Chapter 1088
Zhang Wuji originally wanted to make Yin Li laugh, but he didn't expect that Yin Li just looked at the long sword in his hand obsessively, and didn't even look at him, and suddenly became bored.

"A Spider, you...what's the matter with you?" Zhang Wuji cautiously asked tentatively.

"I only know now that the swordsmanship he taught me is actually so powerful." Yin Li looked at the sword in his hand and murmured, "If it wasn't for my inexperienced skills, the head of Kunlun, He Taichong and his wife, would also be here today. I drink hatred under the sword..."

Zhang Wuji nodded: "Your indeed a rare swordsmanship in the world. Is the person who taught you the swordsmanship the one you said was very good to you?"

"It's him..." Yin Li seemed to be crying and laughing, "I thought he was kind to me, but he was kind to me much more than I thought! I thought I learned his internal strength secretly. , Now that I think about it, he is so smart, if he didn't leave it to me on purpose, how could I have the opportunity to learn such miraculous martial arts from him?"

As she spoke, tears fell from her eyes: "My master said that in the martial arts, martial arts are the foundation of the people in the Jianghu, and must not be leaked. If someone will use your martial arts, but you don't believe him , then you must kill him! Heaven and earth, you must kill him!"

Zhang Wuji felt awe-inspiring when he heard this, and thought that Master Zhu'er didn't sound like a good person, no wonder he could train such a disciple as Zhu'er.

"But he easily passed on my swordsmanship, and also quietly passed on my inner strength. He must have loved me..."

Zhang Wuji felt sad when he heard it, and said: "If he taught you martial arts, he should be regarded as your master. How can you, how can you..."

He "how could it" for a long time, but he didn't "how could it" do anything.

Yin Li glared at him and said: "I didn't kowtow to him as a teacher, of course he can't be regarded as my master! Besides, I already have a master, how can I bully my master and destroy my ancestors and switch to another school? If you can't speak, Just stop talking!"

Zhang Wuji shut up immediately, but he was muttering in his heart, if he talked to others yesterday, he should talk more, women are really fickle.

"I'm going to find him, and I'm going to ask him face to face. If he really, really loves me, then he's going to accompany me to find that cruel, short-lived brat. The three of us can make it clear..." Yin Li expressed Suddenly a little shy and shy, "It's not that I have a second heart, I'm..."

"You have two minds." Zhang Wuji couldn't help but said.

"Nonsense!" Yin Li glared at him, "It was the cruel-hearted short-lived brat who refused to go with me, how can I blame me? Besides, I have been looking for him and can't find him, and I don't even know if he is dead or alive. Maybe, he's already married and has children!"

Seeing Yin Li's fierce expression, Zhang Wuji stopped talking.

Unexpectedly, Yin Li was even angrier when he saw that he didn't speak, and rushed up to kick his injured leg.

Zhang Wuji screamed in pain, and shouted angrily: "You are so unreasonable! Why do you always bully me!"

"Who told you to say all kinds of unpleasant things, and get angry to death? No wonder your master didn't take you, you must be the one who drove him away!" Yin Li snorted.

"My master will not be like you!" Zhang Wuji said angrily, "Fortunately, you are not my teacher's wife. If you were my teacher's wife, wouldn't I be bullied by you every day in the future?"

Yin Li glared at him again, but didn't kick him again, but said: "Brother A Niu, I'm leaving, let's separate here."

Zhang Wuji let out an "ah", and was immediately disappointed.

Yin Li said: "I want to find him first, and then let him accompany me to find that cruel and short-lived brat. He must have a way. This matter must always be clarified."

"What if you find it, so what if you can't find it?" Zhang Wuji asked.

"If you find it, that brat has never married a wife and had children, and is willing to marry me, so I'll give back all my martial arts to that person!" Yin Li's expression suddenly became determined, "I don't want to be half-hearted, I just need to choose someone , you will definitely be loyal to him, and you can't have anything to do with any other man!"

"If I can't find it... I'll keep looking!"

Zhang Wuji stared blankly at Yin Li, hesitant to speak.

He wants to say A spider, can't you look at me?

In the end, it just turned into a long sigh: "A Spider, I wish you a smooth journey and all the best."

"Brother A Niu, goodbye!"

Yin Li smiled at him, stretched out his hand and waved vigorously: "You are a good man, Brother Niu."

Zhang Wuji smiled bitterly: "I also think I am a good person."

After a pause, he couldn't help but said again: "A Zhu, if I have a chance to introduce you to my master in the future, maybe you can really be my teacher's wife!"

"Then I will kick your dog's legs every day!" Yin Li threatened him with a glare.

"Then I'm willing too..." Zhang Wuji murmured.

The two separated immediately, Zhang Wuji watched Yin Li go away, and the loss in his heart was beyond words.

He didn't bother to do anything anymore, he just lay down on the ground and looked at the sky full of stars, until the sky turned fish belly white, he felt that his body was soaked with dew.

He was cold and hungry, and he was thinking about where to go to recuperate his wounds. At this moment, he heard the hooves of the horses, as if a team of horses was coming here.

He propped himself up and followed the prestige, only to see a group of people coming here not far away.

Most of the riders were women, and there were only three men, keeping a distance from the group of women.

The person in the lead was a nun wearing a gray monk's robe with a tall bun, Zhang Wuji could see clearly, recognized her, and was immediately surprised.

"Master Extermination? Emei Sect!"

The Emei faction is far away in the middle of Shu, how could they come to the Western Regions?

Zhang Wuji saw Zhou Zhiruo dragging the unconscious Ding Minjun away last night, but he didn't know that they belonged to the Emei faction, and he also knew nothing about the six major factions besieging Guangmingding at the moment.

The members of the Emei faction soon arrived, Zhang Wuji forced himself to stand up and looked up at them.

However, Zhang Wuji felt that this old nun's eyes were so breathtaking that people dared not look directly at them, so he couldn't help turning his head away.

Then Zhang Wuji saw that the familiar woman from last night was also following Miejue Shitai, looking at him solemnly.

This woman is considered to be the one with the most outstanding looks among the disciples of Emei, Zhang Wuji only felt that she was just as good as Zhu'er, each has its own merits.

The middle-aged woman who was unconscious last night was also there, being carried on the back by another female disciple, still unconscious.Now during the day, Zhang Wuji could see her face clearly, and couldn't help but let out an "ah", because he recognized this woman as Ding Minjun whom he had seen back then.

"Master, there is a corpse here!" A female disciple reported loudly while turning the corpse over.

Only then did Zhang Wuji notice that this male corpse was actually Wei Bi!
It turned out that the spider had killed Wei Bi last night.

Whether it's good or bad, it's just a matter of going to fight against Miss Zhu, so that she won't be lonely on the road to the underworld...

Zhou Zhiruo went forward to report: "Master, this person is the apprentice of Zhu Wulianhuan Zhuangwu Village Master, his surname is Wei and his name is Bi. It was here that the disciples and four others were ambushed by that woman last night."

"The woman first stunned Senior Sister Ding with poisonous powder, and then stabbed Wei Bi to death with a sword. Her swordsmanship was extremely sharp. When she wanted to kill her apprentice, he was already careful and escaped by chance. How could she do that now?" The head couple arrived, and the woman went to deal with Head He and the others. The apprentice took the opportunity to drag Senior Sister Ding away from the battlefield, lest she be affected..."

Zhang Wuji also just knew how Yin Li moved his hands last night, and he quickly made up the picture in his mind. He secretly praised Spider'er for being so clever, and he set up an ambush hastily and killed two of them at once.

Although the means are a bit disgraceful, but the other party bullies the less with more, and the glory is not much.

Miejue Shitai's face was as heavy as iron, staring at Zhang Wuji and asked: "Is there this kid last night?"

Zhou Zhiruo hesitated slightly, and said: "Before the apprentice left, he just arrived. After he came, Head He and the others left. The apprentice was alone and had to take care of the senior sister, so it was inconvenient to meet the enemy, so he had to retreat for the time being."

Miejue Shitai said to Zhang Wuji: "Who are you? What is your relationship with the witch last night?"

Zhang Wuji cupped his hands and said, "Junior... Zeng Aniu, he has no sect or sect."

He was afraid that these martial arts people would catch him and ask him about the whereabouts of his adoptive father Xie Xun, so he still refused to reveal his true identity.

In fact, he wanted to say that he was a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect, but he also felt that his embarrassed appearance had really fallen into the prestige of the master, so he simply kept it secret and didn't mention it.

It's just that Zhang Wuji didn't expect that when he mentioned Zeng Aniu, Su Nuer on the other side would be shocked.

This is the son's apprentice?

He scrutinized Zhang Wuji and thought, why did the young master accept such a country boy as his disciple?And why didn't this kid report himself, instead of hiding it?
If he said that he was a member of the Xiaoyao sect, Miejue Shitai would not embarrass him because of the son's face...

But Su Nuer didn't intend to come forward to recognize him, because he still remembered the young master's order - if you meet Zeng A Niu, you don't need to recognize him, and you don't need to interfere with his work, just watch.

Zhang Wuji continued: "As for the girl the teacher mentioned, this junior just met him by chance, and she has already left."

Miejue Shitai was suspicious of Dou Dasheng, because Zhang Wuji's behavior did not look like an ordinary country boy.

This person is suspicious!

"Boy, you'd better tell the truth, what is the relationship between you and the demon girl!" Miejue Shitai sternly said, "If you don't tell me, you will never be spared today!"

"This junior is telling the truth." Zhang Wuji said, "She and I really just met by chance."

"Zhiruo, go and chop off his arm!" Miejue Shitai shouted with cold eyes.

Unbearable flashed in Zhou Zhiruo's eyes, but she still surrendered and walked towards Zhang Wuji.

Su Nuer couldn't sit still anymore, he couldn't just sit back and watch the young master's apprentice, his arm was really cut off by Miejue Shitai.

So he coughed lightly and shouted: "That boy! Last night, that girl poured poison on the master's disciple. Threat to your life! If you know the seriousness, you'd better not freeze up and deal with the truth! The master is eager to save people, so don't make mistakes!"

Juejue Shitai couldn't help snorting, blaming Su Nuer for talking too much.

Zhang Wuji mused slightly: "This junior has a little understanding of medical theory. If the teacher is at ease, why not let this junior feel the pulse of your apprentice first? Maybe you don't need to find that woman, this junior can detoxify your apprentice."

Zhou Zhiruo, who was originally unwilling to chop off someone's arm, hurriedly turned around and said, "Master, senior sister's life is important, why don't you let him show senior sister first, if it can be cured, then it would be great!"

Miejue Shitai said coldly: "Boy, do you know the consequences of lying to me?"

Zhang Wuji smiled lightly: "If it can't be cured, this junior will pay for this senior sister's life!"

There was a lot of confidence in his tone, which actually made Miejue Shi Taigao look at him.

"Mengqing, carry Min Jun on your back!" Miejue Shitai ordered.

Su Mengqing quickly came with Ding Minjun on his back and placed him in front of Zhang Wuji.

Zhang Wuji reluctantly squatted down to feel Ding Minjun's pulse. After he pondered for a moment, a smile appeared on his face, and said: "Just moxibustion for three days, and then use internal force to force the poison. I will prescribe a prescription and supplement it with medicine. The poison will be gone."

"Master, we have gold needles with us!" Zhou Zhiruo said immediately.

"Get it for him!" Miejue Shitai said.

Zhang Wuji knew that he couldn't trust him, and he was afraid that he would talk nonsense, so he asked him to demonstrate it face to face.

But he didn't slap his face to make himself fat, but he had real skills.

After fetching the golden needle, he manipulated it like a cloud and flowing water, and Ding Minjun woke up slowly. He was no longer the same as before, and he screamed and wailed as soon as he woke up.

Zhang Wuji told her how to use kung fu to force the poison, and Ding Minjun also knew that his life was important, so he immediately followed suit.Zhang Wuji asked the disciples of Emei to fetch pens and paper, and there was a prescription written in a large book, and asked them to take the medicine according to the prescription, and decoct the medicine for Ding Minjun to take.

Miejue Shitai felt relieved after seeing this.

She looked at Zhang Wuji and said in a deep voice: "Boy, I know you must have something to do with that witch, and I can't hide this from Lao Ni's eyes! But it doesn't matter if you admit it or not, as long as you can cure my apprentice, The old nun doesn't even care about you! You have to follow us for three days to cure Min Jun of the poison. After three days, if Min Jun is safe, I will let you go!"

Zhang Wuji thought to himself that he had nowhere to go anyway, so if he followed, he could still see her...

He couldn't help but look at Zhou Zhiruo.

The two of them talked a few words just now, and he had recognized Zhou Zhiruo as the girl Zhou whom he had met on the bank of the Han River ten years ago.

"It's better to obey orders than to be respectful, junior!" Zhang Wuji bowed his hands in a benevolent manner.

Miejue Shi nodded in satisfaction, looked around and said, "Take care of it on the spot and leave in an hour!"

"Yes, Master!" All the disciples responded in unison.

Soon, the disciples became busy in an orderly manner.

Su Nuer deliberately stayed not far from Zhang Wuji, wanting to observe the young master's apprentice at any time.

After a while, Zhou Zhiruo came over with some dry food and handed it to Zhang Wuji.

Zhang Wuji's heart was agitated, he couldn't bear it anymore, and said softly: "The virtue of feeding in the Hanshui boat, I will never forget it."

Zhou Zhiruo's whole body shook, she stared at Zhang Wuji for a while, and suddenly said "ah", showing surprise: "You, you..."

Zhang Wuji nodded repeatedly, excitedly said: "It's me, it's me!"

A flush appeared on Zhou Zhiruo's face: "Has the cold poison on your body healed?"

"Alright, it's alright." Zhang Wuji said.

Not far away, Su Nuer, who had been paying attention to this scene, couldn't help but widen her eyes.

He knew very well that the young master seemed to have some affection for this Miss Zhou Zhiruo, and this Miss Zhou also approached him to inquire about the young master.

In other words, this week the girl is likely to be in a couple with the son...

He couldn't sit still anymore, and stood up with a "bass".

Zeng A Niu, Ms. Zhou may be your teacher's wife, you don't want to flirt...

(End of this chapter)

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