Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1070 Desperate Yin Li

Chapter 1070 Desperate Yin Li

Of course Su Yi had already guessed the identity of this ugly girl.

His skin color is dark with blue, which is due to the toxins contained in the blood, and his face is full of pits and abscesses, which is actually a good sign of body function detoxification.

If ordinary people were poisoned so deeply, they would have died long ago.

To put it bluntly, she is a poisonous person now, if a dog bites her now, the dog will be poisoned to death.

This girl was poisoned, not only alive but alive and kicking, she seemed to be completely unaffected by the poison in her body.

Coupled with the fingering she showed when she killed the dog before, and the timing of her appearance here, her identity is ready to be revealed.

Spider, Yin Li!
One of Zhang Wuji's four big fans.

She was originally a delicate and lovely girl, but because of practicing the sinister and weird martial arts of "Thousand Spiders and Ten Thousand Poisonous Hands", she self-destructed her appearance.

At this moment, although Su Yi was indifferent on the surface, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

In this journey of relying on the sky, although he has the heart of playing games, he has awe and seriousness towards this journey of life in his heart.

Because he knows very well that everyone he meets here is a living person with flesh and blood, and he can't see these people as NPCs for him to "get experience".

This time I came here with the heart of a "scumbag", but in his bones he is not the kind of wretched guy who deceives women, let alone the kind of anxious villain who uses all means to "hit the home base".

Therefore, what Su Yi is pursuing is a realm of "fraternity".

Isn't that the old saying?love without border.

The highest level of love should have no boundaries.

So it is right to like several women at the same time, this is great love.

Regardless of big love or small love, Su Yi feels that the word "love" cannot be easily pronounced, and must be taken seriously and in awe.

What is the foundation upon which love is built?
At least it's not disgusting, right?At least they are in love with each other, right?

If they hate each other, or they don't like each other, and they can't develop any admiration, if this is the case, Su Yi wants to force him to be a "scumbag", which will violate his original intention and principle.

Therefore, "eye relationship" is very important, not to seek love at first sight, but at least to be pleasing to the eye.

But Yin Li's ugly face in front of him...

But it's not pleasing to the eye.

If it weren't for her petite and exquisite curves that can attract people's daydreams, just looking at her face, children would be so frightened that they would cry.

Yin Li is also very clear at this moment that the handsome man in front of her is not something she can afford, but those two horses...

And the guy in the cabin behind...

She backed away with a guilty conscience, while staring at Su Yi vigilantly.

As for the word "stop" Su Yi said, she pretended not to hear it.

Are you kidding, you said stop, this girl will stop?Why should I listen to you?

"My horse was poisoned to death by you, right?" Su Yi asked lightly, "Where is my friend? How is he?"

In fact, Su Yi has already heard that there is another person in the wooden house behind him, breathing evenly and weakly, it should be Su Nuer.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Yin Li snorted coldly, "Farewell!"

As soon as the words fell, she turned around and ran wildly.

is really running.

Not everyone learns the lightness kung fu, which is suitable for traveling. Some lightness kung fu is for vertical jumping, some is for maneuvering and switching, and some is for exerting extreme speed in a short period of time to achieve the purpose of chasing and evading the enemy. internal force.

For example, Su Yi, he knows five kinds of lightness kung fu, Wudang ladder cloud vertical, is the only way to jump high, Su Yi climbs high and climbs the ground, all use this lightness kung fu.

The Phantom of Footprints in "Sunflower Treasure" is a movement method of moving and changing directions, similar to the famous Lingbo Weibu, which is a unique skill for changing shapes and positions during fighting.

Serpentine step, the name sounds very common, but this lightness skill also comes from the "Sunflower Treasure", and it is the only way to travel long distances.The reason why it is called snake-shaped step is because this lightness skill is created by imitating the walking posture of a spirit snake. It walks forward and quickly in an S shape. It saves internal energy and can be used for a long time.

Su Yi has mastered these three lightness skills a long time ago, and Su Yi only learned the other two from the "Nine Suns Manual" last night.

One is called bow body bullet shadow, which is a way to burst out the limit speed in a short time; the other is called gecko swim wall, which is a martial art used to fly over eaves and walls.

Each of the five lightness skills Su Yi has mastered has a different effect.He is able to learn so much and be so complicated because of his passion.

But how can ordinary people master so many light skills?

Ordinary warriors in the arena generally know at most one kind of lightness kung fu, and they can't practice it to the extreme.

Even the disciples of famous sects can know at most two types of lightness kung fu.

It also takes a lot of time and energy to practice lightness kung fu. Generally, warriors seldom use too much kung fu or put in too much effort in this area. After all, no matter how good light kung fu is, it is only an auxiliary skill.

Only a very small number of people will work hard in this area, and spend a lot of time and energy on Qinggong practice.

Naturally, Yin Li was not included.

So when she wanted to escape, she could only run.

Fortunately, martial arts practitioners pour their internal energy into their feet, so they can run very fast.

Su Yi hooked his mouth, bowed his body, and ejected violently.

In the blink of an eye, he came later and came first, blocking Yin Li's way.

Yin Li, who was running wildly, suddenly found that there was a figure in front of him, but he couldn't stop himself and was about to bump into it. He was terrified and slapped forward without saying a word.

She knew very well that her opponent was terrifying, so she used all her strength in this palm, and even used her best martial arts, Thousand Spiders and Ten Thousand Poisonous Hands.

Su Yi only felt the fishy wind blowing towards his face, but this palm was not easy.

However, he is a master of art and courageous, without any fear, impartial and unbiased, and also slaps out with the same palm, neither rush nor slow.

When Yin Li saw that Su Yi dared to face her, she was overjoyed. She was very confident in her unique technique, and she thought that you deserved it, and you still won't be fooled?

But the moment his palms met, Yin Li's expression changed immediately.

Because she felt that what she was shooting was not a palm, but an iron wall!
Obviously she had enough internal strength and used the inertia of her body to run wildly, but the huge double superimposed power stopped abruptly in front of this palm!

It was as if all the power had been dissipated by this palm.

Yin Li has rich fighting experience and has a very quick reaction.

Although she was frustrated, she was still full of confidence in her victory in this battle, because she knew that the opponent had already been poisoned by her after receiving her palm, and the poison would happen sooner or later.

The more luck you have, the faster you will be poisoned.

At that moment, her body bounced back and rolled over.

Before the person got up on the ground, the three shuttle darts flew towards Su Yi in the shape of the word "pin". The heads of the darts were blue, obviously poisoned.

Su Yi dodged in a flash, and stepped in front of Yin Li again.

At this moment, Yin Li was about to stand up and back away, but she didn't expect Su Yi to stand in front of her just as she stood up, with that handsome face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling close at hand.

Yin Li suddenly jumped up to her throat, wanting to strike without even thinking about it, but just as she raised her hand, Su Yi pinched her wrist Taiyuan and Waiguan acupoints, Yin Li felt half of her body numb and weak , Immediately called out "ah".

A short blade suddenly protruded from the sleeve of her other hand, and stabbed Su Yi's abdomen quietly and without breath.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi seemed to have eyes on her stomach, and with a twist of her wrist, she unloaded her weapon, like picking leaves through flowers, and put the short blade on her neck.

Yin Li froze all over.

"You have been hit by my thousand spiders and ten thousand poisonous hands, and you would have died without my antidote!" Yin Li said with a pale face, but spoke extremely fast.

The distance between the two is extremely close at this moment, and Yin Li's breath is like blue, and his tone is quite fresh.

And the smell from Su Yi's body also radiated into Yin Li's nose, and Yin Li somehow felt that the smell was quite pleasant.

Su Yi smiled, let go of Yin Li's hand, and pushed her away.

Yin Li was taken aback, obviously did not expect Su Yi to let her go.

She rolled her eyes, but before she made any movement, she heard Su Yi say lightly: "If you dare to run again, I will hit your acupuncture points and strip your clothes off."

Yin Li immediately blushed like blood, glared and shouted: "Shameless bastard!"

"You poisoned my horse, and my friend disappeared. I don't know if you poisoned me." Su Yi looked at her, "It would not be an exaggeration for me to kill you, let alone just a small punishment and a big punishment?"

"Your horse was obviously killed by Zhu Jiuzhen's dog, and didn't she pay you two horses?" Yin Li argued angrily, "You dare not offend Zhu Wu Lianhuanzhuang, so just take me out as a weak woman. What kind of hero is he?"

"You are not a weak woman." Su Yi smiled, "So proficient in poison art and quite scheming, that is, you are still young and your martial arts practice is so-so, otherwise your name will be spread in the world."

Yin Li was almost blown away when she heard that, she was scheming, and her martial arts were so-so, both of these two comments hit her pain points.

But she blushed, but she couldn't refute.

Because her martial arts in front of this person is indeed as ridiculous as playing a house.

And she didn't hide her cautiousness from the person in front of her.

"My two horses were obviously poisoned first, and then bitten by vicious dogs." Su Yi said lightly, "Whether it is true or not, you just need to turn over the dead horses later to find out. If the horses were torn apart while they were alive Bite, the other side of the horse should also be bitten by the dog. If not..."

Su Yi looked at Yin Li, didn't continue, but changed the subject and asked, "Is my friend still alive?"

Yin Li rolled his eyes.

Su Yi's expression was indifferent and he said first: "Don't use him to negotiate conditions with me, I'm just asking to make sure whether I want to kill you now to avenge him."

Yin Li's expression froze, fear and embarrassment welled up in his eyes, and he couldn't help shouting: "I didn't kill him! I didn't kill your horse either! He occupied my house and didn't leave, I just poisoned you!" He was stunned, and the two horses were stunned by the poison. It was Zhu Jiuzhen's dog who came to kill the horses when they were stunned by the poison, and then the dog that bit the horse was also stunned by the poison!"

"The horse was already dead when I found out, and I killed those dogs to avenge your horse! If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself, all those dogs were kicked to death by me!"

Su Yi looked at Yin Li without saying a word.

The latter became more and more annoyed, and shouted: "What are you looking at? What I said is true! If you don't believe me, you can kill or cut as you like! But if you want to humiliate me, you must not!"

Su Yi nodded and said, "It sounds like it's true."

"What do you mean by resemblance? It's true!" Yin Li shouted again.

I don't know why, but when Su Yi speaks slowly, she becomes very angry.

This man is so annoying, he looks like he wants to eat her.

Wait, wait until you get poisoned...

"Take me to my friend." Su Yi ordered.

"Look for it!" Yin Li snorted.

She pretended to be obedient, but in her heart she was expecting the poison to come sooner.

Yin Li led the way. Although he was wearing a coarse cloth dress, his graceful posture could still be seen, and his graceful figure could not be concealed.

How can she walk with a limp at the moment?

It can be seen that when we confronted the enemy with Wei Bi and Zhu Jiuzhen before, it was just to show the enemy's weakness and lure the enemy to go deeper.

Sure enough, Yin Li brought Su Yi to the wooden house, there was a world of wonder in the dilapidated wooden house, the furnishings inside were neat and brand new.

There are many bottles and jars on the stove and table, exuding a strong smell of medicine.

Su Nu'er fell on the side of a pillar and fell asleep.

"Hey, it's here!" Yin Li pointed at Su Nu'er and said angrily, "I arrived here ten days ago, of course this is my territory, your friend took this room while I was away, If he still doesn't leave after I come back, of course I will poison him, otherwise what if he mistreats me?"

Su Yi didn't speak, and stepped forward to squat down, putting his fingers on Su Nu'er's wrist.

Yin Li snorted coldly and said: "At most half an hour, he will wake up, don't worry, what I took is just sweating medicine, it won't kill him."

But you got hit by my palm, but your life is in my hands!

Yin Li fantasized about Su Yi's embarrassment when he got poisoned later, and he was secretly proud of himself. At the same time, he was also surprised, why didn't he get poisoned?

Maybe it's because of his deep inner strength that he was able to last for so long...

At this moment, she heard Su Yi in front of her ask quietly: "Aren't you still waiting for me to be poisoned?"

Yin Li's whole body froze immediately, and his expression changed.

"What, what poisonous hair?" She pretended not to understand, and at the same time moved quietly to the door, ready to escape.

Su Yi didn't turn his head back, but seemed to have eyes behind his back: "You want to run away again? Have you considered the consequences clearly?"

Yin Li didn't dare to move immediately.

"I'll fight with you!" Her heart froze, her eyes flashed with ruthlessness, and she suddenly shot at Su Yi again.

She first used a hidden weapon to open the way, hitting both Su Yi and the unconscious Su Nuer, trying to make Su Yi flustered.

At the same time, he swooped in and stabbed at the back of Su Yi's neck fiercely, the space between them was as black as ink.

If this finger hits it, even a tiger will be killed on the spot!

But in the next second, Yin Li felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the figures of Su Yi and Su Nuer all disappeared.

She was terrified in her heart and was about to react, but she felt her body froze, someone had tapped her acupuncture points, and she couldn't move immediately.


Yin Xin was in despair.

Su Yi restrained Yin Li who gritted his teeth again, so he stopped bothering her, and slowly channeled his internal energy to activate Qi and blood for Su Nuer, expelling the poison.

Soon, Su Nuer woke up faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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