Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1090 The Secret Path

Chapter 1090 The Secret Path
"Then what should we do now, father?" Yang Buhui asked anxiously, "I said that there must be something wrong with Xiao Zhao, a dead girl, and I shouldn't have saved her in the first place!"

Yang Xiao was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking about how to deal with this matter.

"No, if Xiao Zhao comes back, bring her to see me right away!" Yang Xiao said, "The person who helped Xiao Zhao should have no malicious intentions, otherwise he could steal your weapon without anyone noticing, and he could Unknowingly took your life, he didn't do it, at least it shows that he doesn't want to be our enemy."

Yang Buhui nodded thoughtfully, and asked, "What if Xiao Zhao doesn't come back?"

"Then let her go." Yang Xiao looked out the window and said slowly, with exhaustion in his tone, "The battle is coming soon, Daddy doesn't want to be distracted by other things. Daddy and you Uncle Wei and the five palms of the Five Elements Banner last night The envoys of the banner discussed all night, but they still couldn't come up with a unified order and countermeasures. All the ministries had their own ideas and couldn't work together. The enemy is at hand, and the future of our Mingjiao is in jeopardy..."

Looking at his worried father, Yang Buhui said distressedly: "It's all their fault, I can't understand Daddy's painstaking efforts."

"You can't blame them all, daddy..." Yang Xiao shook his head in the middle of his sentence and kept silent, then turned to Yang Buhui and said, "No, don't worry, no matter what, daddy will protect you well."

Yang Buhui said: "Father, you can just deal with the six major sects wholeheartedly, you don't have to worry about my daughter! Although my daughter's martial arts are not as good as Daddy's, she can do as many things as your subordinates do!"

As she spoke, she walked aside, took a long sword hanging from the wall and took it in her hand.

"There are strangers coming up and down the mountain at will, which means that there is something wrong with the defense of Guangmingding." Yang Buhui said, "Daughter will organize people and patrol the four directions, and never let Xiao Xiaoxiao take advantage of it!"

Yang Xiao smiled gratifiedly and said, "I, Yang Xiao, have such a daughter, what more can I ask for?"

The two soon left together.

In the tunnel, Su Yi withdrew his attention, looked at Xiao Zhao who was rolling his eyes and didn't know what to think, pointed to the chains on her hands and feet and said, "Xiao Zhao, did you make a mistake and you were locked up?"

Xiao Zhao shook her wrist, and the chain rattled again, she said, "Master thinks I'm of unknown origin and suspects that I'm going to harm him and Miss, so he locked me up."

After a pause, she explained again: "Actually, Master and Miss are not bad people. If they didn't pity me, wouldn't they just kill me? They did it to save my life."

"You will excuse others." Su Yi couldn't help laughing, with his mind, he could see that the little girl said this on purpose, the purpose was to arouse Su Yi's pity and sympathy for her.

It can be regarded as a cautious scheming that girls generally have, and it is harmless.

Be careful.

But Yang Xiao didn't kill Xiao Zhao, it wasn't really kindness, but once he undoubtedly caught a glimpse of Xiao Zhao's real face, he suddenly felt very familiar, like an old friend of his.

This old person is naturally Xiao Zhao's biological mother - Zishan Dragon King Dai Qisi.

Yang Xiao deliberately didn't reveal the matter, because he wanted to find out Xiao Zhao's real purpose for hiding beside his daughter.But in the end, he was still worried that Xiao Zhao would be unfavorable to his daughter, so he locked Xiao Zhao with this unique pair of meteorite iron chains.

It is precisely because of this that Yang Xiao reacted in this way when someone suddenly rescued Xiao Zhao from his daughter and took Xiao Zhao away.

In his opinion, this may mean that the building is about to collapse, and Zishan Dragon King wants to stay away from right and wrong.

"Come here, I'll break it for you!" Su Yi waved his hand, signaling Xiao Zhao to come.

"No, big brother, the master will be angry!" Xiao Zhao waved his hands fearfully.

"Why, do you still want to go back?" Su Yi smiled.

"I..." Xiao Zhao murmured.

"Could it be that you have a reason why you have to go back?" Su Yi excused her.

Xiao Zhao raised his eyes and gave Su Yi a pitiful look, but still said nothing.

Su Yi shook his head, simply walked up to her, grabbed the chain on Xiao Zhao's hand with one hand, and held the dagger just now with the other, using all his internal strength, he slashed down fiercely!
There was a crisp sound, flames splashed everywhere, and the dagger snapped, but the chain remained unscathed.

Although Su Yi knew the result earlier, he was still very fresh.

Things like "black iron, cold iron, and meteorite iron" in the world of martial arts are basically almost anti-physical existences, so strong that they are a bit mysterious.

Xiao Zhao said in a low voice: "Brother, this chain is weirdly tight, so even if you chisel it sharply, you won't be able to hurt it. The key to the lock is in the hands of the young lady, and she is the only one who can untie the chain for me."

Su Yi thought for a while, threw away the remaining half of the broken blade, held both ends of the chain with both hands, and pulled with all his internal strength.

This chain is no more than the thickness of a thumb, how strong is Su Yi pulling it with all his strength?

But hearing the buzzing sound, the chain trembled violently, but it was deformed by Su Yi's pulling, and it was stretched a little longer, but it couldn't be pulled no matter what.

"Brother, don't pull it! Stop pulling it!" Xiao Zhao cried out in panic, "You pull it so long, it will be even more inconvenient for me to walk around!"

Su Yi stopped, but was even more surprised in his heart.

This thing is still soft?

A pull is like brown sugar.

However, even if Su Yi can pull it, a person whose internal strength is not as powerful as Su Yi, it is impossible to shake him at all.

"Brother, this iron chain is made of a unique material, it's not ordinary iron, it can't be broken at all." Xiao Zhao thought that Su Yi was defeated, so he hurriedly comforted Su Yi softly.

Su Yi smiled and said: "If there is really nothing to do with it? How is it cast into a chain and polished so smooth? Don't worry, there are not many things I can't do in this world."

He took out an oiled paper bag from his clothes as if by magic, and opened it, revealing a small and delicate wire saw.

He asked Qingfeng Mingyue to get this thing out of the warehouse of Wuduan City Mansion. Only the government or rich people's homes would have such a delicate thing.

At the beginning, Su Yi found this object on purpose and carried it with him all the time, just to prepare for today.

If you want to break a metal product, chop it directly, or pull it hard, it is the most stupid way.

Su Yi was just trying to see how hard the chain was.

In fact, including Yitian Sword and Tulong Dao, there is no need to find each other and cut each other, just use this wire saw to slowly saw each other.

Why is no one doing this?

Nonsense, you got a magic weapon, will you saw it off?
"This is..." Xiao Zhao looked at the object in Su Yi's hand in doubt.

This thing is definitely considered a rare thing in this era, and the majority of people have never seen or heard of it, and Xiao Zhao is one of them.

"This is something that can restore your freedom." Su Yi smiled, "You are lucky to meet me!"

Xiao Zhao blushed when she heard the words, and said, "Xiao Zhao also thinks so..."

Su Yi found the weakest place, which is where the lock is installed.

The lock head of the iron chain is inlaid, which is very cleverly made, but in this way, the meteorite iron here is also the weakest.

Su Yi turned on the wire saw, thought for a while, then tore off a corner of himself, and placed it on Xiao Zhao's white as snow wrist.

During this period, the skins of the hands of the two inevitably touched, and Su Yi was close at hand, busy holding Xiao Zhao's hands, Xiao Zhao's cheeks were flushed, and he was as naive as drunk, tilting his head and not daring to look at Su Yi's face, It was as if a heart was about to jump out, my limbs were stiff with tension, and my palms were sweating.

It wasn't until Su Yi started pulling the saw blade that she turned her head quietly and looked at Su Yi's face close at hand.

No man has ever been so close to her, and no man has ever had such a degree of skin-to-skin contact with her.

Xiao Zhao felt a strange feeling in his heart, just looking at Su Yi in a daze, his eyes gradually became obsessed.

After a while, Xiao Zhao only heard a "dang clang", and felt light on his hand, only then realized that the chain in his hand had fallen off and fell to the ground.

Xiao Zhao was ecstatic in his heart, clapped his hands and shouted happily: "It's broken! Brother! It's really broken!"

As soon as Su Yi raised his head, he immediately froze.

The ugly face had completely disappeared, and the face in front of her was sharp and energetic, with phoenix eyes, nose augmentation, pear dimples on both cheeks, and a white, tender and sweet face, not yet childish.

Seeing Su Yi staring blankly at him with a look of surprise on his face, Xiao Zhao was taken aback for a moment, already aware of the problem, couldn't help pursing his lips and saying, "I was so happy that I forgot to put on a fake face!"

"Why do you want to be ugly?" Su Yi asked.

Xiao Zhao stuck out her tongue and said, "Miss hates me, seeing my ugly appearance makes her happy. If I didn't pretend to be weird, she would have killed me long ago!"

Su Yi shook his head, and didn't bother with the illogicality of what she said, deliberately ignoring the many doubts, and said with a smile: "How old are you this year?"

He had some doubts that the girl was underage.

Because it looks really small!
Xiao Zhao was a little shy, bowed his head and said, "Brother, I am sixteen this year."


Su Yi sighed and said, "You are right to call me big brother!"

It's still a child!

Although not in two years.

But still!
Xiao Zhao felt a little strange.

In fact, women have some wonderful feelings about whether a man is interested in her or not.

So when you like a girl, this girl deliberately shows all her beautiful features in front of you, don't doubt, she is just to attract you, and she also guesses that you like her!

If she is willing to spend time playing some tacit ambiguous games with you, then congratulations, you have hope.

But if she just shows off her beautiful feathers like a proud peacock, but doesn't even agree to your request to drink milk tea together, believe me, give her up immediately, unless you are very rich.

When she showed her true appearance, Xiao Zhao clearly felt a trace of hotness in Su Yi's eyes.

This most primitive emotion does not need to be interpreted at all, Xiao Zhao understands it immediately, and is secretly delighted by it.

But when he reported his age, the heat disappeared.

Xiao Zhao found that Brother Su's eyes became extraordinarily clear, without a trace of extra emotion.

This made her disappointed, disturbed, and strange.

She didn't understand why.

Su Yi lowered his head and followed suit, cutting off the iron chains on Xiao Zhao's feet.

He weighed the two sawn-off iron chains, and sighed: "It's a pity that the material is good. If it's not too troublesome, it would be good to take it away and find a good craftsman to make a precious sword."

"How about I take it for elder brother first?" Xiao Zhao said.

"No need," Su Yi stood up, and said with a smile, "Sister, go, come in with me!"

Xiao Zhao noticed that Su Yi's address had changed, and felt even more strange.

Even if she guessed to death, she couldn't guess that Su Yi was because she was underage.

The corridor was winding and long, and there was basically no light.

However, the air circulation is good, and it is not too stuffy inside.

Su Yi walked some distance in the dark and picked up a piece of wood from the ground. He tore off the fabric from the hem of his clothes, wrapped it around the wood, and made a simple torch.

Then he took out the fire knife, flint and tinder that he had prepared earlier, lit the fire, and lit the torch.

The flames flickered to illuminate the surroundings, and Xiao Zhao jumped up and said, "Brother, why do you carry so many things with you?"

"When you are away from home, you may encounter any unexpected situation, so be prepared." Su Yi smiled, seeing Xiao Zhao jumping around like a monkey, he couldn't help asking curiously: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Zhao stuck out her tongue and said with a smile: "He has been wearing heavy shackles all the time, but now he suddenly becomes so relaxed, he feels so light that he can fly up at any time."

"Then you have to fly lower, or you will easily hit your head." Su Yi teased.

Xiao Zhao covered her mouth and giggled, "Brother, what you say is really interesting."

Su Yi sighed and said: "Sister, big brother could have been more interesting, but you have to wait two years to see it."

"Why?" Xiao Zhao asked curiously.

Su Yi didn't answer, and the two of them also walked to the end of the corridor at this time.

In front of him is a stone wall with potholes, which tightly blocks the road ahead.Except for the four sides, there is no gap at all.

Su Yi tried to push in the middle, but it didn't move.

Xiao Zhao rolled his eyes and suddenly stopped talking.

She had gone down this secret passage several times before, but every time she was stopped here, the stone wall in front of her couldn't be moved at all, and she couldn't find any traps after searching all over, and she couldn't get in all the time.

The wooden stick on the ground before was the burnt torch she had used before.

Su Yi walked to the left again, using his internal strength to push hard, the stone wall shook slightly, but he still couldn't push it.

He went to the right again and pushed hard.

Hearing the thick and heavy sound of Gululu, the stone wall slowly turned to the vertical direction with the middle as the axis, revealing the long and winding tunnel behind the stone wall!

Xiao Zhao was dumbfounded.

That's it - open?
Her mentality was a little broken, the door she had tried hard for a long time but failed to open, Su Yi easily pushed it open as soon as he came!
In fact, this stone wall is extremely thick, and if it is not for people with natural supernatural power or deep internal power, they cannot push it at all. This way, ordinary people are prevented from entering the secret path.

Su Yi didn't feel anything, as if he just did a trivial thing, he waved to Xiao Zhao, and entered it first.

Going forward, the corridor goes all the way down, getting lower and lower.Passing along the way, several forks suddenly appeared in front of him. Su Yi counted, and there were actually seven roads.

(End of this chapter)

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