Chapter 1076
With Su Yi's martial arts, it is a challenge for him to take the head of a general out of a million troops, but it is not difficult to capture the leader among dozens of people.

Quickly captured Xu Da with Ping Zong Phantom Lightness Kungfu, and then tapped Tang He's acupoints. When their subordinates reacted, the day lily was cold.

"Let go of Master Xu Xiang!"

"Let go of Commander Xu!"

"Monster, don't let go, I will fight with you!"

A group of subordinates shouted in panic and became a mess, calling for everything.

Su Yi was surrounded by everyone, but he remained indifferent, smiled and said to Xu Da in front of him: "I don't want to kill people, don't let your subordinates seek death."

Xu Da managed to calm down and quickly judged the current situation.

The martial arts of the man in front of him was beyond imagination. He led his men to surround the inn, at least six or seven meters away from the gate of the inn.

But just now he only saw a black shadow erratic, and when he realized it, Su Yi's two fingers had pinched his throat.

Tang He, who was next to him, also had his acupoints tapped.

too fast!
So fast that they couldn't react at all!

Although there are more than a hundred people under him, Xu Da has a strong feeling that these hundreds of people are not in the eyes of the person in front of him at all.

If he kills the killer at his speed just now, I'm afraid that his side has no chance of winning!
Those who dared to fight against Yuan Ting were all men with their heads pinned to their waistbands, and they had long ignored death.

But daring to die is not the same as wanting to die.

If you fight the Tartars, you will die, and you will be considered a righteous man and a hero if you die. Everyone here is willing to die like this.

But just because of an inexplicable conflict, or even a misunderstanding, no one would want to lose their lives in a daze.

At least Xu Da was not reconciled to his death like this.

And this person can kill but doesn't kill, obviously he has other ideas.

Xu Da quickly made a decision, stared at Su Yi and said lightly: "Everyone put down their weapons and sit where they are!"

Although the subordinates were not reconciled, they did not dare to disobey Xu Da's order in the slightest. They all threw their weapons into a pile, and then lined up and sat down on one side.

Seeing this, Su Yi also let go of his hand.

"Come in with me." Su Yi said something to Xu Da, and walked to the inn first with his hands behind his back.

Xu Da looked at Su Yi's back and hesitated for a moment.

He wasn't hesitant to go in with Su Yi, but he was hesitant to take the opportunity to make a move.

But soon he wisely gave up and followed Su Yi into the inn as if nothing happened.

After Su Yi unlocked Zhu Yuanzhang's acupuncture points, he jumped up to the second floor, and also unlocked the acupuncture points of the three people upstairs.

A moment later, Su Yi was sitting at a table in the hall on the first floor. Su Nuer was holding Su Yi's knife and Su Yi's gun on his back, standing behind him.

In front of Su Yi, Zhu Yuanzhang and other five people stood side by side, looking at Su Yi solemnly.

"Su Daxia, is there really no room for manoeuvre?" Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but sighed, "This matter is nothing more than a misunderstanding, why did it come to this?"

The other four did not speak, but looked different.

"If I don't have any skills today, wouldn't my death be in vain?" Su Yi said lightly, "If you misunderstood a simple sentence, you will feel that this is the case, but if I was killed by you, where would I go? To complain?"

"Murderers are always killed. You failed to kill me, and I killed you. It is only right and proper. I haven't killed you yet. It is already kind. You still ask me why I am doing this?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Hero Su, are you really going to let my brothers go as long as I serve as a servant for one year?"

"I originally thought so," Su Yi smiled, "but you, Zhu Yuanzhang, would rather bend than bend, so this proposal will naturally be invalidated."

"Su Daxia must have a new proposal?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked with a flash in his eyes.

Su Yi nodded slightly, and said: "There are eleven corpses in the woodshed in the backyard, including men and women, old and young. A child is even at the age of toddler..."

"They are all Tartars!" Hua Yun couldn't help but said.

"Yeah, they're all Tartars!" Su Yi sighed, "It's because they are all Tartars that I didn't intend to make decisions for them before. Even if you don't spare even women and children, it's really hurtful ..."

"It doesn't matter if you make a big deal, killing someone is nothing!" Deng Yu said.

"The Tartars slaughtered the city every now and then, so there are not many people who killed us?" Xu Da also asked.

"A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood, I have never experienced your hatred, so naturally I will not stand and talk without pain in my back." Su Yi said lightly, "But except for the eleven foreigners in the firewood room, one in the right side room in the backyard What happened to the Han woman who was raped and killed?"

The expressions of all the people present changed.

Xu Da immediately argued: "The person you are talking about is a disciple of the Emei Sect and was captured by us. The two armies are fighting, and if they capture each other's hands, they will inevitably be tortured and asked for information. As for killing her...give her a good time, treat her It’s also a relief.”

"Don't be sloppy with me, this woman was killed after being raped." Su Yi said, "Is this considered to be coerced information?"

All the people present changed their faces, and one of them lowered his head.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Su Daxia, winners and losers, now we accept everything you say, what are you going to do with us?"

Su Yi smiled but said: "Since you don't want to be my servant, then you should kill yourself and apologize, and the grievances between you and me will naturally be offset. The person who murdered this Emei female disciple must also be handed over, and he will pay for his life with his life."

"I'll kill myself for Big Brother Zhu!" Hua Yun said with staring eyes, "You can let me be your servant, I'll be your servant first, and then I'll kill myself!"

"I was the one who killed that Emei female disciple!" Wu Zhuang stood up and said, "It's only right and proper to kill someone to pay for his life, and it's not a loss for me to die like this! It's a good deal!"

"Okay! Then let's die!" Hua Yun answered immediately, glared at Su Yi and said, "My surname is Su, although I was at fault for this matter, but you don't have to be merciful! It's a big crime! One death! Now our two brothers are willing to convict with death, two lives, is it enough!"

Although the other three did not speak again, they all clenched their fists secretly.

Su Yi smiled and said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "You are in charge, if you want someone else to take your place, you need two. Two, change one!"

Anger flashed in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes and he said: "Su Daxia is so persecuting, isn't he afraid that we will be caught by the fish?"

"The fish will definitely die, but the net may not be broken." Su Yi laughed.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Could it be that Su Daxia did this to give Emei a head?"

"If I stood up for Emei, I would kill you all, why bother?" Su Yi shook his head.

"Then why is this so?" Zhu Yuanzhang's tone suddenly lowered, his expression was sincere and full of emotion, "Su Daxia, all of us brothers are heroes who have fought with the Tartars. Which one of us didn't kill the Tartars? They died today. One here, hundreds of thousands of Tartars will live because of it in the future. Su Daxia, you are also a Han Chinese, why do you do this to make your relatives hurt your enemies?"

"No, no, that's not how accounts are calculated." Su Yi waved his fingers, "One yard counts for one yard. Of course, killing Tartars is a good thing and a righteous thing, but doing evil is doing evil. No matter how many Tartars you kill, you can't let it go." This Emei female disciple who was stabbed was resurrected, so of course merits and demerits cannot be offset."

"Since ancient times, those who have achieved great things do not care about trivial matters. Su Daxia, if everyone asks like you, every righteous man who resists Yuan Dynasty in the world should be killed, everyone should die!" Zhu Yuanzhang's face showed anger, and his voice unconsciously amplified, "What's more, when it comes to crimes, the blood debts committed by the Tartars are beyond words! Hero Su didn't kill the Tartars, but instead came to trouble us, the anti-Yuan people. What is the reason for this?"

"The things in front of me are in front of us, and we have to do things one by one," Su Yi said indifferently, "Of course the Tartars will be killed, but that will be a matter of the future. Now that I have seen such injustices, I can't do it either." Let go."

"So, Su Daxia is determined to make things difficult for our Mingjiao?" Zhu Yuanzhang said seriously.

"It's true to say that." Su Yi nodded, "It is a good thing to resist the tyranny of the Yuan court, but some people in Mingjiao are violent and inhumane. These people have to be liquidated out of the team, and they can't be allowed to ruin the reputation of righteousness."

"Su Daxia is really a hero who does justice for the heavens!" Zhu Yuanzhang sneered, "It's just that the world is full of filth and injustice. If you take care of everything, can you manage it?"

"So I want to catch the big and let go of the small." Su Yi said, "You are no longer small people. If you don't regulate and guide, the higher you are in the future, the more violent your temperament will be, and the more you will regard human life as worthless. It is better for me to catch you now and punish you with small punishments than to cause greater harm in the future."

Zhu Yuanzhang was silent for a moment, and his attitude softened again: "Su Daxia took the lead today, we already know that we were wrong. Why don't we make a temporary note this time, and we brothers will definitely restrain our words and deeds in the future, and we will never kill innocent people indiscriminately! Wait until the Tartars are driven away, and we will come back again." After my Han family came to power, Zhu will bring his brother to find Su Daxia, and wait for your punishment!"

"Yes, Great Xia Su!" Deng Yu said hastily, "We know the truth that merits and demerits do not offset each other, but the purpose of keeping our lives is not to let you let us go, but to let us kill the Tartars first, and wait until we kill the Tartars." In the future, we will come to you to lead you to death!"

"That's right!" Wu frame also said, "Su Daxia, we can swear to the sky, in the name of Mingzun, we are by no means greedy for life and afraid of death, and we are just not willing to die like this. body, kill more Tartars! Even if you die, you will die on the battlefield!"

"Su Daxia, our brothers begged you so shamelessly. It's not because we are afraid of death, but we just think that such a death is not worth it!" Zhu Yuanzhang sighed and said, "If you really don't want to give up, why don't you take us to find someone Tartar army camp, let our brothers rush in. As long as we can kill more Tartars before we die, we will be willing!"

"That's right! Brother Zhu is right!" Hua Yun raised his eyebrows, "You let us go to the Tartar army camp, even if we were pierced by thousands of arrows, we will admit it!"

The five stared at Su Yi with piercing eyes, waiting for his reply.

Anyone who is not hard-hearted, anyone who still has the righteousness of his family and country in his heart, I am afraid that at this time, he will be moved by these five heroes.

Su Yi believed in their determination to resist Yuan, but he didn't believe in the sincerity and sincerity of what they said just now.

He just waited for everyone to finish speaking, shook his head resolutely, pointed to Zhu Yuanzhang and said: "Either, you stay as a servant for a year, if it's not you, replace the two with one, and the two who replace you must die !"

"Also, the person who stabbed the Emei female disciple must stay and die."

He has a heart of stone and will not give an inch.

Even Su Nuer behind him showed a look of impatience.

"Dog thief, I'm fighting with you!" Hua Yun suddenly became furious, and slapped Su Yi with his palm.

Su Yi came later, and when he pointed at his Tanzhong acupoint, Hua Yun couldn't move immediately.

But the mouth can still move.

"Brother Zhu, death is a big deal, why should we be at the mercy of this thief?" Hua Yun shouted angrily, "Fight with him, even if all of our more than a hundred lives are here today, he will die!"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Da, who had been silent all this time, stared at Zhu Yuanzhang with piercing eyes.

But Zhu Yuanzhang's complexion was cloudy and uncertain, he just stared at Su Yi.

"Su Daxia, are you really not accommodating?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

Su Yi shook his head again: "It must be like this, there is no negotiation."

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed miserably: "Okay, I'll stay! Let my brothers go! It's just a pity that the stall I have worked so hard to set up and the army I have trained are about to fall apart. It's a pity, a pity, a pity!"

"Hero Su!" Xu Da suddenly looked at Su Yi and said, "We have [-] troops in Hezhou, and all of these [-] troops are the direct descendants of Brother Zhu, and the whole army only recognizes Brother Zhu! You are a man of knowledge. What does Wan Dajun mean to the great cause of fighting against the Yuan Dynasty! Since you also hate the Tartars, why don't you let us go?"

Su Yi looked at him for a while, then slowly shook his head and said, "No way!"

Everyone's heart sank, and the last hope was shattered.

"I'll die for Big Brother Zhu!" Hua Yun gritted his teeth, "Su, if you still think you're a Han Chinese, then let him go! If you don't let go of your hatred, I'll kill you to death!"

"I can't control my crotch all the time, and I am not wronged if I fall into this matter this time!" Wu frame smiled miserably, "Okay, Su Daxia, I will stay here too, and I will admit my guilt and accept my punishment!"

"Su Daxia!" Wu Zhuang looked at Su Yi, "We will pay you two lives, please accommodate!"

Su Yi shook his head again: "One is one, and two is two."

Still not negotiable!

The atmosphere at the scene fell into silence again.

Unspeakable silence!
Zhu Yuanzhang's face was ashen, his fists were clenched tightly, and his teeth were clenched.

Deng Yu showed humiliation, bowed his head and remained silent.

Xu Da was in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

No one speaks.

The corners of Su Yi's mouth curled up, and his eyes were playful.

a long time……

Finally someone broke the calm.

"I'll stay!" Xu Da said suddenly.

At the same time when he spoke, Zhu Yuanzhang was slightly shocked, while Deng Yu was obviously relieved.

"Brother Xu, I..." Zhu Yuanzhang held Xu Da's hand tightly with tears in his eyes.

Xu Da smiled lightly: "Brother Zhu, bear the burden of humiliation. It is easy to die, but difficult to live. You are the backbone of the big guy, and you are more useful than me alive."

"I'm sorry, brother Xu!" Zhu Yuanzhang trembled.

"This is my own choice." Xu Da said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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