Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1073 Inn

Chapter 1073 Inn
As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

A good thing is good no matter which world it is placed in. Su Yi's set of swordsmanship combines the top martial arts of the two worlds, and it is still the top of the top in this world that relies on the sky.

The most important thing is that this set of swordsmanship does not require specific conditions to practice like the evil sword manual, nor does it require talent like Dugu Nine Swords. Its selling point is its complexity and variety, and it is difficult to use any internal force. Can control this set of swordsmanship, there is no mismatch or even exclusion.

In other words, as long as you learn it and practice it, you can master it.

Many people may think that the highest state of swordsmanship is to win without moves, and to have moves, similar to Dugu Nine Swords.

But it's not.

Winning without moves is a state, more precisely, it is a concept of martial arts.

Your philosophy can be that there is no trick to win, but my philosophy can also be that there is no trick to win.

There is no trick or no trick, there is a sword or no sword, the sword is still everywhere in the heart, in fact, there is no difference, these reasons are all reasonable.As long as you are the strongest, your reasoning will become the truth.

In the Xiaoao world, the truth is in the hands of Dugu Jiujian.

But not in this world.

Su Yi's extremely complicated swordsmanship is definitely a swordsmanship that can drive the entire martial arts world crazy.

Su Yi has this confidence.

It's just that now, the two people who learned this set of sword skills are far from realizing how great the opportunity they encountered.

This set of sword techniques is very complicated, so complicated that Su Yi demonstrated it more than ten times before Su Nuer swallowed it whole and memorized two or three out of ten of the contents.

Yin Li's talent in martial arts is still very good, otherwise she would not be valued by the golden flower mother-in-law and accepted as an apprentice.

Su Yi took the trouble to demonstrate moves and explain sword tactics, but she memorized two-thirds of them.

Before I knew it, it was getting dark.

Su Yi finally stopped explaining and demonstrating, but Yin Li and Su Nuer not only did not feel relieved, but felt a sense of loss.

Su Yi smiled and asked Su Nuer: "Sanqi, how much did you write down?"

Su Nu'er was ashamed and said: "But two or three out of ten, I let you down."

Su Yi didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "That's enough."

"What about you?" He turned his head to look at Yin Li.

After such a long time, Yin Li's acupoints have already been unlocked automatically, but the sword technique demonstrated by Su Yi is so sophisticated and attractive that Yin Li can't think of leaving at all.

"I..." Yin Li's expression was a bit complicated, "I only remembered half of it."

"Half? Not bad, not bad, the future can be expected." Su Yi said with satisfaction, full of approval.

"You... why did you teach me such a powerful sword technique?" Yin Li hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help asking.

She is just extreme, but not stupid.

Up to now, she also guessed that Su Yi probably didn't want to kill her.

There was a guess in her heart, which made her heart pound like a deer, anticipating and shy at the same time.

But Su Yi didn't answer her, just smiled deeply at her.

"Thirty-seven." He said.

"My lord?" Su Nuer stepped forward immediately.

"Get the horse out and get ready to go." Su Yi ordered.

"Yes, my lord!" Su Nuer went to lead the horse without saying a word.

Su Yi clasped his fist at Yin Li, and said: "It's been so long since we met, but I haven't told you your name, it's really impolite. I'm going to Su Yi, don't you know the girl's name?"

"Su Yi..." Yin Li murmured the name once, thinking that the name sounds really nice.

" can call me spider." Yin Li said, she bit her lip and looked at Su Yi, her expression was still complicated, she hesitated to speak.

"Spider? Which spider?" Su Yi asked.

"It's... a pearl of pearl." Yin Li suddenly said in a strange way.

Su Yi was stunned.

At this time, Su Nuer had already pulled out the horse, and Su Yi came back to his senses and smiled at Yin Li, "Pearl? What a good name, the person lives up to his name, gorgeous and pretty."

In this era, it is rare for someone as straightforward as Su Yi to praise a girl's appearance face to face, at least Yin Li has never met one.

If it was an ordinary girl, she would be so shy at this moment, she would even pretend to be angry, and say "Dengtuzi" in anger.

But Yin Li was not only not ashamed, but instead happily asked: "Do you really think I am beautiful?
Su Yi smiled and said: "Ten years of being in the dust, today you are a bright pearl that has been completely dusted, do you think it is beautiful?"

"Do you like it?" Yin Li asked more boldly.

But without waiting for Su Yi to answer, her face immediately changed, as if she suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said: "No, no, you can't like me! I know someone first, my heart, I promised ten years ago Give it to him... Although I can't find him everywhere, and I don't know if he is alive or dead, but since I recognize him, I will never miss others in my life. If you have two hearts and two minds, even the sky will not tolerate it!"

Yin Li spoke faster and faster, and in the end his complexion became more and more ugly, and his eyes were filled with tears.

"I don't want your martial arts, I'll give it back to you!" In the end, Yin Li raised his palm and slapped himself on the head.

But the next moment, her hand was caught by Su Yi.

Su Yi sighed and said: "I abolished your Poison Art, this set of swordsmanship will be regarded as compensation for you. The world is far away, see you by fate."

Yin Li was still in a daze, but Su Yi let go of her hand and got on the horse.

"Sanqi, let's go!" Su Yi turned the horse's head and went away.

Su Nuer glared at Yin Li fiercely, and hurriedly followed.

Seeing the two riders going away and disappearing under the clear moonlight, Yin Li stared at the direction Su Yi left, suddenly feeling empty in his heart.

Under the moonlight, in the Gobi Desert, Su Yi galloped his horse like the wind.

Originally, his plan was to run away after teasing, impress Yin Li deeply, and go fishing for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the car overturned before leaving.

Yin Li has never forgotten Zhang Wuji to this day!

what is this?Ten years ago, big sister, at that time Zhang Wuji was an eleven or twelve-year-old brat, and you only met him once, but you missed him for ten years, and ten years later, you still have to "single-to-one" with him ?

Crimes other than war...

It would be a lie to say I wasn't depressed, but I wasn't that depressed.Because among the four beauties of Yitian, Yin Li is the most special one because of his eccentric temperament and moodiness.

Besides, it was an accident that Su Yi met Yin Li this time, taking action to restore Yin Li's appearance, and passing on her sword skills to form a good relationship, has already achieved his expected goal.He didn't expect Yin Li'ai to make him die as soon as they met, this is unrealistic.

Besides, Su Yi didn't think that something must happen to Yin Li, otherwise he wouldn't have planned to run away after flirting, he just subconsciously cast the net first.

Whether it fits or not, we have to look around.It's not that Yin Li can do it if he says yes, and he can't do it if he says no.

Su Yi quickly put the unhappiness in his heart behind him. Riding a horse in the dark is actually a very dangerous thing. Even Su Yi must keep his full attention.

Su Nuer followed Su Yi closely, so she didn't have to worry about the road.

Until the white belly appeared in the east, another oasis appeared in front of it, and a market in the oasis was peacefully located in it, surrounded by green water and shaded by greenery.

This place is called Niyabaza, and it is a small town in the east of Orduan City.

The reason why Su Yi came here was that besides Woduan City, this was also the only way to go from Guannei to Guangmingding.

He started killing in Wuduan City, and that city will definitely strictly guard the Han people coming from the east. In order to avoid trouble, the Emei faction may walk around the city, so he simply came here to wait for the arrival of the Emei faction. .

After traveling all night, the people were tired and the horses were exhausted, so the two patted their horses into the market, intending to find a place to live before talking.

Su Nuer came here before and introduced to Su Yi: "Master, there are about a hundred households in this bazaar, and there is only one street that runs from east to west. There is only one inn on the bazaar, which is the Fulai Inn at the western end. The boss is also the biggest bayan in this bazaar, he is a pervert.”

The so-called Bazaar actually means market, and Bayan means "noble man, rich man".

While talking, the two walked through the quiet long street and arrived at the entrance of the Fulai Inn.

"My lord, it's here. It's still early. It seems that the manager of the inn and the waiter haven't woken up yet. Do you want me to call the door?" Su Nuer asked.

"Go." Su Yi nodded slightly, turned his head and glanced around calmly, then looked away again.

Something is wrong with this bazaar!
As soon as Su Yi entered the market, he felt something was wrong. He clearly felt that someone was spying on him secretly.

And along the way, the feeling of being spied on has never been interrupted, which shows that there is not just one person peeping in the dark, but a group of people.

Who are these people?

Why hide in the dark and peep?
Su Yi remained calm and touched the puppet hanging on his waist.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Is there anyone? Come out to breathe!"

Su Nuer slammed the closed door of the inn vigorously.

"Come here, don't knock on the door!"

Soon, a complaining voice came from inside.


With the sound of the door latch being opened, the door opened a crack, and a sleepy middle-aged man poked his head out of the crack, looking at Su Nuer and Su Yi standing in the courtyard.

"Good morning, two guest officers," he quickly put on a smile, "May I ask if you two are on the top or staying in the hotel?"

"Of course I'm staying at the store!" Su Nuer said, "Eh? You look so strange, could it be that you're new here? Where's shopkeeper Buta?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "The shopkeeper Buta went to Wuduan to visit relatives, and he hasn't come back yet. The younger one is a new guy. This guest officer knows the shopkeeper Buta, is it a regular customer?"

"You just let us stand outside the door and talk?" Su Nuer said angrily, "Let someone take our horses down, feed them with good fodder, and prepare food, and prepare an upper room and a lower room." house!"

The middle-aged man was stunned, glanced at Su Yi, and immediately patted his head pretendingly: "Oh, I'm so sleepy, please come in, I'm calling someone!"

"No need, you take my young master to see the room first, I will watch the horse outside." Su Nuer said, "I will send the food directly to the young master's room later."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and bowed: "My lord, do you think this is okay?"

"Okay." Su Yi smiled and glanced at this guy, his eyes swept across his waist calmly.

A guy with a hidden weapon in his belt?

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll call someone to lead the horse right away, young man, please follow me!" The guy nodded and bowed with a smile, making a gesture of inviting him in.

Su Yiyi was bold, unafraid, and followed in leisurely steps.

As soon as he entered the door, Su Yi sensed several long-spirited guys hiding behind doors or walls in all directions.

But he didn't seem to realize it, and just followed the guy all the way to the stairs on the second floor.

"What's the name of this son? I don't know where is the fairyland?" The man asked with a smile while leading the way.

"The surname is Su." Su Yi glanced at him and only said two words.

"It turned out to be Young Master Su." The clerk laughed, "Looking at Young Master Su's attire, he should be from the Jianghu, right? I don't know what kind of family and sect the young master is from?"

"Does it have something to do with you?" Su Yi asked indifferently.

The guy was startled, his eyes flashed with displeasure, but he apologized and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay..."

While talking, the two of them had already arrived at the door of the room at the northernmost corner on the second floor. The clerk pushed open the door, invited Su Yi to come in, and asked with a smile, "Mr. Su, are you satisfied with this room? This is the best room in this store." room."

"Just here." Su Yi didn't mean to be picky, and looked around thoughtfully.

The man stared at Su Yi for a while, but when Su Yi's eyes turned to him, he immediately put on a humble smile, nodded and bowed his head, and said, "Mr. Su, please rest first. If you need anything, you can call me anytime."

Su Yi nodded slightly, but did not speak.

The guy turned and went out, closing the door behind him.

"Interesting." Su Yi murmured, the corners of his mouth curled up.

With a flick of his sleeve, the wind from his sleeve blows away the dust on a stool.

After turning around and taking his seat, Su Yi closed his eyes and meditated.

After a while, the voices of Su Nuer and that guy came from downstairs.

After a while, I heard the sound of Su Nuer going upstairs again, and then there was a knock on Su Yi's door.

"Master? It's me. I brought you water."

"Come in." Su Yi opened his eyes.

Su Nu'er came in with a basin of water and said, "Young master, I've brought you a basin of water, you should wash up first."

After a pause, he couldn't help complaining: "This shabby inn doesn't even have hot water, and I don't know how long it will take for the food to be ready. It's getting worse and worse!"

Su Yi motioned him to put the basin of water aside, and said, "Sanqi, something is wrong with this inn."

Su Nuer was startled.

"Don't leave yet, just sit here and wait." Su Yi ordered.

"Yes." Su Nuer was a little confused about the situation, but he trusted Su Yi very much and didn't ask any further questions. He immediately pulled a stool and sat aside.

Su Yi closed his eyes again.

At the same time, the guy walked through the back kitchen to a room in the backyard, pushed the door open and entered the room.

There were actually five strong men waiting here in this room, each of them had piercing eyes and extraordinary expressions, obviously they were all Lianjiazi.

Among the five people, four of them were sitting at the table, only one was lying on the bed and dozed off, he was actually a monk, his appearance was very ugly, his chin was sticking out like a shovel, his face was sunken. Bumpy and sunken eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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