Chapter 1086
"Fucking men deserve to die!" Yin Li angrily swung his sword, the edge of the sword was snow-white.

Zhang Wuji immediately stopped talking, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, thinking that Zhang Wuji didn't bother me.

But his smile was seen by Yin Li, and Yin Li was furious again: "You still dare to laugh at me?"

So without further ado, another beating came up, which made Zhang Wuji run away with his head in his arms.

Although Yin Li was aggressive on the outside, he was still kind-hearted in his heart.

Seeing that Zhang Wuji was pitiful, she let him into her yard, but warned him that he could only stay in the yard and never go into the room, otherwise he would cut off his dog's mouth and break his other. dog leg.

She also brought some food for Zhang Wuji, which shows that she has a cold and soft heart.

Zhang Wuji was already a bit of a social bully, and Yin Li laughed in a few words.The two chatted and chatted, and they made up their minds.

Yin Li roughly talked about her life experience, that is, she killed her father's concubine and caused her biological mother to commit suicide.

The tone is calm, as if telling a story about someone else who has nothing to do with him.

She also told Zhang Wuji that she came here to find someone.She can't let go of a person, until today.

Hearing these words, Zhang Wuji was extremely disappointed. Originally, he wanted to win the love of the beauty, but he didn't want the famous flower to already have an owner.

After Yin Li finished talking about himself, he asked Zhang Wuji what he was doing here, and Zhang Wuji said that he didn't know either.The master told him to do what he wanted to do, but he himself didn't know what to do.

It is said that they want to drive out the Tartars, but there are so many clues, I don’t know where to start, so I can’t rush to the street and kill the Tartars, right?
Zhang Wuji looked bewildered, and said uncertainly: "I think I still have to find Master first, and ask him clearly, but it's a pity that Master won't let me follow him..."

"You said that your master is not much older than you, why do you have to listen to him?" Yin Li asked.

"Master studies heaven and man, and his ability is not judged by his age." Zhang Wuji said seriously, "His martial arts in this world, I am afraid that there are only a handful of people who can match him. He also understands a lot of truths. What he said All the words have benefited me a lot. I feel that there is no one in this world who is his age who is more capable than him!"

"That's not necessarily true." Yin Li looked a little dazed, his eyes mixed with anger and joy, "I only know one person, who is about the same age as you and me, but his ability is unfathomable. He just shows a little martial arts, which is enough for others." Useful for a lifetime."

Seeing Yin Li's longing and nostalgic expression, Zhang Wuji felt a little pissed, and couldn't help asking: "Could it be that this person is the one that the girl has always missed?"

"If he was that person, it would be fine, and I don't have to be so sad." Yin Li sighed, "I will never forget the other person in my heart, but this person treats me very well. If there is no such person Man, I will definitely go with him..."

Zhang Wuji didn't like it when he heard it, and thought that even if this girl doesn't have a sweetheart, she still has another choice, so what am I, Zhang Wuji?I don't know whether to rank third or fourth, maybe fifth...

But seeing Yin Li's dejected look, Zhang Wuji couldn't bear it anymore, and comforted him: "Girl, don't be too sad. Compared with you, what happened to me is ten times worse than yours, or even a hundred times worse!"

"Why? Have you been abandoned by a girl?" Yin Li asked.

"Originally, she didn't mean to lie to me, but I was dumbfounded. Seeing her beautiful, I thought..." Zhang Wuji sighed, "How can I be worthy of her? I never had any delusions in my heart. But She and her father plotted a poisonous plan in secret, which caused me to suffer unspeakably."

As he spoke, he pulled up his sleeves, pointed to the many wounds on his arms, and said, "These wounds were all bitten by the vicious dog she raised."

Yin Li was stunned for a moment, and then he flew into a rage: "Is that bitch Zhu Jiuzhen the one who harmed you?"

Zhang Wuji was surprised: "How do you know?"

Yin Li sneered: "This slut loves vicious dogs. How many people have suffered from it within a radius of hundreds of miles? Is it really her?"

Zhang Wuji nodded: "It's Miss Zhu Jiuzhen. But these injuries have healed long ago, and I'm no longer in pain, and I...don't hate her anymore."

In fact, not only did he not hate him, Zhang Wuji also felt guilty towards Zhu Jiuzhen when he thought of Zhu Changling being beaten to death by mistake, and he dared not see her again.

Yin Li asked strangely, "You don't hate her for hurting you like this?"

"What good is hating people?" Zhang Wuji shook his head and smiled wryly, "If you practice this and hate, then I have too many people to hate!"

He really didn't want to think about anything, he didn't want to hate, he just wanted to live peacefully and peacefully through this life.

Of course, we still have to do what we promised Master.

Yin Li didn't think so, but he felt that although Zhang Wuji was stupid, he was still kind.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"My name is... Zeng A Niu!" Zhang Wuji reported a fake name, "What about you?"

"Me? You can call me spider." Yin Li said.

"Pearl? Pearl of Baby Pearl?" Zhang Wuji asked.

Yin Li gave him a hard look: "It's a spider's spider!"

"How can there be a girl with this name?" Zhang Wuji was shocked.

However, his expression annoyed Yin Li, who suddenly kicked Zhang Wuji's broken leg fiercely, and cursed: "It's none of your business what I call you? I can call you whatever I like! Also, you If you continue to speak freely and frivolously to me, I will really cut off your dog's mouth! Hmph!"

She turned around and went back to the room, slamming the door behind her with a "bang".

Zhang Wuji hugged his legs and screamed for a while, and couldn't help complaining: "This girl is too weird, sometimes she is fierce and sometimes laughs, if she is really married to Master, how can Master bear it?"


A piece of biscuit flew out of the window and hit Zhang Wuji precisely on the head.

Zhang Wuji rubbed his forehead in pain, and immediately dared not make a sound.

That night, Zhang Wuji started to have a fever because of the injury on his leg, and he was dizzy from the fever. The Nine Suns Divine Art also started to work in his body to heal him.

And Yin Li took advantage of the night to quietly leave the yard and rushed towards Zhu Wu Lianhuan Village.

Zhu Jiuzhen had formed a relationship with her a long time ago, which made her hate him very much. Just now Zhang Wuji mentioned Zhu Jiuzhen again, and said that he was deceived by Zhu Jiuzhen, which made Yin Li directly murderous.

She hates people who cheat other people's feelings, no matter men or women.

That Zhu Jiuzhen is obviously a couple with her cousin, but she went to cheat Zhang Wuji, this kind of flirtatious woman, she should be damned!
Old and new grudges surged into his heart, coupled with Yin Li's greatly improved skill and full confidence in himself, so he simply decided to kill Zhu Jiuzhen and eliminate harm for the people!
She didn't have a horse, so she could only run wildly all the way. By the time she arrived at Wu Family Lianhuan Village, it was already night.

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the villa, she saw a few horses parked at the gate, and there were many figures of people, and many torches illuminated the place like daytime.

good chance!
Yin Li was overjoyed when he saw this, and hurriedly found a remote wall and climbed in.

Normally, it would not be so easy for her to sneak into the manor, but she did not expect that there would be guests from Zhu Wu Lianhuan Manor so late, so she could sneak in under the chaos.

After entering the Zhuangzi, Yin Li didn't know the direction, just scurrying here and there like headless chickens based on her feeling. Fortunately, she was lucky, and she actually found Zhu Jiuzhen's room!
When she arrived, Zhu Jiuzhen and Wei Bi were doing good things in the room.

At first Yin Li didn't know what was going on inside, but was just surprised that Zhu Jiuzhen was screaming so strangely.

But after all, she came all the way from Spirit Snake Island to the Western Regions, she was well-informed, and she quickly guessed what was going on inside, and she blushed with shame.

Secretly spat, but felt curious, she still lay on her stomach and listened, and heard "good brother, good sister" yelling non-stop, and the sound of zier sucking incessantly, she was embarrassed for a while, and lost for a while, thinking about her daughter.

She imagined that when she and her sweetheart lived together, would she also do such shameful things like the couple in the movie?
If she did, would she also cry so strangely like Zhu Jiuzhen, and be a good brother again?

As she thought about it, her legs twisted together unconsciously, but in her fantasy, the person who was crushing her body was Su Yi's face!
Yin Li was terrified, and came back to his senses suddenly, feeling very ashamed at once, thinking that he was half-hearted and careless, how could he be worthy of Brother Wuji back then?

She was ashamed and annoyed, and she actually blamed the two people inside, thinking that it was their fault that caused her to think wildly.

Just as she was about to go in with her sword and stab a few transparent holes in the couple's bodies, at this moment, she saw another woman running towards this side excitedly.

Yin Li was taken aback and hurriedly hid himself.

Through the night, she saw clearly that the woman here was Wu Qingying, the daughter of Wu Lie, the owner of Lianhuanzhuang.

Wu Qingying was elated when she came, but when she walked to the door, she suddenly heard the movement in the room, and she was startled. After listening carefully, her face changed drastically, and she kicked the door open and rushed in.

There was a sound of exclamation in the room, and the previous melancholy sound stopped abruptly.

"Okay, Wei Bi, Zhu Jiuzhen, you actually do this kind of thing behind my back! You really deserve me!"

"Qingying, listen to my explanation..."

"I won't listen! What else do you have to explain? Zhu Jiuzhen, you bastard, our Wu family kindly took you in, yet you seduce my fiancé!"

"Wu Qingying, Senior Brother and I were originally in love! If it wasn't for the tragic death of my father ten years ago, where would it be your turn? You came today just in time, Senior Brother, tell her, what is your love in your heart? Who!"

"Qingying, listen to my explanation, Zhu Jiuzhen and I are just playing around, I only have you in my heart!"

"What! Weibi, you actually said such a thing, you didn't say that before!"


No matter how unique a woman is, it is difficult to change her nature of gossip.

Yin Li never expected that when she came to kill people tonight, she would encounter such a big scene where two daughters seized their husbands and were caught in bed!
She hid outside the window and listened with relish, forgetting her original purpose of coming.Even in order to hear more clearly, she leaned closer to the window to listen.

"Wu Qingying, I'll kill you! If I kill you, no one will rob me of my brother! It's you, a bitch, who lost my mind and said such heartless words!"

"Zhu Jiuzhen, what do you want to do!"


The sound of drawing a sword inside suddenly sounded, followed by shouts of exclamation and the sound of weapons clashing.

Yin Li was excited to hear it, but hated himself for not being able to go in and watch.

But at this moment, Zhu Jiuzhen staggered and flew out of the window after hearing Zhu Jiuzhen's exclamation.

Yin Li was taken aback and hurriedly dodged to the side, but Zhu Jiuzhen had just stood firm, when he turned his eyes, he saw Yin Li, and immediately exclaimed: "Who is it!"

Then the backhand turned into a sword stabbing.

This sword was fast and urgent, Yin Li was startled, suddenly Fu Ruxin came to her heart, and used a move in the sword technique Su Yi taught her, leaning her body upwards.

This sword pierced through Zhu Jiuzhen's upper abdomen, and pierced through the back of his heart.

Zhu Jiuzhen was shocked and froze in place.

She looked at the sword on her body in disbelief, and then at Yin Li, a look of extreme fear suddenly appeared on her face.

"Why, why..." she asked, with blood gushing from her mouth.

Yin Li was startled at first, but soon she calmed down.

She drew out the long sword, and Zhu Jiuzhen staggered to the ground with blood splashing immediately.

"Zhu Jiuzhen, you have allowed the vicious dog to kill so many people, but have you ever thought about today?" Yin Li sneered, "Today I will kill you on behalf of the heavens and avenge all those who died at your hands!"

"Nine truths!"


A man and a woman in the room jumped out in surprise, looking at the scene before them in disbelief.

"You killed Jiuzhen, who are you!" Wei Bi was frightened and angry, pointing his sword at Yin Li.

"Come on! Come on!" Wu Qingying suddenly yelled.

At the moment, in the welcoming hall of Lianhuanzhuang, the owner Wu Lie is receiving the Kunlun master He Taichong and his wife who came from afar, as well as the representatives sent by Emei, Ding Minjun and Zhou Zhiruo.

The two sides talked very happily, and Wu Lie was very happy and honored that He Taichong could personally invite him to attack Guangmingding together with the six major factions.

Of course Zhu Wu Lianhuanzhuang and Mingjiao had disagreements, but the enmity was not deep, and it would not be life and death.

But this is a great opportunity to gain prestige with the six major factions, even if it is to form a deadly enmity with Mingjiao, Wu Lie will not hesitate!
What's more, he felt that Mingjiao was doomed this time!

The six major sects came together, how can the mere Mingjiao resist?
Zhu Wu Lianhuan Zhuang goes with him, not only is there no risk, but he can also win a battle with the wind and earn some credits, so that he can become famous in the martial arts world!

Wu Lie was originally a person with a lot of ups and downs, he talked and laughed happily with He Taichong and others, and he wanted to pursue them, so for a while, the guests and the host had a good time, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

At this moment, Wu Qingying's call suddenly came.

Wu Lie, who was talking and laughing, was taken aback, and his expression changed suddenly.

He heard the panic and helplessness in his daughter's cry.

Followed by Wei Bi's shouts and angry shouts, it also came over.

Wu Lie immediately had no more hesitation.

"Everyone, I don't know why my little girl is asking for help. Please forgive me for not accompanying me. Come as soon as you go!" He hastily apologized and was about to leave.

But He Taichong stood up and said solemnly: "Something happened to the master's house, how can we sit still? Master Wuzhuang, let's go and have a look together."

"Thank you in advance, old man, please!" Wu Lie didn't have time to be polite, he hurriedly replied, and flew away in the direction of the call.

The four people behind him performed lightness kung fu to keep up.

(End of this chapter)

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