Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1080 Misleading

Chapter 1080 Misleading
Miejue Shitai was dressed in a gray cloth monk's robe, with gray hair in a high bun.

Her face is as frosty as frost, and her appearance can be considered beautiful, but it's a pity that her two eyebrows are slanted and drooping all the year round, making her face look very fierce. She is about forty to five years old, but she feels like five 60 years old old lady.

She was riding on a tall horse with an old long sword with a scabbard tied behind her back.

Although he was a busy man, he couldn't hide his majesty. When he saw a horse flying towards him, Miejue Shitai's eyes were like lightning, and he recognized at a glance that it was his disciple Su Mengqing.

She raised one palm high to make a stop gesture, and let out a long howling sound, and immediately, the whole team flocked to Le Gobi.

The horse would stop when the distance between the two sides was less than five meters. Before it stopped, Su Mengqing got off the horse and knelt down on the ground, crying sadly: "Unfilial disciple Su Mengqing, pay homage to Master!"

"It's Mengqing!"

"Senior Sister Mengqing!"

The disciples behind Miejue Shitai expressed surprise one after another.

Miejue Shitai looked at the disciple who was kneeling in front of her, and her eyes suddenly became softer. Her eyes swept away from Su Mengqing's horse, and her pupils shrank immediately.

She didn't realize that Su Mengqing was riding on the horse before, but now she saw that there was another person on Su Mengqing's horse!

A young man with a pale complexion and tied up by five flowers!
Miejue Shitai's expression turned cold all of a sudden, she jumped up and landed in front of Su Mengqing, bent down to help Su Mengqing up, and scolded: "What are you crying for?"

After looking up and down, and inputting a ray of internal energy to check, after confirming that the apprentice was not damaged at all, Jue'er looked slightly relaxed, and asked, "Where's the Lingzhu?"

"Return to Master, Lingzhu is here to go west to Niya Bazaar, several miles away, she is fine." Su Mengqing choked up and said, "And Junior Sister Hong Yun..."

Miejue Shitai's eyes brightened immediately, she grabbed Su Mengqing's arm and hurriedly said, "What happened to Hong Yun? How did you meet Hong Yun?"

"Junior Sister Hong Yun was killed by the Demon Sect monster!" Su Mengqing couldn't help crying anymore, "Master, why did Hong Yun fall into the hands of the Demon Sect? Why did it happen?"

Miejue Shitai looked up at the sky and was speechless for a long time.

A beautiful female disciple wearing a veil beside her had tears in her eyes and said softly: "Senior Mengqing, a few days ago, the master sent Senior Sister Min Jun and Senior Sister Hong Yun to a small town to investigate the enemy's situation, but unexpectedly fell into a demon. Teaching the ambush of the demon. Senior Sister Min Jun fought hard to break out of the encirclement, but Senior Sister Hong Yun..."

"Zhou Zhiruo, what do you mean by that?" Before the female disciple finished speaking, another tall female disciple beside her immediately shouted sharply, "Are you saying that because you blame me for not protecting Junior Sister Hong Yun?"

Zhou Zhiruo hastily said: "Senior Sister Minjun, Zhiruo has absolutely no intention of doing this, I just hate the treacherous and cunning demons of the Demon Sect..."

Before the words finished, Miejue Shitai let out a cold snort, the voice contained dissatisfaction.

Zhou Zhiruo and Ding Minjun's expression changed, they both lowered their heads and dared not speak any more.

Miejue Shitai looked at Su Mengqing and said, "Mengqing, what happened to you, let me tell you!"

"Yes, Master!" Su Mengqing wiped away her tears and began to tell.

She first said that she and Zhao Lingzhu went to Kunlun to send a letter, then scouted the enemy's situation in the surrounding area, and then came to Niya Bazaar to hide their whereabouts, waiting to join the division.

Then it talked about the arrival of Zhu Yuanzhang and others. They set up a trap in Niya Bazaar and occupied the only inn in the market.

When she spoke up to this point, listen carefully to what she said. Some of the Emei sect members gasped, and some exclaimed.

"Damn it, you are so despicable and insidious!" Ding Minjun gritted his teeth and cursed, with a frightened expression on his face, "They harassed us all the way, so we had to travel all night until now, and we had to stop at the market ahead Rest, then you will fall into their trap!"

"Master, these evildoers are plotting every step of the way, just waiting for us to fall into our own trap!" Zhou Zhiruo also said in fear, "Fortunately, Senior Sister Mengqing smashed their plot! Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."

Miejue Shitai's face was cloudy and uncertain, and his mood was also very disturbed.She secretly rejoiced, and thanked the patriarch for his protection. If she was really ambushed, with the viciousness and insidiousness of the Demon Sect, these disciples would die here.

But seeing the panic among her disciples, she snorted coldly and shouted: "The devil cultists only dare to sneak up on us secretly, not to confront us head-on, they are like rats in the gutter, what are we afraid of?"

"I'm worried that they don't dare to come. If they really want to come, I will drink the devil's blood with Yitian sword, and kill him, and the blood will flow like a river!",

Zhou Zhiruo said: "Master is right, although Zhiruo's martial arts are low, but if she encounters a demon cultist, she will not hesitate to die!"

"That's right, this is my good apprentice!" Miejue Shi nodded appreciatively.

Ding Minjun on the side hurriedly said: "Master's miraculous skills are unrivaled in the world, the demon sect Xiao Xiao watched the wind and fled, and the disciples followed the master..."

Before he finished speaking, Miejue Shitai waved his hands impatiently, looked at Su Mengqing and said, "Mengqing, keep talking!"

Ding Minjun shut up resentfully, but gave Zhou Zhiruo a hard look.

Su Mengqing went on to narrate, saying exactly how he and his junior sister planned to report to the teacher.

After listening to Miejue Shitai, she knew that this disciple had put life and death aside for the sake of his sect. Even if her heart was as hard as iron, she couldn't help but be moved by this loyalty, and praised: "There is a disciple as loyal and courageous as Mengqing, how can I, Emei, be so loyal?" Are you worried?"

Su Mengqing hurriedly said a word of modesty, and continued to tell.

When she mentioned that all the ambush people from the Ming Cult suddenly withdrew to the inn, everyone felt curious and guessed what the Demon Cult was up to.

She also mentioned that the Demon Cult suddenly withdrew all of them, and everyone looked at each other, unable to figure out what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the Demon Cult, even Miejue Shitai frowned.

Su Mengqing then talked about how she went to the inn to find out what was true, which made all the disciples admire her very much.

"Jade-faced flying dragon Su Yi?"

She finally said that Su Yi had appeared on stage, but the name made Miejue Shitai frowned deeply.

"A young man in his early twenties?" She frowned and thought hard, then turned to ask her disciples, "Which one of you has heard of this name?"

Everyone shook their heads to express that they hadn't heard of it.

"You think so." Miejue Shitai said to Su Mengqing.

Su Mengqing finished everything in one breath.

The disciples were saddened by Hong Yun's death, but also admired Su Yi's chivalry.

"This Shaoxia Su's ability to drive back the Demon Sect is a testament to his martial arts skills; he is willing to seek justice for Senior Sister Hong Yun and hand over the villain who killed Senior Sister Hong Yun to us, which shows that he has a kind heart and is unparalleled in chivalry." Zhou Zhiruo Zan said, "Master, we really have to thank him very much."

"Thank you? Zhiruo, if you are traveling in the rivers and lakes, if someone sells you, you will count the money for others!" Ding Minjun sneered, "This Su Yi came out of nowhere, who knows who he is? He You said he repelled the Demon Cult, so he repelled it? Maybe this person is also a Demon Cult demon, deliberately pretending to lure us into the bait?"

Zhou Zhiruo bowed her head silently and did not argue.

On the contrary, Su Mengqing frowned and shook his head: "I have also thought about whether this Su Yi is also a demon in disguise. In fact, there is another conspiracy. But when I think about it carefully, he really doesn't need to do so much."

"If you can guess the conspiracy of the Demon Cult, they are not the Demon Cult!" Ding Minjun said coldly.

Su Mengqing also stopped talking.

Miejue Shitai frowned and said slowly: "When you said you wanted to take this villain away first, how did Su Yi react?"

"Gladly agree." Su Mengqing said, "He agreed without hesitation, and because of this, the disciple dispelled a lot of doubts."

Miejue Shitai nodded, his eyes fell on the unconscious Wu frame, and he said coldly: "Min Jun, go and untie his rope, and also untie his acupoints!"

"Yes, master!" Ding Minjun hurriedly responded.

She stepped forward in two steps, cut off the rope tied to Wu Jia's body with one knife, and then reached out and tapped Wu Jia's body a few times.

But Wu frame didn't respond at all.

Ding Minjun's eyes showed doubts, and he tried to release the acupoint again, but it still didn't work.

"This..." Ding Minjun was dumbfounded, and hurriedly tried again and again, using various methods.

It's just that no matter what she does, she can't unlock Wu Zhuang's acupuncture points.

"Master, is this person already dead?" Ding Minjun couldn't help questioning.

"Get out of the way!" Miejue Shitai's eyes narrowed slightly, "This is a very unique acupuncture technique, and it cannot be solved by ordinary methods."

Ding Minjun stepped aside hastily, Juejue Shitai did not rush to release the acupoint, but put his palm on Wu Zhuang's forehead, and slowly channeled his internal force to check his physical condition.

Although she is well-informed, she has never seen such a special acupuncture technique.If she calculates carefully, Miejue Shitai is sure that she will be able to untie it in less than a stick of incense, but she doesn't have the patience.

The internal force in her palm suddenly gushed out, Wu Jia froze all over, and a mouthful of blood spurted out in a "wow".

Wu frame clutched his chest in pain, panted and raised his head to look around. After seeing his situation clearly, his eyes gradually dimmed.

He already knew that he was doomed.

Miejue Shitai said coldly: "I ask, you answer. If you tell the truth, I can give you a happy reward, and reward you with a whole corpse, if not..."

"What do you want to ask?" Wu frame said calmly.

"Which branch of the Demon Cult do you belong to? Are you the one who ambushed us these days?" Miejue Shitai asked.

"We are from the Liangzhou sub-altar of Mingjiao, and it is indeed us who ambushed you in Emei." Wu Zhuang replied.

"Lie!" Miejue Shitai's eyes lit up.


She pulled out her sword suddenly, and in the next second, Wu Zhuang's left arm was severed at the root, and blood gushed out like a spring.

Wu frame was stunned for a few seconds before hugging the broken arm and howling terribly.

"You clearly have a southern accent, but you pretend to be the Northwest branch. Do you think I can't hear it?" Miejue Shitai shouted sharply, "How dare you lie when you are about to die? If you dare to tell half a lie again, I will cut off your body." The right arm! Then the legs! If you don’t want to be cut into a human stick by me, you’d better answer my questions honestly!”

"I'm telling the truth! I'm telling the truth!" Wu frame wailed in pain, rolling all over the floor.

However, Miejue Shitai didn't have the slightest pity, looked at him coldly and said, "Which sub-altar do you belong to?"

"We are from Huaiyuan, and our altar leader is Su Yi, nicknamed Jade Faced Flying Dragon!" Wu frame gritted his teeth in pain, "I'm telling the truth!"

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples of the Emei Sect were shocked.

Su Mengqing couldn't help but hurriedly asked: "You said that Su Yi is your altar master? He is a member of your demon sect? Then why did he hand you over to us?"

"I don't know!" Wu frame said bitterly, "He has a deep mind, who knows what he is thinking? But he must have a conspiracy!"

"Look, I'll say that Su Yi has a problem!" Ding Minjun said with a sneer.

Miejue Shitai stared at Wu frame, and said expressionlessly: "You said that Su Yi is your altar master, but you don't know what he is going to do?"

"I have never been trusted by him! He handed me over to you, in fact, to kill people with a knife and eliminate dissidents!" Wu frame endured the pain and said, "I have never touched that girl at all, the person who sword chanted her is Su Yi! He humiliated her and then killed her!"

All the disciples in Emei were in an uproar, especially Su Mengqing, who was very surprised and couldn't believe it.

" is it possible? If he belongs to your demon sect, why bother?" Su Mengqing asked.

"Cheat your trust, and then kill you without bloodshed. If you do it, it will be a great achievement!" Wu frame gritted his teeth and sneered.

Miejue Shitai suddenly pierced Wu Zhuang's right shoulder with a sword, and when the latter continued to waile and twist, he said coldly: "If Su Yi is really the master of your altar, if there is really a conspiracy, how can he hand you over alive? Everything you said is completely contradictory! You're still lying to me, aren't you?"

"Hehehe..." Wu frame was obviously in great pain, but he laughed maniacally, "The two people around Su Yi are Xu Da and Hua Yun, both of whom are generals of our branch, you can inquire about their identities at will Then we will know! If Su Yi is not the master of our altar, how can these two people regard him as the master? Exterminate the bandits and nuns, I will fall into your hands, and I only want to die quickly. As the saying goes, when a person is about to die, his words are also good... ..."

"But you still haven't explained it clearly. If Su Yi is really the master of your altar, why did he hand you over? He is not afraid that you will betray him to us?" Su Mengqing interrupted and asked.

Wu Jian was already very weak at the moment, and said with a wry smile: "Maybe he had already expected it, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it...Ahhh!"

Then he suddenly rushed towards Su Mengqing with a roar without warning.

A flash of sword light flashed, and Wu Zhuang's head soared into the sky, splashing blood waves.

The Emei female disciples all exclaimed in fright, their faces paled, and they hurriedly backed away and lowered their heads not daring to look again.

Miejue Shitai sneered and closed his sword and said, "Death is more than a crime!"

Ding Minjun forced himself to calm down and asked: "Master, is this Su Yi evil? How should we judge? If he is really a monster from the Demon Cult... Is he really trying to deceive us into trusting you and lure you into the urn?"

Su Mengqing frowned and said: "Master, this villain may deliberately mislead us to become enemies with Su Shaoxia, and wants us to kill each other..."

"What Senior Sister Mengqing said is not impossible." Zhou Zhiruo said, "However, the Devil Cult is deceitful, so we have to guard against it. Master, if it's really impossible, let's bypass the market ahead and be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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