Chapter 1093
"Who is Your Excellency?"

Cheng Kun suppressed the fear in his heart and asked.

But the man in a robe with stiff limbs didn't answer at all, and walked forward slowly while maintaining his stiff posture.

He walked extremely slowly, but every minute and every second brought Cheng Kun an unparalleled pressure.

Beads of sweat gradually oozed from Cheng Kun's forehead. He stared at the person walking towards him. The pale moonlight shrouded the person, making his appearance even more strange and terrifying.

Finally, Cheng Kun couldn't help using his internal force, and kicked a stone away with one kick.

His internal energy was extremely powerful, and the stone flew out like a cannonball, flying straight towards this strange person.

The next moment, Cheng Kun's eyes suddenly widened, and a chill surged from the tailbone all over his body in an instant!
I saw that the stone he kicked was directly swallowed by this strange person's body!
The stone hit the man's body and disappeared!

No, not engulfing, but passing through!

Is this person's body fake?

"Are you... a human or a ghost?" Cheng Kun tremblingly called out, his heart already terrified to the extreme.

As his words fell, the strange man suddenly froze in place.

next second...

The figure suddenly moved several meters away, and the distance from Cheng Kun was much closer in an instant!

Cheng Kun's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and his entire scalp seemed to float up!

This is simply not something humans can do!

It's definitely not human!

And when it got closer, he could see it blurry!
The man was wearing a red robe with a golden flame embroidered on the back of his chest.

That is the logo of Mingjiao!
And that clothes——the clothes worn by Yang Dingtian!

Even though such a young age has passed, Xiao Zhao still has a fresh memory of the clothes, which are the clothes that Yan Hezhen wore after his death!

"Who! Who is pretending to be a ghost!" Yan He was so frightened that he jumped eight feet and screamed at the man, shaking consciously all over.

In the last second, that person disappeared from the spot in an instant, and reappeared a distance away from Yan and Zhang!

That time Xiao Zhao could clearly see the man in the red robe with a low crown and messy hair, but my head was not a human head at all, but a skull!

That is definitely something people can fake!
That's a skeleton!
A living skeleton!
"Ah ah ah..."

Xiao Zhao, who stood still for a few seconds, screamed and turned around and ran away, running wildly for a while, performing heavy kung fu for a while, rolling and crawling for a while without falling, obviously completely lost his position, and even managed to control his body.

In eight seconds, Xiao Zhao completely disappeared into the vast night.

When Yan He flew a hundred meters away, Qingfeng, who had been covering my eyes, floated back, smiling and pestering Cheng Kun, who was hiding at the exit, asking for a seat.

And the other Mingyue, who created the illusion, was also willing to be brave, and two big ghosts surrounded Yan He and made a fuss.

Yan and Hao were stingy, while praising them, they squeezed out two drops of blood to feed them respectively.

The big ghost who swallowed Yan He's blood immediately came up quietly and disappeared behind Cheng Kun.

Cheng Kun knew that the two big ghosts were going back to their shelter to rest.

On the other side, Dazhao was holding two wooden sculptures in a daze, knowing what to think.

Suddenly you feel a bone-chilling chill coming from the wood carving in your hand, you startled a clever, "ah" and slowly threw the wood carving out.

But when the wooden carving falls to the ground, you immediately regret it.

Cheng Kun has always carried the wooden carving with him. From your point of view, it is naturally Cheng Kun's most cherished and precious thing. If it breaks...

You hurriedly picked up the wood carving and checked it, and you breathed a sigh of relief before making sure there was any damage.

You faintly feel the wood carving in your hand is slightly chilly, and it seems to be a bit heavier in your hand than before.

"It's really strange..." Looking at the strange child's face under the two wooden carvings, Dazhao felt that the thing was said to be weird, and his heart shuddered. He slowly put the wooden carvings under the table, bowed his hands and said, "Don't blame it, don't blame it. , you are big-hearted..."

Outside the dark and closed environment, people will inevitably feel that depression is appropriate. After a while, Dazhao stopped thinking about it.

You think of the old lady Cheng Kun mentioned again, and feel that no one is blowing on the front of your neck...

Frightening Xiao Zhao away, Cheng Kun went down to the dark roof, found some dry food, preserved meat, and filled a few small bags of water with skin bags.

He also went to a certain storeroom to straighten two quilts, set up a few kerosene lamps, and took away two small cans of kerosene before returning to the secret passage.

When Yan He returned to this stone room again, Yan He deliberately made some noises, and Dazhao's relaxed voice immediately came from outside: "Is it the little brother?"

"It's you." Cheng Kun replied.

Dazhao immediately ran out, and when he saw that it was indeed Cheng Kun, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said, "Brother—wow, he took so few things!"

You immediately ran to pick up Yan He's things.

Cheng Kun let you take some, and the two returned to the stone room.

Depressed, Dazhao flipped through the things Cheng Kun brought back, and praised: "Little brother, he is so careless. Without those things, we will have problems going out for ten days or so."

Cheng Kun lit up several kerosene lamps and hung them under the seven walls, and the whole stone room suddenly became less bright.

Dazhao was even more distressed: "It looks less comfortable that way, little brother, take a break, you can clean that outside."

"Come together." Yan He rolled up his sleeves.

Dazhao waved his hands slowly: "That's what you should do, how can my little brother do that kind of rough work?"

Cheng Kun didn't care about it at all, and started to do it.

"What rough and delicate work? We are in the same boat now, and we must share no blessings and no difficulties together." Cheng Kun said.

Looking at Cheng Kun's busy figure, Dazhao's eyes sparkled, and his smile seemed to become a little sweeter.

You are also persuading, and get busy with Cheng Kun.

It's just that your mouth keeps stopping, chattering, trying to say everything.

"Brother, use that piece of cloth to make a duster and dust off the dust outside. Brother said that the outside is so closed, where is the dust from outside?"

Cheng Kun replied: "There is no wind to circulate outside, and the dust is brought back by the wind."

"So it's like that... My brother, should I put those dry food and dried meat over there? If I want to hang it up? If you find some wooden strips to wedge them out of the cracks in the wall, then they can prevent insects and moisture..."


You talk while you are busy, looking very lazy and lazy, Cheng Kun also thinks that you are flippant, so he chatted with you with a smile.

The closet was turned down to make another bed. Cheng Kun hung a piece of cloth between the two beds, separating the two of them.

The whole room has been tidied up and less refreshed.

Before the cleaning was finished, Cheng Kun took another bag of water and hung it up, made a simple switch to control the flow of water, and then washed it with water.

Dazhao smiled and praised Yan and his stupidity.

You think Cheng Kun is amazing, any complicated things seem to become so complicated out of my hands.

The two of them ate some dry food without talking or laughing, and before they drank some water, Cheng Kun decided to end his practice.

Dazhao volunteered to "protect the law" for Cheng Kun, but in fact he just wanted to pester Cheng Kun. Cheng Kun saw that, and the big boy was already extremely dependent on me.

Cheng Kun spread out the sheepskin roll, and was about to squeeze blood from his fingers to smear the sheepskin to make the handwriting visible, when he frowned suddenly, and stretched out his hand to grab Dazhao's wrist.

Dazhao is holding the dagger in one hand at this moment, and stretching out his index finger in the other hand, preparing to cut his own hand and use your blood to smear the sheepskin.

"It's fine as long as you come, it's like that." Cheng Kun said.

"My brother's body of ten thousand gold, how can it be easily damaged?" Dazhao was held by Yan He, a little generously.

"He is also a body of ten thousand gold, and we are mutual." Cheng Kun smiled, took the dagger from Dazhao's hand, and swiped hard at his own hand.

I finish shorthanding its contents while smearing it under the sheepskin.

Dazhao on one side was still chewing on Yan He's words just now, staring at Cheng Kun's side face obsessively.

As Yan He expected later, Qian Kun Xiao Nuo Yi is actually a general method of how to use internal force.

Although it can be regarded as a kind of internal strength, the cultivation of internal strength is only the most obvious and basic part of that kind of martial arts, and its main content lies in how to use it.

It is no exaggeration to say that that martial art has developed the scope of the use of internal force to an inconceivable level.

And its language is easy to understand, whether there is any martial arts point of view, what is there is only pure "technique".

It can also be seen from that point that it is indeed an imported martial art, not an invention of the Chinese.

However, when the Han people created martial arts, they discovered the principles of martial arts from the eight schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, first established martial arts, and then created martial arts.

That is also a characteristic of Chinese culture. You think Tao is the spirit of art, art is the body of Tao, and only those who understand Tao can control art, so it is called Ming Dao Youshu.

Therefore, when the later generations created martial arts, it was because they first realized the Tao and understood the principles of martial arts.After figuring out one's own way, and then creating corresponding martial arts based on the principles, it is basically a matter of course.

But the Yi people are the same. The Yi people pay more attention to art, thinking that art is the root, and Tao is just vain.

So when we come into contact with something, your reaction is the same as yours. Your first reaction is—how did that thing come from?

And our first reaction was - what's the use of that thing?

Outside that world, before the Yi people learned the martial arts of the Han people, they felt miraculous, so they stopped researching and developing the use of internal power.The difference between the martial arts of the Middle Earth and the Western Regions is due to this reason.

The small master of martial arts in the Western Regions is the small mover of the universe. Its several functions, any one of which is enough to shock the world, establishes a school, such as stimulating potential, such as embedding flowers and trees, and copying and imitating other people's martial arts...

So few functions with weak practicality are all concentrated in one martial art.

Cheng Kun could see that the small movement of the universe was definitely the first creation of someone with amazing talent, and it should be the wisdom product of collective wisdom and efforts.

The secret book of Qiankun Little Teleportation reads——

"The first level of mental method can be completed in one year for those with low comprehension, and the second one can be completed in seventeen years... The seventh level of mental method can be completed in one year for those with low comprehension, and the second one can be completed in seventeen years. If you practice to 71 If there is a decline in the years, you can practice the eighth level again, in order to prevent the madness, and it can be rescued..."

The reason why it takes so long to practice hard is that one is to accumulate internal strength, and the other is to learn these simple and ingenious methods and techniques for using internal strength.

And the reason why it is very difficult to practice, and the reason why you can go crazy if you are not careful, is also because the methods and techniques of that martial art are too subtle and subtle.

Just like modern technology, the more advanced technology is, the more it needs a small amount of technology accumulation at the bottom.

The same is true for Qiankun's small shift. The small amount of accumulation it needs is internal force, and it must be as strong as Zhang Youji and Cheng Kun.

In other words, there is no threshold for practicing it, and there are probably only a handful of people who are qualified to practice Qiankun Xiaoyi in this world.

He must have enough powerful internal strength to be able to display various methods and techniques recorded in secret books.If the internal strength is sufficient, it's like a big child wielding a small hammer, not to mention using exquisite hammering techniques, it would be a mistake for him to be able to swing it.

Even if you barely wield it and use it, it is still difficult to control. If you have a big heart, you will smash your head and bleed.

But if people with strong inner strength practice, it's like a little wrestler wielding a hammer, and there will be less tension.

Because his strength is small enough, these exquisite and simple methods and techniques are just difficult for him, and those who know are difficult.

It's like a layer of window paper, which can be broken when poked.

However, people who practiced the small shift in the universe in the past dynasties, when they practiced that martial art, their internal strength did not "reach the standard".Therefore, we are all like children wielding a small hammer, taking huge risks to practice that martial arts.

Qiankun Xiaonianyi only has no Mingjiao leader who is qualified to practice, but who can be the leader, who is the one who is hesitant?
Before those leaders got the small shift of the universe, they must be tireless and devoted themselves to practice, but the more they practice, the safer they are, just like walking a low-altitude tightrope, so they often fall into obsession when they come, and end up on the stage after drinking their hatred.

Only those who are extremely talented and lucky can practice to the depth.

Just like Yang Xiao, who was passed on by Yang Dingtian eighty years later to the last eight levels of Qiankun Xiaonian, but he has only practiced the last two levels today, and if he continues to practice, his internal strength seems to be broken. I just dare to practice again.

The reason why Zhang Youji in the original plot was able to practice is because my internal strength is like a vast ocean, and his own talent is one in a thousand, as if he was born specifically for the martial arts of Qian Kun Xiao Nuo.

Cheng Kun's internal strength is far greater than Zhang Youji's. Although my talent is as good as Zhang Youji's, even if I use the stream of consciousness to teach space, the last eight floors stimulate the potential, and the method of using seven or two thousand catties to transfer flowers to trees, I understand. It's also like a broken bamboo, and it will work at one point.

That's because I have sufficient internal energy, and when I was supposed to do "seven ounces of a thousand jin", I just "should use a thousand jin of seven ounces", so naturally I was nervous and casual when doing it.

It wasn't until the seventh floor that the retreat ended and slowed down. Few of the subtle techniques were complicated, just like drifting around a curve in a car. Even Cheng Kun practiced, and it was difficult to control the internal force like swinging his arms.

I only practiced so that the right side of my face was blood red, but the left side was white and bluish. It was difficult to circulate my internal energy, so I dared not to be distracted.

On the one hand, Dazhao felt scared when he saw me like that, and dared to disturb me recklessly, anxious like an ant under a cold pot.

(End of this chapter)

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