Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1089 Xiao Zhao

Chapter 1089 Xiao Zhao
Guangmingding is located at the junction of the Chagatai Khanate, the Ilkhanate and Qinghai-Tibet. The terrain here is steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and because it is on the border of the three places, it has the characteristics of a "three-way zone". This is why Mingjiao The reason for having the headquarters here.

Guangmingding is the headquarters of Mingjiao, but the headquarters of Mingjiao is not only Guangmingding.

Mingjiao Headquarters is known as Nine Mountains and Thirteen Peaks, and Guangming Peak is only the most middle mountain surrounded by mountains.

Since the former leader Yang Dingtian disappeared mysteriously, Mingjiao has fallen into a situation of fragmentation.

The left envoy of the light, Yang Xiao, led the four tribes of heaven, earth, wind and thunder to live in seclusion on Wangfeng Peak; The Lion King Xie Xun went mad in the martial arts world because of the tragic death of his family, and the Green Winged Bat King Wei Yixiao was so elusive that it was hard for ordinary people to see him.

There are also Wusanren, who have been running around all the year round, fighting against the Yuan with the rebels from all over the country; the Five Elements Banner and the Tianying Sect were in trouble because of the fight for the leader. fall silent.Over the years, the five envoys in charge of the flags seldom went out, and they basically trained and performed activities in the Kunlun Mountains area. However, the generals under their command who went to the Central Plains raised the flag of righteousness in the Gansu-Shaanxi area, and gathered tens of thousands of people, which greatly strengthened the prestige of the Five Elements Flag.

Guangmingding, as the place where the highest power of Mingjiao is concentrated, has been banned since Yang Dingtian's death. Before the news of the six major sects' western expedition, Yang Xiaocai led his troops to move here. Now I have reconciled with Qixingqi , won the support of the Green Winged Bat King, and also received the promise of thousands of foreign aids from the White-Browed Eagle King, and there was no sign of revitalizing the Mingjiao.

It's just that internal worries have not been eradicated.

The Sky Eagle Sect and the Seven Elements Banner are in the same situation. Since the two sides were stationed together in front of the Dark Peak, there have been dozens of incidents of small and large fights. The casualties are heavy. It can be said that the old hatred has not disappeared, and a new hatred has been added, which made Yang Xiao very anxious.

The Qisan people have very little opinion of Yang Xiao, and they have always been willing to go to the dark top to reconcile with Yang Xiao. There is no rebel army to support them from all over the world. They fight for power and intrigue all day long.

Yang Xiao's prestige is enough, it is possible to twist those ghosts and monsters into a single rope, so he can barely be a paper painter, running around, trying to negotiate peace, but the effect is very little.

In fact, the Qixing Banner, the Seven Divisions of Heaven, Earth, Wind and Thunder, plus the hundreds of disciples of Xia Tianying Sect and people from various branches from all over the world, there are not more than seven thousand people, among them, there are as many low-handed as clouds, and they are no worse than the Eight Small Sects There is and it is.

If so few people really work together, these people who came from the expedition of the eight small factions may be opponents at all.

It's a pity that a plate of loose sand will only hinder each other, so the eight small factions will break down one by one when they come here, and take down the dark top.

In the original plot, the decisive battle was imminent, and Cheng Kun was almost wiped out by the internal strife among the top and bottom of the dark top. In the beginning, we were spared thanks to Zhang Youji.This shows how calm the internal conflicts of Mingjiao are?
One thing that is worth pondering is--

It was such a trivial matter for Zhang Youji to be the leader of the Mingjiao and lead the Mingjiao to do it. At that time, the power at the bottom of the Mingjiao was very weak, and there was no loss of power.

This is strange, since the power at the bottom has been depleted, how did the eight small sects overcome us to capture the Dark Peak, and fight against the lower layers of the Ming Cult?
It is also because of this that Hong Ye encountered a few obstacles when he dived into the dark roof alone. Facing a mess of Mingjiao congregants, I only made a big plan. Changed the appearance of the upper face and the lower face, and basically went down the mountain in a small way.

All the way through the small hall at the core of the dark roof, and arrived at the residence in the front yard, there was not even a single person who questioned me.

It can be seen to what extent the Mingjiao's vigilance has been relaxed.

If Xiao Zhao put some poison like "Sorrowful Crisp Breeze" on the outside, the Ming Cult would be self-defeating, and the Eight Small Sects could have a bonfire party to celebrate and then go home.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhao came there to kill people, and I am also willing to kill those tool people who use reputation.

I'm here to pick up "Little Universe Shift", and "Little Shift of Universe" has been kept in the dark top secret path for decades.Who would have thought that the entrance to the secret passage was actually on the bed in the men's boudoir in the front yard?

The front yard is built according to the shape of Jiangnan forest garden, with rockery and flowing water, lush trees, and various flowers and flowers, which are fragrant and floating, competing for beauty.

It was because the courtyard was hot and clear, so there was no one there.

Yang Xiaoxijing, has lived as a father and a son for decades, and never invited the master.

It's just that the small courtyard looks clean, comfortable and well-organized, which should be a great achievement.

While thinking, Xiao Zhao looked up and down, looking for the boudoir where the entrance to the secret passage was located.

Very slowly I locked on to the target.

I heard the faint conversation between the two in the west wing, which seemed to be arguing.

Xiaozhao's seven words were to say that he was quietly and quietly approaching the window. Seeing the window being supported by the poles, I went to the window and looked out.

Outside the window is a dressing table, under which there is a bronze mirror with rouge and gouache.Facing the window is a gum bed, and the curtains under the bed hang high.

To the east is a row of wardrobes, which are antique, but to the west is a small tapestry, which is quite exotic.

At this moment, in the open space in the middle of the room, two men were arguing.

To be precise, it was the eldest sister who was scolding the maid.

The eldest sister was dressed in a light yellow silk shirt, gorgeously dressed, with a small figure, a round face, small eyes, and fair skin. At this moment, she looked angry and her face was flushed.

It's obvious that you are scolding, but you pouted your lips and watery eyes, as if you have been wronged, and you look pitiful.

The boy standing across from you is tall and petite, and he seems to be older. He is wearing a blue shirt, simple and complicated, and looks like a master.

Judging by your figure, you are petite and exquisite, but you have a face that is really hard to describe.

I saw your right eye is big, right eye is small, your eye sockets are deep sunken, and the corners of your nose and mouth are twisted to one side, one right and one left. That face is like a face that has just been kneaded and someone sat on its buttocks. It is extremely ugly. , People have the courage to look at the seventh eye after seeing it for the first time.

Even though Yin Li's face was swollen and full of abscesses, at least his original appearance could be vaguely discerned in the eyebrows and eyes.

But what a man...

Zhang Fei shook his head when he saw it.

Many men still had iron chains hanging under their legs and hands. They looked black and dull, like iron but not iron, like wood but not wood.

No need to ask, the eldest sister is Brother Su, and the maid is Da Zhao.

As soon as Xiao Zhao arrived, he saw Big Brother Su slap Da Zhao hard on the face, and said with a hot smile, "Is he still quibbling? You clearly saw him come to your room, but he was there when he came back! Go out and look for him later!" You, but he came out of your room again! Say, what is he doing hiding outside your room? He is trying to harm you!"

Dazhao covered his face and said aggrievedly: "Elder sister, he really misunderstood, you went back to pick up the garbage and then went to take out the garbage, you came here to want to make the bed, and then came back to make the bed, did you keep going?" Hiding outside his room."

"You still dare to quibble? The Eighth Sect is coming soon, and his girl is probably an undercover agent sent by the enemy! A small battle is imminent, if you keep him outside, the lives of seven of your father and son will be lost in an instant!" Big Brother Su's eyes were fierce. Guang, speaking, suddenly pulled out a dagger from his waist, and stabbed Dazhao fiercely!

Dazhao was taken aback, and he kept moving, as if he was stupid.

Xiao Zhao saw Zhongmei from the door, Brother Su reserved his strength for that stab, if it was just to scare Da Zhao, the knife would stop when it reached the heel.

But Dazhao's whole body tensed up instantly, but he didn't react in any way, maybe he also saw that, so he hid on purpose.

Similar to the situation where you predicted his prediction.

Xiao Zhao's heart skipped a beat, and suddenly he kicked his feet and flew into the window.

Brother Su only felt a numbness in his elbows, a blur in the back of his eyes, and a weight in his hands. For a second, your movements froze, and then you were shocked to find that you had seen the dagger in your hand!
Hong Yepeng was dumbfounded, and Dazhao who was opposite you also opened his mouth into an O shape, and the two looked at each other in dismay.

Hot sweat broke out from Big Brother Su's forehead in an instant, your face was pale, and you suddenly jumped up and screamed: "Ghost!"

Then turned around and ran in.

As soon as you pushed the door open, you ran out of the courtyard without looking back.

Dazhao swallowed his saliva, rolled his eyes, clasped his fists and said, "Which junior and inferior person came to the rescue? The man is very grateful!"

Your hands and feet are chained, and they jingle when you move them.

"Let's count it as a lowly person, let's count it as a junior." Xiao Zhao walked out from the bed with a smile. At this moment, I have returned to my original appearance, and I am still playing with the dagger of Brother Su in my hand. "Miss, how old are you younger than him, let him call you junior."

Dazhao was stunned when he saw Xiaozhao, and before looking him up and down, he clasped his fists again: "Thank you, little brother, for saving me, the man is very grateful!"

After a pause, Dazhao said again: "Brother, let's go slowly, your eldest sister is the daughter of Yang Xiao, the dark right envoy of Mingjiao, you really thought there was no ghost just now, but you were overwhelmed by my martial arts. Pretend to be afraid of Wugui, but actually go to the back to move the rescuers. Yang Youshi and Wei Ba, who don't have the Seven Elements Banner, are discussing things behind. As long as the eldest sister calls, we will arrive in a short time! At that time, even if he wants to leave, he will leave gone."

Although the speech was long, Dazhao spoke in a moderate and slow manner, and your tone of voice is not strange, you always make the sound of going in a flat tone, without a very peculiar charm.

"If you leave, will we benefit him?" Xiao Zhao asked with a smile.

Dazhao was stunned, and said: "You...don't thank brother for worrying, it's because you have no way to escape."

The implication is to let Xiao Zhao walk slowly.

"Okay." Xiao Zhao nodded with a smile, "He should take care of himself."

After I finished speaking, I went to the bed, lifted the quilt underneath, and lay down on it.

Da Zhao narrowed his eyes, and pointed at Xiao Zhao in shock: "He, he..."

Xiao Zhao's hand was already under the big mechanism on the bed, seeing Da Zhao was surprised, I asked with a smile, "Is he here?"

Before taking away Hong Yepeng's dagger, I lay down by the window to study the mechanism.

Although the mechanism outside is secret, it is difficult to defeat Hong Ye, Xiao Zhao soon discovered the clue.

"Where are you going?" Dazhao asked immediately, but his eyes were fixed on Hong Ye, with a slightly Zhongmei expression.

"A secret passage." Xiao Zhao said, "Miss, if he wants to escape, you can take him away from the dark top through the secret passage."

Dazhao was even more surprised. He stared at Xiaozhao's expression for a moment, then suddenly ran over slowly, lay down beside Xiaozhao, and said loudly, "Brother Wu Lao!"

Hong Ye's seven words were about pulling the mechanism, only to hear a "click", the bed board suddenly split into seven parts and collapsed, Hong Ye and Dazhao immediately fell upwards.

Before they went straight up for several feet, the two fell on an extremely soft place, but the bottom was covered with extremely thick soft grass. Although there was no safety for the two of them, they would be very comfortable.

There was only a "click" sound from the top of the head, and the bed board had returned to its original shape.

Xiao Zhao got up on the soft haystack, and seeing Da Zhao struggling to climb up, I knew that Da Zhao was pretending, but I also poked through it, so I reached out and grabbed your big arm, and picked you up.

When Dazhao was touched by Xiaozhao, he trembled like a frightened rabbit.

Before you came up, you just held your head up, Hong Ye noticed that the tips of your ears had turned pink, and you were obviously very shy.

"People in the Jianghu are strict with integrity, the eldest girl will blame you for being abrupt, right?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"How could it be?" Da Zhao hurriedly said, "My little brother saved you from suffering, it's still too late for you to be grateful."

After a pause, Dazhao asked curiously again: "Do you know the name of my little brother, and how do you call him?"

"Xiao Zhao, Su from Suzhou, Yi from Taiyi." Hong Ye said.

"It turned out to be Hong Yepeng," Dazhao blinked, "Yang Buhui called you Dazhao. How did Yang Buhui know the secret way under the darkness? Only the leaders of the Ming religion knew about the secret world. Yang Xiao, the right envoy of China and the United States, knows all about it."

"In that world, you probably know very little." Xiao Zhao smiled, and just about to speak, suddenly his expression changed, he made a gesture of silence to Da Zhao, and pointed down.

Dazhao understood immediately, and spoke again.

In fact, it is more than ten feet away from the ground, which is relatively close, and with the obstruction of the partition of the organ, the sound from above is extremely powerful. As long as it is a small shout, it can basically be heard.

It's because Xiao Zhao is afraid of being heard by the people below, but I want to hear what the people below have to say.

At this time, in the boudoir downstairs, apart from Big Brother Su who has gone and returned, there is no elegant and handsome middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman looked like a down-and-out scholar, with a melancholy look in her eyes, and her face was very similar to that of Big Brother Su.

This person is Yang Xiao, the Dark Right Envoy of the Ming Cult.

"Where is the person? They were still there just now, why are you seeing Dazhao now?" Brother Su searched around outside the room, confused and said, "Father, we must be hiding! We have to immediately Block the Dark Top, search carelessly!"

Yang Xiao shook his head and said, "It's for sure. Anyone who knows how to steal the weapon from him must be a peerless low hand. If such a person is dedicated to hiding it, how can abnormal people find it?"

(End of this chapter)

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