Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1064 Zhang Wuji

Chapter 1064 Zhang Wuji

In fact, if you want to get the Nine Suns Scripture, there is a very direct address pointing to it—Jingshen Peak in Kunlun Mountains.

More than [-] years ago, Xiaoxiangzi and Yin Kexi, two masters of the Western Regions who took refuge in Kublai Khan, stole the "Nine Suns Manual" from the Sutra Pavilion of Shaolin Temple, and were chased by Master Jueyuan of Shaolin to the top of Mount Hua. , Seeing that they couldn't escape, there happened to be a gray ape beside them, and the two had a plan, so they cut open the belly of the gray ape and hid the scriptures in it.

Later, Master Jueyuan brought Zhang Sanfeng, who was still young at the time, and Yang Guo, the hero of the carving, together they searched Xiaoxiangzi and Yin Kexi and their surroundings, but they found no scriptures, so they had to let them go.

Xiaoxiangzi and Yin Kexi took Cang Yuan to the Western Regions. They each had their own taboos in their hearts. They were afraid that the other party would learn the martial arts in the scriptures first and kill themselves. On Jingshen Peak in Kunlun Mountains, the two plotted against each other and ended up fighting each other.

Since then, the original "Nine Suns Manual" has been lost.

Su Yi has long been familiar with this story and knows it well, so he only looks for the "Nine Suns Scripture" from the six words "Kunlun Mountain Shocking God Peak", and it is always accurate.

The ape who hid the scriptures must not be far away, it is near the Shocking God Peak.

Jingshen Peak 90 years ago is now called "Kolamen Peak" by Mongolians.

Su Yi carefully checked the map, combined with the topography in front of him, guessed the location of the unnamed valley, and soon found his target.

But the road ahead is not suitable for riding a horse, and Su Nuer doesn't know martial arts, so she won't be able to pass.

"Sanqi, do you know the place of Wuquanzi?" Su Yi put away the map, turned around and asked.

Although Su Nuer voluntarily became a slave and changed his name to Su Nuer, Su Yi didn't want Nuer Nuer to call him like that, so he still called him by his real name.

"I know," Su Nuer nodded, "This is a herdsman's village, just below Kelamen Peak. Young Master, where are we going?"

"It's not us, but you." Su Yi said, "The place I'm going to next, I can't ride a horse, and you can't go either, why don't you lead the horse to the five springs and wait for me, at least one day, as many as I will come to join you in two or three days."

"Yes, my lord!" Su Nuer clasped her fists in response.

The two separated immediately, and Su Yi asked Su Nuer to take away the spear and some luggage that he had taken from the treasury, and continued to go south along the official road, while he carried the Mo knife on his back, and took two claw picks that he had prepared long ago. , Use the serpentine step to rush to the mountains.

The more you go up the mountain, the colder it becomes. The biting mountain wind and the white snow are like passing through the four seasons in an instant, which is very wonderful.

Su Yi was only wearing thin clothes, but fortunately, his inner strength was strong, and he didn't feel cold when he was running.

Two hours later, after exploring the mountains, he finally determined the exact location of the unnamed valley.

This is a place behind Kelamen Peak, where the five peaks are guarded, like knives and axes, and the forest stands among the sea of ​​clouds.

Let alone humans, even apes are difficult to climb here, the mountain stream is deep and the cliffs are vertical.

However, because it is surrounded by mountains on all sides, sheltering from the wind and storing water, it is conceivable that this bottomless mountain stream must have its own ecology.

In the cold and desolate place in the Northwest, it is impossible to have a second valley that can form its own ecology like spring all the year round.

It must be here.

Su Yi quickly found a suitable place to go down the mountain, holding a claw pick in each hand, using his hands and feet together, and using martial arts, he climbed down the cliff at an almost seventy-degree angle.

Passing through the sea of ​​clouds, falling on snowy cliffs, and rushing into the sky.

Qinggong is a method of leaping into the air with force, not real flying.Therefore, no matter how brilliant the lightness kung fu is, it is impossible to fly down the hundred-zhang cliff.

That is courting death.

Therefore, even if he is as strong as Su Yi, he can only climb down a little bit honestly.

But with a foundation in lightness skills, it must be much easier to climb than ordinary people.

Su Yi's Phantom of Footprints is an improvement from the supreme lightness skill in the Sunflower Collection. It is as fast as lightning, and is most suitable for maneuvering and climbing on this kind of complex terrain.

Soon, he passed through the sea of ​​steaming clouds and descended to the middle of the cliff.

Arriving here, you can already see the lush and lush scenery below, and you can vaguely hear the thunderous sound of the waterfall and the chirping of birds.

Su Yi felt very excited. Although he didn't have much demand for the "Nine Suns Divine Art", the "Nine Suns Manual" not only contained the Nine Suns Divine Art, but also the Gecko Swimming Wall Art, Bone Shrinking Art, and Qi Closing Art, etc. Practical exercises and tricks, Su Yi is still interested in these things, and the more the better.

After all, the skills are not overwhelming.

Besides, it wouldn't hurt to get in touch with Zhang Wuji in advance, at least you can see whether this person is an enemy or a friend.

Don’t think that if the protagonist is kind-hearted and a good person, you can be friends. Sometimes the fate between people is very strange. You know that this person is a good person, but you just can’t like him, and you are even very tired of rejecting him.

At other times, it is due to the situation and driven by interests, no matter how sympathetic they are, they still have to be hostile to each other.

The further you go down, the smoother the cliff is, and there are even few cracks in the rocks, so that Su Yi's claw pick has nowhere to use it.

At this time, Su Yi had already tried his best to keep going down.

But it's going down, if you want to go up like this later, it's impossible.

There is nowhere to rely on such a cliff, and it is definitely not so easy to use lightness kung fu to continuously jump up.

Unless the rope and nails are prepared, first nail the nail tied with the rope into the cliff, then step on the nail, perform light skills such as ladder clouds to jump up, and use another nail to nail into the cliff to hang the figure , and then use the rope to retract the chisel nails below.

Such a reciprocating cycle makes it possible to return to the original path.

Su Yiren had already figured out how to get up before they reached the bottom.

Of course, there is another way, that is to go back along the original path that Zhang Wuji walked, reach the outside of Kelamen Peak, go down the cliff outside to the bottom, and then go out.

The so-called Jedi must also be divided into people. For ordinary people or people with low martial arts, this valley is naturally a Jedi, but for Su Yi, even if he does not have such martial arts, he can still get down and go up.

Soon Su Yi reached the bottom of the valley, where the jungle was deep and dense, with gurgling water, and some monkeys were climbing and jumping among the trees. They were not afraid when they saw Su Yi, an uninvited guest, and just stopped on a tree branch not far away. Seeing Su Yi scream.

However, there was a little golden-haired monkey whose eyeballs rolled, squeaked and jumped into the distance, and disappeared into the dense forest in the blink of an eye.

On a small slope farther away, several black goats were grazing leisurely.

It seems that apart from monkeys, goats and birds, there should be no other animals here. It is presumably because tigers, leopards and other large animals cannot reach this place, so this place has become a peaceful paradise.

The grass is soft and wet, and there are obvious traces of people's activities around it. It must be Zhang Wuji's work.

Su Yi put away the claw pick and looked around, while walking in the forest, he picked an unnamed wild fruit beside him, wiped it with his hand, and put it in his mouth to take a bite.

The rich juice burst in Su Yi's mouth instantly, and then Su Yi suddenly froze in place.


It made him sick all over.

"Bah, bah, bah!" Su Yi hurriedly spat out the pulp in his mouth.

"Squeak..." The monkey not far away grinned unscrupulously, jumping up and down.

Su Yi stared, and couldn't help laughing.

"Su Yi, Su Yi, I never imagined that one day you would be laughed at by a group of monkeys."

He walked with his hands behind his back, and the group of monkeys didn't come close to him, but they followed him all the way, screaming, all the way forward.

When walking quickly to the bottom of the waterfall, Su Yi's expression changed suddenly, and he stopped and looked forward.

In the depths of the forest ahead, a figure was rushing towards this side. In front of him, the little golden monkey that Su Yi had seen before was also speeding up, clearly leading the way for the figure behind him.

This monkey is quite spiritual.Su Yi was thinking about where to find Zhang Wuji, but he didn't expect it to bring Zhang Wuji here.

Seeing the monkey and the man getting closer, Su Yi also saw Zhang Wuji's appearance clearly.

Like a savage!
He was wearing a sleeveless jacket made of black goatskin, a leather skirt made of goatskin on his lower body, and two pieces of goatskin were wrapped under his feet.

He was dressed in a goat suit, neither winter nor summer, with his limbs exposed and tanned.

The head is hairy, except for a pair of eyes and nose, no facial features can be seen.

His head is full of messy hair, his eyebrows are swollen, but his eyes are piercing. Seeing Su Yi's eyes at this moment is also very complicated.

There is ecstasy, there is fear, there is grievance, there is guard...

Although this meeting was originally arranged by Su Yi, he still pretended to be surprised and looked Zhang Wuji up and down in front of him.

"You, you..." Zhang Wuji was so excited that he was speechless.

Su Yi clasped his fists slightly: "This little brother invites you! I don't want there to be living people living in seclusion under this cliff. Please forgive me if I disturb you."

Zhang Wuji finally suppressed his excitement, hurriedly clasped his fists in return, and said in a trembling voice: "Brother, it's really impolite for me to describe it as filthy."

"It's okay, it's okay." Su Yi smiled and waved his hands, "My surname is Su Mingyi, and my character is Bulang. People in the world call it Jade Face Flying Dragon. What do you call my little brother?"

The nickname and characters are made up by Su Yi now, but Su Yi thinks it's not bad, so he will call it from now on.

"It turned out to be Mr. Su face to face, and he has been admiring him for a long time." Zhang Wuji was stunned for a moment and hastily clasped his fists again.

You've been looking up for a long time, you'd be damned if you've heard my name... Su Yi secretly complained in his heart.

"My...well... I'm Zeng A Niu." Zhang Wuji mumbled.

Su Yi was secretly amused, and he had to think about it before saying his own name. A discerning person could see the name he had just thought of.

However, Su Yi can understand him. Five years ago, because he reported his real name, he was plotted by a group and forced to jump off a cliff to seek his death.

I have stayed at the bottom of this dark cliff for five years, isolated from the world, and today a person pops up suddenly, I am afraid that everyone will be alert.

"Brother Zeng, I don't know why you are at the bottom of this cliff?" Su Yi didn't wait for Zhang Wuji, who was full of doubts, to ask, and asked in a serious tone.

Zhang Wuji said: "It's a coincidence, I didn't intend to be trapped here."

"Really?" Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, deliberately remained silent, and his expression became indifferent, "If Brother Zeng has a companion here, can you introduce him?"

"I... have no companions, I am alone here." Zhang Wuji said, "Mr. Su, this place is surrounded by cliffs. I don't know why you came here? What is your purpose?"

Zhang Wuji was on guard secretly, and asked with a vigilant face.

Su Yi patted the pickaxe on his waist, and said with a half-smile: "Although this valley is isolated from all sides, it can't stop me... As for why I came, I came for a giant ape."

"Giant ape?" Zhang Wuji was startled, and then his expression changed suddenly.

"That's right, the giant ape." Su Yi said lightly, "This giant ape is related to the whereabouts of a peerless magic art in my master's school. My school has been searching for this magic skill for more than a hundred years, but it has never been able to do so. It's a coincidence It was hard to find the whereabouts of this magical skill, and tracked it to this place, but I didn't want to, but Brother Zeng got there first."

"I, my servant..." Zhang Wuji was a little flustered, unable to speak for a moment.

Su Yi suddenly shouted "Look at the trick", and with one trick, he called Yun Jianri to use it.

He reminded first, so although Zhang Wuji was distracted, he quickly reacted and responded hastily.

Su Yi and Zhang Wuji disassembled a dozen moves casually, and immediately had a certain understanding of his martial arts.

Although Zhang Wuji knew some fists and kicks, he was not very proficient, and there were many flaws when he used them.

However, after hitting ten moves, he became much better. Although he was still forced by Su Yi's unconstrained moves, he was more organized than before.

But too good to be true.

We don't know the enemy and ourselves, and Zhang Wuji has a kind heart, so he didn't dare to use his internal strength when he made a move. Even if Su Yi forced him to scramble, he didn't dare to use his full strength.

But even so, when Su Yi touched his fists, he could feel that Zhang Wuji's inner strength was extremely masculine and strong, but there was softness in his strength, which seemed to be endless, endless, very vigorous.

After more than ten moves, Su Yi suddenly shouted softly and stretched out his hand to slap Zhang Wuji in the chest!
This palm seemed light and fast, but Zhang Wuji's expression changed instantly!

Because this palm was still in the middle, his beard and hair were flying and his skin was tingling with the wind of the palm, which shows how deep the internal force is.

Zhang Wuji hurriedly retreated to avoid it, but Su Yi was like a tarsal maggot, he retreated several steps, even dodging left and right was useless, the palm was still getting closer and closer to him.

Seeing that the palms were getting closer and closer, Zhang Wuji's forehead was sweating, and a great crisis had already arisen.

He definitely didn't want to die here, and he couldn't care about anything at the moment, so he used his internal strength and slapped Su Yi's palm hard.

When the two palms collided, Zhang Wuji only felt that the internal force that he slapped out with one palm disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea, disappearing invisibly in an instant.

Soon Su Yi's palm gushed out a powerful force, and Zhang Wuji's bones "cracked" in an instant, and he flew upside down uncontrollably, and fell heavily on the ground not far away.

Su Yi withdrew his palm and stared at him, and said coldly: "You really learned the lost Nine Suns Kungfu from my sect!"

(End of this chapter)

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