Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1072 The Sword

Chapter 1072 The Sword
It's not that Su Yi has never been exposed to poison kung fu. For example, Lan Fenghuang, the leader of the Five Poison Sect, practiced poison kung fu.

But the poisoning skills that Su Yi has seen are all "outside practice", and there must be a detoxification method to make him immune.

This is also the first time Su Yi has seen the poisonous art of refining poison with the body, such as the Thousand Spiders and Thousands of Poisoning Hands.

Yin Li started practicing Thousand Spider Poisonous Hands at the age of eight. In the past ten years, the poisonous spider poison on her body has already spread all over her body, and the toxin is contained in her blood.

Su Yi is not sure whether she will make great progress in martial arts if she continues to practice, but people who practice this kind of evil martial arts must not live long, and the time when martial arts is the most powerful must also be the moment closest to death.

The only function of this kind of martial arts with extremely low cost performance should be to cultivate dead soldiers.

The process of detoxification is very painful, the toxin has been integrated into Yin Li's flesh and blood, even a small amount of toxin has invaded the internal organs, it can be said that the toxin has become a part of her body, integrated into the internal circulation of her body.

Su Yi used his internal force to forcibly strip her of the toxin, as if forcibly separating her flesh and blood.

This kind of pain is simply unbearable, and this detoxification method is also very dangerous.

Fortunately, Su Yi's internal strength can wash the marrow of the I Ching and fill in the gaps. It is very gentle. After experiencing the initial labor pain, it soon began to nourish and infiltrate her meridians. Yin Li, who had already collapsed from the pain, was like a bubble In the warm spring water, I was too lazy to move a little finger.

If it weren't for the acupuncture points being tapped, she even felt that she would let out a pleasant cry.

Soon, Yin Li fell into a deep sleep.

She didn't know how long she slept, but she was sure it was the most comfortable sleep she had ever had in her life.

When she woke up, she felt refreshed, and every inch of her muscles and bones felt relaxed and refreshed.

This feeling of extreme relaxation made her unable to hold back a smile, but her expression soon froze.

She tried to use her internal energy.

The inner strength is still there.

She tried to poke at the wooden post beside the bed.

Hearing a "duh", the fingertips only left a shallow mark on the surface of the wooden pillar, and they couldn't advance an inch.

Yin Li's heart sank.

Her poisonous skills have been abolished!

The skill is also greatly reduced!
If it was before, her finger would have penetrated at least an inch, and the hole would turn black, which is naturally the reason for the poisonous penetration.

But now...

The Poison Art has been abolished, although her internal strength is still there, but her internal strength has been greatly reduced. She has no internal strength, but she can only exert [-]% of her power.

It will take at least another six to eight years of hard work to recover to the original skill!

Six to eight years!

How many six to eight years are there in life?
If her Poison Kung Fu hadn't been abolished, how strong would her Thousand Spider Myriad Poison Hands be if she practiced for such a long time!
But now, everything is over.

Stronger than his father, to avenge his mother?

No, it's impossible...

For a moment, Yin Li was completely devastated and burst into tears.

At this moment, she hated Su Yi who had crippled her martial arts. Her ten years of hard work were all forfeited because of this person!
kill him!

Must kill him!

Such a strong idea flooded into her mind, and a great hatred was born.

She struggled to get up, but found that she was still in the wooden house, but the door was closed tightly, and there was no one in the house.

She got out of bed and put on her shoes, and found that her dagger was on the table. She picked it up and was about to go out, but at this moment, he found a bronze mirror standing on the table.

There was no bronze mirror in this house before, because Yin Li's appearance was ruined, no matter where he went, Yin Li did not carry a bronze mirror.

But now this bronze mirror is standing on the most conspicuous table in the room, obviously someone made it on purpose.

When Yin Li raised his head, he happened to see himself reflected in the bronze mirror.

She was stunned.

In the mirror, the girl's eyebrows are pale and her eyes are full of anger, her nose is raised and her lips are red, her cheeks are flushed, and two strands of hair are messy and curled around her cheeks, adding a bit of charm and charm.

The most important thing is her skin!
The ugly, swollen face that was once pitted and dimpled is now smooth and fair, like a freshly peeled water chestnut, which can be broken by blowing a bomb.

It's just that there are still light acne marks on the skin, which slightly spoils this delicate and perfect face.

Yin Li just glanced at it and couldn't move his feet anymore.

Is this yourself?
She was a little unbelievable, but also a little dazed, and subconsciously reached out to caress her face, which was as smooth as silk and as moist as milk.

Her breathing was suddenly rapid, and her eyes were slightly blurred.

Since I was eight years old, my face has become pitted and full of abscesses, swollen, black and blue, and ugly because of practicing thousands of poisonous hands.She was used to being ugly, and also used to being looked at with disgust.

In order to become a thousand spiders and poisonous hands, she can bear all this.

She has always felt that there is nothing wrong with being beautiful or ugly, the most important thing is to be good at martial arts.

Otherwise, it would be like her mother who spent her whole life's skills in order to please her playful father, but in the end she was still loved by the cruel father and bullied by the concubine.

The reason why she insisted on practicing this thousand spiders and poisonous hands is to prove that a woman's appearance is not important at all, mother was wrong back then!

But now...

She was a little unsure.

Does a woman's appearance really not matter?

She looked at the little girl with bright eyes and bright teeth in the mirror, and suddenly an unspeakable emotion surged in her heart.

If I have been this good-looking for 18 years, how happy should I be?
The monstrous hatred she had for Su Yi in her heart subsided again unknowingly at this moment.

Although that man caused her to lose her martial arts, he also helped her restore her beautiful appearance.

This gain or loss, is it helping her?Or hurt her?
She also couldn't tell the difference.

She looked at her own face in the mirror, rubbed it lightly, unable to control herself for a long time, until——

"Ah..." She suddenly screamed like piercing clouds and cracking stones, and her pretty face turned red in an instant.

"Jade Faced Flying Dragon! I'm going to kill you!" She yelled in embarrassment, and suddenly ran out frantically.

After the gate opened, she saw Su Yi and Su Nuer in the yard. The yard had been cleaned up to a new look, and the left hand side was surrounded by a wooden fence, forming a simple horse pen.

The ground on the right side of the yard was covered with hay. At this moment, Su Nuer was sitting cross-legged on the ground, as if practicing meditation.And Su Yi stood on the side with his hands up and down, standing leisurely.

"The prostitute, take your life!" When Yin Li saw Su Yi, his eyes turned red instantly, he screamed in grief and indignation, and stabbed Su Yi with a short blade.

Su Nuer who was meditating was suddenly awakened, and looked at Yin Li in astonishment.

But Su Yi, who was facing the gate sideways, was unhurried. Seeing Yin Li approaching, he touched her acupuncture points and took off the short blade in his hand.

Su Yi sighed and said: "Girls are always yelling, beating and killing, how decent is it?"

"You thief, don't touch my acupuncture points if you have the ability, fight to the death with me!" Yin Li shouted angrily.

"Your clothes were changed by the grandmother from the herdsman's house next door, and she also helped you take a bath." Su Yi said, "Next time, ask clearly before shouting and killing, okay?"

Yin Li opened his mouth wide in astonishment, blinked his eyes, and didn't react for a while, but his face turned even redder.

"It's really not you?" She couldn't believe it.

"My son is an upright gentleman, how could he take advantage of others' danger?" Su Nu'er got up and stood up, retorting indignantly, "Girl, you are so ignorant! My son was kind enough to help you detoxify, and called the neighbor next door Granny will help you change your clothes and serve you your medicine. Because of your unconsciousness, the young master and I have been sleeping outside the courtyard for the past three days, otherwise we would have left long ago!"

Yin Li was stunned for a while, looked at Su Yi with complicated eyes, and said: "Who asked him to help me detoxify? I have worked so hard for ten years to practice poison, but he abolished it! ,I hate you!"

"Then hate it." Su Yi replied with a smile, turned his head to Su Nu'er and said, "San Qi, although your internal strength is not top-notch, the victory lies in its stability and solid foundation."

"I have helped you get through the Xinggong Meridian. In the past three days, you have also accumulated some internal energy in your dantian. As long as you practice diligently and not be lazy, as time goes by, your internal energy will become deeper and deeper, and there will be no Anything wrong."

Su Nuer wants to follow Su Yi, but he has no time to be around, but he can't help Su Yi with anything.

Therefore, Su Yi chose the inner strength called "Xiangyang Jin" and passed it on to him. This inner strength is the exclusive skill of an elder of the Sun Moon God Sect.The line of luck is steady and steady, clumsiness is better than skill, and it is extremely fierce.

Although this internal skill is not bad, in Su Yi's "inventory", it can only be said to be leftovers.

As for why he didn't pass on to Su Nuer the top internal skills such as "The Essence of the Book of Changes", "The Star-absorbing Dafa", "Nine Suns Divine Art", one is to promote the kindness of the rice and fight the hatred of the rice, and give the best as soon as it comes, and there will be nothing in the future What to give?Do you want to die?Secondly, for those with poor talent, even passing on top-level martial arts to him is nothing but a waste of money.

Su Nuer's talent in martial arts is mediocre. Given him the Nine Suns Divine Art, he can't understand such advanced martial arts, so it would be good if he can exert one-tenth of the effect.

But give him a simpler internal strength, and he will be able to connect it with ease, and he will be able to give full play to his potential.

Therefore, for Su Nuer, "Xiangyang Jin" is better than "Nine Suns".

Su Nuer was very grateful to Su Yi for teaching him martial arts, but she had already kowtowed to thank him before, and now she heard Su Yi's advice again, and she just bowed and said yes.

"Hey! Can you let me go first!" Yin Li shouted at the side.

Somehow, when she saw Su Yi, she didn't hate him so much.

But Su Yi always looked calm and composed, and she didn't know why she got angry when she saw it.

Especially the vicious attitude of touching his acupoints and then running to talk to others made Yin Li even more angry.

How can it be like this?
Su Yi glanced at her and said: "If you offend me as soon as you wake up, if you don't punish you, don't you think I'm easy to bully?"

"You? You're a bully?" Yin Li sneered with a look of disbelief, "Who are we bullying whom now!"

"I didn't yell at you to be beaten or killed, nor did I call you a prostitute." Su Yi said with a smile.

"You..." Yin Li was angry and impatient, and wanted to ask me what I was doing with you, but felt it was wrong, so he choked out two words: "Shameless!"

Su Yi turned his head away with a smile, a look of indifference.

"San Qi, I will teach you another set of sword skills." He said, "As long as you are familiar with this set of sword skills, there are only a handful of people in the Jianghu who can surpass you in sword skills. "

"Nonsense!" Yin Li sneered, "You are just a fledgling, how many sets of swordsmanship have you seen before?"

She remembered what Su Yi had said before introducing herself.

"My son is extraordinary, the sword technique he taught must be the method of a god, how can you judge it with common sense? What do you know, little girl?" Su Sanqi yelled with a straight face.

Su Yi waved his hand and said, "Sanqi don't bother with her."

He turned his head to look at Yin Li: "If you keep talking, I'll hit your dumb acupoint."

"You bully!" Yin Li yelled aggrievedly, tears welling in his eyes.

Su Yi smiled and stretched out two fingers to shake, Yin Li immediately shut up angrily, but a pair of eyes turned straight, very agile.

What a beauty.

Su Yi praised secretly in his heart. In the past three days, he has helped Yin Li get rid of most of the toxins in her body with the marrow washing technique of the Book of Changes. During the operation of internal power, he also repaired the abscesses and rotten skin on her face, and regrow new ones. skin.

Although her face has not fully recovered now, it is already breathtakingly beautiful.

"Sanqi, take care of yourself!" Su Yi turned around, used the short blade as a sword in his hand, and began to practice.

"Don't underestimate the general situation of the thirteenth, the energy is forcing the body to concentrate, the momentum is in the mind, the abdomen is relaxed and calm, the source of life is in the waist, the movement is in the stillness, the movement is alone, and the tail is in the middle. The spirit of the king comes to the flesh and blood..."

Su Yi recited sword formulas while practicing sword skills.

He stepped on the nine palaces and eight trigrams, and the short blade in his hand turned into sword shadows, flicking left and swiping right, which seems simple, but in fact they are closely linked and have profound meaning.

This is a set of sword techniques that Dongfang Bubai deduced from the "Sunflower Treasure" in the past, and passed on to the two maids, Hongni and Green Ant.

At this moment, Su Yi added the principle of gossip into it, making this set of sword techniques more unpredictable, light and elegant besides being swift and fierce.

When Su Yi started to practice swordsmanship, Yin Li immediately felt something was wrong.

Although she grew up on an isolated island with the golden flower mother-in-law since she was a child, she still understands the most basic rules in the world.

Stealing martial arts from other schools is a big taboo in the martial arts world. Once this kind of thing happens, the martial arts will be abolished at the least, and it will be a disaster of death if it is serious. There is absolutely nothing good about it.

However, when Su Yi taught Su Nuer swordsmanship, he didn't mean to avoid Yin Li at all, even right in front of Yin Li.

Unless Yin Li closed his eyes, he would definitely be able to see it.

What does he mean?
Yin Li was suspicious by nature, and couldn't help thinking about it again at this moment.

Could it be that he was annoyed at me for scolding him for stabbing him, so he deliberately practiced his sword in front of me, so as to find an excuse to kill me later?
It must be like this, I wronged him, he must think that I am a woman who doesn't know what to do!

The more Yin Li thought about it, the paler his face became, and he was filled with grief.

Suddenly, a sword sound resounded, which cleared her mind and brought her back to her senses.

It was Su Yi who saw her distracted and flicked the short blade with his fingers to make the sound.

"Sanqi, I'll practice it again, watch carefully." Su Yi said something in his mouth, and began to practice the sword technique again.

Yin Li stared at Su Yi in a daze, still in a daze.

But soon, her attention was attracted by this set of incomparably mysterious sword techniques.

(End of this chapter)

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