Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1077 Dog Thief

Chapter 1077 Dog Thief
It was beyond the expectation of Zhu Yuanzhang and others that things had developed to this point.

A month ago, they set off from Hezhou for the Western Regions. When they came, they were in high spirits, dreaming of collecting the five-element flag, subduing the four divisions of heaven, earth, wind and thunder, and trying their best to collect the masters of the teaching and learning for their own use.

Not to mention the exhaustion of the journey, and the struggle with the Emei faction all the way, there is no need to mention the dangers, they can bear it, because they are not afraid of setbacks and hardships, as long as they can see hope.

But now...

A sudden appearance of Su Yi turned their dream into a nightmare.

Before their plan was implemented, the deadliest accident happened.

Xu Da is Zhu Yuanzhang's most valued general talent, he regards it as his Great Wall!
Hua Yun, brave and unparalleled, Zhu Yuanzhang often praised him as his own Zhang Yide.

There is also Wu Jian, although he is not as smart as Xu Da and Hua Yun, but he is the most diligent and steady person under his command. As long as you give him anything, he can always make people feel at ease.

Zhu Yuanzhang would rather give up [-] soldiers and horses than these three people!

But now, he had to give up these three!

Because he couldn't stay with Su Yi as a servant for a year!
He doesn't care about fame, and he doesn't mind bearing the burden of humiliation, but after a year, is his army still his army?

On his territory in Hezhou, Zhang Shicheng stared at him in the east, and Xu Shouhui was eager to move in the west. Even King Ming, whom he relied on, was very afraid of him and wanted to weaken his power.

If he is forced to stay here for a year, even if Su Yi abides by the contract, when he regains his freedom a year later, he will already be a different person!

Everything he had worked so hard over the past few years was gone!

So how can Zhu Yuanzhang stay?How would you like to stay?

He would never be reconciled to his future coming to an abrupt end just as it started to improve.

Fortunately, he is loyal and has a high prestige on weekdays. At critical moments, Wu Zhuang, Hua Yun, and Xu Da are all willing to die for him.

It's just that Zhu Yuanzhang's heart is still bleeding.

The hatred in his heart was overwhelming, and he wished to eat Su Yi's flesh and blood!
He had never hated a person so much!

But he can only bear it.

He didn't even show the slightest hatred for Su Yi on the surface.

Hearing that Xu Da was willing to stay, his eyes filled with tears, and he couldn't help holding Xu Da for a long time.

"Su Daxia, the three of us brothers have stayed as agreed, can you let Brother Zhu go?" Xu Da turned his head and asked Su Yi in a flat tone.

"Of course." Su Yi smiled, "As long as those who should stay stay, the rest can leave at any time."

Xu Da said: "Hero Su speaks volumes, I admire him."

He said admiration in his mouth, but there was no admiration in his tone.

"Brother Zhu, let's go!" Xu Da looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, "If people from the Emei Sect also come, I'm afraid there will be another accident."

Zhu Yuanzhang took a deep breath and looked at Su Yi: "Su Daxia, this is the end of the matter, there is no need to say more, but can Zhu finally ask for forgiveness for my three brothers? As long as you are willing to spare their lives, he Today, I, Zhu Yuanzhang, will tie a straw title ring to repay your great kindness today!"

Su Yi said leisurely: "Before I leave, I will give you a piece of advice."

But he didn't take Zhu Yuanzhang's words at all.

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes dimmed slightly, and he heard Su Yi continue: "People in Jianghu pay attention to happiness and enmity, and strength is the most important thing. Regardless of your many schemes, I will kill you with one knife! The rules in the martial arts are that whoever has the biggest fist has the final say. "

"The rivers and lakes are not for you, your battlefield is not here."

Zhu Yuanzhang clenched his fist subconsciously.

He was born in commoner clothes, and he has come to today step by step as a humble person, and he has fought with all kinds of rebels and the Mongolian Yuan army with ease.

Although he has never been arrogant, he also thinks that he is a hero in the world, and he also has the ambition to rise above the clouds in his chest, and he is superior to other heroes.

In the power field of intrigues and intrigues, in the battlefield of gold and iron horses, Zhu Yuanzhang has always been the leader and a chess player.

But once they entered the rivers and lakes, with their humble martial arts and status, they were restrained everywhere, and they were in danger at every step. It was indeed like putting a shackle on themselves.

His biggest advantage, there is no chance to play out.

Just like now, even if he is full of tongues, Su Yi will not get in; even if he is resourceful, but under Su Yi's absolute strength, he can't use any means at all.

Compromise or die, there is no third way left for him.

Looking at Su Yi, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly cupped his fists and bowed deeply.

Thank you, my enemy!

This was an important lesson in my life.

I will always remember this day and you, Jade Face Dragon Su Yi!
Zhu Yuanzhang didn't say a word, turned and walked out.

Deng Yu looked at Xu Da and the other three with a complex expression, his lips twitched, but in the end he didn't say anything, just bowed deeply, then hurriedly turned around to catch up with Zhu Yuanzhang, and followed him away.

Su Yi watched them go away, sighed quietly and said, "This Deng Yu, I'm afraid he won't live long."

"Dog thief! What do you want to do! Do you want to go back on your word?" Hua Yun was furious after hearing this, and couldn't help but yelled loudly.

Su Yi smiled, and didn't take it seriously when he scolded him, but turned to look at Xu Da, looking him up and down with great interest.

Xu Da didn't speak at first, but after being watched by Su Yi for a long time, he felt a little uncomfortable, and couldn't help but said, "Aren't you afraid that brother Zhu will order ten thousand arrows to shoot you to death here?"

"He didn't dare." Su Yi smiled, his tone very firm.

It is almost impossible for a person like Zhu Yuanzhang to fall into the same pit twice.

If he hadn't been absolutely sure, how dare he take the risk again?

Su Yi didn't stop him from leaving at all, and he didn't care about the more than one hundred soldiers with complete bows and crossbows outside, as if he didn't take these things to heart at all.

In this case, even if Su Yi is planning an empty city, Zhu Yuanzhang would rather miss this opportunity than act recklessly.

In fact, after Zhu Yuanzhang left the yard, he ordered his subordinates to pick up their weapons, and then led the team to quickly evacuate the market with Tang He who had been acupunctured on his back.

Walked very simply and decisively.

Xu Da didn't refute, but Hua Yun couldn't help but said again: "You dog thief, what a hero is my big brother Zhu? He will come back sooner or later to settle accounts with you. Today's humiliation will be repaid a hundredfold!"

"I believe that." Su Yi nodded, but he didn't refute. "From the first time I saw him, I could see that you, Big Brother Zhu, are an ambitious person who is unwilling to let others down. There is no reverence in the world, even martial arts masters are like lions, tigers and beasts in his eyes, either tamed by him or killed by him."

Su Yi thought about the scene of meeting Zhu Yuanzhang before, and couldn't help sighing: "It's been a long time since I saw someone who actually wants to subdue me to be used by others."

Xu Da's eyes were full of surprise, and he couldn't help asking: "Su Daxia, since you know what kind of person Zhu Yuanzhang is, and you also know that he has no ambitions, why do you have to make things difficult for him, or even be hostile?"

He didn't believe that Su Yi really insisted on doing this for the justice of the murdered Emei female disciple.

If he really wanted to do this, he would have brought it up from the very beginning, instead of insisting on bringing up the matter in the middle of the confrontation, saying that he wanted to "do justice for the sky."

In his view, this is just an excuse for Su Yi to attack Zhu Yuanzhang, or to push the boat along the way and make use of it.

He even didn't believe that Su Yi did this for "revenge". They did attack Su Yi first, but the attack failed, and Su Yi did not suffer any damage.

If Su Yi was really angry, he would have to kill him or make amends. There was no need for people to follow him as a slave or handmaid. His request obviously had ulterior motives.

So Xu Da couldn't figure out why Su Yi would do this.

"He did it on purpose!"

At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang had already withdrawn from the market with his people, and a group of people rushed to the sand dunes not far from the market, overlooking the bottom.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the market from a distance, and finally stopped hiding his hatred, and said through gritted teeth.

"On purpose?" Deng Yu didn't understand what Zhu Yuanzhang meant.

"This Su Yi is an ambitious man! He wants to subdue me, or kill me!" Zhu Yuanzhang said angrily, "At the beginning, this person obviously had good intentions towards me, but suddenly his attitude changed drastically. I can feel that he Treat me as a threat!"

"He did this on purpose, to make it difficult for us!" Zhu Yuanzhang continued, gritted his teeth, "He wanted to keep me, but for some reason he changed his mind, or he was a little hesitant and ambiguous!"

"It's also because of his obsession with this that we were able to break our wrists and escape... Otherwise, with the martial arts of this monster, I'm afraid we will not be spared today!"

"Su Yi, your biggest mistake today is that you shouldn't let me go! Zhu Yuanzhang swears to the sky today, today's humiliation will be repaid a hundred times in the future!"

"Unfortunately, pity my brothers Xu..."

Deng Yu was silent. He didn't think what Zhu Yuanzhang said made sense, and even felt that Zhu Yuanzhang was confused by anger.

Today's matter was too simple, that is, they accidentally kicked the iron plate and met a martial arts master with a weird temperament.

"Brother Zhu, brother there any help?" Deng Yu asked in a low tone.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't answer, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long time, he suddenly ordered: "Tell the brothers, first rest for a while, and then march in a hurry all the way to the Bright Summit!"

After a pause, he patted Deng Yu on the shoulder, sighed and said, "I have a feeling that Su Yi should not kill Brother Xu and the others. This person is by no means simple, nor is his purpose pure! He has at least one thing to say That's right, it's a matter of the rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes. Whether brothers Xu and the others can get out of the sea of ​​suffering depends on whether the masters of the Guangming Dingshang can beat this Su Yi."

"Okay, Brother Zhu, I'll give the order!" Deng Yu clasped his fists to accept the order, and turned to deliver the order.

Looking at Deng Yu's back, Zhu Yuanzhang narrowed his eyes slightly.

He still remembered this person's previous hesitation, and he also saw his "unrighteous" side...

If they can save Xu Da and the others, everything is fine, but if they can't...

Then no one should know the ins and outs of this matter and the whole process.

In the inn, Su Yi unlocked Hua Yun's acupoint again, but blocked Wu Zhuang's acupoint and asked Su Nuer to take him down.

He found a jar of wine on the counter, motioned Xu Da and Hua Yun to sit down, and poured three bowls of wine.

Xu Da has a kind of open-mindedness that he will be at ease when he comes, but Hua Yun is very anxious. Seeing Su Yi pouring wine, he stares and scolds again: "You dog thief! Don't try to bribe us!"

Su Yi smiled and asked, "Why do you think I will bribe you?"

"Brother Zhu said, if you have nothing to do, you can be courteous, you are either rape or robbery!" Hua Yun shouted, "We can't beat you, and now you are staying for your life. You can kill us with a single knife, but now you invite us to drink , You don’t want to buy us, what good intentions can you have? Thief! Don’t be wishful thinking, I, Hua Yun, would rather die than surrender to you!”

"I understand." Su Yi nodded, looked at him and said, "Now you only want to die quickly to be loyal. Even if I let you live, you don't want to live anymore, do you?"

"That's right!" Hua Yun sneered, but puffed out her chest, "Since I took the initiative to stay, I have no intention of living!"

"Good guy!" Su Yi gave him a thumbs up, "What I admire most is a loyal guy like you!"

"Stop being so hypocritical!" Hua Yun sneered again and again, "Even if you talk badly today, don't expect me to give you a good word! Thief! Kill me quickly! Otherwise, I will keep scolding you! If you want to hear it If I scold you, you let me live!"

"Killing is nothing more than nodding." Su Yi still remained calm, smiled, calm and wandering, "In fact, killing you is just a one-shot thing. Since you want to die, I don't need to let you live, as the saying goes It's hard to persuade the damned ghost. But you scold me every bitch, and that's your fault."

"Dog thief! Grandpa is not afraid of death, what can you do to me?" Hua Yun scolded with staring eyes.

"You, you are still too young to understand the sinister heart." Su Yi shook his head, "There are too many things in this world that are more terrifying than death. Do you think the only way to get revenge on a person is to kill him?"

"The big deal is to torture me. You can do it anyway. If grandpa begs for mercy, he is not considered a good man! You dog thief!" Hua Yun sneered disdainfully, and did not forget to curse again at the end.

Su Yi smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I don't want you to beg for mercy, otherwise it would be too boring. Let's take your time, don't worry. I will stir you up first, and then I will put on a flowery skirt and rouge and gouache for you , take you around to visit heroes from all schools and factions, and let the world know you again."

"..." Hua Yun's eyes widened suddenly, with a look of incomparable horror in his eyes, pointing at Su Yi's lips trembling: "You, how dare you! You bastard, I would rather die than accept this humiliation!"

"Then it's up to you!" Su Yi said with a smile, "In front of me, it's hard for you to die. I'll touch your acupoints so that you can't move, and I'll let you feed you every day to prevent you from dying." Yes. I let you live like this, and let you live a long life."

After thinking about it, Su Yi looked at him and asked earnestly: "By the way, do you want to find you a bastard when the time comes, and marry you to be someone's new wife?"

"You, you bastard!" Hua Yun was trembling all over, her face full of horror.

(End of this chapter)

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