Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1067 Receive disciples and pass on art

Chapter 1067 Receive disciples and pass on art
Su Yi lightly revealed the secret of the dragon-slaying sword, which really completely stunned Zhang Wuji.

This secret that the world is fighting for desperately without hesitation set off a bloody storm, but in Su Yi's mouth, it is just an ordinary way. This kind of strong contrast makes Zhang Wuji feel a sense of awe towards Su Yi.

What kind of magical sect is the Xiaoyao Sect?
"Zhang Wuji, I will only stay in the valley for one day, and I will leave after one day." Su Yi said to Zhang Wuji, "You only have one day to consider whether you want to join my Xiaoyao Sect and worship me as your teacher."

"Mr. Su, it doesn't take a day!" Zhang Wuji said.

He suddenly knelt down and bowed to Su Yi: "Master, my disciple Zhang Wuji kowtows to you!"

After all, "Bang bang bang" kowtowed nine times in a row!
This is a sincere child, he knocked extremely hard every time, and his head was red and swollen after knocking.

Su Yi felt very relieved, wouldn't this be all right?
Why do you have to be the enemy of the protagonist?Wouldn't it be great to accept him as an apprentice?

How good would it be to marry him a few more wives, fathers are kind and sons filial, and they will be happy and harmonious?

He didn't believe it anymore, this honest boy had the guts to compete with his master for a woman?

Of course, Su Yi's purpose of accepting Zhang Wuji as his apprentice was not so superficial.

At least it's more than superficial.

Accepting Zhang Wuji has a lot of advantages. If the master is inconvenient to come forward, the apprentice can also do it for him.This child seems to be very easy to get on top of, and when the time comes, he will be easy to handle with more blood.

In addition, his nature is indeed good, except for being a little indecisive, reading less books, and there are no principled shortcomings.

All in all, Su Yi feels satisfied with this move.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Su Yilian said three good words, helped Zhang Wuji up, patted him on the shoulder and said happily: "My school has always been informal, and if you kowtow, it will be regarded as officially joining my Xiaoyao sect. Beg me Su Bulang, the jade-faced flying dragon, is now my teacher! From now on, you will be my only apprentice, and also the tenth generation direct disciple of my Xiaoyao Sect!"

Zhang Wuji was startled, and hastily knelt down again: "How can my disciple be able to be the successor of my mentor? As long as I am a registered disciple, I will be satisfied!"

"My sect is passed down from generation to generation, so where is there any name or not?" Su Yi smiled and helped him up again, "I came out of the mountains and entered the world for three purposes. One is to help the world and drive out the Tartars; the other is to choose The first is a good student who inherits the sect; the third is just a little selfishness of being a teacher."

Su Yi feigned embarrassment, smiled and continued: "I am a teacher who is twenty-seven today, but he has been living in a secluded mountain, serving my old teacher, who is also your ancestor, and he didn't come out of the mountain until he passed away. , is still unmarried. The third purpose of coming out this time is to find a few lovers and confidantes to spend the rest of their lives together."

"How many?" Zhang Wuji looked strange.

"It's natural for a man to have three wives and four concubines." Su Yi said as it should, "Teacher, if you know a good girl from any family, don't forget to introduce it to your teacher!"

Should I find a mistress for myself?

Zhang Wuji's expression was even weirder. He had seen a master arrange a marriage for his apprentice, but it was the first time he had seen someone who asked his apprentice to introduce a partner to the master...

Zhang Wuji felt that following this young master, he would definitely gain knowledge in the future.

"Master, don't worry, this disciple must pay attention." Zhang Wuji said respectfully.

Now that he has worshiped Su Yi as his teacher, he will abide by etiquette and respect his teacher.

He was taught by his biological father Zhang Cuishan how to be a ruler, a ruler, a minister, a father and a son, and he has been influenced by his ears and eyes. He also pays great attention to rules and his own words and deeds, especially the sentence "a gentleman must be cautious of his own" that his father often taught him. It is regarded as the standard, strongly recommended by the body, and dare not violate it.

This has also developed his character of being strict with himself and being lenient to others.

Coupled with the strength of his mother Yin Susu, it also created his submissive and gentle personality.

"Master, I don't know about my Xiaoyao sect, but what are the school's rules and regulations?" Zhang Wuji asked.

"Of course there are, but not many, only three!" Su Yi smiled and stretched out three fingers.

"First, don't seek refuge with other races; second, don't commit disobedience; third, don't commit crimes!" Su Yi said with a smile, "Although my sect is called Xiaoyao, it can't be free and unrestricted. Establish these three sect rules, and restrain the disciples of the younger generation not to exceed the rules. But this is only the most basic, people value self-discipline, not relying on sect rules."

"Wuji, I hope you will be a kind and upright person, a brave man who is compassionate, responsible and responsible!"

Zhang Wuji was touched, bowed to Su Yi and said: "I will remember Master's teachings, and I will never dare to forget them in this life!"

"En!" Su Yi nodded in satisfaction again, "Wuji, in fact, it is reasonable to say that our sect has been living in seclusion, keeping clean and self-care, and ignoring the filth of the world. But in my generation, I know the suffering of the people and the people's desperation, so I can't bear it." See the people in the world sink into water and fire without moving."

"As a teacher, I ask myself that it is rare in this world to learn martial arts, but if you just sit in the mountains and learn this amazing skill, what's the use?" Su Yi sighed, "Before your master became immortal, I explained it to him. What I think in my heart, I think, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, if I want to be free in the world, I have to ignore the suffering of the people."

"Therefore, I have informed my master and obtained his consent. In the future, my Xiaoyao Sect will uphold a purpose in addition to the three gate rules!"

Su Yi looked at Zhang Wuji, and said word by word: "If it's a prosperous age, go back to hermit and practice! If it's a troubled time, save the world and save people! I'm a warrior, full of blood, how can I just sit and watch the Mongolian Yuan Tartars insult my people as pigs and dogs?"

"Wuji, because of this, I can only count you as unlucky. You could have retired to the mountains and continued to practice, but unfortunately, Master, I have decided to enter the world. I will not be able to live freely until the Tartars are expelled and my country is restored."

Zhang Wuji is the age that is most likely to be incited. The sentence "practice in prosperous times, save people in troubled times" has already made his blood boil, and the latter sentence "expel the Tartars and restore our mountains and rivers" makes him want to plunge into the pool and swim three laps again. return.

"Master, this disciple will abide by your decree, and I will never live with the Tartars in this life!" Zhang Wuji swore to the sky excitedly.

He couldn't be more satisfied with the fact that he joined the Xiaoyao Sect now!

He was worried about whether the Xiaoyao Sect might be some extreme evil sect, or had some weird teachings, but now he was relieved.

The Xiaoyao faction is a well-known decent school!
Self-cultivation, exorcism of Tartars, this is what this sect has to do!
With Su Yi's few words, Zhang Wuji had a strong sense of belonging and identification with this nonexistent sect, which was a good start.

But that's not enough.

"Wuji, you have learned our "Nine Suns Manual". In terms of internal strength, you are already top-notch in the world. But in terms of actual combat against the enemy, you still lack a lot." Su Yi said seriously, "Since you worship me As a teacher, you should not only have the name of master and student, but also the reality of master and student."

"In this scripture, there are some tips for light body movement and acupoint tapping. In this regard, you are good enough."

"How about this, I will teach you a set of boxing skills, and then two moves of swordsmanship. If you learn it, although this world is big, you can go anywhere."

Although Zhang Wuji respected Su Yi very much, but when he heard Su Yi say that he could travel all over the world by learning one set of fists and two moves of swordsmanship, he couldn't help but feel that Su Yi's words were too big.

I thought it might be that the master had just entered the rivers and lakes, and he didn't know that in the martial arts, there are mountains as high as crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and the depth of the water is difficult to grasp, so he is so conceited.

When the master has walked a lot in the rivers and lakes, he will naturally become humble.

Su Yi has a straightforward temperament, he does what he thinks.

He wants to pass on Zhang Wuji's boxing and foot martial arts. In fact, he combined Wing Chun and other national arts, as well as some martial arts from the previous world, and he developed a set of boxing techniques by himself.

Speaking of boxing, it naturally also covers a series of skills such as palming, fingering, kicking and grasping.

As a master of Chinese martial arts, it is not difficult for Su Yi to cultivate a powerful internal force and use the internal force as the energy source to create a set of superb martial arts.

"This martial art focuses on the mind rather than the form. This set of boxing is based on the eight trigrams and the direction of the footwork. The boxing is used to chase from far and close, and to attack instead of defend. The speed is appropriate. The moves can be sent and received as you like, and the changes are endless. Just take care..."

Su Yi practiced it three times, while Zhang Wuji followed along, and he was already looking good.

Waiting for Su Yi to correct his movements and teach him, Zhang Wuji quickly learned it.

Of course, just knowing how to practice, there is still a long way to go before being proficient, mastery, sending and receiving freely.

But even so, Zhang Wuji's talent and progress in martial arts still made Su Yi jealous.

This guy was born to practice martial arts.

A simple sentence that emphasizes the meaning but not the form, many people can't understand it after ten years of practice.

But Zhang Wuji only hit the threshold a few times before he reached the threshold. This is the gap.

Really jealous can't come.

After Su Yi taught Zhang Wuji this boxing technique, he began to teach Zhang Wuji the sword technique.

What sword technique is the best?

Of course it is Dugu Nine Swords!
Su Yi simply told the story of Dugu Qiubai, and then used the same flowers to describe Dugu Qiubai as a member of the Xiaoyao School, and then began to teach Zhang Wuji sword skills.

What Su Yi taught Zhang Wuji was only the first two moves - the general formula and the broken sword style.

Dugu Nine Swords is not so much a swordsmanship as it is nine formulas for fighting the enemy.

Otherwise, each move has hundreds of variations, and each variation has several usages. If you don't master the formulas and memorize them thoroughly, you will never be able to learn this miraculous sword technique.

Therefore, if you want to learn this sword technique, you must have a high level of comprehension.

For a person with low comprehension, even if the secret manual of sword manuals is placed in front of you, you will not be able to learn it.

Su Yi's comprehension is not too high, at least not high enough to learn Dugu Nine Swords effortlessly.

But he had something to worry about. Once the stream-of-consciousness space teaching was started, Feng Qingyang broke it apart one by one, crushed it, fed it to Su Yi's mouth, and helped him digest it. It can be said that he was considerate.

Moreover, all martial arts in the world reach the same goal by different routes. As a master of martial arts, Su Yi himself has his own perception and understanding of Dugu Nine Swords, so although he doesn't like swordsmanship, he has also mastered this magical martial art.

Now it is passed to Zhang Wuji, so naturally he will not show timidity.

But Zhang Wuji is different.

Zhang Wuji's comprehension is simply too high!

After two hours, he will be able to use Dugu Nine Swords to fight Su Yi!

Although he is still a little jerky, he can't master many things, and it is very difficult to use.

But he obviously has figured out the correct way to open Dugu Nine Swords, which makes Su Yi extremely jealous.

If he has such savvy, why spend millions of fans each time?

After learning Su Yi's martial arts, Zhang Wuji was even more shocked by Su Yi.

He also respects Su Yi, the master, even more.

It can be said to be respectful, without slight neglect.

That night, Su Yi stayed in this valley.

Zhang Wuji gave up the shack he built to Su Yi, grilled fish for Su Yi himself, and brought some monkey wine.

There is nothing magical about this monkey wine, at least there is nothing magical about monkey wine in this world, there is no such thing as drinking a sip to increase your internal strength, the taste is not very good, and it doesn't look too hygienic.

But it's good to try something new, and it's also a filial piety.

The fish is the fish in this pool. The cold-water fish here tastes extraordinarily fresh and tender, and it is already a delicacy in the world just by simply grilling it.

Under the fire, Zhang Wuji had no reservations about Su Yi, and told Su Yi all his experiences in recent years.

When it comes to sadness, she also weeps secretly.

He also talked about Zhu Changling who caused him to fall off the cliff. This Zhu Changling obviously hurt Zhang Wuji, but Zhang Wuji didn't hate him, but felt sorry for him.

Su Yi didn't intend to correct the disciple's three views. Everyone has their own personality and ideas. Su Yi naturally firmly believes that he is right, but he will not casually deny other people's philosophy of life.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Wuji's character is a bad guy, anyone can forgive, anyone can let go.

But can you blame his Madonna?
He grew up on an isolated island. When he was ten years old, martial arts heroes forced his biological parents to death in Wudang Mountain. After he separated from Zhang Sanfeng, he lived alone in the rivers and lakes.

Putting these things of his on anyone, he will definitely create an extreme, ruthless avenger, or even a big devil with a twisted and perverted personality.

But it is because of Zhang Wuji's slightly cowardly, good-natured character that he keeps forgiving those who have hurt him, even his enemies, and his life is so colorful.

But Su Yi can't let himself go and let Zhang Wuji be the Virgin.

"Wuji. Repay grievances with virtue, how can you repay virtue?" After listening to him talk about Zhu Changling, Su Yi said indifferently, "Tolerance is a virtue, but tolerance without a bottom line is pedantic."

"This Zhu Changling caused you to fall off a cliff and almost die. If you think you are lucky to survive, then you should forgive him. You are fine anyway. But what if you fell to your death five years ago? What if you died five years ago? Dead, do you still think Zhu Changling is worthy of your forgiveness?"

Seeing Zhang Wuji's pensive look, Su Yi said again: "On the surface, Zhu Changling is upright, but behind his back, he is such a dog. Do you think his inconsistent temperament was formed after meeting you? You Do you think he has harmed others before? Maybe the souls killed by him are expecting you to avenge them, but you have chosen to give up..."

(End of this chapter)

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