Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1057 The end of this volume

Chapter 1057 The end of this volume

Su Yi has been very busy these two days, so busy that he has no time to pay attention to the series of bad things that happened in the love apartment.

Zeng Xiaoxian boldly said that he wanted to fulfill a wish for the friends in the apartment, and everyone gave him face. Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou chose to have a "Super Supreme Date", and Zeng Xiaoxian provided 20,000 yuan for dating activities.

Lu Ziqiao wanted to experience rich men picking up girls, so Zeng Xiaoxian also gave him 100,000 yuan to buy a car.

Hu Yifei didn't have time to talk to Zeng Xiaoxian, and also said that he didn't need money to fulfill his wish.

Zeng Xiaoxian said sourly, that guy in your family is richer than me, so I won't play tricks in front of Guan Gong.

Hu Yifei was puzzled, and after careful questioning, she found out that Su Yi was so rich.

Hu Yifei really doesn't care about Su Yi's wealth, because her ex-boyfriend Shen Linfeng is a rich man, but she still doesn't care about it.

But she still has a grudge about Su Yi's alienation from her during this period.

Since that night, Su Yi and her have never talked about their relationship.

Although Su Yi is normal on the surface, he still talks and laughs with her, makes some jokes with scale, and looks very relaxed, but Hu Yifei can obviously feel that Su Yi is indeed alienated from her.

She felt that Su Yi began to find various excuses to be busy and avoid contact with her.

Su Yi began to go out frequently, saying that he was going to work, and he and David often got together to whisper.

Come on, it's such a big bar, business is so stable now, does it really need to be so busy?
Su Yi also started investing in stocks. He installed stock software on his computer. Once when Hu Yifei came into Su Yi's room to deliver coffee to him, he saw it. He just glanced at it casually and found that the amount of funds was many zeros.

Hu Yifei doesn't know much about stocks, but she knows that there are many stocks that have ruined their families, so she subconsciously persuaded them.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi told her that his entry into the stock market was equivalent to going to a banknote printing factory to print money.

How arrogant?

Don't be ashamed!

Hu Yifei was speechless, she wanted to chat with Su Yi a few more words, but when Su Yi talked to someone on the phone, what kind of "Internet blue ocean", what kind of "shares" and "angel wheel" was it, Hu Yifei was taken aback of.

Hu Yifei asked Su Yi what he was doing, and Su Yi said that he had started an Internet company for fun, and it might grow into a level existence of Washbasin in the future.

This man is crazy!

This was Hu Yifei's first reaction.

You are an Internet writer who writes shocking body health articles on the sidelines, what kind of stock god and Internet tycoon are you pretending to be?

Do you think you are a combination of Buffett and Bill Gates?
Hu Yifei was very confused by Su Yi's sudden change of temperament. He was such a good guy before, why did he suddenly become a big talker and pretender?
This is... what stimulated it?
Hu Yifei immediately thought of her cold escape that night...

Reunion, eating, watching movies, drinking, going home together, lonely men and widows...

What will happen next, there is no need to say much at all, it can be said to be a matter of course.

But at the last moment, Hu Yifei flinched, and Hu Yifei, who suffered from insomnia all night, also reflected on whether she had gone too far.

Because it's not that she doesn't like Su Yi, she just thinks that she doesn't like Qin Yumo by doing so.

After all, if you only look at the result, she felt sorry for Qin Yumo in her dream, and after returning to reality, she still forced Qin Yumo to leave the scene sadly, which made Hu Yifei feel like a villain. She: "Yifei, why are you wearing Yumo's clothes?"

But this is a problem between her and Qin Yumo, and it has nothing to do with Su Yi. Because of her own psychological problems, she suddenly escaped on the night when she was originally in harmony. ——strike?
The more Hu Yifei thought about it, the more she felt that it was very possible.

Su Xiaoyi doesn't think she's broken in love, does she?

With doubts in her heart, she began to secretly observe Su Yi's reaction, and applied Su Yi's previous theory of "four stages of broken love". She suspected that Su Yi might have entered the "excitement period" after the broken love.

Because Su Yi was working hard to divert his attention.

He was not only busy outside every day, but also locked himself in the room when he got home, saying that he was going to write some novel.

Hu Yifei took a peek and found that the name of Su Yi's novel was Geng Liangchen!
Good day!
Isn't this reflecting that he failed to live up to the beauty of the good day that night?
Hu Yifei panicked suddenly. Although she has always been strong and confident, she is actually very hesitant and indecisive in terms of relationships.

Otherwise, with such a courageous character, it would be impossible for her to have a long-distance relationship with Zeng Xiaoxian in the original plot for so many years to achieve a positive result.

Hu Yifei didn't know how to deal with this matter. Even if she was a female doctor, she didn't have any methods or experience in dealing with such things in her knowledge base.

She can only ask for help.

But who among the friends around her can help her?
Zeng Xiao Xian?
Forget it, the bitch will only laugh at her, and he's not the kind to help.

What's more, Zeng Xiaoxian has also been battered and hit recently, and is waiting for others to comfort him.

As Su Yi expected, there was still a problem with the 5 million that he thought was at his fingertips. Because of the problem of recording the program, Zeng Xiaoxian broke the contract first, and was seized by the TV station and refused to pay the 5 million bonus.Moreover, Zeng Xiaoxian was robbed of the limelight by a latecomer named Huang Baoqiang, and he was furious.

Lu Ziqiao has a rich emotional life, but Hu Yifei doesn't want to find him, because this scumbag will make false claims with her in all likelihood, and then run to inform Su Yi and wear a pair of pants.

Lu Ziqiao's plan to buy a car was finally stranded because Zeng Xiaoxian's check was scrapped. For this reason, he was slapped by a gold digger and complained to Zeng Xiaoxian in every possible way.

Guan Gu Miracle and Tang Youyou rushed to the top restaurant in Shanghai to eat a seafood feast. It was also because of the scrapped check that they had to max out all their credit cards to pay for the meal, which was extremely miserable.

Recently, the two are trying to find ways to make money and alleviate the bad economic situation.

And these two people are by no means qualified to confide in, especially Tang Youyou, who has a big mouth, who is being hunted down by Su Yi recently, because the whole community is rumored that Su Yi can take all men and women.

If it was the past, Tang Youyou and his wife had such a hard time recently hahaha, Su Yi would have extended a helping hand, but this time he watched them coldly as they went to wash dishes and work part-time, and he was too lazy to help, obviously Tang Youyou was born angry.

Moreover, Su Yi's attitude towards Tang Youyou is obviously very cold recently.

Tang Youyou also seemed to know that she had gone too far. Recently, she had been asking Su Yi to apologize, but Su Yi deliberately left her alone and avoided her.

At least Hu Yifei could still see Su Yi, but Tang Youyou couldn't even see Su Yi's face at all.

So don't talk about Tang Youyou's big mouth, even if she is not, asking her for help, if Su Yi knows, it may backfire.

Hu Yifei thought about it, but found that no one around him could give him an idea.

She can only ask for help remotely.

The younger brother Zhanbo is a mallet, he can't figure out his own emotional affairs, so it's useless to ask him for help.

Then there is only one suitable candidate——

Qin Yumo!
In fact, Hu Yifei was extremely repulsed by this candidate.

No matter how naive she is emotionally, Hu Yifei is not a fool. Knowing that there is something wrong with her relationship, how can she ask her rival for help?

Isn't this stupid?
But now she found that she really had no choice but to ask Qin Yumo for help.

First, Qin Yumo knew both Su Yi and her, so she would definitely be able to give him advice.

Second, the main reason for my hesitation and retreat was because of Qin Yumo. To resolve this root cause, I am afraid that Qin Yumo must be the one.

Thirdly, Qin Yumo had already left and quit, and she also knew that Qin Yumo failed to confess his love to Su Yi, so she was secretly happy about it.From this aspect, Qin Yumo did not pose any threat to himself.

The more Hu Yifei thought about it, the more she felt that her idea was reliable, so she really called Qin Yumo for help.

Qin Yumo was numb after listening to Hu Yifei's narration in the video call.

"Yifei, do you know what you are doing?" She asked in disbelief.

"I also realize that I may have hurt him by doing this, but the matter has come to this point, and I can only find a way to make up for it." Hu Yifei said distressedly.

"I didn't mean that." Qin Yumo waved his hand, "I mean...Yifei, what do you think, that you actually ask me to give you advice?"

"I quit the competition to stay away from the magic city. I think I am already great! But now you tell me that I can't just quit, and I have to help the two of you deal with your relationship problems?" Qin Yumo's eyes widened, "One Fei, do you really think I am as great as the Virgin Mary? Or do you think I have completely let go of Xiao B and no longer love him?"

Hu Yifei was dumbfounded, and said after a while, "I...was wrong again?"

"That's right!" Qin Yumo suddenly giggled, "Yifei, you're useless if I give you a chance, then don't blame me!"

"What do you want!" Hu Yifei immediately became vigilant.

Qin Yumo smiled sweetly at the camera: "Guess?"

Then hung up the video.

Hu Yifei stayed for a long time, took a breath and said: "Oops, I seem to have led a wolf into the house..."

Ten minutes later, Su Yi, who was in the stock exchange, received a call from Hu Yifei.

"Xiaoyi, I...I decided to agree to your confession!" Hu Yifei said.

Su Yi was puzzled: "When did I confess my love to you?"

"That night... Although we didn't say it, didn't we understand it?" Hu Yifei said.

"Didn't you reject me because of Yu Mo?" Su Yi said, "Besides, it's not a confession, it's a courtship at best."

"Ah bah! A dog can't spit out ivory!" Hu Yifei scolded angrily, "Anyway, now I have decided to promise you, you can figure it out!"


The phone hangs up.

Su Yi held his mobile phone in a daze for a long time, what's going on?
What are you asking me to do?
Although he was quick-witted, he was at a loss at the moment, completely unable to understand what Hu Yifei was trying to do with this sudden call.

"Mr. Su? Mr. Su?" The stockbroker on the opposite side shouted respectfully, "Your income on this stock has already multiplied by more than a hundred times. Look..."

Su Yi came back to his senses, and was about to answer when the phone rang again.

This time it was Qin Yumo who called.

"Hello, Yumo?"

"Where are you?" Qin Yumo asked straight to the point.

"Modu Stock Exchange." Su Yi said.

"Okay, just wait, I'll pick you up in twenty minutes!" Qin Yumo said.

"When did you go back to Shanghai?" Su Yi asked in surprise.

"Just got off the plane and is leaving the airport." Qin Yumo said with a smile, "I was the first to call you. How is it? Surprised or not?"

Su Yi smiled and said, "It's quite a surprise. Why didn't you say it earlier? I'll pick you up."

"You don't need to pick it up, I'll come to you!" Qin Yumo said.

Su Yi was startled, and said with a smile: "You didn't make a special trip to find me, did you?"

"What if I say yes?" Qin Yumo asked back.

Su Yi was stunned for a long time before saying quietly: "You are forcing me to be a scumbag..."

"If it's me who is the scumbag, I'd rather you be the scumbag! Wait for me!" Qin Yumo hung up the phone.

Su Yi held the phone and was speechless for a long time.

He is now sure that something must have happened between Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo.

Qin Yumo was unprepared for Qin Yumo's return and shooting.He had a hunch that this time in reality, he would also be taken down by Qin Yumo.

Because he can't refuse, can't lie.

Then say goodbye to Hu Yifei like this?

Not really... no.

Su Yi feels that his current thinking is quite scumbag.

In this world, he really needs a partner, Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo are fine.

He was more inclined to Hu Yifei because he admired Hu Yifei's character, but Qin Yumo was not bad, and he was more active.

So he actually likes both.

Is it really first come first served?

Or challenge the difficulty of hugging left and right?

It's too early to think about the good thing of hugging left and right, Su Yi still focused on Qin Yumo's return.

In fact, it is not impossible to reject Qin Yumo, Su Yi can think of a way to circumvent the rules to politely reject Qin Yumo.

Just is it really necessary?

He decided to let nature take its course.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Yumo drove her convertible sports car to the gate of Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Su Yi opened the door and got into the car.

Just when he was about to speak, Qin Yumo with bright eyes rushed over like a female leopard, hugging Su Yi's head, kissing and caressing frantically.

Her passionate and surging emotions were released without reservation, allowing Su Yi to receive all her signals in an instant, so he responded enthusiastically.

After a long time, the two parted panting, looking at each other like fire.

"Xiao Yi, I miss you so much." Qin Yumo pouted suddenly, tears welling up in his eyes.

Su Yi took a deep breath and said, "Then what do you want?"

"In the car? Or a hotel?" Qin Yumo bit his lips, with shyness and anticipation hidden in his eyes.

"Both." Su Yi said seriously, with a serious face.

"Pfft!" Qin Yumo couldn't help laughing.

She reached out and touched Su Yi's cheek: "I really love your stinky and shameless attitude!"

The car started.

(End of this chapter)

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