Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1082 Negotiations

Chapter 1082 Negotiations
"In the past few decades, the high-ranking members of Mingjiao have harmed innocent people and done a lot of evil. The six major sects traveled thousands of miles to the West to encircle and suppress the Mingjiao main altar, but they deserved their own guilt." Su Yi said seriously.

"However, Master, if the righteous Wulin not only cannot distinguish who is the real enemy, but instead confuses those anti-Yuan righteous fighters who were used by the Ming Cult with the Demon Cult demons, I am sure that this attack on the Ming Cult's main altar will inevitably fail! The Six Great Factions of the Righteous Path will also suffer heavy losses, and they will even bear the infamy of massacring the anti-Yuan righteous fighters!"

"Master, I implore Master to think twice, never step into the trap of the Mingjiao monster, and let the six righteous schools suffer unnecessary losses and stigma!"

Su Yi's voice fell, and Miejue Shi remained silent for a long time.

The four disciples behind her were also lost in thought, and even Xu Da behind Su Yi had a strange look in his eyes at the moment, looking at Su Yi's back thoughtfully.

After a long time, Master Miejue finally broke the calm and said: "Young Xia Su, if the old nun's predictions are correct, I'm afraid your words have been brewing for a long time, and it's not a coincidence that you and I meet here, you are here to wait for me, right? "

"These words are indeed out of my mouth." Su Yi smiled, "It is true that I came here to meet the Emei Sect on purpose, but it is indeed a coincidence that I met the Fengyang Branch Altar to ambush the Emei Sect here."

"You should tell Shaolin what you said, not the old nun." Juejue Shitai looked at Su Yi, "Shaolin is the one who is in charge of the six major factions' suppression of Guangmingding this time, not me, Emei."

"Please forgive me for speaking bluntly. The success or failure of the six major factions encircling Guangmingding this time depends entirely on Shitai alone. Shaolin Wudang and other factions have no determination to eliminate demons and defend Dao. They are either hindered by righteousness, or I have no choice but to come." Su Yi said lightly, "The only ones who are really dedicated to destroying the Demon Cult are the Master Tai and the Emei Sect!"

"Your words are too embarrassing for the martial arts comrades." Miejue Shitai said after a slight silence.

But she didn't further refute Su Yi's words, but changed the subject: "You came to Lao Ni on purpose just to persuade me to only kill the evil one?"

"Not really." Su Yi shook his head.

Miejue Shitai raised his eyebrows.

Then I heard Su Yi go on to say: "If there is someone who does evil and deserves to be punished for his crimes, no matter how big or small he is, he must not let it go. Otherwise, how can he punish the evil and promote the good? Anti-Yuan killing Tartars must not become a person who hides filth Reasons, such as that Wu frame, I know that he is brave in battle and has made great achievements, but this is not a reason for him to do evil! If there are really evil deeds, of course they should be killed!"

"What's more, the six major factions and the Mingjiao are now at war with each other, just like the two armies are at war. If there is a real fight, either you will kill me or I will kill you. It doesn't matter whether it is evil or not. As long as you are not in the same way, then They will all be killed!"

Miejue Shitai finally showed admiration in his eyes, nodded and said: "It's okay, it's okay, Su Shaoxia, if you persuade me to only punish the chief evil, then you and I have different ways and don't conspire with each other! But you can say these words, It can be seen that you are a truly sensible person, and you are also a fellow, so why not listen to your persuasion?"

Su Yi happily said with a smile: "There are rumors in the world that the teacher is too one-sided, and he is arbitrarily determined, and now it seems that the rumors are really unbelievable!"

Jue Jue couldn't help showing a smile, and said: "If it's unreasonable nonsense, I don't want to hear a word too much! But if you are as emotional and reasonable as Su Shaoxia, how can this old nun be unreasonable?" man of?"

After a pause, she changed the topic again: "It's just that what you said is easy to say, but how to do it is extremely difficult."

"As you said, the rebels from all over the country are acting under the banner of the Devil's Cult. The old nun also knows that most of them have nothing to do with the Devil's Cult. But now there is a change in the Bright Summit. , the generals of the rebel army who came here were forced to be enemies of my righteous way due to the evil power of the demon sect. These people are unlikely to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side because of our persuasion. We have to recite it, and if we don’t recite it, we still have to recite it..."

"I came to my teacher just to discuss this matter!" Su Yi said.

Su Yi suddenly stopped talking at this point, smiled slightly, and said: "Master Tai came all the way here, so why don't you take a rest first, and then talk about it in detail, how about it?"

Miejue Shitai nodded: "This time and this place are really not suitable for discussing such important matters, Su Shaoxia, let me send you to settle down first, and I will visit again in two hours."

"Don't dare, I should be visiting!" Su Yi hastily cupped his hands.

He also said: "The bodies of the dead disciples of your sect are still temporarily settled in the firewood room in the backyard, and the master is mourning."

Miejue Shitai sighed, and said: "Su Shaoxia, you uphold justice for me, disciple Hong Yun, and I, Emei, owe you a favor!"

"As a fellow martial artist, it is our duty to watch over and help each other, and I dare not take credit for it." Su Yi said, "There is another matter that must be reported to Master Ming to avoid misunderstanding. Xu Da and Hua Yun are generals who resisted the Yuan Dynasty. As far as I know These two people are quite talented, and they have no bad deeds. Before I go down, use a trick to detain these two people and let them temporarily condescend to work under my sect."

Xu Dawen's eyes flickered upon hearing this, and a chill suddenly appeared in his heart.

Because according to Su Yi's statement, it means that Zhu Yuanzhang's various reactions before were all calculated by Su Yi. How can such a means of controlling people's hearts not be frightening?
Miejue Shitai nodded slowly: "I think Su Shaoxia is upright and prudent, and the old nun believes in you."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his hands to Su Yi, turned around and went out.

Among the four disciples behind Miejue Shitai, two of them bid farewell to Su Yi, but the other two did not respond.

One of these two people is Su Mengqing, the other is slender, with a green skirt dragging to the floor, although she is covered with a veil, her eyes are as clear as blue waves, refreshing.

Su Yi blindly guessed that the woman who was as beautiful as Zhilan was Zhou Zhiruo.

So he burst into a gentle smile, clasped his fists at the woman and nodded.

The woman's eyes flashed, she lowered her head, and hurriedly turned and left with her master.

After hearing that Miejue Shitai took the Emei disciples away, Su Yi said without looking back, "If I remember correctly, your word is Tiande, right?"

Xu Da was stunned for a moment, then sighed suddenly: "My lord knows everything about me, but we don't know anything about you. Zhu Yuanzhang didn't deserve to lose..."

"Zhu Yuanzhang...I am no match against him." Su Yi smiled and turned around, "You are a smart man, you have listened to my conversation with Miejue Shitai. You should have thought why I kept you and Huayun, right? "

"I'm just guessing, but I can't be sure." Xu Da looked at Su Yi, "Master, he is not optimistic that the Mingjiao can survive this calamity, and he can't bear us waiting for the anti-Yuan rebels to be buried with the Mingjiao, so he calculated Zhu Yuanzhang and left me and The two of Huayun?"

Su Yi put his hands behind his back and said: "Heavenly Virtue, righteous soldiers are teachers of justice. They should be in line with the principles of nature, follow people's hearts, love all people, respect the Tao and respect the virtuous. Indifference. This kind of sect, in troubled times to confuse people's hearts, in prosperous times is full of disasters, is the real heretics of evil spirits, destined to be tolerated by the world!"

Xu Da was shocked, chewing in his heart the words "in line with the law of nature, in line with people's hearts, loving all things, respecting the Tao and respecting the virtuous", the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became, and he felt that every word was really a warning to the world.

"I know that you are not really helping the Ming Cult when you come here, but want to take advantage of the chaos to recruit talents and expand your army." Su Yi continued, "But this move is tantamount to taking chestnuts out of the fire, it is too dangerous! Especially for me Participate in this matter, then you have no hope of success."

"The reason why I participated in the siege of Guangmingding by the six major factions this time is that I realized that this matter is by no means simple. Behind the scenes, there are black hands behind the scenes to promote everything, and the evil intentions are not small; secondly, it is for you to fight against Meng Yuan. benevolent and righteous.”

"Originally, I planned to persuade Zhu Yuanzhang to leave Mingjiao, but I found that this person is tolerant, hypocritical and cunning. Although he can accomplish things, he is definitely not a benevolent person. If we work with him, we can share adversity, but we cannot share wealth..."

Su Yi said a few bad things about Zhu Yuanzhang, and then changed the subject again: "So I tricked you and Hua Yun into taking over, because among the six of you, only you two have good character and can be cultivated."

Xu Da was silent for a moment, and said, "Thank you, Young Master, for your attention."

Su Yi smiled and said: "I'm afraid you're blaming me for being self-righteous. But it doesn't matter, I'll be honest with you, I just want you to know my position, lest you misjudge and make unwise actions."

Xu Da couldn't help but said, "My lord, the person who should be more worried is Hua Yun, right?"

"No, no matter how troublesome Hua Yun is, I know him well, but you..." Su Yi looked at him deeply, "An unintelligent person like Hua Yun often knows that what he does is not necessarily right; but you This kind of smart person does things and never feels that he is wrong."

After clicking Xu Da, Su Yi went back to his room to rest, leaving Xu Da alone downstairs to meditate.

In fact, what Su Yi said was not entirely to warn Xu Da, but more to enhance mutual trust and understanding, so that Xu Da could properly know what he was thinking.

On the other side, Miejue Shitai placed the disciples in the wild Populus euphratica forest, and ordered the disciples to fetch water and bury pots for cooking.

She seemed to be closing her eyes to rest herself, but she was actually thinking about the conversation with Su Yi just now.

What this young man with a mysterious background had said just now had greatly surprised and shocked her, and she had no choice but to re-examine this trip to the Bright Summit.

Such a change is inconceivable in Miejue Shitai's own eyes.

Because she really can rarely be persuaded.

The number of times she changed her decision in her life is definitely counted on the fingers. As for questioning her decision, this is the second time.

The first time was when she slapped Ji Xiaofu to death, she was full of remorse and hatred, and for the first time in her life, she felt that she was wrong and shouldn't have sent Ji Xiaofu to seduce Yang Xiao.

This time, because of Su Yi's words, she began to question whether her decision to lobby the six major factions to suppress Guangmingding was right or wrong.

It is precisely because of this that for the first time in her history, she is no longer so clear and absolute about the boundary between good and evil.

Otherwise, if she changed her previous temper, it would be impossible to tolerate Xu Da and other demons standing in front of her alive.

And what makes Juejue himself unbelievable is that he is full of affection for Su Yi, a young man with a chivalrous heart, responsibility, and wisdom.

The most important thing is his martial arts. Although the two sides only tried a few moves and did not try their best, Jue Jue could feel that even if Su Yi's martial arts were not as good as his own, they were not far behind.

With such handsome martial arts at such a young age, among the young heroes in the world today, this Su Yi is undoubtedly the best.

It's a pity that such an excellent young man is not from the Emei School.

"Xiaoyao sect..." Miejue Shitai murmured, frowning and wondering whether he knew the information about this sect.

Two hours later, the Emei faction had already eaten their breakfast. They should have rested on the spot after traveling all the way, but Master Miejue stayed up all the time, and none of the disciples dared to sleep, so they sat with Juejue all the time.

At a certain moment Miejue Shitai suddenly opened his eyes, looked forward, and saw Su Yi in white clothes walking into the forest.

Extinction's eyes were in a trance for a moment.

I still remember that my senior brother Gu Hongzi also liked to wear white clothes back then, elegant and handsome, unrestrained and unrestrained.

"Meet the teacher!" Su Yi approached and bowed his hands in salute. He found that Juejue was actually looking at him in a daze.

But extinction soon recovered.

She didn't get straight to the point with Su Yi, but asked: "Su Shaoxia, I racked my brains and couldn't think of the origin of your Xiaoyao Sect. I also couldn't think of the Taoist sect that has ties to my Emei, Shaolin, and Wudang. I don't know." Can you enlighten me?"

"Of course there is no problem." Su Yi said happily, "Master, please tell me, the first generation patriarch of my Xiaoyao Sect was born in the period of Song Chengbei Zhou's dynasty change. The patriarch's name is Xiaoyaozi..."

From Xiaoyaozi to Wuyazi, and then to Xu Zhuzi, Su Yi probably talked about the true inheritance of Xiaoyao School, and also mentioned Tianshan Vulture Palace.

Then he told the story of the "Drinking Monk" that he told Zhang Wuji before.

Miejue Shitai was really shocked when she heard this story, but because Su Yi's story and her patriarch Guo Xiang's story completely corresponded, she didn't doubt the truth of the story at all.

"So, as the descendant of the Xiaoyao Sect, Su Shaoxia must possess the complete Nine Suns Divine Art?" Miejue Shitai asked.

Su Yi didn't mention Zhang Wuji's matter at all, he shook his head and said: "The inner strength I practiced is not the Nine Suns Divine Art, but I have indeed found the original of the "Nine Suns Manual" when I came out of the mountain this time."

After listening to Su Yi's narration, Miejue Shitai was also completely relieved about Su Yi's origin and footsteps.

"Master, this time the six major factions are attacking Guangmingding. I have some ideas, and I want to ask Master to correct me." After talking about the history of the Xiaoyao Sect, Su Yi returned to the topic.

Next, Su Yi chatted with Miejue Shitai for an entire hour before stopping.

When they were discussing things, Miejue Shitai deliberately dismissed all the disciples, so only they knew what they were talking about, and the disciples of the Emei Sect only knew that the master had a very happy conversation with this young man Su.

(End of this chapter)

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