Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1083 Last Wish

Chapter 1083 Last Wish
An hour later, Su Yi ended his discussion with Miejue Shitai.Seeing the setting sun slanting, Su Yi offered to leave at the right time.

"Master, it's getting late and I want to go. Thank you, Master, for condescending to discuss important matters with me, an unknown person. I am grateful!" Su Yi cupped his hands.

Miejue Shi said with deep eyes: "Don't you have no confidant in the future, who in the world doesn't know the king? Su Shaoxia, a person like you will sooner or later become famous all over the world! I am really grateful that I can get to know a young knight like you." Congratulations, my martial arts righteousness can be regarded as a successor!"

"Master is too absurd, I am ashamed to take it." Su Yi hastily humbled.

Miejue Shitai said seriously: "You and I have made a plan today. It is related to the safety of the martial arts in the Central Plains, and even my Han family's plan to resist the Yuan Dynasty. It is really no small matter! The old nun should be the supervisor of the six major factions and act according to the plan. It is Su Shaoxia's side." Shan Ligu, be careful not to take risks."

"Thank you, Master, for your concern!" Su Yi said, "I was just investigating secretly, but Master wants to fight the enemy with open swords and spears. I can't help you. I would like to wish Master and Zhengdao martial arts banner victory with all my heart!"

After a pause, Su Yi said with emotion: "The teacher made three last wishes before he died, and he has been at a loss since he entered the rivers and lakes. He was terrified and fearful, and he didn't know how to fulfill the teacher's order. It wasn't until today when I met the teacher that I felt relieved." I have confidence, I have hope, and I am very lucky to be able to conspire with my teacher for great things!"

"Respect the three last wishes of the master?" Miejue Shitai's eyes moved, "According to Su Shaoxia's meaning, does the respect of the master's last wish include the one of expelling the Tartars?"

"Teacher's lesson!" Su Yi clasped his fists positively, "My master has followed the ancestral precepts all his life to live in seclusion, and before he died, he was able to break through the falsehood, and decided to let my Xiaoyao faction break his oath to show it to save the common people. His old man made three last wishes at the end of his life. Hope I'm done."

"The first one is to drive out the Tartars and restore our Han family! Because of this, I am overthinking my capabilities and participating in such a grand martial arts event with a tiny body, trying to keep the anti-Yuan fire."

Miejue Shitai said with emotion: "Back then, my master Guo Xiang had three last wishes before his death. The first one was to drive away Meng Yuan and restore our country. It's a pity that the younger generation has been unworthy. They have been doing nothing for decades, and they have brought shame to our ancestors... Back then I also determined to do great things, but unfortunately..."

Miejue Shitai was a little dejected, as if recalling the vigor and vigor of his youth.

Su Yi was slightly silent, smiled and continued: "Fortunately, my master's second last wish has been fulfilled, which is to find the "Nine Suns Manual" that was lost by the senior fighting wine monk."

Miejue Shitai's expression changed, and his attention was pulled back instantly.

It would be a lie to say that she was not moved by the "Nine Suns Manual", after all, the Emei School was established on the basis of only one-third of the Nine Suns Divine Art.

If Su Yi was an evil heretic, Juejueshi would have found a way to restrain Su Yi and force him to find out the content of "Nine Suns Manual".

To deal with the enemy, Miejue Shi is too willing to use any means.

But now Miejue Shitai has completely trusted that Su Yi is a fellow martial artist and an upright young hero. As a result, she would not bother to take anything by chance.

Therefore, when Su Yi mentioned the "Nine Suns Manual" three times today, Master Miejue kept silent and did not make any comments.

It's just that the mood is inevitably complicated.

Miejue Shitai changed the subject and said, "Then Master Su's third last wish has been fulfilled?"

Miejue Shitai asked casually, but Su Yi showed embarrassment: "Uh...this...not yet, not yet...hehe..."

Seeing that this confident and personable young knight rarely showed his daughter-in-law, Miejue Shitai suddenly felt very amused, and wondered in his heart: "Master, this third last wish, is it not easy for young heroes to say?"

"That...not really." Su Yi said awkwardly, "This...since it's my teacher asking about it, I'm going to tell you the truth. My teacher is lonely all his life, I'm afraid that I'll be like him and waste my whole life for the sect. So his old man's third last wish is to let me marry at least four wives and have eight children... Haha, I'm ashamed..."

Master Miejue was too dumbfounded.

It took a long time for her to come back to her senses, and she couldn't help laughing, but also felt a little emotional: "The old nun can empathize with the master's heart and wish. If he didn't regard you as his own, he would never make this wish."

"That's right, my teacher is really very kind to me." Su Yi was quite appreciative, "Because of this, the old man's last wishes will be fulfilled one by one, and I will never dare to be negligent."

Miejue Shitai couldn't help asking: "So Shaoxia Su has found someone he likes?"

"Never, never." Su Yi showed embarrassment again, hesitated slightly, but still cupped his fists and said to Miejue Shitai: "I take the liberty, Emei is a decent school, and the disciples of the sect must have good character. If there are female disciples of the right age, I hope The teacher can cut love and make a match."

Juejue froze for a moment, and said with a strange expression: "Su Shaoxia, you actually asked the old nun to be a matchmaker for you, introducing my disciple to marry you? You really are..."

"Ashamed and ashamed!" Su Yi became more and more embarrassing, "I'm just starting out in the world of mortals, and I don't know anything about men and women. If I rely on myself alone, I'm afraid it will be difficult to fulfill my master's last order. My master is a senior I respect, so I just need to ask for help rashly."

Miejue Shitai still had a strange expression on his face, a little dumbfounded: "Well... call me a matchmaker..."

She has lived for so long, and it is the first time for a big girl to get on the bridal sedan chair to be asked like this.

"Uh, it's just that I have something to say first, this girl has to accept that I have more wives." Su Yi said, "It's not that I'm playing tricks, it's just that the teacher's order is hard to break..."

"Okay, this matter... Lao Ni will think about it." Miejue Shi interrupted him too hastily.

"It's too much trouble to have a teacher." Su Yi bowed his hands respectfully.

Miejue Shitai shook his head: "My faction has to rest here for a night before setting off, Su Shaoxia, please go ahead."

"Yes, Xu Da and the other three, I will ask them to join the Emei Sect before the teacher leaves." Su Yi said, "Let me take my leave!"

Miejue Shitai nodded, and was about to say "Forgive me not far away", when suddenly his heart moved, and his eyes flicked over his disciples one by one.

Finally, his eyes fixed on Zhou Zhiruo.

"Zhiruo, come here!"

Zhou Zhiruo rushed over in a hurry, bowed her head and said respectfully, "Master, what are your orders?"

"Send Su Shaoxia for me, and share some dry food and water with him," Miejue Shitai said.

"Yes, master!" Zhou Zhiruo agreed without hesitation, turned to Su Yi and said, "Su Shaoxia, please!"

Su Yi bid farewell to Juejue again, then nodded politely with Zhou Zhiruo, and the two walked out together.

Miejue Shitai looked at the back of the two leaving, and felt that they were an exceptional match, and couldn't help thinking.

Zhou Zhiruo happened to be this year. In modern times, she just finished the college entrance examination and entered the university campus.

But in her time, she was already a well-known heroine of the younger generation.

Because of her martial arts training since she was a child, her legs looked very slender and tight, strong and full of wild beauty.

But the upper body is full of the slender and delicate beauty of Jiangnan women.

She is not as petite and savage as Yin Li, and her gentle and delicate and glamorous and dynamic temperament are perfectly blended in her body.

Zhou Zhiruo was full of curiosity about Su Yi, and the always strict master was so kind to a young man, and even vaguely put him on an equal footing to communicate with each other, which seemed unimaginable to Zhou Zhiruo.

Especially Su Yi's martial arts.

In the inn before, he was able to compete with his master on equal footing, but at such a young age, he was able to develop such an astonishing inner strength. I don't know how she did it?
She was born in the Emei School since she was a child, and she rarely had contact with men of the same age. At this moment, she was walking side by side with Su Yi. The unique masculine breath of Su Yi penetrated into her nose, making her heart beat wildly, curious and excited , but shy.

She just kept her head down and didn't speak, she took Su Yi to get dry food and water, and it was almost full of a bag, Su Yi saw that she was still stuffing it, so he reminded: "Miss Zhou, I don't need so much. "

"Oh." Zhou Zhiruo didn't put it away anymore, packed up the burden and handed it to Su Yi.

Su Yi took it and thanked him with a smile.

"You're welcome." Zhou Zhiruo replied, then stopped talking.

Su Yi asked: "Among the disciples of my teacher, Miss Zhou seems to be the youngest?"

"That's true. I started late, and my master often said that I'm her closed disciple..." Zhou Zhiruo said softly, and while walking with Su Yi, she wrapped her hands uncomfortably around the hair hanging on her chest.

"The teacher thinks highly of Ms. Zhou. Ms. Zhou is young and promising, with a bright future." Su Yisha nodded solemnly.

Zhou Zhiruo said: "Su Shaoxia is also a young man, I think Master is very optimistic about you, she has never treated us so kindly like she treats you."

"You mean, Shitai is very strict with you and not at all pleasant?" Su Yi said.

"That's not what I meant." Zhou Zhiruo was taken aback and hurriedly explained, but seeing Su Yi's half-smile expression, she immediately knew that she was being teased.

She blushed immediately, turned her head away in embarrassment and said in a low voice, "Su Shaoxia...good or bad."

"It's better for a man to be bad," Su Yi said with a smile, "No one loves a man who is too honest."

Zhou Zhiruo's heart was pounding, she was a little ashamed, she thought that this person was so shameless, it was too frivolous to tell someone whether he liked it or not when they met for the first time?
She deliberately scolded a few words, but with her temperament, she couldn't say anything serious.

Just whispered: "Su Shaoxia... don't say such things to Zhiruo."

"You don't like it?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"I..." Zhou Zhiruo blushed up to her ears, "Young hero, please respect yourself."

Su Yi chuckled, and changed the subject: "Su Mou's trip is dangerous, and he doesn't know whether it's life or death, but before he leaves, he can get a beautiful woman like Miss Zhiruo to send him off, even if he dies, this life is not in vain."

Zhou Zhiruo's heart beat even harder.

She seldom had contact with men, and now she met an aggressive player like Su Yi, she couldn't stand it at all...

"You...Are you going to do something very dangerous?" Zhou Zhiruo hesitated and asked.

"It's very dangerous, but we have to go." Su Yi smiled, "Miss Zhiruo, do you listen to your master?"

"Of course." Zhou Zhiruo didn't know why Su Yi asked this suddenly, she felt that this man was so strange, and he had no idea what he was thinking.

"That's good!" Su Yi nodded, and asked again, "What do you think of men with three wives and four concubines?"

"This..." Zhou Zhiruo was a little confused. Is this a question that should be asked when meeting for the first time?

Fortunately, the two had already left the Populus euphratica forest at this time, Su Yi suddenly stopped, looked back at the bewildered Zhou Zhiruo, and said with a smile: "Miss Zhiruo, I hope there is a chance to meet again. If we meet again, you are willing to dance your sword for me ?"

"I..." Zhou Zhiruo jumped up in disappointment again, "Su Shaoxia, please respect yourself!"

she said weakly.

"Okay, respect yourself." Su Yi smiled, "You have to take care too."

Zhou Zhiruo hurriedly clasped her fists together: "Su Shaoxia also take care."

Su Yi smiled and cupped his fists: "There is no need to give it away anymore, miss Zhiruo, farewell!"

"Su Shaoxia bid farewell!" Zhou Zhiruo said.

Seeing Su Yi turn and leave, Zhou Zhiruo unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel that the conversation just now was more nervous than dealing with the Demon Sect monster.

She took a few deep breaths, and then her breathing calmed down, and her hot cheeks gradually recovered. Then she turned around and returned to the temporary station, and reported to her master.

Originally, she thought she could go to rest just by telling the master, but unexpectedly, she was stopped by the master.

"Zhiruo, what did you and Su Shaoxia talk about?" Miejue Shitai asked.

Zhou Zhiruo was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "Back to Master, we... didn't say anything."

She was a little apprehensive, not knowing what Miejue Shitai meant.

"What do you think of Su Yi?" Miejue Shitai asked again.

Seeing Zhou Zhiruo's hesitation, Miejue Shitai emphasized: "You can say what you think, Master must listen to the truth!"

"Yes!" Zhou Zhiruo didn't dare to hesitate any longer, "This disciple thinks that Su Shaoxia... is a bit frivolous, but he is not outspoken."

"Frivolous..." Juejue Shitai frowned, "What did he say to you? Or did he do something abrupt?"

Zhou Zhiruo blushed and said, "He, he told disciples about love and so on, and even asked disciples what they think of three wives and four concubines..."

Juejueshi was stunned for a while, and his expression suddenly became weird.

He really doesn't know anything about men and women, why would he ask his daughter about these things as soon as they meet?

Miejue Shitai was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Master?" Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help but speak nervously when she saw Mijue Shitai's expression was strange but she didn't speak.

Miejue Shitai came back to his senses, coughed lightly, and said, "Zhiruo, Su Yi is the most outstanding young man I have ever seen in martial arts. This person will definitely be in the martial arts world in the future." Shine brilliantly and achieve a career. The most rare thing is that he has a kind heart and a big heart. You are the most proud disciple of your teacher. For an outstanding young hero like Su Yi, you should get in touch with him more. Communicate more. Whether it’s good for you or our Emei Sect, understand?”

Zhou Zhiruo said respectfully: "Master, this disciple has made a note."

But he was thinking in his heart, then Su Yi asked himself if he would listen to the master, could he have guessed what the master would say?

Thinking of this possibility, her heart suddenly became confused again, and a very strange and complicated feeling emerged spontaneously.

(End of this chapter)

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