Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1081 Extinction

Chapter 1081 Extinction
"Detour?" Miejue Shitai said coldly, "We came from the middle of the West, and this is the first time we have dealt with members of the Demon Cult. What should I do? Do I have to wait and see and escape?”

Zhou Zhiruo's face changed, and she immediately clasped her fists and said, "The disciple made a mistake, please forgive me, Master!"

"Are you making a slip of the tongue? You're clearly expressing your own thoughts carelessly!" Ding Minjun sneered and continued, "Zhiruo, you have always been cowardly, but when it comes to matters of great right and wrong, how dare you let your temper go and fall into disrepair?" The prestige of my Emei sect?"

"Senior Sister, that's not what I mean, I just don't want everyone to suffer unnecessary harm." Zhou Zhiruo softly argued, "We have come all the way, we are still far from Guangmingding, but we have already lost so many sisters, Zhiruo is really sad , I can't bear to see my sister bloody again..."

Ding Minjun wanted to reprimand Zhou Zhiruo a few more words, and then he heard Miejue Shitai say: "Our six sects are going to attack Guangmingding this time, and we are determined to win. No matter how insidious and cunning the monsters are, what do we have to fear? This is a matter of life and death. Fighting, injuries are inevitable in fighting, you must keep in mind that you must first have the determination to die, and you should not take chances and be afraid, and fall into the prestige of the Emei School when facing the enemy!"

When all the disciples heard this, they clasped their fists together and bowed in response: "Master's instruction, disciples must remember it!"

Miejue Shitai said again: "The strength of martial arts is related to the talent and opportunity, and you can't do it by force. Like Hong Yun, who was plotted halfway and died at the hands of the evil cult, no one would laugh at her. We You have been studying martial arts, why? Don’t you want to eradicate the strong, help the weak, and destroy evil spirits? Today, Hong Yun dies first, maybe it will be your master’s turn next!”

"As the saying goes, a thousand coffins come out of the door, and the family is very prosperous. The father dies first, and the grandson dies first." Miejue Shitai's face was firm when she said this, and her tone was sonorous, "Which one has no death? As long as the blood of the descendants is left behind, the family will be able to prosper despite the death of thousands of people. The most fearful thing is that you will all die, but the old nun will live alone."

She paused, then sneered and said, "But even so, it's not a pity! A hundred years ago, what kind of Emei faction was there in the world? As long as everyone fights vigorously to the death, the Emei faction will be destroyed in one fell swoop, so what's the point? ?”

Miejue Shitai's iron and blood theory only made all the disciples excited.

They clasped their fists together and shouted loudly: "Disciple swears to fight to the death, and is incompatible with demons and evil ways!"

Although they are all weak women, under the leadership of the iron-blooded leader Miejue Shitai, there is no shortage of heroic spirit of generosity and death, and they will not give in to men.

The Emei Sect has only been established for decades, but today it is ranked among the top six sects, second only to Shaolin Wudang.

The people who were originally panicked and depressed because of Hong Yun's death were swept away, and the morale of all the disciples was high, and there was no sign of shrinking back or fear.

Miejue Shitai looked forward deeply, and suddenly said: "Let's go! Let's meet this jade-faced flying dragon and see who he is?"

Su Mengqing asked Zhao Lingzhu to stay in Niya Bazaar just in case Mingjiao sneaked back to the market to ambush again after she left, so that Zhao Lingzhu could send a signal in time when the Emei faction came.

When the Emei sent a large group of people to the entrance of the market, Miejue Shitai let out another long roar, and soon Zhao Lingzhu rushed out from an alley, rushing towards this side with a face full of surprise.

"Disciple Zhao Lingzhu pays homage to Master!"

"Lingzhu, is there anything unusual?" This was not the time to exchange pleasantries, Miejue Shitai asked straight to the point.

"Master, nothing unusual has happened since Senior Sister left." Zhao Lingzhu replied.

Miejue Shitai nodded slightly, and said, "Take us to the inn!"

"Yes, Master!" Zhao Lingzhu responded hastily, running at top speed to lead the way.

Soon, Emei sent a group of people to the gate of Fulai Inn.

The door of the inn was wide open, and everyone got off their horses and assembled, but no one came out.

"Minjun, Zhiruo, Jinyi, and Mengqing, the four of you go in with me, and the rest of you are careful, Jingxuan and Jinghui are the main ones for the time being!" Miejue Shitai ordered.

All the disciples said yes, and followed the four female disciples she pointed out, and walked into the inn.

In the inn, only Xu Da was waiting in the lobby, standing at the stairs.

Xu Da asked Hua Yun to go up and wake up Su Yi who was resting as soon as Juejue Shitai arrived. Before Su Yi came downstairs, the Emei faction couldn't wait to come in first.

Xu Da looked at the five people who came in, and guessed that the leader should be Miejue Shitai.

Although he and Zhu Yuanzhang and his party ambushed the Emei faction all the way, they never met Miejue Shitai face to face.

It was the first time that the distance between the two sides was so close.

Before Master Miejue asked, Xu Da cupped his hands and said expressionlessly: "Everyone, please wait a moment, the young master just took a nap, I have gone to wake him up, and he will come down soon."

"What a big air!" Ding Minjun couldn't help but sneered, "What is my master's status? He didn't come down early to greet him, but let my master wait for him?"

Xu Da glanced at her and said indifferently: "Could it be that this girl doesn't understand what the words "uninvited guest" mean?"

"You..." Ding Minjun was about to reprimand in a fit of rage, but Miejue Shitai raised her hand to stop her from speaking, looked at Xu Da coldly, and asked, "Are you Xu Da, or Hua Yun?"

Xu Da was a little taken aback.

"What? Don't dare to say it?" Miejue Shitai said coldly.

"Why don't you dare?" Xu Da raised his eyebrows, "If you want to change your name or surname, I am Xu Da."

Miejue Shitai nodded slightly, and said again: "So, you are a member of the Demon Cult, so you must be right?"

Xu Da sensed Miejue Shitai's unkindness, and said expressionlessly: "This question, Shitai can ask my young master after he comes down."

"My old nun subdues demons and slays demons, you don't need to ask anyone!" Miejue Shitai said coldly, "Yes, yes, no, no, I dare not admit it, what kind of man is it?"

Xu Da didn't speak at all.

Miejue Shitai's eyes flashed, and he suddenly drew his sword.


The next moment she kicked her foot, the person had swept forward quickly, and a sword slashed at Xu Da's right arm fiercely.

Just at this moment, a cup spun rapidly and shot down from the second floor, hitting Miejue Shitai's forehead directly.

This cup is coming very fast, and by the time Extinction notices it, it has already arrived.

The extinction reaction is extremely fast and the sword is blocked.

With a sound of "咻", the cup "dissolved easily", split into two, and flew past both sides of its head.

Without waiting for Miejue's further reaction, in the next second, a white shadow descended from the second floor, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Miejue Shitai.

Miejue raised his sword and slashed without saying a word, but the white shadow did not retreat but advanced, and actually got close to Miejue Shitai, and used short strikes to deal with Miejue.

Miejue wanted to distance himself several times, but Bai Ying's move was so subtle that she couldn't get rid of it for a while.

After a few more fruitless attempts, Juejue simply slapped the white shadow with his true energy.

The white shadow and Miejue faced each other, both of them were fully clothed and there was no wind, they were hunting and hunting, their beard and hair were all raised.

But the feet of the two of them were as if nailed to the ground, motionless.

Miejue's pupils shrank sharply, staring at the white-clothed boy in front of him.

Who is not Su Yi?

Su Yi suddenly withdrew his palm and took a step back, smiled and clasped his fists: "Xiaoyao Pai Su Yi, meet the head of Emei!"

Originally, Extermination was shocked by Su Yi's powerful internal power, but now seeing that Su Yi can send and receive freely, he withdraws his strength as soon as he says it, and his heart shudders again.

This shows that Su Yi did not try his best at all.

Of course, she only used [-]% of her strength.

Happy party?
Juejue thought quickly in his mind, but he had no impression of these three words at all.

"I heard that the left and right light envoys of the Demon Sect are also called the Two Immortals of Xiaoyao," Jue Jue said indifferently, "Is it possible that the Xiaoyao Sect you mentioned has something to do with these two demon heads?"

"It doesn't matter." Su Yi said, "My Xiaoyao Sect is an orthodox Taoist sect, which originated in the Northern Song Dynasty. Since the Jingkang State Change, I have lived in seclusion and avoided the world. I have heard about these two people mentioned by the teacher, but this Xiaoyao It's not a happy life, it's a completely different matter."

"Please forgive me for being ignorant, I have never heard that there is a free and easy sect in the world." Jue Jue looked at Su Yi, "I don't know what is the connection between your sect and the Demon Cult?"

"It has nothing to do with it," Su Yi shook his head, "Speaking of which, our sect has quite a relationship with Shaolin, Wudang and Emei sects. But it's a long story..."

Su Yi looked at Miejue Shitai, clasped his fists again and said, "Master, you and I are friends rather than enemies, otherwise, I wouldn't have caught the villains who murdered the disciples of your sect and handed them over to your sect."

"As far as I know, the person behind you is surnamed Xu Mingda, and he is a member of the Demon Cult." Miejue Shitai said expressionlessly, "There is also a person named Hua Yun, who is also a member of the Demon Cult. You are mixing with people from the Demon Cult. , why should the old nun believe that you are a friend rather than an enemy?"

Su Yi smiled: "Does the teacher know the origin of Xu Da and Hua Yun? Did Wu Zhuang tell the teacher truthfully?"

Miejue Shitai lowered his eyelids and said indifferently: "The Wu frame you mentioned is the villain who harmed my disciple? This evil person is begging for mercy, but the old nun is too lazy to listen to him, let alone caring what he is. The origin, killed him with one sword."

Su Yi nodded and said: "So that the teacher will know that Wu Zhuang, Xu Da and Hua Yun are all members of the Mingjiao Fengyang branch, but the teacher thinks that they are members of the Mingjiao?"

Miejue Shitai raised his eyebrows: "If not, why not call Xiaoyao Sect Fengyang branch?"

Su Yi ignored the sarcasm in the old nun's words, and said sternly: "If the teacher thinks that they are also members of the Ming Cult, then the six major factions' attack on Guangmingding this time is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg and seeking their own death, it is really sad and ridiculous! "

Juejue's face darkened, but Su Yi continued without waiting for her to speak: "Master, do you know how many subordinates Mingjiao has in a little Fengyang branch?"

"30,000 people! [-] people in armor!" Su Yi asked himself and answered, "This is just a small Fengyang sub-altar, just a small Zhu Yuanzhang. There are also dozens of volunteers from Liu Futong, Xu Shouhui, Han Shantong, etc. The leaders all claim to be members of the Ming Cult, and they all claim the position of altar master, the people under the command of these rebels add up to hundreds of thousands of troops!"

"Master, so many Mingjiao followers, can you kill them all? Can you kill them?" Su Yi looked at the frowning Mrs. Juejue, "Mingjiao has been passed down in China since the Tang Dynasty, and all dynasties have regarded it as evil and heretics. , was tabooed by the government, and was suppressed by the officers and soldiers. But for hundreds of years, the inheritance of Mingjiao is still unbroken. Today, the six major sects seem to be powerful, but can they be bigger than the imperial courts of the past? Why does the teacher think that, What the imperial court has been unable to do for hundreds of years, can the six martial arts sects be able to do now?"

"Why do you need to be alarmist?" Miejue Shitai snorted coldly, "Those Anti-Yuan Rebels just used the Devil's Cult to attract followers, they are not really members of the Devil's Cult! Now that the martial arts are going the right way to suppress the Demon Cult's general altar, It’s just to kill those demon cult believers who are obsessed with obsession! Why did I ever want to be an enemy of the rebels in the world?”

Su Yi smiled and said: "Since the teacher also knows the scale and power of this, why bother to confuse the Mingjiao believers who are divided into other places with the high-level Mingjiao in the headquarters of Guangmingding?"

"These out-of-town branch altars who came to the aid of Guangmingding just had to come because of an order from Guangmingding. The purpose of their summoning was to consume the power of the six major factions. These people should not be the six factions. The enemies of the big faction, they are just pawns used by Guangmingding. If I think so, I don’t know what the master will do?"

Miejue Shitai already understood what Su Yi wanted to express at this moment, she frowned and said: "Even if they are pawns, they are all followers of tigers! They dare to come here because they want to be enemies of our martial arts righteous way! Don't say anything else, Just talking about this Fengyang sub-altar, how much will my disciples lose in this journey? How can this blood debt not be paid in blood?"

"This is the insidiousness of the top leaders of Mingjiao." Su Yi sighed, "They recruited people from various sub-altars to come back to help Guangmingding. Kill you alone, and in this way, the enmity between the two parties will be settled!"

"Sooner or later, the Mengyuan court will be finished. No matter which rebel army succeeds at that time, it will be the enemy of the six major sects. Master, if the time comes, the martial arts in the Central Plains will be suppressed by the court and even all horses will be silent. I will not be surprised at the next point. .”

"Even if you don't think so far and only think about the present, I suggest that the teacher should distinguish who is the main enemy that must be eliminated, and who is the righteous man who can be saved and win over. Don't fall into the tricks of the Mingjiao high-level because of a moment of enthusiasm. Let the six major factions and the anti-Yuan righteous fighters kill each other, and at the same time let the world think that the six major factions are helping the emperor to help the Tartar court and massacre the anti-Yuan righteous fighters."

If Su Yi's words were changed to modern people, I'm afraid everyone can think of it and make sense.

It's just limited to the local area, and it's also limited to the distance of the rivers and lakes. To Miejue Shitai and others, Su Yi's words seem to be strategic and far-sighted, and they are particularly enlightening, shocking and convincing.

Miejue Shitai has always gone her own way, stubborn, self-willed, and doesn't listen to others.

But this time, she was a little shaken by Su Yi's words.

(End of this chapter)

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