Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1091 Skeletons

Chapter 1091 Skeletons
Seven forks, how to choose?

This is really not a problem for Su Yi.

He caressed the wooden carving on his waist, and the breeze and the moon immediately moved.

Seeing that Su Yi suddenly stopped, Xiao Zhao thought that Su Yi was afraid of the agency, so he said in a slight silence: "Brother, how about I go explore the way?"

Su Yi looked back at her in surprise, and asked, "Why do you have such thoughts?"

Xiao Zhao was stunned for a moment and said: "Brother took me away, I can't do nothing, just let you protect me, brother."

Su Yi smiled and said: "I'm a man, and I'm more capable than you, shouldn't it be right to protect a little girl like you?"

Xiao Zhao was slightly silent, and said: "Brother, what if you encounter an organ trap and get injured?"

Su Yi's voice was a little choked up when she heard her say this, but when he looked carefully, he found that the little girl's eye circles were red, and asked in surprise, "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm just, just..." Xiao Zhao was a little shy, turned his back and continued, "I just feel that I don't know each other, why are you so kind to me? You are a rich man, how can you do it for me? A lowly servant taking risks?"

Su Yi said: "I don't treat you as a slave, I treat you as a younger sister. Isn't it right for an elder brother to protect a younger sister?"

Xiao Zhao suddenly turned around and looked at Su Yi in surprise: "Really, brother?"

Under the flickering lights, Xiao Zhao's pretty face was like a flower, and the glow of joy and anticipation in his brows and eyes made this moment particularly thrilling.

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, barely suppressed his heartbeat, and said, "Really——?"

Xiao Zhao suddenly covered his mouth and smiled, happy again.

Because she found that her elder brother's eyes were not so clear anymore.

At this moment, Su Yi's face suddenly changed.

Qingfeng Mingyue came back, and in addition to bringing back the topographic map of the entire tunnel, she also brought back a piece of news.

There are people in this tunnel!

A middle-aged monk in a gray robe with a sullen expression!

A monk inexplicably appeared in the secret way of Mingjiao Guangmingding. You don't need to think about it, you know who this person is-the world's number one villain-Cheng Kun, the Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand!

Not to mention his martial arts skills, his ability to do things is also a must.

Plan six factions to besiege Guangmingding, use Chen Youliang to control the beggar gang, use Song Qingshu to assassinate Zhang Wuji and the Wudang faction, and hold a lion slaughter meeting to eliminate opponents and dominate the martial arts.

Many major events that happened in Yitian World have the shadow of Cheng Kun behind them.Without Cheng Kun, the world would be much calmer.

Do you want to take the opportunity to kill him?

Murderous intent emerged in Su Yi's heart.

What is absolutely certain is that Su Yi and Cheng Kun must be enemies rather than friends.

Even if Su Yi stands on the opposite side of Mingjiao, he and Cheng Kun are not on the same side, and sooner or later they will go to the opposite side.

This person has martial arts, strategy, and ability, and he will definitely create a lot of trouble for Su Yi.

If Su Yi killed him now, Su Yi would at least be more relaxed in this world.

But everything must be viewed from two sides.

If it weren't for Cheng Kun, the black hand behind the scenes, who would continue to create troubles and cause waves in the world. After the six major factions besieged Guangmingding, I'm afraid they would fall into a stagnant state again.

The six major factions keep talking about anti-yuan, but in fact, including Wudang, they are just shouting slogans.

Even Miejue Shitai, whom Su Yi flatters, never forgets her ancestral instruction to get rid of the Tartars, but her so-called never forgetting is that one day she will find the Dragon Slaying Knife, break open the blade, take out the "Wu Mu Suicide Note", and hand it over to a close friend. Spectrum anti-Yuan generals.

Although she does want to do something for Kangyuan, but not much, and not now.

Now that the Emei faction is still under the rule of the Yuan court, if you really dare to hold high the anti-flag and publicly kill the Tartars, the Mongolian army will raze the Golden Light Peak of Mount Emei to the ground in minutes.

The same is true for Shaolin and Wudang.

Didn't you see such gods as Zhang Sanfeng cultivating behind closed doors and ignoring worldly affairs?

Under the deterrence of the Mongolian iron cavalry, the Shaolin Temple, which can save all sentient beings, can only cross by itself first.

The more troubled times are, the more honest these famous families who claim to support the righteous and eliminate the strong and the weak will be more honest. This is an indisputable fact.

The good thing is that at least they are still willing to shout the slogan of Anti-Yuan.

Except for Shaolin, Shaolin only shouts the Buddha's name.

So what would happen without Cheng Kun?
If neither the "beggar gang incident" nor the "lion slaughter meeting" happened again, how would it affect me?
Su Yi thought about it carefully, and finally suppressed his murderous intentions, and decided to let Cheng Kun go.

There must be a catfish in a pool of sardines, so that the sardines will not be so lifeless.

Su Yi has now found the catfish Mijue Shitai, but it is still not enough. He also needs a catfish that is stronger and more unscrupulous in doing things to disrupt the world.

This catfish can only be done by Cheng Kun.

If the rivers and lakes are not chaotic, how can heroes become famous?How can the situation be reshuffled?How can the rebel army that Su Yi is about to support in the north really get the support of all walks of life in the martial arts world?

Miejue Shitai can help Su Yi do cruel things, but Cheng Kun has to do dirty things.

In fact, with Cheng Kun's strategic wisdom, if Su Yi cooperates with him frankly and joins forces, more and greater achievements will be achieved in a short period of time.

But in the long run, the gains outweigh the losses.

First of all, Cheng Kun is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and this person has an anti-social personality, and his mental state is somewhat unstable. No one can guarantee that he will do something unexpected.

Secondly, for Su Yi and Cheng Kun to cooperate, it is best to pray that they will never be known, otherwise the hero he created will collapse if he sets up a horse.

In fact, there is another reason, and that is that Cheng Kun is indeed a villain down to the bone. This kind of villain who even wants to be strong for his apprentice's wife and kill his apprentice's son has completely lost his humanity.Moreover, this guy is a complete traitor for taking refuge in the Tartars.

How can such a person deserve to cooperate with Su Yi?

He didn't die just because Su Yi wanted to use him, and he was only worthy of Su Yi's use.

Cheng Kun is arranging gunpowder in the tunnel at the moment.

The siege of Guangmingding by the six major factions was imminent, so he decided to turn the entire Guangmingding into a powder keg, and when all the members of Mingjiao and the six major factions arrived, he would ignite the explosives and blow everyone up to pieces!
It can be said that if it weren't for Zhang Wuji, he would have succeeded in doing so.

Now that Zhang Wuji is gone and Su Yi is here again, Cheng Kun is doomed to fail.

Su Yi pondered for a while, and then he had a plan.

He gave the torch to Xiao Zhao, and asked her to stand back, while he made seals against the wall, muttering something in his mouth, it seemed to be talking to himself, but in fact he was giving instructions to Qingfengmingyue.

With his back to Xiao Zhao, he pinched his finger to draw a talisman with blood, and rubbed it on the foreheads of the two little ghosts.

Cheng Kun is a master of martial arts. Although he is old, his vitality and blood are still in peak condition, which is far beyond ordinary people.

With such vigor and blood, Qingfengmingyue would be difficult to approach without the blessing of Su Yi's blood talisman.

The two little ghosts quickly took orders and left.

Cheng Kun, who was laying gunpowder, was suddenly in a trance, shook his head vigorously and then opened his eyes, suddenly found that the gunpowder he had laid before was messed up everywhere.

He felt a little strange, so he began to move and tidy up and re-lay.

But what he didn't know was that Qingfeng was riding on his neck, covering his eyes with both hands, and Mingyue moved the gunpowder to a closed stone room on the other side.

Cheng Kun hugged a stone and turned around from the beginning to the end!
When Su Yi finished these tasks and turned around, he saw Xiao Zhao looking at him curiously.

"Brother, what are you doing?" She asked curiously, "Who were you talking to just now?"

Seeing her wide-eyed look, Su Yi suddenly became playful, and said seriously: "With an old lady."

Xiao Zhao's eyes widened: "Old, old lady? Where, where did the old lady come from?"

"I don't know where it came from." Su Yi shook his head, "She told me that her heart was missing, and asked me if I saw her heart."

Xiao Zhao's eyes widened in horror, he took two quick steps towards Su Yi, and said in a trembling voice, "Brother, brother, I, why didn't I see... the old lady?"

Su Yi pointed behind Xiao Zhao expressionlessly: "Hey, isn't it the one blowing on the back of your neck?"

Xiao Zhao was so frightened that the hairs all over his body stood on end, and his limbs were cold.Hearing what Su Yi said at this moment, he felt that the back of his neck was indeed cool, as if someone was blowing on him.

"Ghost..." She screamed in fright, jumped onto Su Yi's body, buried her head in Su Yi's chest, shaking like a sieve.

Su Yi hurriedly patted her on the back and said with a smile: "Okay, I'm just kidding with you, why are you so careless? Haha!"

Will I be a little too much?
Xiao Zhao froze all over, but still didn't dare to look up, and said in a trembling voice, "Brother, are you really lying to me?"

"Where are there ghosts in this world?" Su Yi said, "Come down quickly!" Xiao Zhao was silent for a moment, jumped off Su Yi, turned around with her lips pouted, as if she was sullen.

Su Yi said: "Are you angry?"

"Brother, why do you need to play tricks on Xiao Zhao?" Xiao Zhao said sullenly.

"Enliven the atmosphere!" Su Yi said with a smile, and fortunately Cheng Kun was blinded by the ghost at this time, otherwise he would definitely have heard Xiao Zhaogang's voice.

"Brother scared Xiao Zhao!" Xiao Zhao said without looking back.

"Okay, to express my apologies, I'll take you to a good place, come with me." Su Yi patted Xiao Zhao on the shoulder, took the torch from her,
Go first to the third fork on the left.Xiao Zhao hurriedly followed, although still silent, looking at Su Yi's back, there was a shy smile in his eyes.

In fact, she was not angry, on the contrary, she was kind and happy about this kind of prank.It's just that she crawled on Su Yi's body like a child just now, and wrapped her limbs around Su Yi's body. After she calmed down, she felt very embarrassed.

The forked road fluctuated up and down, and the ground was uneven. Su Yi held the torch and walked forward at a leisurely pace, hearing Xiao Zhao's hurried footsteps behind him.

Keep turning left along the corridor, and go down in a spiral shape. The corridor becomes narrower and narrower until it only accommodates one person, like a deep well.

Xiao Zhao thought of what Su Yi had said to scare him before, and felt the back of his neck feel cold again. In his mind, he always thought of an old woman with a pale face blowing on his neck. , put his hand into Su Yi's.

Su Yi who was walking forward looked back in surprise, Xiao Zhao lowered his head shyly and said, "My lord, I'm afraid."

Su Yi chuckled: "Blame me, I shouldn't scare you."

Xiao Zhao hurriedly shook his head and said, "I like it very much, I'm also afraid, and I like it too."

Su Yi smiled, held her little hand and walked forward.

After walking a few more steps, the front suddenly became clear, but was blocked by a potholed stone wall again.

Su Yi handed the torch to Xiao Zhao again, and pushed the door hard with all his internal strength as before.

This time the stone gate was even heavier, and Su Yi tried his best to push open the gap that could allow a person to walk sideways.

Su Yi let out a foul breath and stopped, and said to Xiao Zhao: "I'll go in first, if there's no problem, you can come in later."

"Brother, the torch!" Xiao Zhao hurriedly handed the torch to Su Yi.

Holding up the torch, Su Yi flashed, and slid sideways behind the division's gate.

Inside is a stone cave with a huge space, with sharp stalactites hanging from the top, which seems to be formed naturally.

There is a stone platform in the middle of the cave, which is flat and smooth, apparently man-made.

On the edge of the stone platform are two skeletons.The clothes on the skeleton's body are not completely torn, and it can be seen that it is a man and a woman.

"Big Brother? Big Brother!" Xiao Zhao called out from the door, his voice a little frightened.

"Come in!" Su Yi stared at the two skeletons.

Xiao Zhao quickly got in, saw the two skeletons at a glance, yelled "Yeah", hurriedly shrank back to Su Yi's side, and stuffed his little hand into Su Yi's hand again.

"Don't be afraid, it's just two dead people." Su Yi comforted, and pulled her forward.

When I got closer, I saw that the female skeleton was holding a dagger in her chest.Although it has been many years, the dagger is still bright and smooth, as if it is brand new, obviously it is not extraordinary.

The male skeleton lay flat on the ground, with both hands tucked into the wide sleeves.

Su Yi squatted down and opened the sleeve to take a look, and immediately found a piece of brown sheepskin in his left hand that had turned into bones.

Su Yi's heart moved, and he picked it up.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhao's eyes lit up, and suddenly his face was filled with joy, and he exclaimed in surprise: "Brother, this is the supreme martial art method of Mingjiao!"

Su Yi spread out the parchment and looked through it. One side was fur and the other side was smooth, but there was nothing there.

Xiao Zhao hastily stretched out his index finger, bent down and scratched the dagger on the chest of the female skeleton, cut a small hole, then squeezed out blood, and smeared the blood on the sheepskin.

Following the infiltration of blood, writing slowly appeared.

The first line clearly reads—Mingjiao Holy Fire Heart Method: The Great Shift of the Universe!

"Brother, look!" Xiao Zhao said happily.

Su Yi smiled: "Xiao Zhao, how do you know the secret of the sheepskin?"

"I..." Xiao Zhao lowered his head, "I overheard the master talking to the young lady secretly."

"Okay..." Su Yi shrugged, first put away the parchment, squatted down and continued to search for the corpse.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhao hurriedly knelt down to help, pulled out the dagger from the female skeleton's chest, handed it to Su Yi and said, "Brother, this dagger is not made of extraordinary iron, it is very sharp."

"You take it." Su Yi glanced at it and said, "This is a short blade for ladies, and it is most suitable for you."

While talking, he found a letter from the male skeleton's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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