Chapter 1071
"My lord!" Su Nuer woke up and was startled when she saw Su Yi. She struggled to get up, but she almost fell to the ground because her limbs were weak just after waking up. Fortunately, Su Yi supported him.

"My lord, I'm useless, following the way of a witch." Su Nuer said with a face full of shame.

"Who do you say is a witch?" Although Yin Li on the side was restrained, he didn't feel sorry for himself. After experiencing a short period of despair, his mind became alive again, thinking hard about a way out.

But when Su Nuer called her a witch, she was upset.

In fact, she is still full of grievances when things have developed to this point.

She went to Wuduan City to buy some daily necessities. She didn't expect that some evil star killed so many Tartar soldiers, causing the gate of the city to be sealed, and even her unknown girl had to hide from the Mongolian army. Searched, and got injured in a conflict with the Mongols. He was in a terrible embarrassment.

After finally recovering from his injury, he sneaked out of the city and went back to his temporary residence to see that it was occupied by someone else.

Of course she let Su Nuer go, but Su Nuer not only didn't go away, but also told her to go away.Can she bear it?
So he decisively shot Su Nuer and stunned Su Nuer's horse.

After finishing this, she went to fetch water again, and when she returned, she found that Zhu Jiuzhen's vicious dog had fallen to the ground, and the two horses were also bloody and bloody, having been bitten to death.

She was anxious and angry. She didn't want to kill the two horses. After all, even if they were exchanged for money, the two horses were worth a lot of money.

So she unceremoniously kicked all the unconscious dogs to vent her anger. At this time, Zhu Jiuzhen and Wei Bi came again and witnessed her killing the dogs.

This pair of young masters and young ladies are used to being arrogant and domineering. Why do they care about their own dogs killing other people's horses?

In their opinion, if this ugly village girl dared to kill their dog, she deserved death.

So the previous scene happened.

Throughout the whole process of this incident, Yin Li felt that he was the one being bullied, so why is it all his fault now?

This good-looking bastard let the real damn person go, but instead restrained her and wanted to beat her up?

Isn't it just because she is helpless and easy to bully as a stinky girl, but Zhu Wulian has a big business and is a martial artist, so it's not easy to bully?
Now being called a witch by the bastard who forcibly occupied his house, the more Yin Li thought about it, the more wronged and sad he became.

But she was born with a stubborn temper, the more wronged and sad she was, the more she refused to show it, and instead cursed.

First, he scolded Su Nu'er for bullying her as a weak woman, but she was blinded by iron nails;

After scolding for more than ten minutes, they stopped.

During this process, Su Yi seemed to have never heard of it, but after he helped Su Nuer massage, he heard Su Nuer tell the story again.

Su Nuer is really not a villain who occupies the magpie's nest, but this wooden house is the house where his Su family lived before, but after they moved away, the house was abandoned. Someone else took it.

But Yin Li didn't believe what he said, and directly poisoned him to death.

Su Nuer was also depressed.

"Sanqi, there are two horses outside, they were paid to us by someone else." Su Yi ordered, "Go tie them up, feed them some fodder, and tidy up the yard."

"Yes, my lord!" Su Nuer responded, and was about to go out. Before going out, she hesitated a little, then stepped back and clasped her fists at Su Yi, "My lord, although this ugly girl is hateful, she didn't kill me..."

Before he finished speaking, Yin Li was furious: "Get out! You are a dying slave, useless bastard! Aunt and Grandma don't need to beg for mercy! I let you live and planned to torture you with eighteen methods. Letting you survive or die, it is your fate to be dodged by you now, get out! Get out!"

Su Nu'er was stunned for a long time, and her face turned blue with anger, pointing at Yin Li and cursing: "The witch! She really is the witch!"

"I'm a demon girl!" Yin Li sneered, "Your young master has also been poisoned by my unique family. Without my antidote, he will mourn and die in pain for three days, and he will never be spared!"

Su Nuer looked at Su Yi in surprise, "Master..."

"She is so good, what can I do?" Su Yi smiled.

Suddenly, Su Nuer breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I am confused. How could such a fairy as the young master be harmed by these trivial tricks? Young master, I will go first."

After Su Nuer left, Su Yi's eyes fell on Yin Li's face.

Yin Li's mood was a little depressed at this time.

"Let me ask you, are you really not poisoned?" she asked.

"With a certain level of martial arts, you can protect your body with internal strength, like a gas mask." Su Yi said patiently, "Your palm didn't touch me at all, so naturally I won't be poisoned."

Yin Li was stunned for a moment, and then asked again: "Are there many people in the world who have practiced martial arts to your level?"

Su Yi shook his head: "I live in seclusion in the mountains, and I just came out of the rivers and lakes not long ago. I have never met the masters in the rivers and lakes, and I have no right to speak. But..."

Su Yi looked at her: "Even if I am poisoned by you, it will be cured in an instant. Your poison is useless to me. Your martial arts are harming others and yourself. I don't care if I practice it."

"What do you know!" Yin Li said angrily, "My thousand spiders and poisonous hands are very powerful! It's just that I haven't mastered it yet! If I practice for another ten years, you won't be my opponent at all!"

"Ten years..." Su Yi shook his head, "You have passed ten years, and I have passed ten years. Although your skill has greatly improved in ten years, will I not be able to stay where I am? What you say is like seeking a sword while cutting a boat, or seeking a fish while leaning on a tree."

"You're cheap! You're stupid! You bully the weak and fear the hard, and you bully me, a weak woman, what kind of ability are you!" Yin Li yelled.

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, before laughing dumbfoundedly.

"You blame me for ignoring Zhu Jiuzhen and Wei Bi of Zhuwu Lianhuanzhuang, but I still hold on to you, don't you?" Su Yi asked.

"Isn't it?" Yin Li snorted coldly.

"At the end of the day, they just let the vicious dogs kill my horses. Now they just paid me two horses, so why should I ask them to pay for my two livestock?" Su Yi said, "But you are different, You poisoned my friend, and you killed me just now. If it wasn’t for my ability, wouldn’t I have already killed you by now? Or was I poisoned, crying and rolling in front of you?”

Yin Li was stunned for a long time, and after careful thought, it seemed that this was really the case.

But she also overlooked one point, if it wasn't for Su Yi's previous move that showed her unmatched martial arts, she wouldn't be a killer move as soon as she made a move.

It was because she knew very well that if she didn't use all her strength, she would definitely die, that's why she took the vicious action and killed the killer.

The cause and effect of this is really not clear.

"Okay! It's my bad luck to fall into your hands!" Yin Li gritted his teeth, "Now you're fine, your servant was saved by you, and I didn't do you much harm. What are you going to do to me?"

As she spoke, her eyes were full of vigilance, as if once Su Yi showed some nasty intentions, she would take action.

"A man who has grievances will repay grievances, and those who have grudges will retaliate." Su Yi said with a smile.

Jade-faced flying dragon?

Yin Li couldn't help but look at Su Yi's face again, feeling that the nickname was really correct.

Then I heard Su Yi continue: "Since you poisoned my servant and shot at me, then I can't let you go easily."

He paused, smiled and looked at Yin Li: "Your poisonous skills are harmful to others and yourself, and the cost performance is extremely poor. I don't think it's a big deal even if you master it. Why don't I help you get rid of it? Don't do it again in the future." Practice to harm people."

Yin Li was startled and angry when he heard this: "You, what do you mean? Are you going to abolish my martial arts?"

"No, it just abolished your poisonous skills." Su Yi corrected, "Fortunately, you are still young, and there is still time to change your course."

"No, you villain! You killed me!" Yin Li yelled angrily, his expression full of panic, "You abolished my martial arts, I would rather die..."

Before the words finished, Su Yi suddenly touched her left jaw acupoint, and Yin Li couldn't even speak.

"Those who play poison will always prepare some terrible means to poison the enemy or themselves at the critical moment." Su Yi said with a smile, "Little girl, in fact, it is for your own good that I went to this poisoning skill. Look at you , it is in the Mood for Love, but he has practiced this harmful and poisonous kung fu, and made himself inhuman, ghost and ghost, why bother?"

"If you really just want to practice powerful martial arts, you can learn advanced martial arts if you go to worship a famous teacher or join a big school. Even if you are willing to put your heart into it, even the most ordinary crops can practice to the extreme, and you can practice it to the world. Invincible."

He talked eloquently, but Yin Li's face was ashen, tears welled up in his eyes, his eyes were filled with hatred, and he stared at Su Yi.

If she hadn't been unable to move at this moment, I'm afraid she would have killed Su Yi if she pounced on her and bit her.

As for what Su Yi said, she didn't even listen to a single word.

Su Yi looked at the tearful eyes, his face became serious, and he cupped his fists and said, "Girl, I will detoxify you later, and I have to have physical contact with you. Please forgive me if I offend you!"

Immediately, Yin Li's eyes showed panic, mixed with a bit of pleading.

Su Yi sighed, and thought to himself, where is this, girl?
My good disciple Zhang Wuji is always here to heal a man, but he always takes off his clothes when heals a woman.

I didn't even let you roll up my sleeves, I'm already very conscientious, okay?
This scumbag made me...


Su Yi muttered in his heart, but his hands were not idle, he picked up Yin Li by the waist, and walked towards the bed.

What are the three advantages of Lori?

The "inner demon" strikes and disturbs Su Yi's innocence, but he is quickly driven away by Su Yi.

At this moment, Yin Li was full of despair and panic.

At this moment, she didn't think that Su Yi wanted to detoxify him, but that Su Yi wanted to insult her.

Thinking that her innocent body would be destroyed, Yin Xin felt like being twisted like a knife, and felt that this jade-faced flying dragon with a human face and a beast heart immediately wished he could eat meat and lay bare his skin!

Her heart has completely sunk to the bottom of the valley, mourning and despairing, only feeling that the world is bleak.

She regretted why she hadn't killed herself sooner, so as to avoid this humiliation.

But soon, Yin Li was startled.

Because after Su Yi carried her to bed, he didn't put her down, nor took off her clothes, but pulled her limbs to make her sit cross-legged, and then sat opposite her, pressing her palms against hers .

Although Yin Li was acupunctured, her physical senses were still there. Feeling Su Yi's warm palm, her face turned red to the base of her ears.

This was the second time in her lifetime that she had skin-to-skin contact with a man.

The first time, when she was eight years old, she was bitten badly by a bad boy.

Unexpectedly, it was this bite that made her never forget it. This time she quietly left the teacher's door and stepped into the rivers and lakes, just to find Zhang Wuji, the bad boy who bit her ten years ago.

Now, she was touched by a second man.

This man is even worse than the bad boy Zhang Wuji before. Not only did he hug her, but now his palms are still touching hers, and his fingers are tightly touching.

Yin Li's heart was beating wildly, and a strange feeling filled her heart. The original anger and despair melted away unknowingly at this moment, replaced by a heart full of turmoil.

"Girl, my internal energy can expel all kinds of poisons and create good things." Su Yi said to Yin Li, "Now I use internal energy to guide into your body, circulate through your meridians, stimulate qi and blood, and let the toxins contained in your flesh and blood be discharged from the skin. "

Yin Li was horrified, and when she came back to her senses, she suddenly realized again that Su Yi was going to abolish the family martial arts that she had practiced for ten years!
This thousand spiders and ten thousand poisonous hand is the only thing her biological mother left her. She once swore that she must practice this martial art well and avenge her mother.

This martial art is not only her spiritual support, but also the armor she uses to protect herself.Her master tried every means to get her to give up this poisonous art, but she refused to listen, even if she was beaten and punished by her master, she refused to give up even at the cost of death.

She endured the pain of being bitten by poisonous spiders, the fear of deformed appearance, and the disgusting eyes of the world, even her closest master was alienated from her because of this.

She has sacrificed too much for this thousand spiders and venomous hands. The only obsession in her heart is to practice this martial arts, to survive until the moment when the martial arts is perfect, and the bitterness is over.

Even if she has to wait decades for this moment, she is willing.

But now, her lifelong hope, her greatest obsession, and the hardships and pains she has put in for the past ten years are all going to vanish in smoke!

Sincere fear filled Yin Li's heart, she burst into tears, looked at the man in front of her in horror, her eyes were full of pleading.

At this moment, she even preferred that this man wanted to insult her, rather than abolish her martial arts.

But she couldn't move, couldn't speak, even if Su Yi understood her eyes, she didn't intend to stop.

"When my internal energy first came in, it might hurt a little." Su Yiwen said, "But after a few weeks of circulation, you will feel better."

no, do not want!

Yin Li wanted to shake her head, but she couldn't even blink.

She could only watch helplessly as the man opposite smiled at her.

The next moment, warm air broke into the body.

He is in!

The two lines burst into tears, and Yin Xin's heart was full of despair.

But soon, she couldn't think about anything anymore.

The tearing pain instantly made her covered in cold sweat.


(End of this chapter)

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