Chapter 1092
On the cover of the letter was written the words "Madam's Invitation".

The cover is rotten, and the four characters have been corroded to the point of incomplete strokes, but the wax seal sealing the envelope is still intact, obviously it has not been torn apart.

Xiao Zhao leaned his head over to take a look, and was about to persuade Su Yi not to stick to common sense, but to open the letter and have a look.But Su Yi had already tore open the envelope, and took out an extremely thin white silk and two pages of yellow paper inside.

Xiao Zhao suddenly smiled knowingly, and said to his heart that it is fortunate that the elder brother is not a pedantic moral gentleman, this is the free and easy true temperament.

I saw the words written in black ink on the white silk cloth:

"Madam makeup times: Madam returned to Yangmen, depressed every day and night. I am rude and ignorant, and I have nothing to be happy about. I can really apologize. I will bid farewell forever. Only Madam forgives me..."

In the opening paragraph, the general idea is that the Persian Mingjiao wants Yang Dingtian to lead the Mingjiao to surrender to the Tartars and return to the Yuan court under the order of the headquarters.But Yang Dingtian didn't want to, he still worked hard to practice the Great Teleportation of the Universe, thinking that he would achieve great success in the future, and fight against the headquarters of the Persian Mingjiao.

"Today, the fourth level of Yu Shengong has just completed, that is to say, after learning about Cheng Kun, the blood is surging, and I can't control myself. The true power will be dissipated, and the work will return. The fate is also, how can it be restored..."

In the second paragraph, Yang Dingtian said that he already knew about his wife's affair with Cheng Kun.Originally, he was eager to seek success to practice magic skills by walking a high-altitude tightrope. Under this stimulation, his true energy flowed backwards and became chaotic, and he was no longer controllable. He knew that he was doomed.

Just as Su Yi was about to look down, when he glanced at him, he saw Xiao Zhao staring at him as if he wanted to ask but was afraid of disturbing him.

He smiled and explained: "This Cheng Kun, nicknamed Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand, is the master of the golden-haired lion king Xie Xun, one of the four Mingjiao Dharma Kings."

Xiao Zhao let out an "ah", opened her small mouth round, showing a look of surprise.

"This Cheng Kun and this Mrs. Yang were originally brothers and sisters, childhood sweethearts. Mrs. Yang later married Yang Dingtian, but she had an affair and had a private meeting with this Cheng Kun in a secret way." Su Yi briefly introduced , "Looking at the content of this letter, it is obvious that Yang Dingtian has been aware of this for a long time, and because of this, he became obsessed with his practice, so he wrote this suicide note to Madam."

Xiao Zhao suddenly said: "It's all Madam Yang's fault. If she can't forget Cheng Kun in her heart, she shouldn't marry Master Yang. Now that she's married to Master Yang, she shouldn't have a private meeting with Cheng Kun again. But the two How could people die here? Could it be that Hierarch Yang died tragically in the end, and Mrs. Yang also knew she was ashamed and died in love? Well... If this is the case, Mrs. Yang can be regarded as knowing her mistakes and correcting them. There is nothing good about it.”

Su Yi thought it was funny seeing her make a serious comment like a little adult.

Next, Yang Dingtian explained his funeral. In the letter, he ordered Xie Xun, the golden-haired lion king, to take the position of leader temporarily. He also let Xie Xun take care of the great shift of the universe temporarily, and wait until a suitable new leader is found in the future. Hand over this magical skill.

As for the affair between his wife and Cheng Kun, Yang Dingtian decided to lure Cheng Kun in, seal the secret room, and die together with Cheng Kun, and asked his wife to bring a letter and Qian Kun to find Xie Xun.In the end, Yang Dingtian summed up his sad life, and felt that he was really sorry for the name "Dingtian".

On the back of the last letter paper, there is also a map of the entire secret passage.

But this is useless to Su Yi, for Su Yi, this secret way has no secrets for him.

Su Yi folded the letter and put it in his bosom, and said to Xiao Zhao: "Xiao Zhao, to tell you the truth, I came to Guangmingding, one is to investigate the conspiracy behind the six factions besieging Guangmingding, and the other is for this The universe has shifted greatly."

Xiao Zhao's eyes flashed and he said, "Xiao Zhao congratulates elder brother for achieving his wish."

Su Yi continued: "However, as far as I know, if this great shift of the universe is not practiced by those with deep inner strength, the progress will be very slow, and the disadvantages are not small. One mistake will lead to madness."

Xiao Zhao said: "Brother, you must be careful, don't practice forcefully, lest something goes wrong."

Su Yi smiled and said: "With my skill, it is easy to practice this skill, I mean you."

Xiao Zhao was stunned: "Me?"

"Let's go on an adventure together, and of course the rewards are for those who see it." Su Yi said with a smile, "After I have practiced this Great Teleportation, I will take the parchment away. But with your martial arts, it's best not to practice forcefully. This martial art is not suitable for those with meager skills."

Xiao Zhao was surprised and delighted, and asked in disbelief: "Brother, the great shift of the universe is a martial art that only the leaders of the Ming religion are qualified to practice, and it is also a peerless magical skill that people in the martial arts dream of. You, are you really willing to use this magical skill?" , share it with Xiao Zhao?"

"Why don't you want to?" Su Yi smiled, "Just call me big brother at you, and I won't let you call me for nothing."

Xiao Zhao stared at Su Yi in a daze, tears came down suddenly, and he sobbed, "Brother, since I was born, no one has ever treated me so well!"

Su Yi said: "That will be there from now on."

Xiao Zhao looked at Su Yi with teary eyes and nodded vigorously.

"The six major factions will soon besiege Guangmingding, and it's a mess outside now, and there's no quiet place." Su Yi looked around, "Xiao Zhao, if you're not in a hurry, why don't we stay here for a while and wait Let’s go out in a few days. Although the conditions here are a bit rough, fortunately no one bothers you.”

Xiao Zhao was a little shy, and said in a low voice, "I'll listen to Big Brother."

Su Yi nodded: "Then let's go next door."

He walked to a stone wall and pushed hard, dodging in, followed by Xiao Zhao.

Here is another stone room, which contains a wardrobe, a dresser, and a bed.

There was still a quilt on the bed, but it was already decayed and would break if pulled.

"There is actually a place for people to live here!" Xiao Zhao said in surprise.

"Mrs. Yang and Cheng Kun...should be here." Su Yi said.

Xiao Zhao immediately blushed.

Although she is young, she is very precocious and knows more than ordinary people.Thinking of a couple years ago who were in love with each other on this bed, and now she and Su Yi are alone, her face became hot, and a strange emotion arose in her heart.

Su Yi handed the torch to Xiao Zhao and said, "Xiao Zhao, just wait here, I'll go check it out..."

"I want to be with Big Brother!" Xiao Zhao hurriedly said.

Seeing Su Yi's hesitation, Xiao Zhao immediately grabbed Su Yi's sleeve and said coquettishly, "Brother, take Xiao Zhao! I promise I won't cause you any trouble, don't leave me alone, okay?"


Who can resist this?

Su Yi smiled wryly and said, "Actually, I want to dive to the ground to find some bedding, food, water, and our daily necessities. It's really inconvenient to take you with me, Xiao Zhao."

"Okay." Xiao Zhao let go of Su Yi disappointedly, "Brother, you will definitely not leave Xiao Zhao behind, right?"

In the darkness, Xiao Zhao tried his best to hide the fear in his eyes, Su Yi's heart trembled suddenly.

He realized what Xiao Zhao was afraid of.

If he has evil intentions and seals Xiao Zhao to death in this stone room, she will cry every day, the earth will not work, and starve to death in the darkness of despair and fear, how miserable it will be?
Don't forget, Su Yi has just obtained the great teleportation of the universe.

But Su Yi really can't take Xiao Zhao with him, he's telling the truth, it's really inconvenient for him to take Xiao Zhao with him when he goes up to steal things.

Secondly, he had to go and see Cheng Kun. This guy was holding the stone in circles, and he had already vomited. At this moment, he realized that something was wrong, but he couldn't decipher the ghost beckoning, and he didn't know what happened.

But if he goes all out and mobilizes his internal force frantically, he may still force Qingfeng Mingyue away.

Su Yi had to go and have a look, he didn't want to meet Cheng Kun yet, he decided to scare this person away first.

After a slight silence, Su Yi smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will come back as soon as possible. By the way, we need a lot of things. I will put my things here first, so as not to take up space later. When I find things, there is no place to put them." , I have to run twice."

While talking, Su Yi took things out of his body.

A pack of talisman paper, cinnabar, a pen, a wire saw, a long knife, the Great Teleportation of the Universe, and some scattered gadgets.

After thinking about it, Su Yi took off the two wooden carvings hanging from his waist and handed them to Xiao Zhao, and said seriously to her, "Keep them safe for me, and don't break them."

Xiao Zhao was a little dazed, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Su Yi couldn't help rubbing her hair.

Xiao Zhao blushed and lowered her head.

"I'm leaving, don't run around." Su Yi said, and walked out.

"Brother, be careful." Xiao Zhao hurriedly said from behind.

Su Yi walked out of the stone room without looking back and waving his hands.

Xiao Zhao stayed alone in the room, looking at the wood carvings in his hand, and the things on the table, especially the parchment scroll that recorded the great movement of the universe, he suddenly felt unprecedented satisfaction and ease in his heart.

When Su Yi arrived at Cheng Kun's place, the man had gone completely mad, smashing around, and his hands were bloody.

Qingfeng and Mingyue changed shifts, because Cheng Kun's blood was getting hotter and hotter, and the little ghost could no longer hang on him for a long time, but the two little ghosts did not dare to discount Su Yi's orders, so they began to take turns attacking Cheng Kun Perform ghost blindfolding.

In Cheng Kun's world, he seems to have entered a nightmare from which he will never wake up. In front of him are endless gunpowder. He wants to leave, but there are sealed stone walls all around him. Struggling, unable to leave, and unable to wake up from the nightmare.

"Impossible, this is impossible! How is this possible..." Cheng Kun spoke frantically and incoherently, frantically waving his palms, hitting the surrounding walls.

Several walls of the stone room where he was in were smashed to pieces by him, and he himself was covered in wounds from the flying debris, looking in a state of distress.

Obviously the exit was not far behind him, but every time he got near the exit, he would automatically ignore that place and go around, as if the exit had become a forbidden area for him.

Su Yi came quietly and stood at the door of this stone room looking at the mad Cheng Kun.

At this moment, Cheng Kun couldn't see Su Yi. If Su Yi wanted to kill Cheng Kun, it would be a breeze.

Of course Su Yi would not do this, he quietly looked at Cheng Kun, watched him make a move, and watched him perform all kinds of martial arts with all his strength in front of him.

In his heart, he silently evaluated the outcome of the confrontation between himself and Cheng Kunruo.

On the surface, Su Yi felt that he was superior.Cheng Kun's internal strength is not as strong as his, and his moves are not as free as he wants, and he is still stuck in a rut of moves.

But martial arts in this world have attribute bonuses, such as Cheng Kun's Yin Yin Finger. In the original plot, he relied on this martial art to severely injure the seven masters of Mingjiao, including Yang Xiao and Wei Yixiao, at the Guangming Peak, forcing them to spend a lot of money. The internal force suppressed the cold poison of the phantom yin finger, which allowed the six major factions to defeat all the high-level members of Mingjiao with almost no damage in the subsequent duel.

Apart from the Magic Yin Finger, Cheng Kun's other martial arts should not be underestimated. After all, Xie Xun became one of the protectors of the Ming Cult by relying on the martial arts Cheng Kun taught him.

Su Yi looked at Cheng Kun for a long time, but Cheng Kun didn't notice it at all. He didn't notice that someone was standing aside watching him attack the stone wall frantically.

If outsiders saw this scene, they would be horrified.

After a while, Su Yi retreated quietly, came to hide in the stone room next door, and summoned the little ghost with a seal.

Sensing the call, the two little ghosts retreated immediately, and Cheng Kun over there finally returned to normal.

He punched nothing, looked around blankly, and when he found that the room was empty and there was nothing else, he showed a horrified expression, his eyes full of disbelief.

He has prepared so much gunpowder, but now there is nothing!

Haven't woken up from the nightmare yet?

This scene was completely beyond Cheng Kun's cognition. He naturally blamed the problem on ghosts and gods, so he became even more frightened.

At this moment, when he saw the exit, he was startled for a moment, then ecstatic, and rushed out without even thinking about it.

Whether it was in a nightmare or not, he didn't want to be trapped in this small room again.It's like a drowning person who suddenly grasped the last straw.

Cheng Kun's qinggong was good, and he galloped all the way to the exit of the secret passage.

Su Yi sent Qingfeng Mingyue to follow him, and followed him leisurely.

Cheng Kun didn't stop all the way out of the secret passage, he still ran wildly for dozens of meters before stopping and turning around, looking at the secret passage not far away in surprise.

Recalling everything he had experienced before made him feel unreal.

He intends to investigate again, but in the darkness of night, he suddenly sees a man in fine clothes coming out of the secret passage, walking towards him in a strange posture.

Cheng Kun was taken aback. He had come and gone to this Guangmingding dozens of times recently, but he had never seen anyone, and he always felt that he was the only one who knew the secret way of Guangmingding.

Unexpectedly, there are other people!

Who is this person?

Could it be that the strange situation I experienced before was related to this person.

He looked at the man in gorgeous clothes walking towards him with stiff limbs, and he felt a kind of fear unconsciously in his heart, and the hairs all over his body stood up involuntarily!

This is a natural repression, a fear written in the genes, and under normal circumstances, no one can avoid it.

Even Su Yi, before coming into contact with a talisman, could not help but be unable to restrain his fear when he saw a ghost.

Cheng Kun's limbs trembled involuntarily, as if what was walking towards him was a beast, a demon!
He didn't know why he was so afraid, but the oppressive feeling of imminent disaster in his heart was getting heavier and heavier.

(End of this chapter)

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