Chapter 1065
Hang up!
Su Yi looked at Zhang Wuji who was struggling to get up in front of him with his hands behind his back, and cursed secretly in his heart.

Who do you despise the most?

Another hang up.

Su Yi felt that he had done enough. He absorbed Ren Woxing's internal energy, and also learned the Yijing Sutra which combined the Yi Jin Jing and Rama's internal energy into one. The degree of richness and purity is rare in the world.

But Zhang Wuji, who is like a savage in front of him, is just a fledgling, and has practiced the Nine Suns Magic Kungfu for five years in the mountains. Although his internal strength is not as pure as his, but in terms of strength, he is probably as strong as him.

How much hard work did I put in to learn the star-absorbing Dafa and the top internal skills?
And this Zhang Wuji, hiding in this valley, eating, drinking, sleeping and practicing, has become a peerless master, who can he ask for reasoning?
Not to mention that he will soon go to Mingjiao to inherit the Great Teleportation of the Universe, and the kilometers will double.

Protecting the body with magical powers, being embraced by beauties, this kind of blessing makes Su Yi jealous.

But right now, Zhang Wuji is far from Su Yi's opponent.

If Su Yi intended to kill him, he would have taken Zhang Wuji's life with the first move just now.

Although Zhang Wuji is a fool, he is not stupid. He also realizes that even if he has learned magic skills, he is no match for the jade-faced flying dragon in front of him.

For a moment he was a little depressed and hopeless.

In the past five years, he has practiced Nine Suns Divine Kungfu hard. Although there is no comparison and he doesn't know his own strength, he deeply feels the magic of this martial art.

Zhu Changling and Wu Lie are nothing to worry about.

He has now practiced to the last level of the Nine Suns Divine Art, and the completion of his work is just around the corner.

But at this time, Su Yi came and gave him a blow, as if he had returned to his original shape.

This made Zhang Wuji feel that he was still the idiot who hid in Tibet with Yang Buhui and was tricked into finding the north.

Zhang Wuji struggled to stand up, his face turned blue and purple, and he wanted to explain to Su Yi that he didn't intend to learn other martial arts, but he felt resentful when he said it, and he was afraid that he would be mistaken for him by the other party when he said that now. He was begging for mercy and was looked down upon by Su Yi.

And there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

You said that the Nine Suns Divine Art belongs to your family, is it your family?
How scheming is Su Yi?What Zhang Wuji was thinking at this moment could not be hidden from him at all.

At that moment, he sneered and said: "He is strong, let him be strong, the breeze blows the hills, he is horizontal, and the moon shines on the river. He is self-ruthless, he is evil, and I am full of true energy. This is the general outline of the Nine Suns Magic Art , don't you? You think I'm cheating on you?"

Zhang Wuji's doubts were all gone.

If it wasn't for his own martial arts, how could he even casually say the formulas of the mind?
Moreover, the scriptures come from the white ape, and they are right.

For a while, Zhang Wuji felt a little disheartened under the setback.

He cupped his fists in frustration, and said in a muffled voice: "Mr. Su, I dare not question you. I did learn the Nine Suns Magic Art, but I was knocked off a cliff and narrowly escaped death. It was only by chance that I discovered the White Ape The scriptures sewed under the fur are definitely not intended to steal the martial arts of the expensive sect."

"However, after all, it is a fact that I have learned the magic skills. I know that it is a big taboo in the martial arts to secretly learn the martial arts of his school, especially the peerless magic skills such as Jiuyang Shengong, which are regarded as treasures by any school. If they are left outside, they will be like slaying dragons Like a treasured sword, it set off a bloody storm..."

Zhang Wuji calmed down while talking.

He recalled ten years ago that he was suffering from the cold poison of Xuanming God's Palm, and was carried around by the grand master to seek medical treatment. He is willing to reveal the incomplete magic skills, which shows how precious the magic skills are.

Now that I secretly learned the full version of the Nine Suns Divine Kungfu, and was caught by them, I couldn't beat it, and I couldn't walk away. In order to prevent the magic technique from spreading, it is reasonable for someone to beat me to death with a palm...

Thinking of this, Zhang Wuji heaved a long sigh, completely gave up all hope, and said with a self-deprecating smile: "Mr. Su, you kill me. I got the Nine Suns Divine Art to help me get rid of the cold poison, and let me live for another five years. It’s already stealing the sky. I really shouldn’t think too much, and I’m not greedy enough.”

After a pause, Zhang Wuji said again: "The four volumes of scriptures are here in a hut beside the east cliff. After Mr. Su kills me, he can take the scriptures by himself."

"There is also a "Medical Classic" and "Poison Classic", which were handed down by Hu Qingniu and Wang Nangu of Butterfly Valley. In order to prevent the thaumaturgy from being lost, Mr. Su is also asked to take these two scriptures away. Find someone who is destined to pass it on.”

Zhang Wuji was stunned for a moment, and wanted to leave a last word for Su Yi to bring a sentence to Grand Master Zhang Sanfeng, saying that his disciples are unfilial and take the first step.

But then he thought that Zhang Wuji's identity would be exposed in this way. The Mr. Su in front of him looked extraordinary on the surface, but he knew people and faces but didn't know his heart. Who knew whether he would covet his adoptive father's dragon sword.

So he gave up his plan to be honest about his identity.

It's just that when I think that I have to die under a false name, it's so desolate, and I feel sorry for myself, and I feel sad and weep.

Seeing that Zhang Wuji wiped away his tears, Su Yi couldn't help frowning and said: "If a man dies, he will die. Why are you crying?"

"I'm not afraid of death!" Zhang Wuji retorted, "I'm just...just...well, you don't understand! Mr. Su, did you do it yourself, or should I do it myself?"

It's almost there, don't really fool the baby to death...

Who killed whom?

I killed me...

Su Yi coughed lightly, and asked with his hands behind his back, "You said just now that the Nine Suns Divine Art helped you get rid of the cold poison? What does this mean? What kind of cold poison did you get?"

"It's the poison of Xuanming God's Palm." Zhang Wuji hesitated slightly, and said truthfully, "This poison is extremely cold, and there is no cure for medicine and stones. It is useless to try all kinds of methods. I just waited for the poison to die. I don't want to learn by chance. Only then did the Nine Suns Divine Art dispel the cold poison in his body, and he survived by luck."

Su Yi said calmly, "Go and fetch the scriptures, and I'll wait for you by the pool over there."

Zhang Wuji hesitated slightly, cupped his fists and said, "Yes!"

Su Yi waited for him to finish speaking, then walked towards the pool with his hands behind his back.

After a while, Zhang Wuji took six scriptures and handed them to Su Yi with both hands respectfully.

"Mr. Su, the four volumes of "Nine Suns Manual", as well as the medical classics and poison classics are all here."

Su Yi took it, flipped through two pages, and suddenly pulled out a small dagger from his waist, and threw it to Zhang Wuji.

"Don't dare to dirty Mr. Su's knife, I will kill myself." Zhang Wuji returned the knife to Su Yi with a backhand, "Mr. Su, please wait a moment, I will dig a hole for myself, and I will be buried in the ground for safety." .”

While continuing to read the scriptures, Su Yi said calmly: "You said that you were knocked off the cliff, but if you fell from here, you would have fallen to your death. So there should be a road leading to another place in this valley. Did you come from Come into this valley from somewhere else, right?"

"Mr. Su clearly sees it, and I admire it." Zhang Wuji said sincerely, "There is indeed a cave, which can pass through the mountainside, but to the other side, it is also on the stone platform halfway up the mountain, and there is still a desperate place."

Zhang Wuji hesitated slightly, but he still didn't say that Zhu Changling was still alive and trapped on that stone platform.

In his opinion, since he was going to die anyway, Zhu Changling was bound to die, so why bother talking?

"After all, it's still a chance." Su Yi still didn't raise his head, "Why don't you just run away from there and fight hard, maybe you can survive."

Zhang Wuji said seriously: "I have learned the magic skills of your sect, so it is only natural that I should die now to prevent the magic skills from leaking out. To escape with my own life, I would despise it."

"If the ants steal their lives, are you really not afraid of death?" Su Yi asked again.

"Of course I don't want to die," Zhang Wuji smiled freely, "but I'm not afraid. Since ten years ago, I've been wandering between life and death all the time. To me, death is just a step away."

These words made Su Yi couldn't help but look up at Zhang Wuji.

"This small knife is for you to shave your beard." Su Yi's eyes fell on the scriptures in his hand again, "After you shave your beard, take a good wash."

Zhang Wuji was stunned, and said with a smile: "That's right, come naked and walk clean, so that you don't waste your time in the world. Thank you, Mr. Su, for your fulfillment!"

After finishing speaking, he clasped his fist at Su Yi and ran to the side to get busy.

Su Yi didn't care about him, he just read the book by himself.

The Nine Suns Divine Kungfu is really broad and profound. It is a martial art where the anode generates the yin. It is from the rigidity to the yang. It not only contains the Taoist principle of carrying the yin and embracing the yang, but also contains the cycle of emptiness and form in Buddhism. Su Yi didn't practice it, just If you study it carefully, you will benefit a lot.

He reviewed himself in time, before he thought he didn't need this martial art, but now it seems that there is no limit to learning, even if he can't practice it, he must not feel that these unrivaled martial arts are useless to him.

Although the principles of martial arts in the world are practiced to the extreme, different paths lead to the same goal, but after all, it is inclusive of all rivers, and each has its own way.The more you understand the truth, the deeper your understanding of martial arts, and the more you accumulate.

Su Yi was obsessed with the content of the scriptures, Zhang Wuji had already washed up before he knew it.

The messy hair has been tied up with a piece of cloth, and a branch is used as a hairpin, and the hair is in a neat bun.

After the tiger beard was shaved off, although his face was still dark, his facial features were well-defined, and Zhou Zheng was bright and bright, which made people's eyes shine.

What a handsome young man, he is almost catching up with me, no wonder there are so many peach blossoms.

Su Yi secretly praised.

"Mr. Su, return your knife." Zhang Wuji respectfully handed the knife back to Su Yi.

Su Yi was a little emotional.

There are really people in this world who are willing to die, he doesn't know whether to call Zhang Wuji pedantic or stupid.

But I think it has something to do with him not being able to beat himself...

If it can be fought, it must be another story.

"Do you know, what is the origin of this "Nine Suns Manual"?" Su Yi asked.

Zhang Wuji hesitated slightly, actually he knew something, when Zhang Sanfeng took him around to seek medical treatment ten years ago, he heard something from Zhang Sanfeng.

But if he said he knew, he couldn't explain the source of the news clearly, which would only add to the trouble, so he simply shook his head.

Su Yi didn't care about what Zhang Wuji was thinking, and talked eloquently: "The source of this scripture can be traced back to the end of the Northern Song Dynasty. At that time, there was a senior expert named Wang Chongyang, who was recognized as the best in the world at that time. The true religion is also the number one religion in the world.”

Zhang Wuji let out an "ah", and said, "Could it be that this "Nine Suns Manual" was written by this senior Wang Chongyang?"

According to what Zhang Sanfeng said, this "Nine Suns Manual" was passed down by Shaolin monk Jueyuan...

Thinking of this, Zhang Wuji was startled again, only to realize later that the "Nine Suns Manual" should be Shaolin's martial arts...

This Mr. Su is obviously not a monk, but this Mr. Su has recited the general outline of the "Nine Suns Manual"...

Could it be Shaolin lay disciples?
But what did he mention about Quanzhen Teaching Wang Chongyang...

Zhang Wuji was so entangled for a moment that it was difficult to tell the truth from the fake, but Su Yi was still talking about it, so he had to suppress his doubts and listen patiently.

"That's not true." Su Yi shook his head, "Wang Chongyang went to Songshan Shaolin one day and met an eminent Shaolin monk..."

Shaolin is out!When Zhang Wuji heard this, his doubts suddenly became less.

"Although this Shaolin eminent monk is ordained ordained, he has been a Confucianist, a Taoist and a monk all his life. In fact, he is a senior of my sect, and he cannot be regarded as a Shaolin disciple." Su Yi continued, "At that time, Wang Chongyang had the world's most wonderful book "Nine I sent this senior to borrow this book to check it out, but after reading it, he didn't think so. He felt that the whole text of "Nine Yin Manual" explained the principle of using softness to overcome rigidity and holding yin to embrace yang. The four volumes of the Shurangama Sutra were written in the gaps between the scriptures, and this "Nine Suns Divine Art" was created."

It was only then that Zhang Wuji suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the Nine Suns Divine Art was actually written in the cracks in the Buddhist scriptures, it turned out to be because of this.

However, he was still a little guilty, could it be that Mr. Su made up such a story to lie to himself after seeing the scriptures, so that he could believe him?

But soon he realized again, he is a dying person, what is there to lie about?
Su Yi went on to say: "After I sent this senior to create the "Nine Suns Divine Art", he conveniently placed the four volumes of the "Surangama Sutra" in the Shaolin Sutra Pavilion, and then traveled all over the world, so even Shaolin didn't know about it. , There is actually such a peerless magical skill hidden in their scripture pavilion. Until more than a hundred years later, a monk named Jueyuan..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Wuji couldn't help but let out an excited "Ah", because he finally heard the familiar name.

Su Yi gave him a strange look, and asked, "What? Have you heard of Master Jueyuan?"

"No, I haven't heard of it." Zhang Wuji hastily denied, but his doubts about Su Yi weakened a lot.

"Jueyuan discovered this martial art, but he only regarded it as an ordinary way to strengthen his body, so he followed the practice and practiced a world-shocking magical skill without knowing it." Su Yi continued, "At that time, Jueyuan had an apprentice Son, speaking of this disciple, this man is truly remarkable..."

It's Grand Master!He was talking about my grand master!
Zhang Wuji roared excitedly in his heart, both proud and excited.

(End of this chapter)

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