Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1078 Attitude

Chapter 1078 Attitude
This person is always afraid.

It cannot be said that a person who is not afraid of death has nothing to fear. As long as the pulse is right, there is always a way to threaten someone.

Su Yi took the pulse of Hua Yun, this reckless person is not afraid of anything, not afraid of death, but if he can't be a man, let him marry another man...

Then he was terrified to death.

Hua Yun's face was pale, and she was trembling, not daring to make a sound.

He wanted to kill himself, but having seen Su Yi's martial arts, he knew very well that it would be difficult for him to die in front of this person.

However, Su Yi's uncompromising temperament before, gave people the impression that he did what he said, and that his words and deeds were in harmony. Hua Yun was afraid that Su Yi would really treat him like this, and then he would really be worse off than dead.

But asking him to beg for mercy from Su Yi, he absolutely couldn't do it, so he just shut up.

Su Yi gradually suppressed the smile on his face, and said lightly: "Hua Yun, today I have three chapters with you. As long as you do the three things I asked, I will not use the method I just said to deal with you. Otherwise... ..."

"Hmph! Don't think I'm afraid of you!" Hua Yun said sternly.

Su Yi ignored him, and said to himself: "First, in the next year, you can't be rude when you call me a son; You must obey; third, in the next year, my master and your servant, you and I must put our loyalty first, and we must not secretly harbor disagreements and harm each other!"

Su Yi finished speaking in one breath, paused, then pointed to the wine on the table and said: "If you agree, then drink this cup to the top! If you don't agree, you are an enemy, not a friend!"

"Why didn't you kill us?" Hua Yun said in a muffled voice, "Didn't you say before that both of you would have to die if you replaced Big Brother Zhu?"

Su Yi smiled: "An anti-Yuan righteous man, it is ominous to kill."

Hua Yun glanced at Su Yi and stopped talking.

Seeing this, Xu Da, who was watching coldly, couldn't help but sighed slightly in his heart.

He had been thinking before that Hua Yun, a single-minded reckless man, would never change what he was sure of.

What else could Su Yi do for such a person besides killing him?
He is not optimistic that Su Yi can persuade Hua Yun to obey him.

But unexpectedly, Su Yi seized Hua Yun's lifeline in one stroke, defeating the enemy with one move!
Although Hua Yun looked confused now, Xu Da, who knew him well, knew that Hua Yun was ready to agree.

Xu Da looked at Su Yi solemnly, secretly praising Su Yi's penetrating vision and methods in his heart.

But he still couldn't figure it out, why did Su Yi do this?
If he really thinks that Zhu Yuanzhang is a trouble, then kill him.If he is really optimistic about Zhu Yuanzhang, then befriend him.

Things have turned into the present result, which is not good for both parties.

As Xu Da expected, Hua Yun really compromised.

Hua Yun struggled for a while with a dark face, picked up the wine bowl, gritted his teeth and said, "I, Hua Yun, am not a man of faith. I will do what I said before! But only one year! After one year you Don't stop me from leaving! If you agree, what if I will be your servant for a year? A man can bend and stretch..."

As if he was resentful and insisted on convincing himself...

Su Yi smiled: "If you want to leave after one year, I won't stop you."

"One word from a gentleman, one whip!" Hua Yun drank the wine in one gulp, threw the bowl on the ground with a "bang", and clasped his fists at Su Yi: "Hua Yun sees you, my lord!"

Su Yi smiled and nodded, looking at Xu Da.

Xu Da didn't hesitate, nor was he entangled, he picked up the wine bowl and said respectfully: "Xu Da, see you son!"

After finishing speaking, he drank it all in one gulp, but after finishing drinking, he put the wine bowl on the table.

Xu Da was already prepared to die here, and now he didn't have to die, but just being a servant for a year was already a big surprise for him.

He knew very well that he had no room for bargaining, so he simply said nothing.

He didn't ask Su Yi what he planned to do with Wu Xing, because he knew very well that the most important thing to be inferior to others was not to talk too much.

Su Yi picked up the wine, drank it in one gulp, and then said: "I will not impose any restrictions on you, you can move freely. But the ugly thing is before, if you really run away within this year... you will bear the consequences!"

Hua Yun snorted and said, "Don't be stupid..."

In the middle of the conversation, Su Yi looked over lightly.

Hua Yun immediately swallowed the remaining half of the words, and remained silent.

Su Nu'er came back from the backyard, clasped her fists at Su Yi and said, "My lord, according to your instructions, he has been tied up."

Su Yi nodded, pointing at Xu Da and Hua Yun behind him, said: "These two are entrusted to you, if there is anything you can't do in the future, you might as well entrust them to do it."

Su Nu'er said yes, and asked again: "Young master, I just went to the kitchen to check, and the water and food were poisoned." As she spoke, she couldn't help but glance at Xu Da and Hua Yun.

"We were here to deal with the Emei faction, who knew that you would come here suddenly and mess up our situation!" Hua Yun said unhappily.

"Don't talk about you and us in the future, only us!" Su Nuer corrected blankly.

Hua Yun gave him a hard look, but did not refute.

"First take the dry food we brought to satisfy our hunger," Su Yi said, "I'm going to wait here for the people from the Emei Sect."

"Yes!" Su Nuer replied, then turned and went upstairs.

Hua Yun couldn't help asking: "Do you know people from the Emei faction? Are you really embarrassing us because of the Emei faction?"

After asking, I felt that my words were impolite, so I hurriedly added two words - "Master!"

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

He didn't need to explain everything clearly to others.

In fact, it is no wonder that no one can see through what he is going to do, because from entering this inn to now, all the decisions made by Su Yi have been changed in real time according to the changes in the situation.Those seemingly weird or contradictory choices were temporarily adjusted by Su Yi at any time according to his own judgment on the matter.

At the very beginning, even if he knew that Zhu Yuanzhang and his gang wanted to harm him, Su Yi's plan was to "turn hostility into friendship", and wanted to turn a conflict into a chance encounter of "no fight, no acquaintance".

He also plans to persuade Zhu Yuanzhang and others to give up the ambush of the Emei faction through his three-inch tongue, and show his favor to Zhu Yuanzhang in a way that is neither revealing nor humble, and shows his ability to create a superior image. It can also be regarded as leaving a good impression on the future emperor.

Although Su Yi seems to be submissive, he actually has a very proud personality in his bones, but if he wants to curry favor with the future founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he feels that it is okay to bow his head.

After all, he will live in this world for a long time. He came to this world to be a hero who is unrestrained and unrestrained.But if he had a quarrel with the future Emperor Hongwu, causing him to miss him or hate him, how could he be so chic?

When the time comes, people will send out powerful experts to deal with him. The more he resists, the more afraid he will be.

Therefore, at the beginning, Su Yi did negotiate with Zhu Yuanzhang in a friendly manner. He planned to turn a bad thing into a good thing and resolve the conflict between the two parties.

That's why he flattered him from the beginning, which greatly increased Zhu Yuanzhang's affection for him.

But the unhappiness and distrust in Su Yi's heart can't go away no matter what.

Just like what Xu Da thought, if it was just because they poisoned Su Yi but Su Yi found out, and Zhu Yuanzhang apologized so sincerely, Su Yi would not pursue the matter even if it was only for the future identity of the other party.

It's also like what Su Yi said, even if Zhu Yuanzhang and others killed all eleven people including the owner's family and two guys in the inn in order to act, Su Yi felt that he was still acceptable. Under the background of this era, killing Tartars is justified, and no one should discuss any humanitarian issues in this matter.

But through the sight of the little ghost, Su Yi found that the Emei female disciple who was tortured and then murdered, Su Yi was not so happy.

This kind of thing has completely broken through Su Yi's bottom line, and it is absolutely impossible for Su Yi to accept it.

But because of Zhu Yuanzhang's status and for his own consideration in the future, Su Yi still persuaded himself not to be such a "Holy Mother" and pretended not to know about it.

Then Su Yi saw the side of Zhu Yuanzhang who is lenient on the outside and taboo on the inside. On the one hand, he sincerely apologized to Su Yi, acting generous and sincere; but on the other hand, he secretly poked Xu Da to dispatch troops outside to surround the inn. .

what is this?
This is the second time he intends to kill Su Yi.

Su Yi can "magnanimously" forgive Zhu Yuanzhang for planning to kill himself for the first time, can he forgive Zhu Yuanzhang for killing himself for the second time?
Su Yi really planned to forgive again.

He convinced himself like this—Zhu Yuanzhang is a hero of a generation, and he made such an arrangement in line with his meticulous and cautious character. If he ran out to apologize to Su Yi regardless of his own safety, then why would he laugh? In the end, to dominate the country?
A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall!
Forget it, if you forgive him one more time, it's for the sake of your future freedom in the world.If you have a good relationship with the emperor, you can be an old fairy who roams the world in the future.

At this time, Su Yi was actually very upset, but he was not a person who was motivated, so he was still able to convince himself that big things should be turned into small things.

But Zhu Yuanzhang's next rhetoric made Su Yi's attitude and strategy towards him completely changed!
Zhu Yuanzhang first pushed all the faults to his subordinates, and then portrayed himself as an image of Yi Bo Yuntian.

The most important thing is that the posture he showed is clearly the kind of routine that the hero recruits and accepts, waits for his subordinates to be convinced by him, and then accepts his head and bows.

This Su Yi is too familiar!

Zhu Yuanzhang intends to recruit himself, and Su Yi is not too surprised.

But after combining all the things, Zhu Yuanzhang's character is already very three-dimensional in Su Yi's cognition.

This is a person who is unscrupulous, cruel and cold-blooded, but very good at disguising himself.

In his eyes, there is no distinction between good and evil. The so-called righteousness is just a means for him to win people's hearts. In fact, he despises everything, including secular etiquette and moral conscience.

With such a hero, can I really maintain a good relationship with him and let him treat himself as an old god?

Reminiscent of the endings of those founding heroes and generals after Zhu Yuanzhang proclaimed the emperor, and then deduced it based on what he was about to do, Su Yi suddenly discovered that many of the things he would do in the future would most likely be to stand on the opposite side of Mingjiao. There is a high probability that Zhu Yuanzhang will be offended.

If Su Yi showed shocking abilities, but repeatedly opposed Zhu Yuanzhang, with Zhu Yuanzhang's measure and character, what attitude would he have towards Su Yi?

Su Yi felt that he would inevitably be settled by Qiuhou.

When the time comes, my previous overtures will appear too ironic and ridiculous.

And can he "lick" Zhu Yuanzhang patiently?
I'm afraid I can't do it myself.

In fact, when Su Yi thought of this, he already felt that he was thinking too much, and he was a little impatient.

He himself is also arrogant and domineering. At this time, he has already given birth to the idea of ​​"teaching" Zhu Yuanzhang. Do he think that he can change his thinking and control Zhu Yuanzhang?
So he first threatened with force, and then proposed to make Zhu Yuanzhang a servant for a year, trying to force Zhu Yuanzhang to follow him, and then slowly train this person so that he respects him like a god, and he will never have the slightest idea of ​​​​resistance.

But after the development of the situation, Su Yi saw that Zhu Yuanzhang would never follow him as a servant, and also saw the arrogance of this man who would never bow down to others.

At this time, Su Yi had already had murderous intentions towards Zhu Yuanzhang.

But after all, this person was the founding emperor and a key figure in expelling the Tartars, which made Su Yi hesitate.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang is gone, there are Li Yuanzhang and Zhao Yuanzhang, but after all, this person has already done a great job in the south. If he is really killed, it may really affect history and let the Tartars occupy the Central Plains for a few more years. B wished.

Zhu Yuanzhang was right in guessing that Su Yi was indeed a little hesitant about how to deal with him during this period of time.

But soon Su Yi made a decision.

He decided to cut off Zhu Yuanzhang's wings and let Zhu Yuanzhang do what he should do.

He was optimistic about Xu Da, so he used the "two for one" plan to keep Xu Da and Hua Yun. He was sure that these two people would stay, because Deng Yu's fear could not be hidden from Su Yi's eyes.

And Zhu Yuanzhang did not let Su Yi "disappointed", this person really "reluctantly" let Xu Da and Hua Yun be detained by Su Yi instead of him, and then immediately fled away.

In this way, Su Yi's goal was actually achieved.

He calmly alienated the relationship between Zhu Yuanzhang, Xu Da, and Hua Yun. This is not obvious now, but it will become more and more obvious as time goes by.In short, from the moment Zhu Yuanzhang left, he had already lost the hearts of these two people.

Because of this episode, Su Yi also figured out something, that is, if he wants to be free, he must pay a certain amount of effort and price.

So he decided to make some fine-tuning of his position and attitude, and do some labor-intensive things in addition.

For example, support an anti-Yuan team, with his apprentices Zhang Wuji, Xu Da, Chang Yuchun and others as the core, echoing Zhu Yuanzhang and others from south to north, and speed up the demise of Meng Yuan?
At that time, no matter how to face Zhu Yuanzhang, there is no need to hesitate like now.

(End of this chapter)

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