is to find out if this woman is Xiaosan? Maybe it's Xiaoyi's long-lost sister?"

"Oh my God!" Tang Youyou's eyes widened, "The lovers finally become brothers and sisters? Such a bloody plot! I like it! This plot is good, I can expose this fact and prevent this ethical tragedy from happening!"

Zeng Xiaoxian's expression was dull: "Did I express it wrong? Yoyo, I mean, maybe we all misunderstood Little Brother B, maybe he just came here to drink a cup of milk tea with a very ordinary female friend. If that's the case, we It would be embarrassing if the situation got out of control.”

Tang Youyou was stunned for a long time, and finally listened: "It makes sense..."

Just as Zeng Xiaoxian breathed a sigh of relief, Tang Youyou said, "If this is the case, then I have to play another role."

She performed Conan's classic moves, and said solemnly: "I, Sherlock Holmes Yoyo, have to come out of the arena again."

Zeng Xiaoxian rolled his eyes, turned around and left: "I think I'd better go back, 500 yuan will be nothing for me!"

"Come back!" Tang Youyou pulled him back, "As a wingman, how can you retreat before fighting?"

"Hey, I didn't promise you to be the wingman!" Zeng Xiaoxian protested.

"Mr. Zeng, don't you want to achieve a gorgeous reversal and win money from Xiao Hei?" Tang Youyou bewitched.

Zeng Xiaoxian thought for a while, then looked at Tang Youyou solemnly: "Sir, what should I do?"

Tang Youyou smiled: "Pretend to meet by chance and investigate the enemy's situation!"

Su Yi sat by the window, and opposite him sat Chen Meijia in a pink dress.

"It's really strange, it's so early in the morning, why are there so many people in this milk tea shop?" Chen Meijia looked around uncomfortably, "Why do I feel that they are all peeping at us? Little tail, why don't we change places? "

Su Yi has already guessed why there are so many people.

Who has the ability to spread the word quickly, who is better than Tang Youyou?
When Tang Youyou and Zeng Xiaoxian sneaked in just now, Su Yi also saw it, but just pretended not to know.

I just don't know why Hu Yifei wasn't with them?
But Su Yi is sure that Hu Yifei will definitely come and will never miss it.

While looking around, he smiled and said: "Let's just go here, there are as many people as there are people, as long as they don't disturb us, let them go."

At this moment, Su Yi's gaze suddenly locked on a Spiderman outside the window pretending to be handing out leaflets.

Spider-Man is not uncommon, but Spider-Man who is always staring at this side is rare.

Hu Yi Fei!
There was a weird look in Su Yi's eyes, Hu Yifei was very predictable.

But this kind of clothes...

He has seen some teachers who lived a good life, and they also wore Spiderman's clothes to shoot educational films, which was very provocative.

Su Yi once wanted to try playing Iron Man...

I was young and ignorant at that time, alas, I am ashamed to think about it now.

Why play Iron Man?

Should play Thanos!
"Okay, then I'll listen to you!" Chen Meijia thought for a while and nodded with a smile, "Little Tail, I miss everyone very much. Tell me how everyone is doing?"

"Has Sister Yifei found her happiness? How is Teacher Zeng? Where is Guan Gu? Is he okay? And Zhanbo and Wanyu, I heard that they traveled to Europe, have they come back?"

Chen Meijia asked a lot of questions, but she didn't even mention Lu Ziqiao's name.

This just shows that what she cares most about is actually Lu Ziqiao.

Su Yi smiled, and casually talked about the current situation of his friends.

While Su Yi was talking, he saw Zeng Xiaoxian walking towards this side with his mobile phone in his hand, looking up and down on purpose.

He looked everywhere, but he didn't look at Su Yi's table alone.

Su Yi suddenly shut up, watching Zeng Xiaoxian approaching with a half-smile.

Chen Meijia turned her back to that side, so she didn't see Zeng Xiaoxian coming. Seeing Su Yi suddenly stop, she couldn't help urging: "Little tail, keep talking."

At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian was already humming, and walked up to him with his neck up, pretending to look at the light with his neck up, but quietly adjusted the angle of the mobile phone in his hand to Chen Meijia, and pressed the camera button.

Click, click, click...

Triple shot!
The shutter sound of taking pictures is clearly audible.

Most importantly, he actually forgot to turn off the flash.

The world suddenly fell silent.

Zeng Xiaoxian also froze all over.

The power of embarrassment, three paragraphs!

If there were special effects, there would definitely be a row of crows flying over everyone's heads, screaming "quack".

(End of this chapter)

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