Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1079 Negotiations

Chapter 1079 Negotiations
The two female disciples of the Emei Sect hiding in Niya Bazaar are named Su Mengqing and Zhao Lingzhu, both of whom are unshaven lay disciples of the Emei Sect.

Why do the Emei Sect have both ordained nuns and lay disciples who do not leave home?
In fact, not only that, the Emei sect is not allowed to marry. In the early years, there were people from the Taoist school, and even two generations before the extinction, male disciples were accepted as usual.

For example, Gu Hongzi, the senior brother of Miejue Shitai.

The three characters "Gu Hongzi" are clearly the name of the Taoist school, and people in the Buddhist sect would never call him such a name.

Buddhism, Taoism, secularism, and even beliefs in the same sect are varied. Such unimaginable things are absurd in any sect, but only in the Emei sect, there is no need to make a fuss.

Don't forget who is the founder of the Emei School—Xiao Dongxie Guo Xiang.

Guo Xiang is a person who does her own way, is righteous and evil, and does not stick to the world. She shaved her hair and became a nun when she was in her forties. She founded the Emei School, but she believed that becoming a monk was her own business and had nothing to do with her disciples.

She believes that the disciples join the Emei Sect to learn martial arts, and not to see through the world of mortals. Therefore, whether they become monks or not is entirely voluntary, and they will never interfere even if they believe in Buddhism. If the disciples want to get married, the sect should never stop them .

Master Fengling, the second-generation head of the Emei School, was an orphan adopted by Guo Xiang since she was a child. From the name, it is known that she was chosen to commemorate her meeting with the eagle hero Yang Guo at Fengling Ferry.

Master Fengling regards Guo Xiang as her mother and admires her very much, so she also became a monk with Guo Xiang and married herself to the Emei sect.

However, by the third generation Miejue Shitai, his affection for Guo Xiang was not so deep. Miejue's original name was Fang Yanqing, and he didn't become a monk at the beginning, and he was in love with his senior brother Gu Hongzi.

It's just that Gu Hongzi was defeated and humiliated by Yang Xiao, vomited blood and died on the way back, and her brother was also killed by the golden lion king, so she became a monk in grief and anger, vowed not to marry for life, and gave herself the name of extermination, and swore Mingjiao must be extinct within the lifetime.

Later, Juejue probably felt that there were men and women in the sect, which would cause people to dislike her, which would harm Emei's reputation, or it might be because of her own reasons, so starting from her generation, the Emei sect stopped accepting male disciples.

But this point was not written in the school rules, so after Zhou Zhiruo became the head of the sect, Song Qingshu also became a member of the Emei sect, which did not arouse criticism from the martial arts people at all.

Otherwise, if it is really a pure place of Buddhism, if the head of the sect takes the lead in marrying someone, it will definitely be regarded as a scandalous thing.

Closer to home.

Su Mengqing was the female disciple who made Su Yi think she was quite smart. She had already planned to let her junior sister Zhao Lingzhu sneak out of the market to inform her master.

But I didn't expect that all the ambush people from Mingjiao went to the inn all of a sudden, and before they could react, these demons suddenly left completely!

This incident directly disrupted the plans of the two teachers and sisters. The Mingjiao monsters have all withdrawn.

"Senior Sister, could it be the evil trick of the Ming Cult to lure us to appear on purpose?" Junior Sister Zhao Lingzhu asked with a look of fear.

Su Mengqing shook his head slowly with a solemn expression: "I don't know what happened...but Master and the others may come at any time, we must find out what happened. Lingzhu, the plan has changed, our previous method was It's useless!"

"Senior Sister, I'll listen to you, what do you say?" Zhao Lingzhu asked through gritted teeth.

"I'll go to the inn to find out what's going on. You must hide, and you must hide well." Su Mengqing's eyes showed determination, "If I don't even come out with a stick of incense, it means that something happened to me, and I fell into the trap of a demon cultist." Trick!"

"Senior Sister..." Zhao Lingzhu became very anxious immediately.

"Listen to me!" Su Mengqing raised his hand to stop her, with a solemn face, "Junior Sister, we must find a way to find out the movements of the Demon Sect monsters, and send a signal to Master and the others, otherwise we will be greedy for life and afraid of death, and disloyal." Unfilial person!"

"If I really can't come back later, you can hide. When Master and the others arrive, you immediately set fire to the house, and then jump out to warn the police! Junior sister, the master raised us up and taught us martial arts , Now, the time has come for us to return to our sect!"

"Senior sister, I'm afraid."

"Hey, Lingzhu, don't be afraid..."

The two teachers and sisters hugged their heads and wept, but they soon cheered up their morale and moved separately.

When Su Mengqing came to the inn, Su Yi, Su Nuer, Hua Yun, and Xu Da were drinking wine and eating dry food.

Although Su Mengqing tried his best to sneak in carefully, Su Yi still found out the clue.

Su Yi swallowed the food in his mouth, drank the wine in the glass, wiped his mouth, and then smiled and said in a calm voice: "Is the person outside the door a friend of the Emei School? I wonder if you can show up? "

Su Mengqing, who was hiding outside the window, was taken aback. She didn't expect that she would try her best to be careful, but she would be noticed as soon as she arrived.

After a period of intense psychological struggle, Su Mengqing still decided to show up.

Soon she stepped into the door, but only stayed at the door, her whole body tensed up, as if if there was a slight disturbance, she would immediately fly away like a frightened bird.

"Su Mengqing, a disciple of the Emei School, has met all of you!" Su Mengqing looked at Su Yi and the others seriously, "Who are you? Why do you know that the little girl is a disciple of Emei?"

"My jade-faced flying dragon Su Yi, these three are in charge of the Xiafu." Su Yi clasped his fists together, "I'm passing by here, just happened to break through the ambush set up by the people of the Ming Cult, and ambushed your Emei faction. After I clashed with them, they retreated. Su Nvxia, if you come to investigate at this time, I will naturally guess that you are a member of the Emei sect."

Su Yi's words were not long, but the amount of information was enormous.

Su Mengqing's face was shocked, and he was stunned for a long time before he barely digested the information, and hurriedly clasped his fists again and said: "So that's it, the little girl is on behalf of the Emei faction, thank you, Su Shaoxia, Gao Yi! You have saved the disaster for my Emei faction."

"Emei is a famous sect, and Miejue Shitai is a famous martial arts master. Even if I don't attack, the Emei sect will be fine." Su Yi said seriously, "Su Nuxia, when I arrived, there was a female disciple of your sect in the backyard She has already been killed, but the person who killed her has been captured by the subordinates, and is tied next to the body of the murdered heroine, and is about to hand her over to the nobles."

Su Mengqing was stunned for a while before hurriedly said: "Su Shaoxia, can you take the little girl to check?"

"It was supposed to be like this. There is nothing wrong with it." Su Yi nodded, turned his head and said, "Sanqi, you take Su Xia."

"Yes, my lord!" Su Nuer clapped her hands and said yes, and then said to Su Mengqing: "Su Nuxia, please!"

"Thank you!" Su Mengqing thanked her, and hurriedly followed Su Nuer to the backyard.

At this moment, her doubts about Su Yi have not completely subsided, but she is more concerned about who Su Yi said was murdered.

As soon as Su Mengqing left, Hua Yun said eagerly on the back: "Su, if you hand over Brother Wu to the Emei faction, don't you want to kill him?"

"What did you call me?" Su Yi said lightly.

"...Master!" Hua Yun buzzed.

"He deserves to die for humiliating women!" Su Yi said lightly, "Don't tell me how many Tartars he has killed and how many achievements he has made. This is not a reason for him to commit crimes!"

"But..." Hua Yun wanted to argue, but was interrupted by Xu Da.

"Shize! Shut up!" Xu Da scolded, "Don't forget that you and I also survived by chance, so what qualifications do you have to intercede for others?"

"Then just hand us over to the Emei faction!" Hua Yun said angrily.

"What kind of bastard talk is this!" Xu Da's face was ashen, "Young Master has his own reasons for doing things! You ask yourself, you have repeatedly spoken rudely, but has Young Master ever really criticized you? Do you still feel that Young Master is not tolerant of you? Say something It shouldn't be said, even if you don't understand the truth that people have to bow their heads under the roof, but you have seen so many things about winners and losers, can't you accept it?"

Hua Yun's face turned blue and purple, and suddenly stomped his feet and sighed: "What is this called! We killed the Tartars well in the south, why did we come here to wade through this muddy water? Now that the fox hasn't caught it, Make a fuss!"

Xu Da ignored him, but cupped his hands and said to Su Yi: "My lord, Hua Yun is reckless and unwise, please forgive him for offending you! Both of us are under the lord's command now, and we will be considered as the lord in the future, and we will never Have two hearts."

Su Yi looked at Xu Da with great interest, and said with a smile: "I hand over your companions to the Emei Sect, what do you think about this matter?"

"I don't really think about it." Xu Da said calmly, "It is reasonable and reasonable to pay for life with life. I don't think even Brother Wu will feel that he has been wronged. It's just a pity that he did not die on the battlefield after being a good man."

"As I expected, the Emei Sect's brigade is coming soon." Su Yi said lightly, "The head of the Emei sect, Miejue Shitai, is not in harmony with the Mingjiao, and will not treat you very well. But no matter what she says, Whatever you do, don't react in any way, just bear it for now. You are my people now, and I will deal with her for you, and I won't let her hurt you. "

"Yes, young master!" Xu Da cupped his hands.

Hua Yun remained silent with a dark face, and Su Yi ignored him.

Convincing people is like boiling an eagle, you have to be patient, Su Yi won't lose patience with Hua Yun because of his disrespect for a while.

Su Nuer brought Su Mengqing back soon.

Su Mengqing's eyes were red, as if she had just cried.

She bowed deeply to Su Yi, her expression was obviously a little more grateful and respectful.

"Su Shaoxia, thank you for making the decision for Junior Sister Hong Yun and arresting the villain who harmed her. My Emei Sect will remember this kindness and virtue in my heart, and I will repay it generously when I report it to my master!"

"That's not necessary. It's what we should do when we see injustice. How can we talk about repaying?" Su Yi said, "Besides, what Su hates most in his life is the evil deed of bullying women. Since I have encountered it, of course he will not." Ignore it."

"Su Shaoxia is so brave and courageous, it's admirable!" Su Mengqing bowed his hands in gratitude again, and said, "Please forgive me for asking, I wonder if Su Shaoxia will stay here next?"

"I still need to rest here for half a day." Su Yi replied.

Su Mengqing said: "The little girl has an unfeeling request and wants to trouble Su Shaoxia. My junior sister Hong Yun still needs Su Shaoxia to take care of the body for a while. The little girl wants to take the villain who harmed her and leave first. I'll be back in an hour, I don't know what the young hero thinks?"

"Alright." Su Yi nodded, "It's just a little effort."

Su Mengqing thanked him again and went to the backyard again.

This time, she didn't pass through the front hall again, but took the Wu frame and left directly through the back door.

After half a stick of incense, Su Yi heard a horse galloping away from somewhere in the market.

"Sanqi, running around all night, you go to sleep first, and I will also recharge my energy." Su Yi stood up and said.

"Then they..." Su Nuer looked at Xu Da and the two, hesitating.

"If people from the Emei Sect come, wake me up again." Su Yi instructed Xu Da.

Before Xu Da could speak, Hua Yun said, "Are you not afraid that we will run away?"

Su Yi smiled at him, turned around and walked upstairs without speaking.

Su Nu'er hesitated slightly, but couldn't help but coldly said to Xu Da and the two: "You better not make mistakes and play tricks that you shouldn't have! My son is extraordinary, if you are not afraid of death, just try it !"

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly turned around and caught up with Su Yi.

After reaching the second floor, Su Nuer expressed her concern to Su Yi again, and asked if she wanted to keep an eye on the two downstairs.

Su Yi shook his head: "Go and rest, the weather will be cooler in the evening, we still have to hurry! Don't worry about the two of them, they won't run away."

Su Nuer was relieved now.

Since the son said no, then he must not.

At this time, Xu Da and Hua Yun downstairs looked at each other, relatively speechless.

Both of them felt very uncomfortable, and the desolation of being the same degenerate people in the end of the world spontaneously arose in their hearts.

"Brother Xu, I'm really aggrieved!" Hua Yun sighed, "It's better to die than to live like this!"

"It's better to die than to live." Xu Da said indifferently, "Besides, our son didn't ask us to do anything, let alone humiliate us. Why do you seek suicide and want to die?"

"But what exactly is he going to do?" Hua Yun yelled in a low voice, "It was said before that he wanted us to die for Brother Zhu, but Brother Zhu left, but he refused to let us die and let us be his servants. The two of us Is this the material to serve people with tea and water?"

"Live first, let's take a look at it slowly." Xu Da sighed, "What purpose does he have? I will always see it clearly in the future, but Shize you, don't disobey him again in the future. Not worth it!"

"I listen to you!" Hua Yun replied in a muffled voice.

Neither of them mentioned the matter of running away, nor did they intend to run away.

They all tacitly believed that this was a temptation, and they thought that they had no chance of escaping.

the other side.Su Mengqing rode fast all the way, and rode eastward for about a cup of tea, when he saw smoke and dust billowing from the opposite side, and a huge horse team was galloping here from the opposite side.

Su Mengqing saw the costumes of the hundreds of riders on the opposite side from a distance, especially the figure of the leader, and immediately recognized that this was the team of his own teacher. He was overjoyed and rushed to meet the other side.

Gradually, the two sides are getting closer.

(End of this chapter)

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