Chapter 1069
Su Yi refused Zhang Wuji to send him off, but left alone.

He quickly found a cave in the cliff and flew into it.

He didn't deliberately hide his movements, so he immediately alarmed Zhu Changling on the other side of the cave.

He heard an old voice yelling anxiously: "Zhang Wuji, why don't you come all day, do you want to starve to death?"

For the past five years, this old man has relied on Zhang Wuji to send him some grilled fish with wild fruits to survive to this day. After a long time, he has become accustomed to it and feels that all this is as it should be.

Su Yi shook his head, actually he couldn't understand Zhang Wuji's behavior.

Zhu Changling almost killed Zhang Wuji, no matter how merciful Zhang Wuji was, the worst thing was to ignore him and let him fend for himself.

But he couldn't bear the heart of Zhu Changling starving to death, so he gave him food every day.

If it was him, the grass on Zhu Changling's grave would be two feet high.

Su Yi didn't answer, but he used his internal energy, and his bones suddenly creaked, his hands, feet, and body suddenly shrunk. His original height of about 1.8 meters shrank to only about 1.2 meters, and his body became narrower. Many, it's just that the skin and flesh on their bodies are all wrinkled together, looking extremely ugly, and it can even be said that they have no human appearance.

In fact, the principle of this bone shrinking skill is to use internal force to temporarily change a person's bone structure. It's nothing unusual, but this little trick is very practical. If it is combined with Su Yi's imitation makeup and disguise, the effect will definitely be better.

Shrinking his body and bones, Su Yi was able to pass through the narrow rock cracks of the cave with difficulty.

This narrow rock crevice is about ten meters long, and it is surrounded by solid granite in all directions. No wonder Zhu Changling was unable to enter the valley from here after being trapped for five years.

I'm afraid that he didn't even dare to dig, for fear that the cave would be collapsed and Zhang Wuji couldn't even deliver the wild fruits, so he could only die of hunger and thirst here.

However, Su Yi still sneered at this. In five years, with a little perseverance, even if he chiseled, he could carve out a way down the cliff.

This Zhu Changling is still trapped here, it can only be said that he is a waste.

It took Su Yi more than ten minutes to cross the short distance of more than ten meters.

When he was about to walk out of the narrow passage, the space began to expand, and Su Yi also recovered his figure while walking.

When he completely passed through the narrow passage to the stone platform, Su Yi had completely recovered his original appearance.

Then he saw a figure flash in front of him, and a strong wind rushed towards his face.

Su Yi had been on guard for a long time, and stretched out his hand to pat the person who came towards him in a calm manner.

Su Yi hit the stinky, savage-like Zhu Changling on the chest first, and the man spat out blood with a "wow" and flew backwards, almost slipping off the edge of the stone platform. He stabilized himself with his hands and feet in a panic Xing Xing, lying on the stone platform, stared at Su Yi in horror, sternly shouted: "Who are you! Why did you come out of here!"

Before he could finish his sentence, he spat out another mouthful of blood with a "wow", and his expression suddenly became dispirited.

Su Yi was polite to Zhang Wuji, but not polite to him.

Although he didn't use all his strength in the palm just now, Zhu Changling's internal organs were seriously damaged by the shock.

On this empty stone platform, there was only one way to wait for Zhu Changling, and that was to worsen his injuries until he died.

Zhu Changling was obviously aware of his situation at this moment, his eyes suddenly became extremely terrified, and he prostrated on the ground and wailed at Su Yi again and again: "Forgive me! Please forgive me, young man! I am Zhu Changling, the owner of Zhuwu Lianhuanzhuang. If you let me go, I will There must be a reward..."

Su Yi ignored him, walked straight to the edge of the stone platform, and looked down.

But seeing the clouds and mist, the depth is bottomless.

Looking up again, it is still cloudy and misty, and the sky cannot be seen.

No wonder Zhu Changling didn't have the courage to escape. This desperate situation is like a prison in the sky. If ordinary people are trapped here, there is no possibility of escape.

Fortunately, Su Yi is not an ordinary person.

He took a step forward, and the person jumped off.

Zhu Changling, who was begging for mercy, froze for a moment, then suddenly let out a scream of "ah", and hurriedly crawled over here to look down.

But when the clouds are steaming, where is the figure of Su Yi?
"Idiot! Idiot!" Zhu Changling cursed angrily.

After finally meeting a person, finally having the hope of escaping, this person actually jumped off the cliff and died?

Your martial arts are so high, what kind of cliff did you jump off?
In Zhu Changling's mind, jumping down has no way out.

He coughed twice, and coughed up two more mouthfuls of blood. Feeling his serious injury, his eyes suddenly showed extreme fear, and he turned his head to look at the cave.

There must be a way in there!
His eyes suddenly burst into hope, and while coughing, he staggered up and walked over there.

In fact, under the clouds and mist, Su Yi was holding a claw pick, chiseling the wall bit by bit, moving and falling.

When he came, he brought two claw picks and left one for Zhang Wuji.

As for why Zhu Changling was not killed?

He wanted to keep this person with Zhang Wuji, and he really wanted to see how Zhang Wuji would deal with Zhu Changling after his "teaching".

He was not afraid that Zhang Wuji would be played to death by Zhu Changling. Zhang Wuji had such an advantage, and he was still the protagonist. If he could die, he could only be blamed for being stupid and short-lived.

With the help of the claw pick, Su Yi quickly reached the bottom of the cliff.

At the bottom of the cliff is a river, the current is fast, and I don't know how deep it is.

Seeing the bottom, Su Yi kicked his feet towards the cliff, and the man shot out like an arrow from the string, lightly touched the water with his feet, and soon reached the shore.

On the rocky shore, there is a Populus euphratica forest with sparse trees.

On the other side of the forest, there is green grass, and the wooden houses are scattered randomly like a star. On the grass, there are cattle, horses and sheep grazing leisurely at a distance, and people in foreign costumes are driving the cattle and sheep to graze.

Su Yi has looked at the map and knows that this place is called Wuquanzi. It is a small pastoral village with less than a hundred households, but there are people from all ethnic groups.

At that time, he judged based on the terrain and the original plot that he would land here after coming out of the nameless valley, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.

This is where he and Su Nuer agreed. Su Nuer also took his spear and some luggage and rode their horses.

Su Yi was thinking about where Su Nuer would be waiting for him, when he heard noisy sounds of horses hissing and dogs barking not far away, accompanied by angrily shouting, as if someone had started a fight.

Su Yi's heart moved, and he flew towards that place.

This is a dilapidated wooden house. The wooden fence has been in disrepair for a long time, and several sections have collapsed. The courtyard is muddy, and sundries are scattered everywhere, as if it has been abandoned by the owner for a long time.

Su Yi crossed the house, and saw at a glance that on the dirt road in front of the house, a pair of gorgeously dressed men and women were riding on big horses, commanding more than a dozen vicious dogs, besieging a woman in a thorn hairpin cloth skirt.

In the courtyard, there were two horse corpses lying. The horse corpses were bloody and bloody. It seemed that they had been bitten by something, and they were already disfigured.

There were also several dog corpses around the horse corpse. These dogs had no scars on their bodies. They were tall and tall with shiny fur. They were obviously raised by people.

The woman on the horse was dressed in a green Hu suit, heroic and charming, and she was whistling repeatedly, directing the dogs to besiege the girl in the thorn hairpin sarong.

The son next to her was handsome, dressed in a dark green jacket, gorgeous and extraordinary.There was a sarcasm in the corner of his eyes, and he held two walnuts in his hand.

The woman in the Jingchai sarong is obviously capable of martial arts, but it seems that her left leg is injured, and she is limping and has difficulty moving.But under the siege of more than a dozen vicious dogs, she handled it with ease, and didn't know how to parry.

Not only that, but occasionally she stretched out her finger to poke, as long as she poked on the vicious dog, she immediately fell to the ground whimpering and convulsing, and died instantly.

"How courageous, you dare to kill my General Pingxi, bitch, I will let you die in the belly of the dog no matter what you say today!" screamed angrily.

At this moment, the young master on the other side flicked his fingers, and the walnut flew out of his hand.

Although the woman in the sarong reacted and dodged hastily, it was still too late. The other leg was hit by the walnut, and she immediately fell to the ground with a cry of pain.

"Hit it!" The young master immediately smiled and clapped his hands in applause.

Immediately the woman was overjoyed when she saw this: "Cousin did a good job! General Pingnan and Pingbei, hurry up! Kill her!"

That young master showed a reserved smile and was about to speak when he glanced out of the corner of his eyes and saw Su Yi standing not far away, his expression changed immediately, and he shouted urgently: "Who is it!"

But seeing that Su Yi was just standing with his hands folded in front of his chest watching the fun, he was slightly relieved.

And at this moment, an elbow and armpit appeared in the field.

Seeing several vicious dogs pounce on the fallen sarong girl, the girl suddenly raised her sleeves, and a cloud of gray mist spread from her sleeves. , escaped the bite of the group of dogs, so that the vicious dogs not only rushed to nothing, but also collided with each other and fell into a ball.

However, the fallen vicious dog struggled a few times, but collapsed in fright, whimpering and convulsing, and never got up again.

The remaining two vicious dogs immediately ran away with their tails between their legs, barking at the girl in the sarong, but they dared not move forward.

What a powerful poison!
Su Yi on the other side was secretly speechless.

This girl in a sarong looks like she is only seventeen or eighteen years old, but her appearance is extremely ugly.The skin is dark, with a good face, the skin is pitted, swollen and ugly, full of abscesses, only a pair of eyes has a good figure, and the figure is also slender.

"Bitch, if you dare to poison my dog ​​to death, I will tear you to pieces!" The woman on the horse thought that the sarong girl would be bitten to death by her dog, and a vicious and cruel look appeared on her face, but such an accident , but made her expression freeze, and then she cried out in despair.

The girl in the sarong sneered again and again, but her voice was like an oriole, crisp and clear: "Zhu Jiuzhen, I will not only poison your dog to death, but I will also poison you dog and man! Get off your horse and fight with me if you can!" , Let's see who wins!"

As she said that, she also glanced at Su Yi, startled for a while, then took a step back quietly and slantedly, turning her body slightly sideways, obviously she was also on guard against Su Yi.

At this time, Zhu Jiuzhen also found Su Yi. Seeing that Su Yi was dressed gorgeously, carried a long knife, and had an extraordinary bearing, he was taken aback for a moment.

Seeing that Su Yi didn't answer his question, the young man next to him who used walnuts as a hidden weapon asked again in a deep voice: "Who is your Excellency? What can I teach you?"

Su Yi pointed at the two corpses of the two horses in the yard that had been gnawed to a bloody mess with an expressionless face, and said calmly, "You guys killed my horse?"

The two yellow pumas were tall and strong, with an extraordinary figure, so Su Yi recognized them at a glance, they were the two horses he rode from Wuduan City.

But now, the two horses turned into horse corpses.

The ugly woman in sarong heard Su Yi's question, she rolled her eyes immediately, pointed at the woman on the horse and said, "They killed your horse! Your horse was killed by their dogs!"

The young master and Zhu Jiuzhen's expressions changed at the same time, but they didn't make any excuses.

The two horses were bitten to blood by the dog, and they couldn't forgive them even if they wanted to.

"Isn't it just two horses? I'll pay you!" Zhu Jiuzhen snorted coldly, and raised his neck arrogantly, "You will follow us to Lianhuanzhuang to get money later, and you will be indispensable!"

The young master on the other side was more cautious, he clasped his fists and asked, "Dare to ask this brother Gao's name? In Xiaweibi, Wu Lie, the family teacher, is the owner of Lianhuanzhuang."

Su Yi glanced at him, and said expressionlessly: "The horses of the two of you are kept, it is considered compensation."

Zhu Jiuzhen's face changed and he was about to curse, when Su Yi continued: "As for this vile dog that hurts people, there is no need to keep it."

As soon as the words were finished, Su Yi kicked two pieces of turf unhurriedly and unhurriedly.

Two pieces of turf flew out like cannonballs, and precisely hit the heads of the two vicious dogs, causing the vicious dogs to fall to the ground immediately, and died quietly.

The revealing of this hand caused the expressions of the two women and one man present to change wildly, and they gasped!

The turf is originally soft soil, it is unbelievable that it can be hit so far and so accurately, the mere soil can smash the dog's skull and kill the vicious dog, who would believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes?

This level of martial arts is completely beyond their comprehension!
In fact, this was due to their visual deviation. What Su Yi kicked out was not the turf, but two stones wrapped in turf.

But even so, Su Yi's martial arts are enough to shock the world.

Wei Bi and Zhu Jiuzhen originally wanted to use the name of Lianhuanzhuang to suppress Su Yi, but when they saw Su Yi showing this hand, they immediately turned pale with fright.

After looking at each other, they both saw the fear in each other's eyes, and they were so frightened that they turned over and got off the horse at the same time.

"These two horses are lost to senior! Thank you for your generosity!" Wei Bi cupped his fists and bowed, and said respectfully, "If senior has time to go to Lianhuan Village, this junior will hold a banquet to show his apology!"

Zhu Jiuzhen next to him was too scared to speak.

Su Yi said lightly: "Let's go!"

"Yes, junior, leave!" Wei Bi tugged at Zhu Jiuzhen's sleeves next to him, and the two of them bowed again and took two steps back, then turned around together and walked away quickly.

The ugly girl on the other side was also stunned by Su Yi's display of martial arts. Seeing that Zhu Jiuzhen and the others were scared away, she rolled her eyes and wanted to sneak away.

"Stop!" Su Yi suddenly called to stop her.

The ugly girl looked at Su Yi vigilantly, stepped back and said, "What do you want to do? This matter has nothing to do with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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