Chapter 1056

Chen Meijia has always been worried about Su Yi's spanking of Spider-Man's ass, thinking that Su Yi's living in the love apartment is a mouse that killed a pot of soup.

Su Yi saw this, but didn't care.

Soon, the Ai Paide that Chen Meijia was talking about arrived.

Su Yi already knew the plot, but he was still amazed by Ai Paide's appearance.

He really looks exactly like Lu Ziqiao, more like twins.

Of course, he was taller than Lu Ziqiao, with dreadlocks all over his head, dressed in an Arabic mix-and-match style, and wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

But putting aside these elements, just looking at his face, he is Lu Ziqiao.

Everyone was shocked by Ai Paide's appearance, especially Lu Ziqiao himself, who was very dumbfounded.

"It's like I'm looking in a very tasteless mirror!" Lu Ziqiao exclaimed, dumbfounded.

"Zi Qiao, are you sure you are the only child in your family? Are you sure you don't have a long-lost brother?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

"Hello, my name is Ai Paide, nice to meet you!" Ai Pai De said in his half-familiar Mandarin, and he also looked at Lu Ziqiao in surprise, "You...why do you look so similar to me?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Lu Ziqiao rolled his eyes and looked at Chen Meijia, "Hey, even if you never forget me, there's no need to find a substitute for me, right?
"Ah bah!" Chen Meijia rolled her eyes, "You deserve it too? Ai Paide is a well-known painter, what is your identity? If there is a substitute, it should be you!"

"Painter? These days, anyone can pretend to be a painter, and dare to say that he is an abstract artist with just two strokes. I even say that I am also a painter!" Lu Ziqiao said disdainfully.

"You? Ah bah! Did someone invite you to hold an art exhibition?" Chen Meijia sneered, "Aipede is inviting him from all over the world. His next stop is Kuala Lumpur, and he still wants me to go with him. , isn't it, Ipad?"

When she said the last sentence, Chen Meijia gave Ai Paide a sweet smile.

"Yes!" Ai Paide hurriedly said, "I like Mika very much, and I hope that Mika can accompany me in the future journey!"

Chen Meijia proudly said: "Did you hear Lu Ziqiao? Ai Paide is a caring and romantic man. The most important thing is that he is not as unreliable as you. He always gives people a very solid sense of security. And that's something you'll never be able to do."

Lu Ziqiao sneered: "Meijia, don't blame me for not reminding you. Men understand men better. I admit that I am a playboy. This guy looks so much like me. Even if he is not a playboy, he must be a synonym for playboy!"

"What's the synonym for Playboy?" Hu Yifei elbowed Su Yi.

"Flowers and grasses, males and females, sons and females." Su Yi said, "You try to read it together?"

Hu Yifei tried to read it again, and immediately elbowed Su Yi hard, and stepped on Su Yi's foot hard.

"Don't think that men all over the world are as wretched as you!" Chen Meijia snorted coldly, "Lu Ziqiao, don't you just can't accept that other men are better than you? Don't think I don't know what you're thinking!"

"It's a joke!" Lu Ziqiao sneered, "I admit that there are men who are better than me, but Brother Yi is just a little bit better than me."

"Thank you!" Su Yi clasped his fist at him.

"You're welcome!" Lu Ziqiao skillfully returned the salute, and then continued: "But those who are better than me, definitely don't include the one in front of me!"

Ai Paide suddenly said: "Meijia, your friend doesn't seem to like me very much, I think, I'd better go!"

Turn around and leave.

"Aipad! Aipad!" Chen Meijia stomped her feet anxiously, and hurriedly chased after her.

"Zi Qiao, you are serious, why are you angry with your new friend?" Hu Yifei said.

"Blame me?" Lu Ziqiao also looked unhappy, "I didn't start this war first."

"War? What war?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

"Reunion challenge!" Lu Ziqiao said solemnly.

"Uh, why is it that every time you combine two words that I understand, I can't understand them?" Guan Gu said with a bewildered expression.

"Did you know him on the first day?" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile, "This guy has invented countless challenges in his life, such as the single night challenge, the teacher's killer challenge, the no longer young challenge... But this reunion challenge, I It’s also the first time I’ve heard of it.”

"You guys... Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you, but Brother Yi must understand what I mean!" Lu Ziqiao looked at Su Yi.

Everyone's eyes also fell on Su Yi.

"The term "reunion challenge" must have been coined by Lu Ziqiao, but I can guess what he means." Su Yi said with a smile, "Two long-lost enemies will deliberately compare who has a better life, and who has a better life. The one who satisfies his own vanity while reaping the envy and jealousy of the other party, feels that he has overwhelmed the other party."

Lu Ziqiao clapped his hands excitedly: "That's what I mean! Look, what do I say? Only brother B understands me! Why doesn't Mijia come back sooner or later, but why does she come back when she knows this Ai Paide? She is Want to challenge me!"

"Chilled chicken? What kind of chicken is this?" Guan Gu asked miraculously.

"It's not KFC anyway!" Tang Youyou rolled her eyes, "Zi Qiao, I don't think you're overthinking it, I don't think girls are so bored as to use their lifelong affairs to engage in momentary disputes."

"Maybe! Yoyo, you don't know about Mijia!" Hu Yifei analyzed, "Meijia belongs to the kind of character who keeps pretending and pretending not to be. Look at her, she is very competitive with each other, and she even brought a The man who is exactly the same as Zi Qiao, but a hundred times better than Zi Qiao, came back, and made it clear that he wanted to embarrass Zi Qiao. Zi Qiao, I will support you this time! Meijia really has ulterior motives!"

Lu Ziqiao's face was dark: "You can support me, but why do you say that Ai Paide is a hundred times better than me?"

"That's right, Yifei, how can you turn your elbows away? I don't allow you to belittle my nephew like this!" Tang Youyou said seriously.

"Little aunt, you're the one who treats me better!" Lu Ziqiao moved into tears.

"Where is the exaggeration of a hundred times?" Tang Youyou continued, "99 times, it really can't be more!"


Everyone laughed.

Tang Youyou and Hu Yifei clapped happily.

"Don't think that you can hit me like this!" Lu Ziqiao sneered, "This Ai Paide was obviously found by Mijia after my appearance, and it is a copy of me Lu Ziqiao! Why did she do this? She knew that no other man could To defeat me, she can only find another me and try to defeat me!"


Everyone vomited in unison.

"Ai Paide is not a complete copy of you! He is a combination of all the characteristics of you and Guan Gu." Hu Yifei said, "A face full of peach blossoms, plus a sad Chinese pronunciation, plus he is also a painter, he It's like a fusion of you and Guan Gu!"

Tang Youyou's eyes widened, she took a breath, pointed at Guan Gu and said magically: "Could it be that Meijia actually likes you?"

"No, no, no..." Guan Gu Miracle was about to explain in a hurry, but Lu Ziqiao laughed out loud.

"His biggest flaw is that he has the characteristics of Guan Gu, and this is where he will never be as good as me!" Lu Ziqiao said with confidence.

"Nani?" Guan Gu stared miraculously, and approached Lu Ziqiao with a sneer, "I think you will never be able to compare to him with just one point!"

"Where?" Lu Ziqiao spread his hands.

Guan Gumi did not speak, but walked up to Lu Ziqiao, straightened his back, and sneered.

Lu Ziqiao was puzzled, Tang Youyou smiled and said: "What Guan Gu means is that Ai Paide is taller than you."

Lu Ziqiao's face suddenly changed: "You, you..."

Guan Gu said proudly: "I tell you, you can quibble about other things, but you can never deny this alone. I inherited it from him."

Lu Ziqiao was dumbfounded, and turned to look at Su Yi: "Little Brother Yi, help!"


Su Yi coughed lightly, and said, "At least Zi Qiao's guess is correct. The reason why Meijia brought Apad back is indeed to show off her new toys and stimulate Zi Qiao."

"Is Meijia so boring?" Tang Youyou questioned again.

"It's not boring." Su Yi smiled, "Judging from the performance of the two of them, they shouldn't have known each other for long, and Meijia should be more active."

"Meijia can be regarded as a beauty. Although this Ai Paide is a painter, he looks a bit dull and dull. He should be very bad at dealing with women."

"So suddenly there is a beautiful woman who pursues him actively, and he will naturally accept it. This should be the process of the two of them getting to know each other."

"I just said that Meijia brought Aipad back to the iPartment to show off to Ziqiao, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't want to have a longer future with Aipad. To show off to Ziqiao and to stay and fly with Aipad, this is Those two things don't conflict with each other."

These words made everyone thoughtful and suddenly felt.

Lu Ziqiao was also a little unhappy at the moment, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Brother Yi, do you think that Apad and Meijia are a good match?"


Su Yi nodded and said, "Good match."

No one can tell what will happen in the future, but whoever is better, Ai Paide or Lu Ziqiao, can be seen by a fool.

Lu Ziqiao looked a little gloomy, and everyone didn't speak. Zeng Xiaoxian wanted to comfort Lu Ziqiao, but he didn't know where to start, so he just sighed and patted him on the shoulder.

Su Yi smiled, and continued: "But compared to Ai Paide, I think you are more suitable for Mika."

Lu Ziqiao's eyes lit up immediately.

"Why?" Tang Youyou asked eagerly.

Su Yi looked at Lu Ziqiao and smiled, "Because she knows your length, and you know her depth."


"Brother B, are you sure you're not driving?" Tang Youyou blushed.

"Ziqiao and Meijia know each other well and have a solid foundation of relationship. They are definitely the most suitable couple." Su Yi said solemnly, "Ziqiao, I will give you a piece of advice. Even if you haven't thought it through yet, don't let Meijia follow you." slipped away."

Lu Ziqiao forced a smile: "Me and her...forget it!"

He shook his head and turned to leave.

Lu Ziqiao's departure made the atmosphere a bit dull, Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly clapped his hands and laughed, "Tell me something happy, everyone, I'm going to become a millionaire soon!"

"Your bonus is coming down?" Hu Yifei raised her eyebrows and looked at Su Yi, "Su Xiaoyi, didn't you say that Zeng Xiaoxian would never get the bonus?"

"Correct me, I didn't say absolutely." Su Yi said, "I mean, the TV station will definitely have something wrong, and it won't be that easy for him to get 5 million."

"It's not easy!" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile, "Our leader said that tomorrow afternoon, my money will arrive in the account!"

"Congratulations!" Everyone was sincerely happy for him.

Zeng Xiaoxian said with emotion: "I was able to achieve success and escape from this tempting world. In addition to my great wisdom, your support for me is also very important. Therefore, I decided to use this money to help you every day. One person, one wish come true!"

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the crowd expectantly: "5 million! I have 5 million, everyone, what wish can't be fulfilled by money?"

He stretched out his palm and shouted passionately: "Cat! Everyone, whoever thinks about it, come and give me a high-five, first come, first served!"

Everyone looked at each other.

The anticipation and excitement on Zeng Xiaoxian's face turned into embarrassment, and he said, "Hey, do you have the heart to make me keep raising my hands?"

"It's so sudden, let us think about it first?" Hu Yifei said.

"I'll make instant noodles!" Guan Gu miraculously stood up and walked out.

"I'm going to make soy sauce!" Hu Yifei followed suit and slipped away.

"I'm going to drink some water!" Tang Youyou followed closely behind.

In the end, only Zeng Xiaoxian and Su Yi were left in the living room looking at each other.

"Why!" Zeng Xiaoxian exclaimed in disappointment, "I thought everyone would be very pleasantly surprised, how could this happen!"

Su Yi said: "You are so simple and rude to throw money at people, but it is your best friend. What do you want them to do? They flatter you? Praise you for being a nouveau riche?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was stunned for a moment, and said: "But I just want to share my success and happiness with everyone!"

"Then you have to give everyone time to digest it." Su Yi smiled, "Everyone likes money, but everyone regards you as a friend, not as if you are being taken advantage of, so your sharing scares them a bit."

"Then what should I do?" Zeng Xiaoxian said, "I take back what I said?"

"I want to give it for a while, and I don't give it for a while, are you just kidding?" Su Yi shook his head, "Just wait until they figure it out that you are not an evil upstart, and that you are really just sharing your money Be happy, and when you want to do something for your friends, they won't be kind to you."

"That's good, that's good..." Zeng Xiaoxian heaved a sigh of relief.

He smiled and looked at Su Yi: "Little Brother Yi, what about you? What wish do you have?"

He slapped his chest boldly: "My buddy is also a rich man now, you have always taken good care of me, and now I am finally able to repay you. I dare not say that I will make you rich, but I will try my best to satisfy one of your wishes. It can still be done!"

Su Yi smiled but said: "Are you richer than me? My bar's turnover is more than 5 million yuan a month, and the manuscript fee for my last book is also more than one million yuan a month, plus the money I sell. Copyright fees, and other income, the balance in my bank card is almost nine figures. Are you sure you want to use the [-] million you haven't got yet to grant me a wish?"


"Excuse me!" Zeng Xiaoxian turned around and left silently.

(End of this chapter)

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