Chapter 1066
Of course Su Yi was talking about Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Wuji had heard all the things he said next. After a series of turmoil, Monk Jueyuan passed away, but he recited the "Nine Suns Manual" before he died. Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of the Emei School Guo Xiang, and Shaolin were present at the time. The colorless Zen master.

The three of them each memorized part of the content of the scriptures, but they were all incomplete.

"This matter was originally a secret of martial arts. At that time, the three people who inherited the Nine Suns Divine Art were also the senior patriarchs of the three great masters of the martial arts. If it weren't for the close relationship between my school and the deceased Zen Master Wusei, I learned from him The truth of this matter is really hard for me to imagine that the Shaolin, Wudang and Emei schools all inherit the "Nine Suns Divine Art" created by the predecessors of my school."

Su Yi said with great emotion: "It has been more than [-] years since our school was founded. Since the shame of Jingkang, it has lived in seclusion and passed on from generation to generation. As a result, the population is not prosperous and it is unknown to the world. This person who created "Nine The predecessors of "Yangzhenjing" played games in the past, and the reason why they worshiped Buddhism was to learn Buddhism, and then confirm it with Taoism, and seek the truth of the world..."

Zhang Wuji was speechless when he heard that, more than three hundred years, the shame of Jingkang... that was a long time ago.The sect of this jade-faced flying dragon has a long tradition.

Just what sect is it?

Could it be the Demon Cult?
I heard from Grand Master that the Devil's Cult has been passed down for hundreds of years. Is this Jade Faced Flying Dragon a member of the Devil's Cult?

No, no, the Devil's Cult doesn't live in seclusion, on the contrary, it's very high-profile...

Zhang Wuji was thinking wildly, listening to Su Yi's narration.

"Later, when this senior became immortal, he sent a letter back to our sect, summarizing his life, and explaining that he created the "Nine Suns Manual" based on my sect of martial arts and Shaolin martial arts. During the war, our faction migrated, but failed to take back the martial arts scattered by the master's school in time. The head of our school at that time just recorded this matter and passed it on to future generations." Su Yi continued.

"It's a pity that there have been some changes since then. This matter has been delayed until more than [-] years ago. I sent a descendant, that is, my benefactor. He returned to the Central Plains and learned the truth from Zen Master Wu Se. Knowing that this "Nine Suns Divine Art" has been lost, it was divided into three parts and passed on to the Shaolin and Emei sects."

"Although Sanfeng Zhenren did not create Wudang at that time, he also made a great name in the Jianghu. My sect has never been limited by the views of the sect, and besides, the rumors of the magic skills are all well-known and upright people, so the mentor decided not to care about this matter. When it never happened."

When Su Yi said this, Zhang Wuji no longer had any doubts.

Su Yi clearly explained how "Nine Suns Divine Art" was created and how it was passed on, especially the later part, which is exactly the same as what Grand Master said. .

"Mr. Su, you are playing with a villain's heart. You actually suspect that the "Nine Suns Manual" is not a noble school's martial arts. Now that you have no doubts, you are willing to die." Zhang Wuji clasped his fists in shame.

Su Yi chuckled: "You think I said so much just to prove my identity so that you can die convinced?"

Zhang Wuji was stunned, and said: "I am stupid, I don't know what Mr. Su has to teach?"

Su Yi sighed and said: "Shaolin, Wudang and Emei all got the "Nine Suns Manual" that my school scattered outside, but I didn't say anything to take it back. On the contrary, you, a country boy, got martial arts, so I shouted at you Shouting to kill. If the world knows about it, won’t they laugh at my sect’s hypocrisy and shamelessness?”

"This..." Zhang Wuji was stunned for a moment, hearing Su Yi's implication, he couldn't help being surprised and delighted, but couldn't believe it.

"However, although our sect is not limited to sectarian opinions, and does not avoid spreading martial arts to outsiders, after all, miraculous arts are rare and should not be passed on lightly." Su Yi said solemnly, "What's more, if miraculous arts fall into the hands of those with unscrupulous minds and use them to commit crimes, For all these sins, I will assign a share of karma, which is not good."

He looked at the faintly excited Zhang Wuji and said, "That's why I'll give you a try and see how you react when you learn that Wuwu has learned his martial arts. If you refuse to admit it to death, or have evil intentions, that is your character." If there is a lack, I will kill you with a single palm just now, and take back my martial arts."

After a pause, Su Yi smiled and said, "But I didn't expect that you are a good man with responsibility and courage, and you are willing to die to fulfill your morals."

Zhang Wuji broke out in a cold sweat when he heard it, and he was terrified.

Although he didn't intend to deny it just now, he really restrained Su Yi, and then slowly persuaded him to accept the fact that he had already practiced martial arts.

After all, if it is not a last resort, who is really willing to die?
The biggest reason why he was so honest and willing to die was that he couldn't beat Su Yi, and felt that he couldn't escape, so he felt desperate, and that's why...

But now the other party mistakenly thinks that he is "willing to die to be morally righteous", Zhang Wuji is ashamed and inferior, and feels that he is really not worthy of the other party's trust and praise.

It's just that he is not a pedantic person, and he didn't reveal his true thoughts at this time.

Otherwise, if the other party knows that he has nothing to do, and directly slaps himself to death, wouldn't that be a great stupidity and wronged?

Zhang Wuji was full of thoughts, his face was red, he hurriedly clasped his fists and said: "Mr. Su is ridiculously praised, I, uh, I just did what I should do."

Su Yi nodded in relief, and continued: "However, your situation is different from that of Shaolin and other three factions."

"The three sects got only the incomplete "Nine Suns Manual", and the martial arts that are passed down today are only based on the Nine Suns Divine Art, combined with their own martial arts to create new martial arts. It has origins but is different, so the "Nine Suns Manual" cannot be regarded as a true rumor."

"And you... It is recorded in the scriptures that after the Nine Suns Divine Art is completed, you can rebound external attacks. With that palm just now, I felt that you had internal force to bounce back to me. You have practiced the Nine Suns Divine Art to perfection, right?"

"Mr. Su clearly sees it, that's true." Zhang Wuji said with a little pride, "It's a pity that I'm still one step away from perfecting the Nine Suns Divine Art, otherwise I might not be so embarrassed by the palm just now."

This "Nine Suns Manual" is extensive and profound, but he spent five years of hard work to perfect it. Zhang Wuji is still very proud of this achievement.

It's a pity that he has no place to show off such a long face, and he can only be complacent and self-satisfied all the time.

Now that I can finally talk about it with others, I can't help being proud.

Su Yi praised without hesitation: "That's right, the more advanced the inner strength is, the more difficult it is to practice. You have mastered the Nine Suns Divine Art in five years, and your martial arts talent is amazing."

"Ashamed, ashamed." Zhang Wuji was flattered by Su Yi's praise, but it was very useful.

Su Yi changed the subject and continued: "It's also because you have learned all of the "Nine Suns Manual", so you are different from Shaolin and other three sects. Now you really have your own martial arts."

"I am the ninth generation descendant of our sect, and I am responsible for maintaining the reputation of our sect and inheriting and carrying forward our martial arts. I tested your words and deeds before, which shows that you have a pure heart. I asked you to tidy up your appearance again. Do you know why?"

Zhang Wuji's heart was pounding, he had already guessed something, but he didn't dare to confirm it.

"I'm stupid, I don't know Mr. Su's deep meaning." He clasped his fists and said.

Su Yi laughed and said: "Actually, this is an unwritten rule of our sect, that is, for all disciples who enter my sect, good looks are the first condition. Those who describe ugly must not enter my sect. Since ancient times, our sect has only One exception..."

Zhang Wuji let out an "ah", both surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, there is such a weird sect in this world, and the acceptance of apprentices depends on their appearance, not ugly...

The joy is that, listening to the meaning of his words, it seems that he intends to accept himself into the wall of his door, so as to resolve the disaster of killing himself, and kill two birds with one stone.

"I see that you are handsome and well-defined, which meets the primary threshold for entering my Xiaoyao sect; you are pure-hearted and courageous, and you are the most important character in my Xiaoyao sect's apprenticeship, and you are also satisfied with this; in terms of talent, you use it It took five years to practice the "Nine Suns Manual" to perfection, which shows that the talent is outstanding, which is rare in the world." Su Yi continued, "As for other things, such as status, my faction doesn't pay much attention to it, as long as you are not a foreign race. That's all right."

Zhang Wuji hurriedly said: "Although my parents died early, they are both of Han blood, and there is absolutely no blood of other races."

"It seems that you have guessed it." Su Yi said with a smile, "Now I have a way to get the best of both worlds, and I can properly handle this matter, that is, I will accept you as a disciple, and you will worship under my Xiaoyao sect. ?”

"Xiaoyaopai?" Zhang Wuji was stunned for a moment, searching his mind for the memory of these three words, but naturally found nothing.

"Take advantage of the righteousness of the heaven and the earth, guard against the debate of the six qi, and swim in infinity, which is a leisurely way." Su Yi chanted leisurely.

Zhang Wuji was delighted to hear this, and felt that this sentence was indescribably subtle, unrestrained, bold and uninhibited, and really lived up to the word "Xiaoyao".

Su Yi said sternly, "Xiaoyaozi, the patriarch of our sect, is a master of Xuanmen in the early Song Dynasty. It has been passed down from generation to generation through Wu Yazi, Xu Zhuzi and other patriarchs. It has been passed down to my generation, which happens to be the ninth generation."

"Since the third generation of Patriarch Xu Zhuzi lived in seclusion in Tianshan Mountain, the fourth generation began to pass it on from generation to generation, so the reputation of the inheritance of this sect has not been revealed to the world."

"However, my Xiaoyao faction is the orthodox sect of Taoism, and it is by no means a heretical sect. You must be clear about this!"

Zhang Wuji took a deep breath, knowing that a decision that would affect his life was at hand.

In fact, he is willing to worship this Xiaoyao sect one hundred times, but he still has concerns, because before that, he knew nothing about the Xiaoyao sect.

This Mr. Su kept saying that the Xiaoyao Sect is the orthodox school of Taoism, and in addition, he was very straightforward in his words and deeds.

Do you want to trust him?

Zhang Wuji thought a lot, and slowly cupped his fists and said: "Mr. Su, actually I have something to hide from you, and I have a lot of connections with the Wudang sect..."

"I know, your name is Zhang Wuji, and you are the son of Wudang Five Hero Zhang Cuishan, right?" Su Yi smiled lightly.

Zhang Wuji's eyes widened in surprise: "You, you..."

"You want to ask me how I know?" Su Yi said with a smile, "I also know why you lied to me about your name Zeng Aniu, because you are afraid that I will hit your adoptive father Xie Xun's dragon-slaying knife, right?"

"You, Mr. Su, you..." Zhang Wuji was horrified and dumbfounded. He couldn't believe that Su Yi not only knew his identity clearly, but also guessed his thoughts clearly.

For a moment, I lost my mind and didn't know what to do.

"Your identity is not difficult to guess." Su Yi said lightly, "You just fought with me, using Wudang Changquan, plus you said that you hit the Xuanming God's Palm ten years ago... Zhang Sanfeng ten years ago It is not a secret that the Taoist priest took Zhang Cuishan's orphan to seek treatment for the cold poison of Xuanming. Combining these two pieces of information, isn't your identity ready to be revealed?"

"So that's how it is..." Zhang Wuji listened with admiration and shame, "That's right, I am indeed Zhang Wuji. I had no choice but to conceal my identity before, because everyone in the martial arts wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of my adoptive father through persecution. Treacherous, treacherous thoughts, let me be hard to guard against, so I simply concealed my name, not intentionally to deceive Mr. Su."

"It's okay, the name is just a code name, it doesn't matter what it's called, the important thing is the person." Su Yi smiled, "As for your worries...the supreme martial artist, the treasured sword slays the dragon, the world is stupid, thinking that holding a knife is enough Dominate the martial arts?"

"That sword is the black iron epee used by Yang Guo in the past, and it is made of western fine gold. The sword has strong magnetism and can break through hidden weapons in the world. It is also sharp and unparalleled. It is indeed a precious sword." Su Yi said, "It's just that the reason why it is called 'Dragon Slayer' is not because of how sharp and powerful it is."

Zhang Wuji was engrossed in hearing this, his heart was pounding, he thought that this Mr. Su was really mysterious, from what he said, did he know the secret of this Dragon Slaying Saber?
Adoptive father Xie Xun has obtained the treasured sword for more than ten years, but still can't understand the secret of the treasured sword. How could Mr. Su know?

Could it be...

"Could it be that this dragon-slaying sword has a connection with the Xiaoyao faction?" Zhang Wuji asked subconsciously.

"That's not true." Su Yi shook his head.

The reason for pretending to be the Xiaoyao School is because he wants to find a reasonable source for his martial arts. This Xiaoyao School is not a fiction, it is sophisticated, and has a lot to do with Su Yi's star-absorbing method, so Su Yi chooses to call himself the descendant of the Xiaoyao School.

He is not afraid of being exposed, after all, the Xiaoyao School has been lost for a long time, even if there are still some descendants alive, that's okay. It is an indisputable fact that he can absorb the Star Dafa, and he can lie that he is another branch.When the time comes to operate, the false will become true.

However, some things can be impersonated, and some things should not be pretended to be a wolf with a big tail.

But this does not prevent Su Yi from using it to brush up.

"The sect has been passed down for a long time, and it always knows more than ordinary people." Su Yi said lightly, "Although my Xiaoyao sect lives in seclusion, I still know a thing or two about the events of the past."

"The reason why this dragon-slaying knife is called the dragon-slaying knife is because the maker of the knife hopes that someone who is destined to get it will overthrow the Mongolian regime, kill the Mongolian emperor, and restore the country of the Han people."

"So that's what it means." Zhang Wuji was stunned, and a little disappointed, "Could it be that the dragon-slaying knife that everyone in the martial arts wants is just a sharper knife?"

"That's not true. There is also a volume of "Wu Mu's Last Letter" hidden in the knife, which is the military book left by Yue Fei." Su Yidao lightly wrote the big secret that everyone in the world wants to pursue.

Zhang Wuji was so startled that he couldn't speak for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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