Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1094 Ghosts

Chapter 1094 Ghosts
Talent is really an unsolvable filter for ordinary people.

What you can't do with all your hard work, others are likely to do it casually.

This kind of comparison and gap is really difficult for people to calm down and accept.

In the original plot, Zhang Wuji practiced kung fu while reading the cheats. After reading the cheats, he had already practiced the sixth level of the universe teleportation, leaving only the seventh level to practice.

The reason why he failed to practice was not because he was gifted at the top, but because the seventh floor of the Great Teleportation of the Universe only had nineteen sentences.

If you really follow the practice, you will definitely go crazy.

Zhang Wuji has mastered martial arts that others have been unable to practice for decades, with the effort of other people.

Who can bear this kind of difference?
Anyway, Su Yi couldn't bear it.

After realizing that he was stuck on the fourth floor, it would take at least seven or eight days, and at most more than ten days to learn and practice all the "technical algorithms" on this floor, Su Yi decisively opened the stream of consciousness teaching space.

So it took a long time to break through the fourth floor, but Su Yi only took one and a half days to complete it.

day and a half!

Even if it's cheating, Su Yi can't compare to Zhang Wuji's talent.

It's such a sad story...

On the second day, after Su Yi and Xiao Zhao finished breakfast, he was afraid that Xiao Zhao would be bored with nothing to do every day, so he passed on Xiao Zhao's close-quarters bunt martial arts.

He created this set of martial arts based on the core principles of Wing Chun and other highly practical fighting methods, and also used the technique of Eight Swords in it, which happened to allow Xiao Zhao to use that dagger as a weapon.

In fact, whether it is Su Yi's boxing technique passed on to Zhang Wuji, or the sword technique passed down to Yin Li and Su Nuer, and the sword technique passed down to Xiao Zhao now, they all appear to be different on the surface, and their core principles also have their own emphasis.

But in fact, all changes remain the same. The most fundamental things of these three sets of martial arts are all the martial arts concepts that Su Yi has comprehended so far, and they are the concretization of his own understanding of martial arts.

The three sets of martial arts are actually the same in essence.

Xiao Zhao is also knowledgeable, and she is a little apprehensive and apprehensive about Su Yi passing on her martial arts.

"Brother, although Xiao Zhao has little knowledge, he also knows that this martial art is extensive and profound, and its level of subtlety may not be inferior to the martial arts of all major sects today. Xiao Zhao dare not accept such a generous gift from elder brother."

"I told you to learn it, so you learn it." Su Yi said, "This martial art is just something I summed up at random. It's nothing to use it to relieve your boredom."

These words are a bit pretentious, because this kind of martial arts is definitely not created casually, but after hearing this, Xiao Zhao's eyes were filled with admiration, and he no longer refused.

In the next few days, Su Yi began to conquer the fifth layer of the Great Teleportation of the Universe.

This thing is like learning mathematics. At first it was just addition and subtraction, then equations, and now it is advanced calculus.

He spends most of his time practicing in the stream-of-consciousness space every day. Although it is very boring, the progress is very gratifying.

Xiao Zhao is not very persevering. Although Su Yi was afraid that she would have nothing to do and taught her a set of martial arts, she only got up to practice when she was bored. She usually sat beside Su Yi and watched Su Yi when she was free. In a daze, I don't know what to think.

But she is a very patient and patient character. Su Yi basically opens his mouth and stretches out his hands every day when he eats. Even when he washes his face, Xiao Zhao wets a cloth towel every day and wipes it for Su Yi.

Su Yi was taken care of by her in every possible way, and now he has developed the inertia to enjoy being served by Xiao Zhao.

When men and women are in the same room, sometimes it is inevitable that there will be embarrassment, such as going to the toilet.

Su Yi basically went to the outside of the secret passage to go to the toilet, but Xiao Zhao couldn't easily go in and out, so he could only find a secluded place to solve it.

It's not easy for Su Yi to ask about this kind of thing, every time Xiao Zhao goes out to go to the bathroom and comes back, he has to be shy for a while before talking to Su Yi.

Where did she solve it? Su Yi was also very curious, but of course he wouldn't be stupid to ask, every time he pretended to be nonchalant.

He just hoped that he wouldn't accidentally step on Xiao Zhao's "landmine", it would be even more embarrassing...

As for Xiao Zhao's occasional gas exhaustion in his sleep, Su Yi wouldn't even mention it to death.

On the fifth day the two were in the tunnel, Su Yi finally conquered the fifth floor of the Great Teleportation of the Universe and began to practice the sixth floor.

Just when he was about to make persistent efforts, Qingfeng, who was playing in the tunnel, suddenly came back, presenting a picture to Su Yi in the form of an illusion.

At the exit of the secret passage, a bald man in a gray monk's robe was looking around ghostly. Who could it be if it wasn't Cheng Kun?
This guy was so scared that he almost peed his pants that day, how dare he come today?

Su Yi couldn't help frowning.

Xiao Zhao has been watching Su Yi's movements from the side all the time. Seeing Su Yi frowning suddenly, he immediately asked with concern: "Brother, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with practicing?"

Su Yi shook his head: "The villain came to the door."

Xiao Zhao was startled, and immediately jumped up with an "ah".

"It's okay, I'll just drive him away." Su Yi said, "Stay here and don't move around, I'll come when I go."

"Brother, I'll go with you!" Xiao Zhao disagreed and rushed over.

As if knowing that Su Yi would not agree, Xiao Zhao shook Su Yi's arm and said coquettishly, "Let me go, brother, I promise to be obedient."

Su Yi thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Really go?"

Xiao Zhao heard the looseness of Su Yi's words, and immediately became excited, nodding like a chicken pecking rice in a hurry.

"Alright, I will make an agreement with you for three chapters." Su Yi said with a smile, "If you agree, I will take you there."

"Okay, okay, don't say three chapters, even thirty chapters, I agree!" Xiao Zhao clapped his hands and said happily.

"That's not necessary." Su Yi said, "First, follow me later and don't run around; second, don't do anything unnecessary without my consent; third, don't make any noise."

"Ah? Don't let me talk!" Xiao Zhao pouted.

"That's not true, it's just that yelling is not allowed." Su Yi said.

"Why should I yell?" Xiao Zhao was stunned for a moment.

Su Yiruo smiled meaningfully: "Answer or not?"

"Yes! Yes!" Xiao Zhao immediately said with a smile.

"Then let's go." Su Yi picked up the cloth bag on the dressing table, which contained a stack of talisman papers.

Xiao Zhao's eyes lit up when he saw this!
He is a very well-behaved girl, without Su Yi's consent, she never rummages through Su Yi's things, but sometimes when packing things, she will inevitably touch this or that.

That small cloth bag weighed dozens of catties, but the contents inside were soft, like paper, which made Xiao Zhao very curious.

She asked Su Yi what was in it, and Su Yi told her that it was another way.

Xiao Zhao was stunned by these words.

Su Yi is usually mysterious, and Xiao Zhao also sees it. For example, he sometimes talks to himself at night, for example, he often caresses the wooden carving hanging on his waist.

Also, he insisted on chanting scriptures every morning and evening, which is really strange, he is neither a monk nor a Taoist priest.

All in all it was eccentric.

Although Xiao Zhao is very curious, she knows that everyone has secrets that they cannot tell others, such as her own background and purpose.

She thinks that Su Yi must have one too, so she never asks Su Yi to the bottom.

Generally, she only asks one thing once, if Su Yi doesn't want to say it, or if she thinks about it, she will never ask it again.

When Su Yi took Xiao Zhao to another exit of the secret road, Cheng Kun was still standing outside the door and wandering.

Su Yi sent Qingfeng to investigate again, and the picture sent back was that Cheng Kun was still nervously pacing back and forth outside the secret passage, looking very conflicted, as if weighing whether to come in or not.

Su Yi keenly noticed that Cheng Kun was holding a one-foot-tall bronze Buddha in his hand, and at first he sneered, thinking it was ridiculous.But Qingfeng faintly conveyed the emotion of fear, which immediately made Su Yi's expression serious, realizing that the matter was not simple.

At this moment, Cheng Kun outside the door finally gritted his teeth, opened the mechanism, and walked in from the exit of the secret passage.

The sound of Shimen rumbling was heard, both Su Yi and Xiao Zhao heard it.

"Brother, someone is here!" Xiao Zhao lowered his voice nervously.

Su Yi pinched the seal with his hand, drew a talisman with blood on the palm of his hand, slapped Qingfeng and Mingyue on the forehead suddenly, and said: "If there is any accident, don't force it, come back immediately!"

The breeze and the bright moon pass through the wall happily.

Xiao Zhao beside Su Yi slowly widened his eyes.

In her sight, Su Yi suddenly wrote and drew on the other palm with one hand, then made two random gestures in the air, and then started talking to himself again, which was extremely weird.

"Brother, who are you talking to?" Xiao Zhao couldn't help asking.

Su Yi stroked the two wood carvings on his waist and said, "That's them."

Xiao Zhao didn't believe it: "Brother, you're scaring me again!"

Su Yi smiled and didn't speak.

At the same time, in the long and winding cave at the exit of the secret road, Cheng Kun held a torch in one hand and a bronze Buddha in the other, and moved forward cautiously.

Qingfeng Mingyue came out from the wall not far in front, among which Qingfeng immediately stepped forward and rushed towards Cheng Kun.

But before he got there, the bronze Buddha in Cheng Kun's hand suddenly flashed golden light, Qingfeng let out a scream, and fled in a hurry covered in black smoke!
Seeing this scene, Mingyue on the other side was too scared to escape through the wall with Qingfeng.

Cheng Kun, who was walking forward, only felt a golden light flash in front of his eyes, and then it disappeared.

He stopped in amazement, a little unsure whether the fleeting golden light just now was an illusion.

Because the scene just now was too fast, just in the blink of an eye, the golden light flashed away, and then it was as if nothing had happened.

He looked around slightly hesitantly, then walked forward.

Qingfeng and Mingyue fled back together, and the former got into the wood carving that belonged to it and never came out again.

The latter screamed in horror, as if telling Su Yi about his grievances.

Su Yi's expression changed.

The bronze Buddha in Cheng Kun's hand is actually a Buddhist artifact!

Presumably, it should have been enshrined as incense for many years, and it actually has the effect of exorcising evil spirits and suppressing evil spirits.

That is to say, the two little devils under Su Yi have no blood debts in their hands, and Su Yi has blessed the power of the blood talisman, otherwise, with just a flash of golden light just now, I am afraid that the breeze will be wiped out and completely dissipated!
"It's right, or do you really understand?" Su Yi frowned, squeezed out a drop of fingertip blood to appease Qingfeng, and calmed him down, then opened the bag and took out an imperial talisman from inside.

The imperial talisman is just an ordinary yellow talisman, but it is not for humans, but for ghosts.Only when the ghost blesses the imperial talisman can it really touch the things in the yang world.

With a flash of golden light just now, all the power of the talismans blessed by Qingfeng was instantly shattered, and now Su Yi can only re-bless it with an imperial talisman.

Xiao Zhao's eyes widened again.

This time she finally knew what was in Su Yi's cloth bag.

It's really paper!

But if it's paper, why is it so heavy?
This piece of yellow paper was full of characters that she couldn't understand. Xiao Zhao remembered that she had seen some Taoist priests who pretended to be gods and ghosts to treat people, burn this kind of yellow paper and drink it for the patients.

But as far as she knew, it was useless!
Just when Xiao Zhao was amazed, as if by magic, a small jade seal appeared in his hand.

Su Yi bit his finger again, smeared the blood evenly on the seal, tapped his teeth nine times at the same time, swallowed three times, and then pinched his own man with the other hand, and recited in his mouth: "The white eagle screams up, its claws are proud , Ten thousand essences hide in secluded places, destroy evil spirits and destroy demons, Tian Ding is angry, the five mountains shake, wind and fire conquer, nine heavens open the dynasty! The Taoist ancestor of the Shangqing is as urgent as a law!"

After reciting, he stamped the jade seal in his hand on the yellow talisman.

The yellow talisman in Su Yi's hand suddenly ignited without fire!

Xiao Zhao's eyes widened in horror when Su Yi was chanting sutras just now, and Su Yi's strange chanting sound echoed in the empty corridor, making it particularly eerie and strange.

Xiao Zhao was a little frightened and a little confused, and didn't understand why Su Yi was calmly hiding in the dark with a piece of talisman paper and recited scriptures when an unexpected visitor arrived.

But when the talisman paper burned, she was so frightened that her heart jumped up to her throat!
Immediately, he yelled out "ah".

But as soon as the voice came out of her throat, she realized something was wrong, and hurriedly covered her mouth with a "snap", only revealing a pair of wide-eyed eyes.

She finally understood why there was a clause in the third chapter of the agreement between Su Yi and her that she was not allowed to yell.

But this is not over yet, the burning fire rose up and turned into a fireball, but the silhouettes of two children were shrouded in the fireball!

It was as if there were two invisible children floating in the void, and the flame just attached to them, outlining their outlines.

Xiao Zhao's whole body is not well!Her face turned pale in an instant, she subconsciously bit her own hand, and only then did she suppress the scream that was about to burst out of her throat.

There are ghosts!

She was so frightened that her whole body went limp, and her mind went blank.

The next second, the flames dissipated, and her eyes went dark.

Then Xiao Zhao suddenly saw something extra in Su Yi's hand.

It is a bronze Buddha!
It's as if it just popped out of nowhere!
At the same time, in the corridor on the other side, the bronze Buddha in Cheng Kun's hand had turned into a stone.

But he didn't realize it, and continued walking cautiously while holding the stone.

What he couldn't see was that Qingfeng was already riding on his neck, covering his eyes with his hands.

Mingyue was also floating in front of him, staring at him with hollow, bleeding eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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