Chapter 1085
Zhu Changling is actually not a fool. If he was a fool, he wouldn't have set up a trick to deceive Zhang Wuji so badly.

But he is a bad guy, a bad guy with inferior skills, and even a bad guy who has been exposed to the wind and sun for five years and suffered all kinds of hardships and pains.

This man fell off the cliff at the same time as Zhang Wuji. He had nothing to eat or drink on this stone platform. He could only eat the wild fruits sent by Zhang Wuji to satisfy his hunger. Lick the water droplets seeping from the stone wall, or eat snow.

It is not easy for him to live for five years under such extremely difficult conditions.

But this person is afraid of comparison. Zhang Wuji, who also fell off the cliff, entered the valley that is like spring all the year round. He learned the unrivaled magic skills, ate wild fruits and grilled fish, and even killed a wild goat for tooth sacrifice. After five years, Be strong and tall, be carefree, and live comfortably!

Therefore, Zhu Changling, who was so jealous that he was distorted, breathed his anger from his heart, and his evil turned to gallbladder. First, he deceived Zhang Wuji to trust him more with false words, and then he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to catch Zhang Wuji, and then forced him to tell the content of the magical secret book.

But what he was facing was Zhang Wuji, who had achieved great feats in Nine Suns, and his sneak attack not only failed to restrain Zhang Wuji, but even put himself under the control of Shitai.

Zhang Wuji was too kind, seeing Zhu Changling fall, he immediately forgot about his sneak attack on him, and rushed to rescue him.

But Zhu Changling was still ruthless, and was finally captured by Zhang Wuji to save his life, and he continued to attack Zhang Wuji in disbelief.

After all, Zhang Wuji was inexperienced, and the Nine Suns Magic Art was not omnipotent. This time, he was directly hit and fell from the stone platform.

The good thing is that he finally slapped Zhu Changling to death before he fell. Although he just accidentally slapped him to death in a hurry, he finally avenged himself.

The bad thing is that when he fell, he had a force that swung outwards, and he was so far away from the cliff that he couldn't use it at all.

He was naturally unwilling to die and struggled to survive. He used his internal strength to jump upwards and slow down his fall, but it was a pity that others had nothing to rely on in mid-air, so he could only beat around wildly.

"Zhang Wuji, Zhang Wuji, you really deserve to die! Master has taught you not to repay grievances with kindness, but you just don't listen! You know that Zhu Changling is extremely treacherous, but you fell for him again as soon as you met him, damn, damn..."

He punched himself while scolding himself, but he didn't expect that he would hit him closer and closer to the cliff.

Zhang Wuji didn't care about being happy, he hurriedly slapped down the cliff obliquely with all his strength, trying to stop his fall.

The beating caused chaos and stones to collapse, and his hands were bloody and bloody in an instant, which was horrible.

Fortunately, in this way, his falling momentum was finally slowed down, not so fast.

In the end he fell to the ground in various ways and broke a leg, but he managed to save his life.

Zhang Wuji was optimistic by nature, he felt silly happy when he saw that he was alive, so he started to save himself.

First, I endured the pain and washed my hands, and simply bandaged the injuries on the palms of both hands.

Then he climbed under a Populus euphratica tree, broke off the branches, tore the bark into filaments and twisted them into ropes, and then fixed the injured leg with hard branches.

Finally, I found a tree branch as a crutch, and limped towards the nearest wooden house.

Before he got there, he heard the wind of sword dancing.

He turned from the back of the house to the front yard, and saw a girl in a coarse skirt holding a long sword and dancing in the yard.

But seeing the shadows of swords criss-crossing, the figures flying lightly, and the woman's indistinctly beautiful face, which was as beautiful as a fairy, Zhang Wuji was instantly fascinated by it.

But he was only looking at the beauties, and he didn't notice the profoundness and subtlety of this set of sword techniques.

This woman is Yin Li.

A few days ago, after Su Yi left, Yin Li was heartbroken and cried bitterly.

Thinking of the obsessions he had since childhood, and Su Yi's kindness to her, before he knew it, the faces of Zhang Wuji who bit her and Su Yi gradually overlapped.

Yin Xin was in a mess and couldn't calm down, so she broke off a branch and practiced the sword technique Su Yi taught her in the courtyard.

She remembered her abolished poison kung fu again, and wanted to pick it up and practice it again.

It's just that when she saw her own face in the mirror again, she hesitated again.

She could have endured the darkness if she had never seen the light.

As a daughter's family, how could she really be willing to be completely unrecognizable at a young age and be disgusted by others?

It's just that if you don't practice the poisonous skill of thousands of spiders and poisonous hands, what else can you practice?

No matter how good the swordsmanship Su Yi taught her, it was only external skills. If you don't practice internal strength or cultivate internal strength, what good is the best swordsmanship?

With a sway of internal energy, your sword was knocked off.

Yin Li still decided to re-train the Thousand Spiders and Myriad Poisonous Hands, but looking at her face, she couldn't bear it anyway, and she even regretted not learning her internal skills from her master, Granny Jinhua.

Just when she was struggling, she suddenly thought of the circuit through which Su Yi's internal force circulated in her body when Su Yihua performed her poisoning skills.

With a thought in her heart, she recalled the scene at that time while drawing on the gourd.

Unexpectedly, this practice is out of control!

Su Yi's "Book of Changes Washing the Marrow Sutra" once practiced, it will infuse Qi into all the meridians. It only needs to be guided, and it does not need to be exercised, and it can go back and forth and be endless.

In addition, it has the miraculous effect of cleansing the meridians and internal organs. Practicing other internal exercises will feel boring, but practicing the "Book of Changes Washing the Marrow" will be very comfortable and addictive.

Especially for Yin Li, once she started practicing the thousand spiders and venomous hands she used to practice, every minute and every second would be a painful torture for her.

Compared with the current internal strength, it is simply a heaven and an underground!
Not to mention, the "Book of Changes Washing the Marrow" is an extremely superior internal strength, and when it is practiced, the qi and blood are like a rainbow, and the effect is rapid.

Yin Li had to stop after less than an hour of practice, because she was extremely hungry!

The better the internal strength, the quicker the internal strength, the more energy and blood will be consumed.If the body is not replenished in time, it is easy to cause a shortage of qi and blood.

Of course, what Yin Li practiced was not the complete version of the "Book of Changes", but just a variation of the Healing Chapter, and she didn't have a formula for her heart, she only knew what it was and didn't know why. , can't be said to be just superficial, but it only accounts for two or three out of ten of its subtlety.

But even so, this remnant is a hundred times faster than the progress and effect of Yin Lilian's Thousand Spiders and Myriad Poisonous Hands!
After finishing the first practice, Yin Li was both surprised and happy, and felt that he was one step closer to avenging his mother.

But when she thought that she "learned" Su Yi's inner strength, she felt very complicated.

Shame, shame, warmth, entanglement...

Even she herself doesn't understand her girlish thoughts.

"Who told you to abolish my poisonous kung fu? It's only natural for me to learn your kung fu..."

"At worst, I owe you..."

"It would be great if you were Zhang Wuji..."

The chaotic thoughts almost drove Yin Li crazy, so she forced herself not to think about it, and went to a nearby market to buy a sword and some food.In the past few days, she was either practicing swords or kung fu every day, with no distractions.

Whether it's swordsmanship or internal strength, it's already extremely high-level kung fu. Yin Li has only practiced for a few days, and her strength has skyrocketed.

Just a few days of painstaking practice was equivalent to her past ten years. This huge gap made Yin Li feel lost that her hard work in these ten years was in vain.

But in fact, without her ten years of accumulation and ten years of hard work, it would be wishful thinking for her to master this set of swordsmanship and internal skills so quickly.

It was under such circumstances that Zhang Wuji limped to Yin Li's residence.

He was stunned to see Yin Li, but Yin Li didn't, and soon found him.

Seeing Zhang Wuji staring directly at her, she was not annoyed, she looked it up curiously, and said, "Where did the cripple come from?"

"It fell from the sky." Zhang Wuji said.

Yin Li frowned.

Before she could speak, Zhang Wuji sighed and continued, "If I hadn't fallen from the sky, I wouldn't have become crippled."

Hearing what he said was interesting, Yin Li couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing her smile, Zhang Wuji was even more stunned, and felt that Yin Li was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.

"Cripple, if you stare at me like this, could it be that there is a flower on my face?" Yin Li asked with a smile.

"How can a flower be as beautiful as a girl?" Zhang Wuji murmured, "Your smile compares to all the flowers in the world."

Yin Li was elated when she heard that, since she was a child, others have always called her ugly, even her master called her like that, how did she ever hear others praise herself like that?
"If you're so good at talking, just say a few more words!" Yin Li said with a smile.

Zhang Wuji was kind, and continued to praise: "The girl's beauty is unique in heaven and earth, how can I not let you fall in love with me? As long as I can see the girl's smile every day, teach me to do nothing, I am satisfied."

Yin Li still listened to the first half of the sentence with relish and smiled like a flower, but when he heard the second half, his face immediately changed, and he opened his mouth to scold: "Are you worthy? You cripple! Why do you fall in love with me? You are so frivolous and rude, look I won't cut off your dog's mouth!"

As he said that, he kicked his foot, and in an instant he was in front of Zhang Wuji, and suddenly he slashed at Zhang Wuji with his sword!
Zhang Wuji was obsessed with beauty, and when Yin Li suddenly changed his face, he was at a loss, but he didn't expect Yin Li to slash him with a sword, and he was so frightened that his soul jumped.

Seeing that this sword was about to land on his head, Zhang Wuji wanted to strike regardless of other things, but Yin Li suddenly stopped, and the blade barely stopped three inches from Zhang Wuji's forehead, and the cold sword energy made his skin tingle .

"Look at how scared you are, hehe!" Seeing Zhang Wuji's pale face, Yin Li suddenly pursed his lips and laughed softly.

When Zhang Wuji saw her smile so slightly, with a very sly look in her eyes, Zhang Wuji was shocked in his heart: "Her eyes look so much like my mother... When my mother deceived the old monk of Shaolin Temple before she died, she had such an air in her eyes." ..."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Seeing that Zhang Wuji's face was bloodless and crying, Yin Li felt bored and said, "I'm just scaring you, and I'm not really going to kill you. Even if you're scared, you don't need to cry, right? Sigh, you're so lame and Useless!"

Zhang Wuji wiped away his tears and argued: "It's not because you scare me, I just thought of my own thoughts."

"You stupid guy also has something on his mind?" Yin Li sarcastically said.

Zhang Wuji sighed and said, "I think of my mother. When you just laughed, you looked like my mother."

Yin Li was startled, and then angrily scolded: "Cripple, am I very old? As old as your mother?"

As he spoke, he swung his sword across and slapped Zhang Wuji fiercely.

Zhang Wuji was startled and wanted to fight back, but with sharp eyes, he immediately realized that Yin Li just slapped him with his sword, and the part he slapped was also his thigh, not a vital part, so he subconsciously stopped moving, thinking that he was hit a few times by such a beautiful woman That is a blessing that ordinary people can't even cultivate. If he can relieve his anger, what if he hit me ten times?
After Yin Li hit him a few times, he said again: "When my mother passed away, she was still very young, and she was very good-looking. If I deliberately made fun of the girl, teach me that this leg will break three times after it heals, and it will last forever. At best, I will be a cripple for life.”

Only then did Yin Li lose his temper, and glared at him and said, "You cripple is so weird that you compare other people with your mother!"

"I don't know why, I just think you look like my mother." Zhang Wuji said honestly.

Her mother Yin Susu is Yin Li's biological aunt, and it's normal for the two to resemble each other, so it's no wonder Zhang Wuji has this association.

Yin Li couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "Since that's the case, that good son, please call me mother!"

After saying this sentence, I felt that it was inappropriate, so I couldn't help sticking out my tongue and laughing.

Seeing her expression, Zhang Wuji felt that the more she looked, the more she looked like his mother, and the thoughts in his heart faded a lot.Suddenly a thought flashed in my mind, and said: "Why don't you be my teacher's wife!"

Yin Li's complexion suddenly changed, and he slapped the sword again: "How dare you humiliate me!"

Zhang Wuji didn't dare to resist when he was beaten. He just hugged his head and cried bitterly: "My master is also very young, only seventy-seven this year! He has strong martial arts, young and promising, handsome, kind-hearted, absolutely worthy It's yours, girl!"

As he said this, his heart felt a little sad. He felt that if such a beautiful girl really became a teacher's wife, then he would only be able to look at the master and her in the future, while he was alone. How miserable?
Yin Li got even angrier and scolded: "You cripple, do you think I'm a fool? You are so old, how can you have a master in his twenties?"

"It's true, if I lie to you, I will die!" Zhang Wuji yelled wronged, paused, and then said, "It's just that my master wants to take several wives. If you marry her, it's just One of my mistresses..."

"Get lost!" Yin Li cursed angrily, "A half-hearted man is nothing at all, he should be killed when he sees him! Your playboy master, you better not be seen by me, otherwise I will kill him with a sword and let him I can no longer harm the poor women in the world!"

Zhang Wuji muttered a few times, but he felt happy in his heart, and said to himself, master, it's not that I don't help you, but that the girl doesn't want you, no wonder my apprentice.

However, he still defended his master: "My master didn't deliberately play tricks, he also obeyed my master's order to send out branches and leaves for me."

(End of this chapter)

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