Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1075 Confrontation

Chapter 1075 Confrontation

Seeing the mutton brought in by the man, Su Yi grabbed a piece of it without using chopsticks.

"This piece of mutton is fat and big, so it should be delicious." Su Yi looked at the guy with a half-smile, "Boy, since you highly recommend it, why don't you try it for us?"

The clerk's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly waved his hands with an apologetic smile: "The little one is just a lowly person, how can he have the right to eat the food prepared for distinguished guests? It's not suitable, it's not suitable..."

"Low? I think you are willing to be low!" Su Yi said coldly, the mutton in his hand disappeared before he finished speaking.

"Woo..." The guy suddenly felt his mouth was stuffed, and hurriedly spat out the mutton in horror.

"Why waste food?" Su Yi sneered, stood up and raised his toes, and the mutton that was about to fall was shot into the guy's mouth again.


The buddy let out a quick short call, and in the next second, Su Yi touched the acupuncture points.

A hole was pierced in the paper window at some point, and a bamboo tube protruded in, exhaling a puff of white smoke.

But Su Yi slipped on the sole of his foot, and in the next second he appeared in the corridor outside the door.

I saw one person sneakingly lying on the window and spraying poisonous smoke in, while the other two held sharp knives and bowed and hid on both sides of the door, as if they were ready to rush in at any time.

Those on both sides of the door felt their acupoints being tapped as soon as they were in front of them. The one blowing the poisonous smoke suddenly felt someone patting him on the shoulder. He saw a fist rapidly enlarge in front of his eyes——


This person was punched and flew out, broke through the fence and fell from the second floor, and fell heavily in the lobby on the first floor, making painful noises.

Su Yi stood leaning on the railing, looking down.

Only then did Su Nuer rush out of the room, seeing the situation in front of her, she suddenly became furious: "Thief, dare to open a black shop to harm people!"

Seeing the people below stand up dangling with blood on their faces, Su Yi said lightly: "I don't want your people to die, so I go and call your masters. You murdered me for no reason, you must give me an explanation!"

The people downstairs stared at Su Yi bitterly, gritted their teeth and said, "Dare to ask Your Excellency Gao's name?"

"I don't change my name when I'm going, and I don't change my surname when I sit down, so does Su Yi, the jade-faced flying dragon!" Su Yi announced his name.

The people downstairs showed a thoughtful look in their eyes, and after fruitless contemplation, they clasped their fists at Su Yi: "Your Excellency, this matter is a misunderstanding, please don't hurt my three brothers, my eldest brother is here, and I will give you one when he comes." Confession."

Su Yi did not speak, expressing his acquiescence.

The man wiped the blood and walked to the backyard.

As soon as he went out, he was pulled aside by one person.

It was Zhu Yuanzhang who heard the movement and ran out.

"Brother Tang, what's going on?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked in a deep voice.

Tang He's complexion changed, and he lowered his voice and hurriedly said: "I kicked the iron plate! The three of them were restrained as soon as they met, and I couldn't even see how he made the move!"

"Who is he?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

"What kind of jade-faced flying dragon is Su Yi? I'm ignorant and have never heard of it." Tang He said, "But this person's martial arts are extremely high, so logically speaking, he shouldn't be an ordinary person..."

"Jade-faced flying dragon... Su Yi?" Zhu Yuanzhang thought hard for a few seconds and gave up quickly, "Can't you see the way of martial arts?"

"I didn't see it at all!" Tang He said anxiously, "Brother Zhu, what should we do now?"

"Don't panic!" Zhu Yuanzhang shouted in a low voice, "Go to Brother Xu, withdraw everyone, surround this inn, and I will meet him."

He was also decisive, seeing that something was wrong, he immediately gave up the long-planned ambush against the Emei faction, and turned to deal with this unexpected situation with all his strength.

"No! I don't know where this monster came from, in case it's bad for you..." Tang He was in a hurry.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zhu Yuanzhang scolded, "Go if you don't want me to die!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Tang He to reply, he turned around and walked into the front hall of the inn.

Tang He stomped his feet angrily, and ran towards the back door.

On the first floor of the inn, Zhu Yuanzhang showed his figure in the lobby. He saw Su Yi standing on the second floor at a glance. !"

"Mingjiao people?" Su Yi said blankly, "Fengyang branch? I know you, I remember that you should lead the rebel army in the south to kill the Tartars, why didn't you come to the Western Regions without doing business, opened a black shop, and started a business?" Harmful deeds?"

"Zhu is very flattered to have such a humble name in your ears!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed, "Just forgive Zhu's ignorance, I don't know where is the famous sect that can teach Su Daxia to be a dragon and phoenix among people like Su Daxia?"

"It's normal that you haven't heard of me. I, Xiaoyao Sect, have never been in the world of mortals, and I have never had anything to do with your Mingjiao." Su Yi said slowly.

Happy party?
Never heard of it...

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes flashed, and he clasped his fists again and said, "Su Daxia, this matter is really a misunderstanding. I don't know if you have heard that there are gangsters colluding with each other to attack our Mingjiao Headquarters. As a disciple of Mingjiao, I have a duty to protect the teaching and defend the Tao. That's why I came all the way to defend my sect against powerful enemies."

"The six major factions besieged Guangmingding..." Su Yi said lightly, "This matter has been rumored in the world, how could I not know? But no matter how noisy this matter is, it is just a fight between the sects of the world. As the leader of the rebel army, Why come here to join in the fun when you're not doing the business of fighting the Tartars?"

"Su Daxia's words are wrong. As a member of the Ming Cult, how can Zhu sit back and watch the main court be besieged?" Zhu Yuanzhang spoke righteously, but he was very fond of Su Yi's remarks in his heart.

People in the rivers and lakes look down on the Mingjiao, regardless of the righteous way or the sect, and they also look down on those soldiers who led the army to fight against the Yuan Dynasty.

Don't think that those who fight against the Tartars in this era will be regarded as heroes. In fact, in the mainstream public opinion field, the rebels are all rebels.

Some well-known sects shouted loudly the slogan "Anti-Yuan", but in fact it was just talking, and those who should pay tribute to the court secretly were not bad.

Zhu Yuanzhang took his brothers all the way back and forth to Guangmingding, and it was fine to be beaten and killed by the decent sects. The heretic green forest heroes knew their Mingjiao identities, and most of them would take advantage of the fire to rob, or ridicule and despise them in every possible way.

The reason is that these rebels who carried the banner of Mingjiao were embarrassing. People in the Jianghu didn't think they were from the Jianghu.

Only those who can't survive will join them when they are forced to do so. Those who still want to live will avoid them like snakes and scorpions, lest they will hurt themselves.

What Su Yi said just now seemed to be satirizing Zhu Yuanzhang, but the implication was that he admired his "anti-Yuan great cause", and even felt that it was "not doing business properly" for him to participate in the Jianghu vendetta.

"Su Daxia, since you know about my Mingjiao and the Six Great Sects, it will be easier to explain this matter." Zhu Yuanzhang said, "Su Daxia, you were born like a tree, and you seem to have such a demeanor as your Excellency. It is inevitable that my brother will mistake you for me It was a young hero from the Six Great Sects, who made the move rashly. I heard this and knew something was wrong, so I rushed to stop it, but it was too late. Fortunately, the young hero is very skilled in martial arts, and there is no danger, otherwise Zhu would take it seriously. There is no redemption for a hundred deaths!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang's face became serious again, and he bowed his hands and said: "No matter what, this matter is due to Zhu's lack of strict control, which caused Su Daxia to be disturbed. Zhu Yuanzhang apologizes to you! Every mistake is my fault, If Su Daxia has anger in his heart, please feel free to let it out on me, I, Zhu Yuanzhang, will admit punishment and accept punishment, but I will never say anything wrong! But, please don't hurt my brother, Su Daxia!"

On the surface, Su Yi is still calm, but he can't help admiring in his heart, no wonder this guy will become the founding emperor in the future.

At this moment, he is just the end of Qingping, and he already looks like a master.

As far as what he said just now, any young hero who has a good impression of the rebels would have great admiration for him at this time.

If someone has a good impression of him, maybe he will bow down, or become his help.

Even if you don't shake hands and make peace, you will take a step back and make peace, turning hostility into friendship.

Even the stubborn and reckless one would relax his vigilance at this moment after being poured into Zhu Yuanzhang's ecstasy soup, and have verbal disputes and bargains with him.

Little did he know that Xu Da, who was outside, was quietly dispatching troops to surround the inn with his subordinates. All his bows and arrows were aimed at this place, and if there was any mistake, all arrows would be fired, and Su Yi inside would be shot into a hedgehog!

In the face of sudden changes, he is so courageous and strategic, and his advances and retreats are well-founded, he is indeed Zhu Yuanzhang...

If Su Yi hadn't known that Zhu Yuanzhang had instigated this sneak attack a long time ago, and had heard what he said to Tang He outside the door just now, Su Yi would have really believed his nonsense.

This guy's acting skills are so good, what he said is so sincere, it makes people feel convinced at first glance.

Su Yi looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, who was bowing down, with the corners of his mouth curled up, and said with a half-smile, "Zhu Yuanzhang, if Su was an ordinary person, maybe he would really be deceived by you."

Zhu Yuanzhang froze, and stood up in astonishment: "Su Daxia...what do you mean by this? Could it be that Yuanzhang did something wrong?"

"I know you are delaying with me so that your people can surround the inn," Su Yi said lightly, "but it doesn't matter, you want them all to die here, that's your business."

Zhu Yuanzhang's pupils shrank for a moment, but his face showed a puzzled expression, as if he couldn't understand what Su Yi was saying.

"I asked you to come here so that you could give me an explanation, not to hear you lying here to lie to me." Su Yi said coldly.

Just as Zhu Yuanzhang was about to speak, Su Yi suddenly raised his hand.

duh duh duh!

A row of flying knives were nailed to the soles of Zhu Yuanzhang's feet.

Zhu Yuanzhang's whole body tensed up immediately, and all his hairs stood on end!
He now knew why Tang He couldn't see Su Yi's move clearly, and couldn't recognize Su Yi's move.

Because he can't see clearly either!
He couldn't see how the knives came from at all. By the time he realized it, the four throwing knives had already been nailed to the floor in front of him!
The four throwing knives are lined up, and the distance between each knife is very even, showing extraordinary precision and control.

The knife can be accurately inserted in front of his toes, and it can also be accurately inserted in his chest.

That is to say, if the other party wanted to kill him, he would not be able to react at all!
This is a warning!

It is also telling Zhu Yuanzhang that no matter how many people you have outside or how many archers and crossbows you have arranged, it is useless!
None of them can save your life!

Your life is at my fingertips!

Cold sweat broke out from Zhu Yuanzhang's forehead in an instant.

But he looked calm.

Su Yi looked at Zhu Yuanzhang: "Since I entered the bazaar, those of you who were ambushing outside have come back to report to you. After I was led into the room by your subordinate who pretended to be a buddy, you discussed how to prevent accidents in the backyard, and everyone Can't hide it from my ears..."

Zhu Yuanzhang's expression finally changed. His whole body was tense, his eyes changed rapidly, but he didn't speak, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

"Your people are very fast." Su Yi smiled and glanced outside the door, "In such a short period of time, they have surrounded the inn completely. Now you give an order, all arrows are fired, maybe you can stay Put me down, do you want to try?"

Zhu Yuanzhang stared at Su Yi for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "Su Daxia, Ming people don't talk dark words, this time it is true that we have blind eyes and don't know Mount Tai, and kicked on the iron plate. We admit it, what are you doing?" Are you willing to let us go?"

"Obviously you did something wrong, why did you ask me instead?" Su Yi sighed.

"Killing is nothing more than nodding, we are indeed at fault, but fortunately, Su Daxia, you are fine, Su Daxia has a lot of people, so why bother with vulgar people like us?" Zhu Yuanzhang said.

Su Yi looked at him for a while, and said: "I can be magnanimous. They can all go, but you have to stay. I won't hurt your life, so you will follow me and be my servant for a year, which is a small punishment and a big punishment. Bar."

"You want me, Zhu Yuanzhang, to be your servant?" Zhu Yuanzhang smiled brightly, "Su Daxia, although Zhu is vulgar, his bones are not soft. Licking blood, engaging in rebellious business? Today Yuanzhang dies, but if you want me to be your servant, it is absolutely impossible!"

"No need to discuss?" Su Yi asked.

"Never compromise!" Zhu Yuanzhang said firmly.

"Okay." Just as Su Yi said a good word, he had already floated down from the second floor.

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes flickered, his expression changed drastically and he was about to drink, but when he spoke, he felt numb all over his throat, and his acupoints were stuck.

He suddenly sank to the bottom of his heart.

Just when he guessed that Su Yi would take him as a hostage to threaten Xu Da outside and the brothers who surrounded the inn, Su Yi remained silent, as if he was left here alone.

He stood alone on the first floor, with his back to the door, completely unaware of what happened, and full of anxiety.

At this moment, he heard loud exclamations from outside.

After a while, he heard the footsteps of two people behind him, walking into the inn one after the other.

When the two passed Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yuanzhang realized that the person walking in front with his hands behind his back was Su Yi, and behind Su Yi was Xu Da.

At this moment, Xu Da's face was pale and his expression was heavy.

He walked up to Zhu Yuanzhang and stopped to speak, but Su Yi flicked his sleeves, and Zhu Yuanzhang's acupoints were immediately unlocked.

(End of this chapter)

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