Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1055 Aipad

Chapter 1055 Aipad

Forgot to turn off the mute or even turn off the flash for a sneak shot, who can do such a thing?
That's Zeng Xiaoxian.

So even though Zeng Xiaoxian turned his head up and turned his body sideways, Chen Meijia still recognized him.

"Teacher Zeng? Why is it you?" Chen Meijia stood up in astonishment.

Zeng Xiaoxian heard this voice very familiar, looked down and was also stunned.

"Meijia? Why is it you?" Zeng Xiaoxian was also completely stunned, so much so that he forgot the embarrassment.

"You..." He stared at Chen Meijia and then at Su Yi with dumbfounded eyes.

Su Yi calmly took a sip of the milk tea.

"You and Brother Xiaoyi..." Zeng Xiaoxian felt that his brain was not enough.

"What do you think we are doing? On a date?" Su Yi smiled and directly challenged his thoughts.

When getting along with this group of happy children, many things must be clearly stated, otherwise all kinds of weird misunderstandings will inevitably occur, and then all kinds of weird and funny things will happen.

It's fun when these things happen to other people, but when it happens to me...

Su Yi thanked you for not being sensitive.

"Isn't it?" Zeng Xiaoxian really looked at the two suspiciously.

"Of course not! I have a boyfriend, okay? It's just that he is still pursuing me, and I haven't agreed yet." Chen Meijia said proudly, "Me and Xiaowei..."

"Little tail!" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Su Yi in horror.

Su Yi helplessly supported his forehead: "Believe me, I am very resistant to this nickname."

Zeng Xiaoxian suppressed a smile: "Understood, little tail—brother!"

"I went to look for you in the apartment yesterday, but no one was there, only Xiaowei was at home. So I asked him out for milk tea this morning, and asked him about everyone's recent situation. That's how it happened." Chen Meijia explained.

"Why do you want to inquire?" Zeng Xiaoxian said he couldn't understand, "Why don't you call us directly, or come to us today?"

"Didn't I... want to give everyone a surprise..." Chen Meijia smiled guiltyly, "I never knew I would meet you by such a coincidence."

"It's really strange to say it. I just thought that no one would come to drink milk tea early in the morning, so I chose this place. I didn't expect so many people to come here, and I even met you, Mr. Zeng..." Chen Meijia bai Puzzled, he said, "By the way, Mr. Zeng, just now... were you secretly filming me?"

"How is it possible?" Zeng Xiaoxian smiled awkwardly, his eyes flustered and hurriedly explained, "I'm... my phone is broken, and I always take pictures automatically. Oh, it's so annoying, the counterfeit phone doesn't work...haha!"

"Okay," Su Yi got up with a smile, "Meijia, since your whereabouts have been found by Mr. Zeng, why don't you go back to the apartment with us and say hello to everyone, how about it?"

"Well, that's the only way to go." Chen Meijia struggled, "But I have an appointment with my boyfriend, and he will come here to pick me up later."

"Let him go directly to 3602, just to introduce you to everyone." Su Yi smiled and looked at Zeng Xiaoxian, "I think everyone wants to see who your boyfriend is, right Mr. Zeng."

"Haha, yes! That's it!" Zeng Xiaoxian smiled guiltily, "Everyone cares about your Meijia."

"Then...alright!" Chen Meijia stood up, "Then let's go back, it's weird here, I always feel like everyone is watching us."

"How come?" Zeng Xiaoxian immediately apologized with a smile, "Illusion, it is definitely an illusion! Haha, when I was young, I always thought that I was the center of the world. Meijia, when you grow up, you will know!"

Chen Meijia glanced down in a daze, then raised her head and said, "I've grown up a lot recently."

"I'm not talking about this!" Zeng Xiaoxian also took a look, "It's age."

"Ahem..." Su Yi coughed twice, Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly looked away like a frightened rabbit, Chen Meijia also covered her chest with her arms vigilantly.

"Let's go." Su Yi snapped his fingers, smiled and walked out the door with his hands behind his hands.Chen Meijia hurriedly followed.

Zeng Xiaoxian said to himself with a sad face: "Meijia must think I'm a pervert, alas, and my 500 yuan...why is it always me who is unlucky?"

Tang Youyou in the corner was smug and waiting to show off his skills, but seeing Zeng Xiaoxian muttering something to Su Yi and the "little three", the three of them actually left together.


Tang Youyou stared dumbfounded at the backs of the three leaving, feeling that the whole person was not well.

Before the battle started, the wingmen ran away with the enemy.

What's going on here?

She came to her senses cleverly, and was about to catch up and ask for clarification. At this moment, a fat man came over and said dissatisfiedly: "Tang Youyou, didn't you say Zhenggong Dou Xiaosan? Why are there two men and one woman?"

"Yes, and they didn't fight!" A middle-aged woman at the other table also complained, "Yuyou, you are not lying to us, are you? I also bought a cup of milk tea for ten yuan. Isn't it a waste of time to spend without seeing a good show?"

"That's right, I went to Xiao Hei's place to bet, 200 yuan! I don't know if Xiao Hei can refund my money... Tang Youyou, you killed us all."

"I didn't make breakfast for my grandson in the morning just to watch the play!"

"Tang Youyou, you are not the babysitter of this milk tea shop, are you?"

"That's right, there are rice trays in restaurants and wine trays in bars. Are you—could you be a milk tray?"

"Ah bah!" Tang Youyou exploded in anger, milk care?What the hell is this?

"It's not that I forced you to come, it's you who wanted to come, what does it have to do with me!" Tang Youyou exclaimed angrily.

"Hey, you can't say that, Tang Youyou, everyone came here because they believed in you, right?" At the beginning, the fat man said loudly, "It's because of you that everyone came here, both for consumption and betting , you just want to say that it has nothing to do with you, how can it be so easy? Could it be that you are really a babysitter? No, you have to return the money to us!"

"Milk care! Money back!" someone shouted with arms raised.

"Milk care! Money back!"

"Milk care! Money back!"


Tang Youyou was dumbfounded. Seeing that the scene was out of control, and the observation group of old men and women outside the door surrounded her, she was immediately scared.

"Everyone listen to me! Everyone please listen to me!" She hurriedly stood on the chair and shouted loudly, "Actually, the reason why there is no scene of Zhenggong fighting the mistress that everyone expected to see is because Zhenggong and mistress reconciled!"

"Reconciliation? Impossible! Besides, there were two men and one woman just now, don't lie to us!" Someone immediately retorted.

"You don't understand this, you are still too young!" Tang Youyou regained her spirits, "Actually, the two men just now are a couple, they are actually...!"

"Hiss..." Everyone gasped.

"Teacher Liangchen is really?" Some people didn't believe it.

"Not exactly." Tang Youyou said, "Actually, he can do anything. What happened just now is actually like this..."

When Tang Youyou finished speaking, everyone was shocked and dumbfounded.

"It's bad manners, people's hearts are not old!" Some people criticized.

"Deviating from the scriptures and disregarding ethics!" An aunt was heartbroken.

"This is too exciting!" The little fat man was full of excitement, "Tang Youyou, we want to hear the details!"

"Yes! We want to hear the details!" Everyone shouted in unison, with expectations written all over their faces.

Tang Youyou was immediately happy, and this has entered her field of expertise.

Just when Tang Youyou vividly combined Fifty Shades of Grey, Brokeback Mountain and the temptation to go home to tell everyone a story, Su Yi, who had no idea that the wind commentary was killed, walked in front of Spiderman who was distributing leaflets.

He smiled and looked into Spider-Man's eyes.

Hu Yifei also saw Chen Meijia at this time, and was so confused that she didn't slip away immediately.

At this time, seeing Su Yi looking at her with a half-smile, he panicked.

Su Yi must never let Su Yi know that he is dressed like this to peep!
Hu Yifei immediately made a decision, deliberately coughed lightly, and sent a leaflet to Su Yi.

Su Yi took a look and was amused.

"Big iron stick stabbing the director of the hospital? Doesn't it delay work? Are you distributing this kind of flyer wearing Spiderman's clothes? And especially for old men and old ladies? Do you think they need it?"

"None of your business!" Hu Yifei was embarrassed. In fact, she saw someone distributing leaflets at the gate of the community, and she was about to come over with a pile of leaflets, but she didn't read the contents.

When Su Yi said it, she was extremely embarrassed, grabbed the flyer, turned around and ran.

Su Yi suddenly reached out and slapped her hard on the buttocks.

The mountains are undulating.

Hu Yifei yelled "Ah", clutching her buttocks and rushed out, turned her head and cursed angrily, "I want to die, you stinky rascal!"

Su Yi looked at her with a smile: "Believe it or not, I took off your clothes?"

"Smelly rascal!" Hu Yifei scolded angrily, she knew that Su Yi must have recognized her, otherwise she wouldn't be so Meng Lang, gave Su Yi a hard look, and then hurried away.

Su Yi recognized Hu Yifei, but Zeng Xiaoxian and Chen Meijia did not.

In the eyes of the two, Su Yi suddenly went to strike up a conversation with a flier girl who was hot and wearing a Spider-Man tight suit, and even patted her ass.

It doesn't matter if you slap your butt, and threatens to strip him of his clothes, but he scares him away.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Chen Meijia were dumbfounded, unable to react for a while.

"He, how could he do this!" Chen Meijia was anxious when she came back to her senses, "How could he be a hooligan in the street? Tricking others?"

Zeng Xiaoxian swallowed hard, and said in a trembling voice, "Maybe...he likes Spider-Man."

"That can't be..." Chen Meijia had just said a few words, when she saw Su Yi walking back, she took a step back in fright and covered her buttocks.

Su Yi knew at a glance that the two had misunderstood again.

But he didn't explain it either, because if he explained it, Hu Yifei would have to be exposed.

He smiled and said, "Let's go, go home."

"Go ahead!" Chen Meijia and Zeng Xiaoxian said in unison.

"..." Su Yi's expression froze.

Ma De, Zeng Xiaoxian, why are you joining in the fun?
Do you think I can slap a man's ass?
Speechless all the way.

After returning home, old friends meet, inevitably some surprises.

Guan Gu Miracle was very happy, but Lu Ziqiao's expression was a little complicated, and he was talking with Chen Meijia with a gun and a stick, with a strange ambiguity.

After a while, Hu Yifei, who had changed her clothes, came from the next door and welcomed Chen Meijia back in surprise.

Seeing Su Yi's expression that looked like a smile but not a smile, Hu Yifei was so angry that he kicked Su Yi's calf hard while others were not paying attention.

As a result, I kicked my toes so badly.

After a while Tang Youyou also came back.

After learning of Chen Meijia's identity, Tang Youyou's expression was very exciting, and when she looked at the eyes of Su Yi and Zeng Xiaoxian, she became dodged, with a very guilty look.

After reminiscing about the past, everyone also knew the reason why Chen Meijia suddenly left without saying goodbye last year.

It turned out that I was touched by the confession of Hu Yifei's younger brothers Lu Zhanbo and Lin Wanyu, so I wanted to go outside to find my own happiness.

"Later, I went to Taipei." Chen Meijia said.

When she said this, her eyes flickered to the upper right, and her tone of voice changed obviously. Su Yi could tell that she was lying, but she didn't mean to expose it.

"Taipei? Why are you going there?" Hu Yifei asked curiously without doubting him.

"I have a distant relative there, and she owns a clothing store..." Chen Meijia immediately began to talk about it with great interest.

In her description, her distant relative was very optimistic about her because of her outstanding sales performance and made her the manager of a clothing store.

"Yes, Meijia, you still have this skill, I didn't realize it!" Everyone looked at her with admiration and were happy for her.

Su Yi laughed but didn't say a word, seeing through but not saying anything.

Because of the spanking of Spiderman just now, Chen Meijia had some opinions on Su Yi, so she never talked to Su Yi after she came back.

Everyone chatted about Chen Meijia's new boyfriend again. Chen Meijia looked shy and said that she hadn't decided whether to be with this person or not.

But Su Yi knew that Chen Meijia called just now when she was going to the toilet, urging her new boyfriend to come quickly.

"Ai Paide?" Lu Ziqiao laughed exaggeratedly when he heard the name, "Is there anyone else with such a bad name? Why isn't he called Ai Crazy?"

"Ah bah! A dog can't spit out ivory!" Chen Meijia replied unceremoniously, "He is a Manchu descendant, Ai from Ai Xinjueluo, with style and morality! He is a Malay, well-known Painter, come here to hold an art exhibition!"

"Painter? Still holding an art exhibition?" Lu Ziqiao looked at Chen Meijia suspiciously, "You won't be deceived, right? I often pretend to be a painter who has returned from China."

"Ah bah! Do you think everyone else is as stupid as you?" Chen Meijia yelled at him again, "Ai Paide is a real painter, he is different from fake ones like you!"

Lu Ziqiao sneered: "Whether it's a mule or a horse, don't you know if you pull it out? I'll identify it on the spot later. If I find it out, Meijia, don't feel ashamed!"

"Ah bah, don't say the truth can't be fake, even if Ai Paide is really fake, you can still expose it with your little ability?" Chen Meijia continued to sarcastically.

"Hehe, you don't understand that, do you?" Lu Ziqiao said with a smile, "I can't, and there's little brother B! Little brother Yi is out, and all the ghosts and monsters have to obediently show their original shape!"

Chen Meijia glanced at Su Yi unnaturally, and muttered: "Hmph, rogue color-matched wolves, birds of a feather flock together!"

(End of this chapter)

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