Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1084 Advance

Chapter 1084 Advance
All the way back to the inn, Su Yi was still thinking about the first contact with Zhou Zhiruo just now.

Judging from the results, Su Yi felt that he was relatively successful this time, and ran away after flirting, leaving a deep impression on the girl.

Although Zhou Zhiruo also knew Zhang Wuji when they were young, she was not as extreme as Yin Li. She had never forgotten Zhang Wuji since she was a child, and her love was deeply rooted.

Therefore, Su Yi feels that he is quite sure this time, not to mention that he has also pre-buried the key at Miejue Shitai in order to pursue insurance. Some factors are enough for Miejue Shitai to become his own assist.

Su Yi also liked Zhou Zhiruo very much.

Of course it's not love at first sight, but it's not as superficial as love at first sight.

Whether you like a person or not depends on one aspect of eyes and another aspect of feeling.

With Zhou Zhiruo's beauty, Su Yi's "eyes" for her are naturally not bad, and Zhou Zhiruo's feeling for Su Yi is not bad, "Chacha"'s character has already begun to emerge, this girl is by no means the kind of weak and submissive Temperament, but it is precisely because of this that Su Yi thinks she is special.

He already liked smart girls.

Su Nuer and the other three have been waiting for Su Yi to come back in the hall. Su Yi found that the relationship between Su Nuer, Xu Da and Hua Yun has become much closer.

This is not surprising, they are all from the rebel army, and they are not people who are greedy for life and fear of death, so they must have a common language.

Su Yi is happy to see this happen. He believes in Su Nuer's loyalty, and hopes that Su Nuer can let Xu Da and Hua Yun get rid of their knots as soon as possible and serve him.


Seeing Su Yi walk in, all three of them stood up and greeted Su Yi, even Hua Yun who had been fighting against Su Yi before.

Su Yi nodded, approached and sat down, looked around, and said: "I and the Emei faction have reached a common goal, and now it is a mutually beneficial cooperative relationship!"

"I have already persuaded Miejue Shitai not to exterminate all those related to the Ming Cult, but to screen out those righteous men who are dedicated to resisting the Yuan Dynasty and have no evil deeds of harming innocent people." Su Yi looked at them, "This screened person The task falls on the three of you, do you understand what I mean?"

The three of them looked at each other in blank amazement.

"Son, what do you mean, let us instigate rebellion and surrender those rebel generals who have no evil deeds?" Xu Da was the first to understand, and couldn't help frowning, "I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve. As you expected, although there are many The brothers who share the helm may not necessarily want to come, but as long as they come, they will definitely be loyal to Mingjiao and uphold righteousness for brothers."

"If you rebel before the battle, you will lose righteousness and be contemptible. If those of us who lead troops to fight cannot be respected and respected by our brothers, we will lose our foundation! Therefore, I think it is extremely difficult to persuade us to surrender!"

"If it's easy, why bother you?" Su Yi said lightly.

"I have already told you the truth that should be said," Su Yi looked at Xu Da, "I will give you a direction, you can persuade from these aspects."

"First, the siege of Guangmingding by the six major factions this time is a grievance in the Jianghu, and has nothing to do with the rebels! The grievances in the Jianghu have always been fought alone, and should not be fought by troops."

"Secondly, Mingjiao supports the rebels, and the decent can also support the rebels. Now the decent is determined to form a benevolent and righteous army to represent the decent, declare war on the Mongolian Yuan, drive out the Tartars, and restore our land! You are the first batch of people selected by the decent , so you are not persuading to surrender, but soliciting!"

"Third, if the six major factions besiege Guangmingding, the Mingjiao will surely be defeated! If you are obsessed with not realizing it, you will only be buried with the crimes committed by the top leaders of the Mingjiao! It should be because of the personal grievances in the world, involving the Anti-Yuan Rebel Army and affecting the great cause of the Anti-Yuan!"

Xu Daruo nodded thoughtfully and said, "If that's the case... there is still a possibility of persuading him to surrender, but you still shouldn't have too much hope, my lord."

Su Yi said indifferently: "Of course I know that all heroes and righteous men who dare to resist the court must be strong-willed people, and they will not be easily persuaded by others. But on the bright side, the six major factions will also cooperate with your actions to persuade you to surrender. "

After a pause, Su Yi looked deeply at Xu Da and said, "For you, this is not only a test, but also an opportunity. How many people can be recruited, how big a team can be gathered, and how big the starting point and foundation of the new rebel army will be. Tiande, I mean, do you understand?"

Xu Da was finally moved, he stood in a daze for a long time, suddenly arranged his clothes solemnly, bowed deeply to Su Yi and said: "Xu Da, you will live up to your high hopes!"

The voice trembled slightly, obviously unable to hide the surging in his heart.

Su Yi nodded, then looked at Hua Yun: "Zhu Yuanzhang didn't want to be a servant for a year, so he entrusted your life to me. Hua Shize, in fact, from the moment Zhu Yuanzhang left the inn, your life is mine !Although you are a rough man, you are a reputable man, you won’t deny this, will you?”

After such a long time, the impulsiveness cooled down, but Hua Yun had already figured it out.

Although he didn't regret dying for Zhu Yuanzhang, he still felt very uncomfortable about being abandoned.

"I know!" Hua Yun hummed, "Zhu Da—Zhu Yuanzhang and I have settled our grievances! From now on, bridges will return to bridges, and roads will return to roads. Everyone will go their own way, and we will never owe each other!"

"It's not that confused." Su Yi smiled, "Here, I kill Tartars the same way, and you don't need to serve tea and water! The only thing is that you are not allowed to do things that are unreasonable! Otherwise, even if you kill the Tartar Emperor, I will kill you." I'll take your head off too!"

Hua Yun snorted coldly and said, "Ask Brother Xu, why have I, Hua Yun, ever done something against my conscience? If you don't believe me, you'd better kill me right now!"

Su Yi laughed: "Okay, if you say that, I will believe you! Hua Yun, if you can afford it, you will be mine from now on! I don't care about you calling me a thief." Come on, come on, call your son and let me listen."

Hua Yun looked at Su Yi, followed Xu Da's example and took two steps back, tidied up her clothes, bowed with fists folded, "Hua Yun, see you sir!"

"Okay!" Seeing Hua Yun returning to his heart, Su Yi was happier than Xu Da's allegiance to him.

I don't know why, but he just likes this kind of stupid guy.

He patted Hua Yun's shoulder and said happily: "When I come back next time, I will create a kung fu for you. If you learn my kung fu, I will let you go to the battlefield and be braver than Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu!"

Hua Yun immediately lifted his spirits: "The young master's words are not lying to me, are you?"

"Of course!" Su Yi said.

Hua Yun was overjoyed: "Okay! Then I'll wait for you to come back!"

Su Yi nodded and smiled, and looked at Xu Da: "You and Shi Ze go to rest first, I still have something to say to Sanqi."

"Yes, my lord!" Xu Da and Hua Yun bowed their hands together and retreated.

After the two left, Su Yi looked at Su Nu'er and said, "Sanqi, I remember you said that you used to be a leader in the rebel army, right?"

"Yes, my lord." Su Nuer said.

"Xu Da and Hua Yun, one is a handsome talent and the other is a general. Their ability to lead troops and fight should be superior to yours." Su Yi said, "And they are members of Mingjiao, so you only need to supervise the recruiting and surrender. , and even they should be the main ones, and they can’t do it for them, do you understand?”

"Young master, don't worry, I won't do anything bad." Su Nuer said.

Su Yi waved his hand: "It's not that I'm afraid of your bad deeds, but I can't let them think that I don't believe them."

"I understand." Su Nuer nodded, "Xu Da and Hua Yun are both loyal men, and it is also their blessing that they can follow the young master."

"What I'm going to do next will be very inconvenient for you, and you must also act with the Emei faction." Su Yi said, "The Emei faction will leave tomorrow, and then you will represent me and communicate with the Emei faction. Emei Pai Miejue Shitai is a person who can't rub the sand in his eyes, if anything happens, you just tell her the truth and don't have to cover it up."

The reason for explaining this sentence is firstly to express his trust in Miejue Shitai, and secondly because he is afraid that Su Nuer will do bad things with good intentions.

Su Nuer said yes again, saying that she had written it down.

"Going west this way, you will inevitably encounter harassment from the Ming Cult. Remember, you can't be a spectator, and you must fight against the enemy with the Emei faction. When necessary, the three of you must show your value, and you don't have to hide your clumsiness." Su Yi instructed.

"Yes, I understand!" Su Nuer answered seriously.

Su Yi thought for a while, and then said: "Go west this way, maybe you will meet Zhu'er, but you don't need to protect her too much. Just don't let Juejueshi hurt her too much."

This is Su Yi's precautions, thinking that if things develop according to the original plot, maybe Yin Li will still conflict with the Emei faction, and there is no guarantee that Miejue Shitai will give her some trouble.

However, if Su Nuer and Yin Li had met in advance, for Su Yi's sake, Miejue Shitai would not be too hard on Yin Li, and Su Yi's confession was just in case.

"If there is a boy named Zeng Aniu in the same company... that person is my new apprentice, you don't need to recognize him, and you don't need to interfere with his work, just watch." Su Yi said again.

After explaining everything to Su Nuer, Su Yi set out on the road alone.

Facing the setting sun, he headed towards Maxi. He told Miejue Shitai that he was going to inquire about the Mingjiao news and find out if there was any conspiracy behind it.

In fact, he was planning to go to Guangmingding.

Now Qian Kun Da Nuo in the secret way of Guangmingding is beckoning to him coquettishly, if he misses this, he would be called stupid.

He planned to cut off the beard of his good apprentice Zhang Wuji, and get the Qiankun Danuo mental technique in advance.

He didn't want Zhang Wuji to be the leader of Mingjiao. His disciples should be the general manager of his new rebel army and serve him.

There are still hundreds of miles to go to Guangmingding, and it will take Su Yi two days to arrive even if he wears stars and moons.

That night, Su Yi passed through Wuduan without stopping, arrived at a pastoral village for a short rest, and started on the road the next morning.

At the same time, the Emei Sect, who had been resting overnight, set off again and headed west.

Su Nuer had brought Xu Da and Hua Yun to meet up with Miejue Shitai early on. Miejue Shitai was polite to Su Yi, but not necessarily polite to Su Yi's subordinates, especially because of the prejudice against Mingjiao, Xu Da and Hua Yun. The two of Yun are still a little reluctant to see each other.

If Su Yi hadn't told Miejue Shitai yesterday that all the people he recruited would definitely leave the Ming Cult, even with Su Yi's face, Juejue Shitai would not have allowed Xu Da and Huayun to go with the Emei Sect.

The group traveled all the way to Sanshengjun, arrived at the headquarters of the Kunlun School, and visited He Taichong, the head of the Kunlun School, and his wife Ban Shuxian.

The Kunlun School can be regarded as a major Western Region school among decent schools, and its strength cannot be underestimated if it can gain a foothold in the Western Region martial arts.

He Taichong is not a small person, no matter his status or martial arts, he is a first-class martial artist.

Although he himself is selfish and indifferent, he behaves quite graciously to the outside world, has a good reputation, and has even won the nickname "Mr. Tieqin".

In terms of martial arts, his swordsmanship is outstanding and his skills are profound, which is slightly inferior to that of extinction.

Master Miejue attached great importance to He Taichong, so he personally visited him to show his respect.

And He Taichong and his wife also gave enough face to Miejue Shitai, they met the Emei Sect ten miles away from the mountain gate, the two sides respected and respected each other, negotiated friendly, and reached an agreement very quickly without the slightest disturbance.

The Kunlun School is far away in the Western Regions, adjacent to Guangmingding, and there have been many discords between the two sides over time.

Bai Luzi, the previous leader of the Kunlun School, died at the hands of Yang Xiao, the bright left envoy of Mingjiao.

Both public and private, He Taichong is very supportive of Miejue Shitai's call for the six major factions to attack Guangmingding together.

Moreover, they were very active, not only responded positively, but also offered to invite the nearby Zhuwu Lianhuan Village to "join in the grand event".

Miejue Shitai also knew about Zhu Wu Lianhuan Zhuang, and knew very well that the ancestor of this sect, Zhu Ziliu, Wu Dunru and Guo Xiang, the founder of Emei, were also quite related.Therefore, I am also willing to let Zhu Wu Lianhuanzhuang join.

He Taichong was very happy and decided to set out overnight to invite.

Miejue Shitai couldn't ignore it, so he sent Ding Minjun and Zhou Zhiruo to accompany him.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the four of them hurried towards Zhuwu Lianhuan Village.

At the same time, the five springs where Su Yi stayed, Yin Li's temporary residence also ushered in an unexpected visitor——

Zhang Wuji broke a leg.

In fact, according to Su Yi's instructions, Zhang Wuji should still stay in the valley and practice martial arts hard. At least he must practice the two strokes of Dugu Nine Swords and boxing that Su Yi passed on to him until they are perfect before he can come out of the mountain.

But when Zhang Wuji delivered food to Zhu Changling according to the usual practice, he found that Zhu Changling was stuck in the cave, unable to get in and out.

His shock was no small matter, and he didn't understand why Zhu Changling suddenly committed suicide.

Faced with Zhu Changling's miserable howls and pleadings, Zhang Wuji couldn't bear it, and finally decided to temporarily abandon his master's teachings and help him.

He performed the bone shrinking skill, entered the cave, rescued Zhu Changling with great effort, and even helped him heal his injuries.

Zhu Changling asked him what happened in these years, Zhang Wuji didn't know whether it was out of showing off or being honest, so he told Zhu Changling exactly.

As a result, Zhu Changling, who has been exposed to wind and sun for the past five years, is so miserable that he is so jealous that his body is separated!

(End of this chapter)

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