Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1063 The Nameless Valley

Chapter 1063 The Nameless Valley
In addition to collecting little ghosts that night, Su Yi also drew dozens of talisman papers for backup, including a life extension talisman for Su Sanqi.

Life-extending talisman can't really extend Yangshou, it's unrealistic.Its principle is similar to the one that stimulates the potential of the human body, which can keep people awake and able to move during periods of weakness.

After Su Yi pasted the talisman paper, Su Sanqi, who was unconscious and had a high fever, woke up immediately.

"Grandpa... am I not dead?" Su Sanqi looked around weakly and asked while licking her chapped lips.

"You are so lucky to have met me." Su Yi was not modest, and said lightly, "Otherwise, logically speaking, you should be dead."

Su Sanqi gasped weakly, and when she noticed the talisman paper on her forehead, she was about to reach out to take it off, but was stopped by Su Yi.

"Hold it!" he said. "Take it off and you'll faint right away."

Su Sanqi was stunned for a long time, unable to speak.

"If you have died once, it is the past. Now that you can live again, it is equivalent to living another life." Su Yi stood by the bed with his hands behind his back and said, "Brother Su, death is not a one-and-done thing, and all opportunities will be lost. And hope. Although life will be painful, at least there is a chance to make up for regrets. I can help you pass the hurdle of life and death, but the hurdle in your heart has to be passed by yourself.”

Su Sanqi looked at Su Yi in a daze, and said, "Grandfather, are you a god?"

"Where are there gods in this world?" Su Yi smiled, "Think about it carefully."

After that, he left the house.

Unless Su Sanqi wanted to die, he probably couldn't die.

With the help of Su Yi's internal strength and life extension talisman, supplemented by warming and tonic medicine, he will recover quickly.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, the two thin middle-aged men who were rescued by Su Yi woke up and continued to do what they hadn't finished last night, burying the ogre family in the mulberry forest.

Their bardo bodies will appear soon, but what awaits their family will be the revenge of the ghosts.

As for the infant baby in their family...

Su Yi never asked again.

Su Yi went out to investigate in the morning. Although the small town is still surrounded by martial law, the city gate is no longer blocked.

It's just that people who enter and exit have to face strict inspections, and they can only pass through after verifying their integrity.

What happened yesterday was suppressed, and no one was allowed to mention it in public. Those in power kept it secret, and it seemed that they wanted to downplay the bad impact of this incident as much as possible.

But at noon, Su Yi found a group of more than ten lamas with long breaths and strong bodies rushing over, and entered the government office in the city.

As Su Yi guessed before, until now, the Mongolian people have no intention of coming to the manor to search, and even the interrogation in the city has been withdrawn.

In order to prevent accidents, Su Yi told the two thin middle-aged men to stay in the manor for a few more days before leaving.

The two of them didn't dare to object to Su Yi's words, so they naturally agreed.

Su Yi shared some of the food that he went out to search last night with the two of them, and ignored them.

For the next period of time, Su Yi tried to communicate with the two little ghosts while practicing kung fu, experimenting with various methods of driving them, and the results were gratifying.

The two little devils soon began to make contributions to Su Yi. Su Yi used the "carrying talisman" as a help to let them steal some supplies from the government office warehouse. A wire saw, and something of gold and silver, to suit his clothes.

The two little ghosts are like hardworking hamsters every night, stealing some today and moving some tomorrow.

Su Yi also asked them to kiang two horses back by possessing them.

When the horse ran back, Su Sanqi was sitting in the yard in a daze.

The most important thing this strong man who was rescued by Su Yi these days is to be in a daze, but he should eat and drink, and his complexion is obviously improving rapidly.

He didn't take off the talisman that Su Yi stuck on his forehead, and he stayed there motionless, like a zombie.

Su Yi heard the movement of the two horses, went to the gate and opened it.

The sound of the horse's hoof "de" attracted Su Sanqi, he stared at this scene with dumbfounded eyes, and looked at Su Yi with eyes full of shock.

"Engong, you still say that you are not a god?" He couldn't help but said, "You just said that this place is not suitable to stay for a long time during the day, and you asked about Xiao Xiao's injury, and two horses came running by themselves at night..."

"The old horse knows the way, what's all the fuss about it." Su Yi smiled and stroked the two puppets hanging on his waist.

What Su Sanqi couldn't see was that the two little ghosts were enjoying Su Yi's caressingly, very happy.

Su Sanqi spit out the old trough and didn't know where to spit it out.

No fuss?
Old horse knows the way?
In the middle of the night, two horses suddenly ran into the yard. Do you think this is an old horse knowing the way?
Also, I believe that the air currents rushing around in my body are internal martial arts, but what about the talisman sticking on my forehead?

Su Sanqi knew how badly she was injured, it was definitely the type that could not be cured by medicine and stones, and she would definitely die.

However, his life was pulled back from the gate of hell by benefactor!
Not only was he pulled back, but in just a few days, his injury had already improved to the point where he could move freely.

Isn't this a fairy method?
"Although this manor is remote, if no one has been in or out for more than ten days, people will still notice something abnormal." Su Yi said, "Someone will definitely come to investigate in the past few days, and I don't bother to hide with them, so I might as well tomorrow morning , let's go out of town."

Su Sanqi groaned and nodded slowly, then walked forward suddenly, and knelt down in front of Su Yi with a plop.

Su Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, but didn't stop him.

"Benefactor! The life of the villain was saved by you. From now on, I will live for my benefactor!" Su Sanqi said solemnly, "From now on, there will be no such person as Su Sanqi, only Su Nu Son, Su Nuer who is devoted to mastering the Lord!"

"Surrender yourself as a slave?" Su Yi shook his head, "It doesn't have to be like this. I saved you only out of anger. If you want to repay your kindness, just find a chance in the future. You should live for yourself in the future."

"Master despises Su Nuer as useless?" Su Sanqi looked at Su Yi with piercing eyes, as if you dare to say no and I'll die, "If it's not the case, please take me as a servant, master!"

"Have you figured it out?" Su Yi asked.

"Master, please be respected by Su Nuer!" Without saying a word, Su Sanqi knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times.

This obeisance is considered to have completely settled the status of master and servant.

Su Sanqi——

It should be called Su Nuer now.

He raised his head and looked at Su Yi with slightly red eyes, and said with emotion: "Master, Su Nuer's willingness to follow you is not selfless. The hatred between me and the dog tartar is as deep as the sea, and the blood debt is as mountainous! Now, although the master has saved his life, But the hatred in my heart is overwhelming, it is really hard to get rid of! The villain knows that with the strength of the villain, even if he risked his life, how many Tartars can he kill? Only a fairy who follows his master will be pitied by his master in the future. If you learn one ten-thousandth of the skill and can kill a few more Tartars, Su Nuer will be satisfied!"

"Kill the Tartars...resist the Mongolian Yuan..." Su Yi sighed slightly, "What if I don't hear the world's affairs from now on? How will you choose at that time?"

"Su Nuer will only live for the master in the future!" Su Nuer emphasized again, "No matter what the master will do in the future, the villain must follow suit and follow suit!"

"Get up!" Su Yixu gave a support, "From now on, you don't need to call me master, just call me son."

"Yes, my lord!" Su Nu'er was respectful and kind, and had already entered the role.

"That day I saw you killing Tartars with your hands, it seems that you have some kung fu, have you been a soldier before?" Su Yi asked.

"My son, five years ago, the villain participated in the rebel army in Xianghan, and after he was defeated, he and his family went to live in seclusion outside the pass." Su Nuer replied, "The villain only knows how to fight in the army. It’s very good, and it hasn’t been used for many years, and it’s already a lot of unfamiliar, otherwise it will definitely kill a few more dog tartars that day..."

Su Yi nodded: "Since you want to follow me, you have to learn some martial arts. After leaving here, I will pick a few that suit you and pass them on to you."

Su Nuer hesitated slightly, and said: "My lord, the villain wastes his time thirty to four times. Is it too late to practice martial arts at this time?"

"Don't worry, I have a quick solution, but it depends on your talent." Su Yi smiled slightly.

Su Yi will never spread the star-absorbing technique to the outside world. After all, this kind of martial arts that absorbs people's power is hated by others. Su Yi, who wants to be a hero, has to consider his own reputation.

Therefore, not only can it not be rumored, but Su Yi can use it as much as possible.

Once it is used, it must not be left alive.

However, in addition to the instant star-absorbing method, Su Yi also has the Dugu Nine Swords, and some martial arts in the Sunflower Canon can also be instant-produced. Once practiced, the effect will not be bad.

Early the next morning, Su Yi and Su Nuer left the manor on horseback.

The situation in the manor was not noticed until the second day after Su Yi left. The murder of more than ten ogres in this family finally became an unsolved case.

In order to avoid trouble, Su Yi changed clothes when he went out of the city, and also made a slight disguise, so he escaped any danger and was not recognized by anyone.

After leaving the city, Su Yi rode straight to the south.

After traveling for more than forty miles, Su Yi took out a map from his pocket to examine it carefully.

This map is very detailed, and all the mountains, rivers and landforms for hundreds of miles around Wuduan City are recorded in it. The source of the map is naturally Qingfeng Mingyue came from the county government treasury.

The place Su Yi is going to is the hidden valley where Zhang Wuji discovered the Nine Suns Divine Art.

In the original plot, after Zhang Wuji escorted Yang Xiao's daughter Yang Buhui to Kunlun Mountain to sit on the Wangfeng Peak, she met Zhu Jiuzhen, the eldest daughter of the Zhu family in Zhuwu Lianhuan Village.He was fledgling and didn't know how to hide his identity, but the cunning Zhu Changling found out that he was the son of Wudang Wuxia Zhang Cuishan.

Who in the martial arts world doesn't know, only Zhang Cuishan's family knows the whereabouts of the golden lion king Xie Xun?

Zhang Cuishan and his wife both committed suicide on Wudang Mountain ten years ago. The only person in the world who knows Xie Xun's whereabouts may be Zhang Wuji!

And only by finding Xie Xun can one find the Dragon Slaying Sword.

Zhu Changling knew very well that people like Zhang Wuji were soft but not strong, so they used the manpower and material resources of the Zhu and Wu families to set up a bureau to deceive Zhang Wuji, and even burned his Red Plum Villa on fire, only then did he deceive Zhang Wuji's trust.Not only did they learn that Xie Xun was on Binghuo Island in the East China Sea, but they also persuaded Zhang Wuji to take them to Binghuo Island to find Xie Xun.

Zhu Wu Lianhuan Zhuang is definitely the worst time Zhang Wuji was deceived in his life.Not only did he fall in love with Zhu Jiuzhen, a femme fatale, but he also took this group of wolves, tigers and leopards to find his adoptive father Xie Xun.

If it wasn't for a coincidence that he overheard the plot of Zhu Changling and others, I'm afraid he would have believed in these people until his death.

According to the original plot, after Zhang Wuji discovered Zhu Changling's conspiracy, he first ran into a snow mountain, and then fell into the cliff with Zhu Changling from the snow mountain.

Most of the two of them did not fall to their deaths, but fell on a tree and fell on a stone platform halfway up the cliff.

Later, Zhang Wuji found a cave beside the stone platform, so he went into it along the cave.

Five years ago, Zhang Wuji was only 16 years old, short and thin. Even so, he broke a few ribs before he climbed out of the other side of the cave and reached a claustrophobic valley surrounded by mountains.

Zhu Changling, who is only an adult, couldn't climb it, and was trapped on the stone platform on the other side for five years, exposed to wind and sun.

If it wasn't for the kindness of Zhang Wuji who couldn't bear him starving to death, he often picked some wild fruits from the valley, or caught some fish and threw them to Zhu Changling across the cave, Zhu Changling would have starved to death long ago.

But Zhang Wuji here is much more comfortable. There are wild fruit trees all over the mountains and plains in the valley, there are all kinds of wild animals, and fish. The seasons are like spring, and he has no worries about eating and drinking. Moreover, he found it on an old white ape in the first year. After mastering the Nine Suns Divine Kungfu, he practiced hard for five years and reached great success before he left the mountain.

Zhang Wuji can be said to be the No. 1 person who jumps off a cliff to get an adventure. The protagonist's halo and knowledge blind people's eyes.

What Su Yi is looking for now is this nameless valley that made Zhang Wuji soar into the sky.

On the surface, Su Yi didn't know the name of the valley, and he didn't know the exact location. He only knew that the valley was near Zhuwu Lianhuanzhuang, so it seemed difficult to find it.

But in fact, knowing the characteristics of so many valleys and having a detailed map, Su Yi had already locked the location of the valley before leaving Woduan City.

The first key word in this valley is "snow mountain", a snow mountain that will not melt all year round.

The only permanent snow belt near Wuduan City is Kelamen Peak in the Kunlun Mountains, more than [-] miles south of Wuduan City.

Only this place can be called a "ten thousand zhang cliff", which is so steep that it can trap martial arts practitioners like Zhu Changling who know light kungfu.

The second keyword of the valley is "pine tree".

Zhu Changling and Zhang Wuji fell onto the stone platform in the middle of the cliff. The reason why they didn't fall to their deaths was because there were many pine trees growing on the cliff, and they were able to escape with the buffer of trees.

The third keyword of the valley is "surrounded by mountains".

The reason why Zhang Wuji was trapped in that unnamed valley for five years was because the valley was surrounded by cliffs that could not be climbed up.

The eternal snow, the steep peaks surrounded by mountains, and not only the bare snow peaks with rocks, but the cliffs with pine trees.

Knowing so many conditions, and having a detailed map, and then locating the specific location of the unnamed valley, for Su Yi, it is basically equivalent to turning on the navigation.

Woduan map will continue to serve you.

(End of this chapter)

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