Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1074 Ambush

Chapter 1074 Ambush
"Brother Zhu, one master and one servant are all members of the Lian family. That young master is very arrogant and didn't know the way." After the man entered the room, he said to the monk who was reclined on the couch.

The rest of the people heard the words and looked at the monk, obviously focusing on him, waiting for him to speak.

The monk's eyes were shining brightly, and he asked, "Could it be a Tartar?"

The clerk shook his head: "Probably not, that servant scolded each tartar with all his might, and when he mentioned it, he felt resentful. It doesn't seem like a fake."

"Then it belongs to the Six Great Sects." The monk said convincingly, "The new face here at this time is not a Tartar, and he can't recognize the logo of my sect, and he has martial arts... I just don't know if he is from the Six Great Sects. Which faction is it? Why did it come earlier than the group of thieves and nuns in Emei?"

"Brother Zhu, what should we do?" A dark-faced and tall man asked worriedly, "These two people suddenly appeared. Could it be that the thief nun discovered our ambush?"

"Impossible!" The monk hadn't answered yet, but the Chinese-character face on the other side said firmly, "We are setting up an ambush according to the marching formation, and there are scouts on all sides. Although the thieves and nuns are all Lianjiazi, as long as they get close to the bazaar, It is absolutely impossible for us not to receive the news! We found out that these two people entered the bazaar, there is only one possibility, that is, they came from the west!"

"We only guarded the east side, and didn't deploy defenses on the way out. We were indeed negligent." Another side said loudly, "But fortunately, it's not too late to make up for it. I have already sent a team of scouts to the west."

"West side? The Kunlun faction is on the west side. Could it be a member of the Kunlun faction?" The man speculated, "Maybe he came to welcome the thief nun."

"Is it annoying to guess?" The last strong man with leopard eyes around him said impatiently, "If I say just take them down, won't everything be clear if you ask?"

"Brother Zhu, what do you think we should do?" The tall, black-faced man looked at the monk again.

The monk suddenly sat up from the bed, spit on the ground, narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Brother Xu, where is the Emei Sect?"

Guo Zilian hurriedly replied: "The news I got half an hour ago, they are still half an hour away, more than [-] miles away from here. They drove all night, and they were exhausted. It will take half an hour to get here."

"Although these Jianghu sects have martial arts skills, they are high-ranking, but when it comes to fighting between the two armies and scouting, they are nothing!" Bringing a group of thieves and nuns here carelessly, how many people died along the way, and I don’t have a long memory? Do you really think we are martial arts brazens fighting her bravely?”

Everyone laughed.

"The extermination old thief Ni's eyes have grown to his forehead, so many people die and look down on us. I don't think she is the kind who can send people to pretend to be tempting." The big-eared man said.

"Even if she sends people, it's impossible for them to come from the west." Guo Zi said with a face. "And if she sends people, they can't hide it from us. Unless their people are already here before we come here."

"So these two people have nothing to do with the thieves and nuns?" The leopard-eyed man asked, "Then what should we do? Leave them alone?"

"We can't ignore it, no matter what the origin of these two people is, we can't let them ruin our business!" The monk said, "Although we killed some thieves and nuns along the way, they were all small roles, not a big contribution. It's not easy. With this set up, nothing can go wrong! Huayun Dengyu, you two go to meet these two people, Tang and Wu frame, you also follow, in case of accidents, don't capsize in the gutter."

After arranging these things, the monk looked at the face of Guozi and said, "Brother Xu, you just reminded me that if someone from the Emei Sect arrives here early, then our ambush will be a joke."

Guo Zilian frowned and said: "We are in front of the Emei faction all the way, and it is impossible for them to bypass us."

"What if we got here earlier?" asked the monk.

Guozilian frowned and said nothing: "It's not impossible... If it's true..."

"If this is the case, then what a fart!" the monk said, "How far can we run, and fight that extinct old thief head-on? My head is not as hard as the sword in her hand!"

"That's right." Guozi said with a face, "If there are really people from the Emei Sect waiting here in advance, as long as the old nun can't see her own people, she will immediately notice something is wrong, and if they do their tricks, we can't beat them head-on. ..."

"Ah!" the monk clapped his hands, "Brother Xu, we came back here to recruit soldiers and buy horses and watches to be loyal. If someone fails to find you and instead folds yourself here, it will be a great injustice."

Guo Zi looked serious and nodded: "Okay, I'll check it carefully now."

After the Chinese character face also left, the monk unplugged the wine bag, "Ton Ton Ton" drank a few sips of wine for himself, and then burped comfortably, showing an extremely contented expression on his face.

He was the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang.

Of course, this is the world of romance, not the world of official history.

He joined the Mingjiao as a member of the White Lotus Cult, and now he is the altar master of the Fengyang sub-altar of Hongshui Banner. He is regarded as a core member of the Mingjiao, not a peripheral organization affiliated with it.

This time the six major sects besieged Guangmingding, and the news had been leaked early, so Mingjiao ordered the sub-altars from all over the world to come to Guangmingding to protect the sect and fend off the enemy.

It's just that since Yang Dingtian's death, the Ming Cult has been torn apart, and almost all the branch altars in various places belong to different camps, and they listen to the tune and don't listen to the announcement.

Later, although Yang Xiao, the left envoy of Guangming, temporarily acted as the leader and commanded the whole church, it was a pity that the Wusanren did not obey him, and the Five Elements Banner did not completely obey his discipline. Only the Four Departments of Heaven, Earth, Wind and Thunder were loyal to Yang Xiao.

This time Yang Xiao ordered the sub-altars from all over the country to return to Guangmingding to protect the teaching and defend against the enemy. Most of the sub-altars were unwilling to come back, because for so many years, the main altar of Guangmingding had not given them any help or shelter, but instead caused them trouble and set up A strong enemy was raised, and the upper echelons fought back and forth, regardless of their life or death.

Over the years, because of Ji Xiaofu's death, Yang Xiao directed the Mingjiao and the Emei faction to fight with each other for personal gain, causing heavy casualties on both sides.

And Yang Xiao was widely criticized by the Ming Cult because of this move, and was even scolded as "old and immoral".

With Yang Xiao's prestige weakened so much, it became normal for the local branches not to come back.

Under such circumstances, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was far away in the Fengyang sub-altar, came all the way to Guangmingding to protect the teachings, which is particularly commendable.

It's good that he can come, not to mention that he harassed the Emei Sect all the way, killing and wounding dozens of Emei Sect disciples by sneak attack and poisoning.

Now he wants to ambush the core team of the Emei faction, trying to hit them hard.

If Zhu Yuanzhang succeeds, it is conceivable that he will be favored and valued by the senior leaders of the church once he returns to the Guangming Summit.

And this is Zhu Yuanzhang's purpose.

Only when he attracts enough attention and prestige can he take over the command of thousands of elite soldiers under the Five Elements Banner he covets, and get the assistance of highly capable talents such as Wu Sanren.

As for saving the prestige of Guangmingding?
I'm afraid that apart from the high-level members of Mingjiao, as well as the Five Elements Banner and the four sects who are bound together with Mingjiao, none of the remaining people hope that Mingjiao will still exist, including Zhu Yuanzhang.

In Zhu Yuanzhang's view, the building was about to collapse, and he came here to gain some prestige, take a few pillars, and then pack some bricks and leave.

As for repairing Mingjiao's sinking ship?

Anyway, he is not interested, who likes to go to Xiuxiu, he only hopes to get the talents and teams he wants, return to the south, and continue to fight against the Tartars.

To him, the fighting of grievances and grievances in the rivers and lakes is as ridiculous and naive as a child playing house.

Those who followed Zhu Yuanzhang were all the founding heroes of the Ming Dynasty in the future.

The man with a square face who is proficient in battle formation is his most important talent, Xu Da; the man disguised as a buddy is Deng Yu, the one with leopard eyes is Hua Yun, the one with black face and long body is Wu frame, and the one with big ears is Tang He .

The ambush attack this time was a strategy Zhu Yuanzhang had planned for a long time, not a temporary idea.

As early as when the Emei faction entered the Ganliang Avenue, Zhu Yuanzhang planned this sneak attack. He sent people to harass the Emei faction along the way, regardless of sacrifice, just to let the Juejue Shitai, who had his eyes above the top, step into it unsuspectingly. His trap.

Even Miejue Shitai even traveled overnight because of his calculations.

Juejue Shitai didn't know anything about all this until now, but approached this death trap step by step.

In the original time and space trajectory, Zhu Yuanzhang's surprise attack this time was not successful, and the reason is also a coincidence. It's their bad luck, and it's because the Emei faction should not die.

It turned out that Juejueshi sent someone to send a letter to the Kunlun faction too early when he started contacting the six major factions. The letter mentioned that he would visit the house in person in the near future to discuss the matter of co-resisting the Demon Cult. It was an advance greeting to the Kunlun faction , so as not to get the Emei faction to go out temporarily, and let the extermination come to nothing.

The two Emei disciples who delivered the letter did not go back to Mount Emei after delivering the letter. Instead, they followed the order of Juejue Shitai to inquire about the Mingjiao news on the spot, and welcomed the arrival of the large Emei sect here.

They have always kept in touch with Miejue Shitai, and they have already agreed to wait for Shitai in Niya Bazaar.

In order to avoid accidents, the two Emei disciples disguised themselves as local herdsmen and lived in seclusion here for a long time. Zhu Yuanzhang just chose this ambush location, which meant that all his actions were carried out under the noses of these two Emei disciples. There is no secret at all.

These two Emei disciples were also cautious, they kept hiding in the dark, trying to get in touch with Miejue Shitai, planning to use their tricks.

But they also underestimated Zhu Yuanzhang's caution. In the end, Zhu Yuanzhang and his party deduced from the formation changes of the Emei faction that their whereabouts were exposed, so they withdrew decisively.

But in this space-time trajectory, the arrival of the uninvited guest Su Yi has triggered some wonderful changes.

At the same time, in a yellow mud house not far from the inn, two Emei female disciples dressed as herdsmen were discussing how to inform the master.

"Senior Sister, these must be Demon Cult monsters, and only Demon Cult monsters are so despicable and shameless, they are lying in ambush here, planning to sneak attack on our Emei Sect!" Junior Sister gritted her teeth and said bitterly.

"Junior Sister, we must notify Master and the others as soon as possible, otherwise if Master and the others don't know why and jump in, the consequences will be unimaginable!" Senior Sister said solemnly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly, senior sister!" The junior sister hurriedly said, "Let's pretend to go out to graze, drive the sheep away, and go east to meet Master and the others immediately outside the market!"

"No!" The senior sister vetoed flatly, "The pasture is in the west, if we drive the sheep to the east, fools will suspect that there is something wrong with us."

"Then let's not drive the sheep, let's pretend to go away!" Junior Sister suggested again.

"It's even more inappropriate!" The senior sister shook her head again, "The demon cultists have always regarded human life as nothing. They set up a net here, and they will definitely be careful not to leak the news. When someone goes eastward, they won't care whether you are innocent or not, they will definitely count them all. Kill it to avoid future troubles!"

"This doesn't work, and that doesn't work, so what should I do?" The junior sister asked anxiously, "You can't just let Master and the others fall for you?"

"There is only one way, I stay, you go!" The senior sister showed determination in her eyes, "I have a way, I can ask you to join the master and the others, but I will definitely not be able to leave... But don't worry, as long as the plan is proper , I was just out of danger."

"After you have escaped and reunited with Master, you will tell Master everything. With Master's temper, you will not let these despicable people go easily if you learn that the demons dare to set up an ambush here. , Kill them all! When the master arrives, I can cooperate with her inside and out!"

"Senior sister, what can I do?"


Su Yi, who was far away in the inn, stroked the puppet statue hanging on his waist with his hand, and suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were strange.

"I didn't expect it to be like this, to be involved in this kind of thing..."

"It's fine if it's just ordinary Mingjiao believers. Needless to say, Su Yi will also choose to help the Emei Sect. But this group of people..."

"There are also those two Emei female disciples. That senior sister is quite smart, and she can come up with such a clever way to escape."

"This matter... how to intervene?"

Su Yi pondered slightly, but soon he noticed someone approaching the room.

Feeling slightly, Su Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

It seemed that he had no choice.

Boom boom boom!
There was a knock on the door, and the voice of the previous guy came from outside the door.

"Master Su? The little one brought you food."

Su Nuer received Su Yi's warning, and was full of vigilance at the moment. Hearing this, she subconsciously looked at Su Yi, waiting for Su Yi's instructions.

Su Yi nodded to him and motioned him to open the door.

When Su Nuer opened the door, she saw the guy from before holding a tray with a plate of cooked mutton, two flatbreads and two bowls of goat's milk, smiling and standing at the door.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Su, it's too early, the stove in the small shop hasn't been turned on yet, only these cold foods are left. Look, why don't you eat something first to satisfy your hunger?"

Su Nu'er looked at him coldly and didn't speak, but Su Yi looked normal, beckoning to him and beckoning him to come in.

The waiter brought in the food and placed it on the table, bowed his head to Su Yi and said, "Master Su, the mutton here is a must, you must try it!"

(End of this chapter)

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