Chapter 1068
"If you don't agitate the bad, you can't promote the clean, and if you don't punish the evil, you can't promote the good. Wuji, it's good for you to be kind, but this kindness should be reserved for good people. If you are also kind to bad people, you let those who have been hurt by bad people A good man, how can you be so embarrassing?"

Su Yi's words made Zhang Wuji deep in thought, but Su Yi knew very well that people in their twenties have already formed their temperament, and wanting to change it is not as simple as saying a word.

The older generation always wants to instill the right principles into the young people so that they will avoid detours.

But in fact, the best way to make young people avoid detours is to let them take a detour.

Only when they have experienced it will they truly understand.

The fact is indeed the case. Although Zhang Wuji listened to what Su Yi said, he also thought it made sense, but he couldn't bear the thought of punishing Zhu Changling. It is more painful than going to jail, and it has already been punished.

While Zhang Wuji was thinking wildly, he suddenly heard a strange voice in front of him.

When he looked up, he found two white fish writhing and jumping on the grass in front of him, obviously they had just been caught.

Zhang Wuji's eyes were a little straight, he was sure that he and his new master Su Yi were sitting by the fire without moving, and this place was at least one mile away from the water pool.

So, where did these two fish come from?

"Ahem..." Su Yi coughed lightly, "Wuji, these two fishes should be grilled too."

"Yes, Master!" Zhang Wuji came back to his senses, stood up and planned to pick up the fish, but couldn't help asking curiously: "Master, how did these two fish... come? We were all here just now. "

Su Yi remained silent for a while, and said quietly, "Wuji, have you ever heard of the legend of the six-eyed flying fish?"

"..." Zhang Wuji shook his head in bewilderment.

"Forget it if you haven't said it, let's go grill the fish." Su Yi said with a smile.

Zhang Wuji wanted to ask again, but saw that the master had already opened the scriptures and read them by the light of the fire.

He had no choice but to give up, but he still felt very strange in his heart.

He squatted down and was about to catch fish when he suddenly smelled a strong aroma of wine.

Looking up inadvertently, he saw Master Su Yi was holding a ladle of wine in one hand and rubbing the two puppets hanging around his waist with the other, with a helpless expression on his face.

Zhang Wuji was stunned again.

If he remembered correctly, the monkey wine he called had already been drunk by the two of them, the master and the apprentice.

Master has never left his sight today.

There is also this water ladle, which he has been putting on the edge of the pool for fetching water.

Half an hour ago, he went to the pool to use it.

Why did you come here suddenly?
A chill ran through Zhang Wuji's tailbone all over his body, and he felt hairy in his heart. He pointed at the scoop of wine in Su Yi's hand, and stammered: "This wine, this wine, this..."

"You're talking about this wine?" Su Yi smiled and glanced at him, "Wuji, our Xiaoyao Sect is an orthodox sect of Taoism, and besides martial arts, we still have some other means, and you'll know it later."

Zhang Wuji stood blankly for a long time before asking: "Master, are you... are you a god?"

"Stupid child, where are the gods in this world?" Su Yi laughed dumbfounded, two fist-sized peaches suddenly flew from the darkness to his hand, and his expression froze immediately.

Then he smiled at Zhang Wuji who was shocked and moved: "It's very reasonable."


When it was just dark, Su Yi let Qingfengmingyue Erxiao come out for activities.

It may be that these two little devils became addicted to helping Su Yi move the warehouse two days ago, or it may be the grilled fish, monkey wine, and peaches that really attracted them, so the second child went out for a while and caught them. Two fish; I went out again after a while, and took out the monkey wine from the monkey's lair...

The little ghost was naughty and active, and Su Yi indulged in indulgence, so they didn't care about Zhang Wuji's presence, they would come and go back and forth to carry things, having a great time.

Qingfeng, who just returned from drinking, has been withdrawn by Su Yi from the power of Yuwu, and now the power of Mingyue Yuwu has also been lifted by Su Yi.

The two little ghosts ran around Su Yi in a hurry, but without Su Yi's mana blessing, they couldn't touch anything anymore.

Su Yi tore a little of the leftover grilled fish, threw it on both sides, and poured out a little of the monkey wine in the water ladle, which seemed to calm the grievance of the two little devils a little.

He glanced at Zhang Wuji who was busy by the pool, and thought that the kid must have been quite frightened.

"You two, in the future, unless I tell you otherwise, you are not allowed to be naughty or move things when there are others." Su Yi warned with a straight face, "Forget it this time, if you do it again in the future, I will punish you Don't come out for three days!"

The two little ghosts and chicks nodded like pecking at rice, indicating that they had made a note of it.

Beside the water pool, Zhang Wuji's scalp was numb and his heart felt cold when he heard the faint voice of the master talking to himself.

Master is not an ordinary person...

In his heart, he felt even more reverence and mystery for the already unfathomable Su Yi.

After Su Yi ate the grilled fish, he instructed Zhang Wuji to practice sword for a while.

Of course there is no real sword, but a wooden sword made of branches.

"Master, why do you use a knife instead of a sword?" Zhang Wuji was a little curious about this question.

In his opinion, the two swordsmanship Su Yi taught him are magnificent and majestic, and they claim to be able to defeat ten thousand swordsmanship with one stroke, and break all swordsmanship in the world with one sword.

How domineering and mighty is this?
Why is Su Yi using a knife even though he has such powerful swordsmanship?

Could it be that the most powerful martial art in Xiaoyaomen is actually sword technique?
Su Yi smiled and said: "Let me ask you, what is the meaning of Dugu Nine Swords?"

"There is no trick to win." Zhang Wuji replied without thinking.

"Martial arts is a process from simplicity to complexity, and then from the chaff to the essence." Su Yi said, "From the avenue to the simplicity, the more advanced the martial arts, the more advanced the martial arts, and at the end of the practice, it is just short-sightedness and subtraction. Martial arts have reached a certain level, and flying flowers and picking leaves are all the same." But to hurt people, it doesn't matter what kind of weapon move you use, it is completely sent and received in one mind, and the move will go wherever you want. Therefore, after you have read all over the prosperity and tasted all the martial arts in the world, what kind of swordsmanship, saber technique, Palming, in my opinion, there is no difference."

"However, it is difficult to change a person's personality and preferences. The reason why I use knives is not because I have a good set of knives, but because I like knives."

These words sound ordinary, but in fact what Su Yi said is already very profound martial arts principles.

People control objects, people control technology, or vice versa?

The difference is the reason why Su Yi uses a knife.

Otherwise, he has the more powerful Dugu Nine Swords and the improved swordsmanship in the Sunflower Book, why doesn't he use the sword?
"There are all kinds of martial arts in this world, some are yin and yang, some are yang to strength, some are holding yin and embracing yang, and some are yin and yang." Su Yi continued, "Not to mention other schools, it's just me. Pai martial arts, if you take out any one, you will be the best in the world."

Zhang Wuji agrees with this very much, not to mention the Nine Suns Divine Art he practiced, he can feel that the master's internal force is another style, also pure and profound, immeasurable.

In addition, the tricks that Su Yi confronted him before were completely different from the Dugu Nine Swords passed to him.

This made him feel that his master's martial arts background is indeed very strong, and the martial arts resources are very rich.

"It's like you, you are obviously a gentle person, and you should use softness to overcome strength, rather than masculinity and domineering, but you have practiced this nine-yang magical skill that produces yin from the yang." Su Yi said, "If you were asked to choose again, like me Pai also has an internal energy that is neutral and peaceful, and yin and yang, which can be practiced to the extreme to make the internal force endless, and even fill in the gaps, and regenerate broken limbs. If you have the opportunity to practice, would you still choose the Nine Suns Magic Kungfu?"

Make up for the vacancies?

Rebirth of severed limbs?

Zhang Wuji was dumbfounded when he heard this, and blurted out: "If there is such a miraculous martial art in this world, wouldn't it be a fairy method? Master, you still say you are not a fairy!"

Su Yi smiled: "I'll teach you one more thing. When you encounter something you don't understand, you have to find a way to explore it, instead of simply reducing it to something illusory and illusory, and just raise it and keep it at a respectful distance."

Zhang Wuji's expression froze, and he hastily clasped his fists together: "Yes, this disciple has written it down!"

Su Yi continued: "The reason I want to tell you is that martial arts are dead, but people are alive. If a person's temperament is changed by a martial art, it is a very sad thing."

Zhang Wuji already had a very high level of comprehension. Although Su Yi's martial arts principles were profound, he still understood a little.

"I probably understand what Master means." He said thoughtfully, "I practiced Nine Suns Divine Kungfu at the beginning to detoxify. In the middle, I felt that this martial art is powerful. Later, the reason why I practiced it patiently The reason for going down is because I don't want to give up halfway, and I also want to see the power of this Nine Suns Divine Art when it is fully accomplished."

"As for how much I like this martial art, that's all. But it's true that this martial art is fierce and domineering. I often feel bored and irritable when I practice it. Medical skills are often supplemented by the method of pressing acupuncture points to calm oneself, I am afraid that this martial art has already made me irritable and irritable. In that way, it is equivalent to being changed by a martial art, which is not beautiful."

Su Yi smiled, and didn't say that Zhang Wuji understood superficially.

In fact, he was able to understand this level of meaning, which is already very spiritual.

"I will leave early tomorrow morning." Su Yi suddenly changed the topic.

Zhang Wuji was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Master, don't worry, I will take care of everything before dawn."

"No, you still have to stay here for a few more days." Su Yi shook his head and refused, "When you have mastered the boxing and sword techniques I passed on to you, and you have mastered the Nine Suns Divine Art, you will come out of the mountain."

Zhang Wuji was surprised: "Master, why don't you let the apprentice follow you around?"

"What are you following me for?" Su Yi said with a smile, "Being my follower? Do what I say?"

"Isn't this the duty of a disciple?" Zhang Wuji said.

"No, I have my own way to go, and you have your own way to go." Su Yi shook his head, "Wuji, remember, a person lives for a lifetime, and every grass and tree is an autumn. Everyone in this world is the most unique in the world. I have my way, and you have your way. You should not follow me step by step and become my vassal, but live out your own splendor. Just don’t forget the purpose and rules of the sect at any time.”

Zhang Wuji showed reluctance, but still clasped his fists and said, "Master, this disciple has made a note."

Su Yi nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, go and rest. I will leave the valley at Chenshi tomorrow. You can think about any questions about martial arts tonight, and you can ask me before I leave."

"Yes, Master!" Zhang Wuji got up and bowed respectfully before leaving.

Su Yi looked at his back and smiled.

There was a reason why Zhang Wuji was not allowed to follow him.

Firstly, he has his own things to do, and secondly, he hopes that Zhang Wuji will also do what he should do.

The two get together and only do one thing, which is too much of a waste of Zhang Wuji's ability and the aura of the protagonist.

After Zhang Wuji left, Su Yi didn't rest, but continued to read "Nine Suns Manual" by firelight, and also read "Medical Classics" and "Poison Classics". It took a little director's points to collect and record them.

Su Yi then burned the "Nine Suns Scripture", but the "Medical Classic" and "Poison Classic" remained.

Su Yi has indeed benefited a lot from the Nine Suns Divine Art. The martial arts contained in this magical art makes Su Yi mesmerized, wishing to study it carefully.

But Su Yi didn't do that. Not only that, he also forced himself to temporarily forget the martial arts principles contained in the Nine Suns Divine Art, and instead put his energy into studying bone shrinking exercises, qi closing exercises, medical scriptures, and poison scriptures. superior.

In order to save time, Su Yi opened the stream-of-consciousness teaching space again.

Fortunately, after he was promoted to the top line, he could earn a steady stream of fans, even if it was 5 million fans, he could still afford it.

Silent all night.

By the time the sun rose on the second day, Su Yi had thoroughly studied the "Medical Classics" and "Poison Classics", and benefited a lot.

As for the small tricks such as bone shrinking skills recorded in the "Nine Suns Manual", they have also been thoroughly researched and applied freely.

Not far away, Zhang Wuji had already started practicing kung fu with a wooden sword.

Su Yi went over after washing up, gave some pointers, and seeing that it was getting late, he bid farewell.

"Master, why don't you stay for a while longer before leaving?" Zhang Wuji said reluctantly, "I still want to listen to your teachings, and I don't want to be separated from you."

Zhang Wuji is a child who is extremely lacking in love. After his parents died early, the few loves he got from Zhang Sanfeng came from Zhang Sanfeng, so he admired Zhang Sanfeng very much and never forgot.

Although Su Yi only spent less than a whole day with him, he took him in as an apprentice, taught him martial arts, gave him advice, and gave without expecting anything in return.

To Zhang Wuji, this is simply more precious than gold.

Not to mention that Su Yi was the first person he had come into contact with in five years.

"There is no feast that lasts forever," Su Yi shook his head and refused, "What's more, you and I, master and apprentice, go out to help the world with the same goal. Sooner or later, we will meet again. Why do you have to act like a son and daughter?"

"Yes, Master!" Zhang Wuji was still very reluctant, but he could only agree, "Master, don't worry, I will practice my martial arts as soon as possible and try to get out of the mountain as soon as possible. It's just... Master, if I don't look for you after I go out, I should do it." what?"

"do what you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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